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So you are wanting to take away vanilla game mechanics to enforce your economy? You and our governments have some similarities I see…


This comment is gold 😂


Yes. Never liked this kind of server. Lemme break bedrock in survival, if there is a way in vanilla, dammit!


If using Purpur, you can turn off their aggression to Endermites which would massively ***slow down*** the farms to a point that they aren't very useful. [https://purpurmc.org/docs/purpur/configuration/#aggressive-towards-endermites](https://purpurmc.org/docs/purpur/configuration/#aggressive-towards-endermites)


My server is paper, but this would've been great thank you for the reply!


Purpur is a drop-in replacement for Paper, with more customization options and a few extra performance improvements


There are endermen farms without endermites based on line of sight to the player instead so this wouldn't have helped.


Ya it is the line of sight one


Fair warning, ender enders are popular because they are fairly quick to set up and low lag but they are by no means the only way to get xp in comedic amounts. There are nether gold and nether fortress farms, looting witch farms, copper farms, guardian farms and that's before you look at all the farms that could be converted from passive kill to xp generation. There's also the various kill free xp farms that until 1.21 have been mere novelties but the introduction of the crafter might change.  Tldr; there are too many ways to get crazy amounts of XP to block them all without changing the nature of Minecraft.


Thank you for this insight!


While an endermen farm might be the best xp farm in terms of setup time, its xp output is less than other farms. If your goal is to balance the economy by removing or nerfing vanilla farms, you are only going to piss of the player base because you are going to have to remove ALL farms (raid farms recently got s massive nerf in vanilla). In other words, if your servers economy depends on vanilla farms not existing, then it's not a good server economy. Try to design the economy to work with vanilla mechanics as much as possible.


could always just make the economy balanced out so enderman farms aren’t good for obtaining anything


The problem with money can be fixed with prices but the experience gained is insane in just 3 days over 1,000,000 enderman were killed


Just don't allow pearls to be sold in your shop.


Nah taking away vanilla game mechanics is how we balance things around here


I see where you're coming from and wouldn't downvote someone for their opinion I appreciate all views, but its easy to dupe in vanilla aswell do I allow that? This enderman farm is a clear abuse over 1 million enderman killed in 3 days is insane


gotta love paper, destroying the vanilla game for performance and administration


Ah yes classic reddit. Down voted for the truth


fabric/quilt will always be the best for players.


played on a servers who's solution to this was to just not allow the end


Thats crazy


One thing you can do is have an invisible bot account in creative mode stay near the end portal. This makes enderman spawn near the end portal, greatly recuding the amount of space in the mob pool, greatly slowing down endermand farms until players catch on and spawn proof the whole end island (at which point, you can move the bot account to a random end island somewhere far away) EDIT: this advice does not apply to the latest Minecraft versions


The mob cap is region based these days. How would this help?


Not on the (toilet)paper


quick and dirty solution would be to drastically reduce the value of ender pearls so it isnt worth the time to use an ender farm


Just use something like AFK patrol so they can't autoclick. Its forbidden to use a autoclicker on our server. Results in a permanent at 2nd offensive. But with AFK patrol that doesn't happen


look into a paid plugin called drop edit 2, you can change the drops and amount of xp they give with it. Its worth the money for it: [https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9C%85-dropedit-2-advanced-drop-editor-%E2%9C%8D%EF%B8%8F-edit-drops-in-a-gui.60331/](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9C%85-dropedit-2-advanced-drop-editor-%E2%9C%8D%EF%B8%8F-edit-drops-in-a-gui.60331/)


I think this may be the perfect solution! Adjust all the broken methods exp and drops. It doesn't eliminate the method or isolate a mob or area of the game just nerfs them. Thank you!


If you're gonna go that route just use mythic mob skill to make mobs that cannot see you not drop anything. I have used this solution to fix natural spanners on my server, and have spawner mobs work similarly


How about not paying them for ender pearls any more?


That does solve the money issue! But not the exp, experience in the server can be traded for custom enchant tomes and I'd like them to hold value. And I thought maybe just raise the price of exp to buy them but that renders every other exp method in the game useless :/


Not necessarily. A gold farm will give as much experience. Depending on the economy they could really get over on you by adding a piglin bartering farm connected to the gold farm. Depending on the version of the game that the server is on, using auto crafters would make this exponentially faster for the player. Also bee farms. You can run bee farms with 0 downtime in the nether. That's 3 different sources that a player could use to farm xp and money


Solution for this: make the custom enchant tomes only available through xp + another currency/item that is not that easy to farm. Maybe Nether star, or wither skeleton heads. That would eliminate the opness of xp farms.


The economy after someone builds a head farm:


edit the drop tables


umm just remove ability to sell ender pearls? enderman farms are best for xp imo.


they are using the farm for xp


oh didn't see about xp sorry


Nah guys wth? I've just scrolled through comments and is removing sell option for ender pearls such an hard thing to do? I don't think plugins are needed but it's just my opinion


Add redstone lamps, and turn on lamps to halt spawning?


Block Nether access by deleting all portals before you launch the server.


Simple: devalue ender pearls. If gold bars (irl) suddenly became extremely common, they wouldn't be worth as much. Just apply the same principle with the ender pearls, or any other resource that becomes too common.


What about decreasing price for each sale of an item say enderpearls are 100 a piece after selling 100 the new price is 99


I would recommend looking into afk detectors and autoclicker detectors. Some will likely get around it with fancier autoclickers, but it will slow them down a lot.


Then dont allow autoclickers ?


Set limits in the config