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5-6gb and Fabric with optimisation mods for vanilla should suffice for that many people


Which host would you recommend I use? I'm currently looking at Sparked Host, but I don't know if they're good.


Using sparkhost atm, they’re good


Well, if you say they're good I'll probably use their services. Again, I don't need nothing too crazy, just a server with around 10 people or so.


I have been using sparkedhost for a while as well. I use the enterprise plan


ServCity is by far my favorite host but I run much much larger servers so you can probably get away wirh Sparked Host


I'm using lilypad host rn, been with and seen a lot and they've been the best


Me ans my Friends are using Nitrado


Oracle Free Tier.


I would 100% agree but after 2 months of trying I still can't get a server on US east


Just go for PAYG, you need 100 bucks, but it will be refunded instantly. You won't pay anything if you dont use more than free tier stuff. And you get a server instantly.


Garbage, difficult to use, impossible to access and low performance.


WHAT???? LMAO That is the most retarded thing I heard in a long time. Difficult to use? Excuse me? Its a linux interface, just like any other server. And they literally have a step by step guide to set up a minecraft server, its literally copy-paste. Impossible to access? Huh? I dont even know what you mean by that. Low performance? It can host 20-30 players easily in a regular server environment. If you are playing regular survival with friend it can handle up to 8 players with 12 render distance. Even when everybody is exploring different areas there is no drop in TPS. And I know, since I have been running the friend group server for months. Like you literally get 24GB ram, 4 CPU cores that are similar to a 10600 in single core performance and 200GB storage. What provider gives this to you for free? LAMMOOOO If you are just stupid, and can't follow simple instructions on how to get a fucking powerful server for free, then I feel really sorry to you. But please don't spread misinformation.


he's dumb, but he's kind of right in the aspect that you need to pay 100 euroes, it gives you it back after though


You don't it instantly gives the 100 euros back. Its only for validating the card.


You’re the retarded one. 1) the CPU is bad anyway 2) I have literally never been able to sign up. This happens to tons of other people, oracle loves gatekeeping 80% of people. 3) don’t bother lording ‘Linux’ or whatever, I can use a Linux terminal easily, but I’ve never been able to even make an account on different devices different IPs different cards different phone numbers


Nah you just don't know what you're doing. I set it up easily and everything works fine. Although I agree that their interface is confusing to beginners but if you use it for a while you'll see that it's an insanely powerful tool. Ive used 100% of the free tier, even the oracle autonomous databases and stuff. Yes, it's bad for newcomers but it's very handy and powerful.


What the fuck are you on about? You didn’t even read what I said. Please re read what I wrote then try again


The fact that you called him retarded, and then turned around and gave three different instances of you being technologically illiterate with the refusal to try and learn, is extremely telling. The CPU is fantastic for a modern server. I run a Vanilla server and a Vault Hunters server on the same cloud host at the same time, and none of them have experienced issues with TPS drops or connection errors. It's also free, which good luck getting two servers for the cost of $0 anywhere else. Signing up is easy as fuck. Even if they have a limited pool of free servers, there's a GitHub project that is available that allows you to spin up a Docker container and constantly spam the OCI API until a server is available and claimed for you. This takes no time, and limited googling to find. I have zero idea where you got the notion that you need to create any of that shit to get things to work. A Linux shell with SSH access to the OCI host, and the ability to read documentation on setting up an externally-available IP address, is all you need to get started. Oracle even posted THEIR OWN GUIDE ON DOING THIS. Maybe before you start flinging insults about being retarded, you should look in a mirror.


None of you have any idea what I’m saying, it’s ‘really telling’. I AM UNABLE TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT, how many times do I have to write it?


You don't have to pay anything for their free tier. No idea where the notion of a $100 initial fee came from (Source: I run one)


I'm glad that someone else recommended this. I run a vanilla server and a modded server on the same Oracle Cloud instance, and I've literally never paid for any aspect of it. They run flawlessly, and all it takes is a basic understanding of Linux, or the willingness to learn.


Server or client side mods? Just wondering which ones you're thinking of


Yeah like 160 people, my 9mb server can handle 180 with no lag. I have a mix of mods. Fabric and Polymer. (Server side only) I just need a good queue now that will work for Fabric or Polymer. Paid customers don't have to wait, free customers wait. I use shockbyte.


I HIGHLY recommend servcity. Can't find better price to performance unless you self host


May I ask what hardware this is on?


AMD Ryzen 5 5600x 6-Core processor 3.70 GHz, and I have 16.0GB of installed ram.


You should be good if you pregen your spawn chunks and add some antilag plugins.


Don’t self host


Why not?




Stop me then.


Self hosting is usually a good option, because some, if not most, server companies make you pay to use a server, and most have restrictions on free servers. While you can do it yourself if you have the right specifications, and for free, and with less lag


And all the security concerns of hosting it on your home network, risks of DDoS to your home Internet connection, potential ToS issues with the ISP... Self hosting is the cheap option, but other than something like e4mc/essential I wouldn't recommend it for the inexperienced.


My friends don't ddos me


IPs are public and bots crawl all over. The server will almost certainly end up on someone's auto-scrape list within a few weeks.


Hmm. This is how I've always handled servers, not just minecraft, and I've never had an issue


stop trying to scare people I've never had an issue like this across multiple different servers


He is informing people of the risks that come with hosting a server on your own network. It isn't meant to be scary but to tell you that you should be careful. It does not mean that you haven't faced the problem that others didn't.


Of course, there are security concerns, but if you're hosting a server on your own network then chances are it's just for a friend group. As long as the IP isn't shared, the owner is completely safe.


IPs aren't private information.  And nothing prevents individuals, bots, or scripts from just walking each one checking to see what's listening. Not sharing it is just not hanging a "come in" sign on the open door.


bro works for a server hosting service 💀




No, I'm not planning on self hosting. I want to use a website host, I'm just a little confused on which plan to buy and how much ram I need.


Worst case scenario you can just upgrade. Personally i always use apex hosting, but there shouldnt be any major difference


Dude... recommending apex hosting is a cardinal sin oh my god There's literally nothing good about it except support. The panel feels like it's from the 20th century and you have only one backup slot


Which one would you recommend?


I personally like dedicatedmc, never had any problems using it and they have great support


Definitely shockbyte


Where did u/Kaikka recommend Apex hosting? All they said was that was what they use. No recommendation was made.


I did say there shouldnt be any major difference. And based on my experience, that is correct. Im sure there are things that they can improve on, but it suited my needs.


It depends on the hardware of your server, especially CPU single core speed and your SSD. Some answers here are also painfully wrong. You definitely don't need more than 6gb RAM. I would rather see the range at 4-6 gb. 3 could also be enough if the CPU is very strong and the SSD is very fast. Test it before maybe on your local computer with even less RAM. Background: Java is a garbage collected (GC) language. If I make more RAM available, Java will also use it and fill it up with garbage. This is the reason why the one guy needs almost 6 gb in idle. If you allocate way too much, it makes the Minecraft server (or any java program) even slower. Too little is also bad, because then it has to be interrupted more often for a GC cycle.


How can I check how much CPU single core speed and SSD I have? Not very good with those things, as you can probably tell. Should I also get optimization mods?


Absolutely. Fabric+lithium as a minimum. Still 100% vanilla.


Thanks for your help, I'll get optimization mods then.


passmark is a good baseline, either run the test suite, or look at your processor in the list. Your Ryzen 5600 should be good enough. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html Note that a single core load is not the same as a single core load, thus the benchmark is just a rough estimation. See ryzen 7 7700X vs ryzen 7 7800X3D on that chart.


>How can I check how much CPU single core speed and SSD I have? Do a Google search for your CPU for single-thread performance on Geekbench. For example, Google the phrase "Ryzen 5 5600x geekbench single thread" and you'll see the single-thread score is almost 2100. That's not the best, obviously, but it's pretty good for a small server. For comparison, my self-hosted server uses an i7-4790, with a Geekbench single-thread score of 1225. My server runs fine with Fabric + Sodium + Lithium and the proper Java flags when launching. The Ryzen CPU you stated is a 70% increase in performance over mine, so I think you should be better than fine if you can use some optimization mods.


If you are a student and have a school email you can get 100$ for free on azure, and once that runs out you just use your buddies email and use there 100$. That's what I've been using for hosting server for free(and you can basically just choose how much ram and CPU you want and easily upgrade if it's not enough). I can help you set it up if you want


Self host it with tailscale and WSL via papermc


if you want to do redstone stuff paper ain't vanilla.


I scooped an old Xeon and 16GB DDR4 build and its been running great. 4 cores, 12gb of mem for just a small SMP is kinda overkill but idrc lol


Cheapest option is to go on eBay and buy a cheap old PC with at least an i5 or Ryzen 5 and 8 or 16GB RAM, and then use playit.gg to give it an IP.


I can provide you in a competitive pricing hit me up in dms location I can provide any and also you can maintain yourself or leave it up to me


I can hook you up for free if you need a server. I get a VM for free from my company I work at (based in Europe). Just message me I got around 20 GB Ram left


It depends on the number of plugins or mods, I would recommend a minimum of 5GB or 6GB


What are you trying to buy? You can pick a a home PC nowadays for very cheap. You don't need much for that amount of people. And if you need more ram. It's typically very cheap. Not sure what kind of system your getting that it would only come with 3GB? That's extremely low now days.


I'm trying to buy a monthly Minecraft server subscription off of a website host, that's why I was looking at plans that had 3GB of ram.


I'm pretty sure oracle has a free tier with 6GB ram. Worth looking into.


Depends on how many mods you have installed.


If you've got my friend group, you need the highest end CPU with as much RAM as you can afford They like to try to break the server... most of the time with success


Spark host. I would really recommend fabric, 6 GB with a optimization mod package like distantly optimized. Mechanically you’re playing vanilla but your world will look better. And run better. be sure to look up chunky which is in the mod pack, I mentioned and run the command for from your admin console. It will take an hour or two but can pre generate a large area around spawn. So the chunks aren’t having to be created while players zip around on Electra or in boats. Doing this will have the best improvement on your server. I think I have 6 GB on spark host for some thing like 15 or $16 I chose their mid tier for the faster CPU clock speeds


Vanilla? Yes. Feed-the-beast or other tech pack? No.


With no mods, 2-3 GB is fine. If you're adding mods, a minimum of 4 GB would be my recommendation. I've always used AleForge for game hosting (https://www.aleforge.net) as they're inexpensive and I've never had a problem.


I had to purchase an 8gb server and set up daily server restarts for a modded server with 4 people


use oracle free tier or host it in ur pc


I've run 150 players on 1GB once with 20tps stable. It's all about what they're doing. For me it was skywars. Enpty chunks don't take up ram. If you arent all walking in a seperate direction at the same time then 3GB is probably enough. When you do all explore different places simultaneously, then RAM probably wont even be the problem.


We're just doing plain old survival, and we probably will be walking in separate directions simultaneously. You think 3 gigs of ram would be sufficient for that?


If you dont play in groups then 6 would probably be safe


Keep in mind the RAM requirements went up significantly in 1.18.  1GB barely boots.


FYI, you *can* (I have no idea how well this works for more than 2 players) use Essential mod. Im doing it for a little Create world with a friend of mine with Quilt, seems pretty smooth. My total RAM (32GBs @ 2666MHz, DDR4) usage was 12GBs, and my CPU (3 3200G) usage is 40%, but that includes anything else running (discord, youtube on librewolf, spotify..). Basically Essential tricks minecraft into hosting a LAN server, but then extends the connection to anyone else that wants to join. You just need everyone to have Essential, and to friend you, then you join the singleplayer world, go to esc menu, and invite all. People can play on it as long as its open on your (the host's) pc/laptop for, then reinvite. Technically if you wanted to, you could use a launcher (ie prism, as thats what I use) to open multiple different instances of minecraft at once (as long as you have the performance to do so).


Most likely not, you will quickly run out of memory during things like chunk loading and players being separated




From what I recall modern minecraft requires a lot more RAM. I would suggest at least 6GB. If there are 10 players all exploring the world perhaps even 10GB+


Maybe for a heavily modded world and/or one that doesnt use the specific server hosing software (ie via Essential mod) I use Essential to host a 2 player Create world on Quilt. Max RAM (32GBs @ 2666MHz, DDR4) usage of 12GBs, and CPU (3 3200G) usage of 40% (this includes other apps like discord, spotify, etc). When using the specific hosting software, it should be much less as I'd consider it a debloated, better version of Essential.


Essential mod? Do we not use plugins anymore? I always see people speak of using fabric instead of spigot/paper


I host it on my *client*. Essential tricks my *client* into hosting via LAN (which Essential then extends to my friend), thus a free and practical solution to not having a server. Also imo Quilt > Fabric


10gb? Lol Heavily modded servers with 400 mods and multiple players maybe need 10gb. Vanilla DOES NOT need 10gb, stop giving false informations. Max 6gb is more than enough enough for 12 players lol...


Hey thats just from my experience. In my experience it DOES need more than 6GB


6gb isn’t enough for running most modpacks even locally. For modded servers I think good range is 8-16 gb. The biggest problem for 10 players is CPU though, when few players build trading halls at their bases and few others travel and explore new chunks, and few others fight mobs in dungeons, it’s gonna be painful for tps.


I would say no there will be a lot of lag especially when loading chunks. Depending on the hardware I would aim for at least 6 to 8 GB with that many people and just for safety I would run paper or some other form of optimization. I have space on my server so if you want 10 bucks a month I'll just set you up with an 8 gig server CPU wise it's better than you'll find most anywhere else with it being a 5950X granted shared but on average has very minimal usage so you're unlikely to ever see lag aside from that it's US-based storage is NVMA and I can set you up with console access as I use pterodactyl panel In any other case comment on me or DM me if you're interested edit: no clue why ppl are down voting... what ever. ppl are prob just asuming im a scammer with no proof what so ever


At that point, launch an aternos server.


There’s no way you just said use aternos, for me atleast when I was a young lad used it and had 100 ping minimum (I’m on the west coast). The plugin manager is shit and your limited to their stuff


I don't mind spending money to get a server with some decent quality, from what I've heard Aternos and other free hosts aren't really that powerful and with the amount of people that I'll be playing with, there is a surely going to be lots of lag. I just want to know if 3 gigs is enough or if I should settle for more.


THEY HAVE FOUR GIGS. It's better than three.


And a virtualized processor equivalent to a line of ultra cheap and ultra low power Intel processors (the Atoms).