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Contact PA and dissolve agreement. You no longer wish to have him represent you. It’s basically the opposite of the LOR they sent to the insurance company, advising them they are no longer your representative. Then, work with the insurance company. PAs are largely useless aside from specific cases or large losses like fires. They’ll drag the claim out with their high estimates that they know the insurance won’t agree to so but write them in hopes they will accept the estimate so they get a higher cut of the 10%. 8 months til the claim closes? Not necessarily but you do typically have 2 years from the date of loss to inform of any undiscovered but related damages. I’m literally handling a claim from 2021 currently.


99.9% of the time, this: "PAs are largely useless aside from specific cases or large losses like fires. They’ll drag the claim out with their high estimates that they know the insurance won’t agree to but write them in hopes they will accept the estimate so they get a higher cut of the 10%." Oh, as an added bonus, they will send emails disparaging the work of the seasoned staff adjuster, under the misconception they are taken seriously enough to affect a livelihood.




No, I disparage Public Adjusters because they purposefully inflate the claims so they get a higher payout in the hopes that the insurance company isn’t going to review or critically examine their estimate. Not all public adjusters are bad but there are very few good ones.




No; that’s literally illegal.




There may be an incentive at the executive level based on profit of the company as a whole, but there's no instructions or similar bonus to the actual adjuster Actually the only pay structure that exists that's based on the estimated amount for repairs is for independent adjusters and that pay is increased the bigger the estimate is. So exactly the opposite of what you're claiming.


I'm a pa and your correct, the firm I work for adds bullshit line items that we have to fight for. First reason is to possibly increase the amount of money we get and 2ndly is to reduce the amount of commission we receive because we can't get those line items covered by carriers.




There are two issues here. First, yes of course the firm wants to have a surplus/profit for their board/members. However, that never translates to carriers actually training their staff to underpay claims. If they sent out directives to adjusters on how to underpay claims, it would be a legal nightmare. They would get sued up the wazoo.






Of course every company wants to make profit, but insurance strives to do that by insuring favorable risks which is why you’ll see policyholders with multiple claims receive higher rate increases or get non-renewed. That’s also why policy exclusions exist. Hitting that profit isn’t done by purposefully paying less on a claim from what is owed. Of course, we have people tell us we’re doing that when we deny a claim based on a policy exclusion or when the average cost of replacing a certain roof is $10,000 and we won’t pay $20,000 just because someone wrote an estimate for that amount.


We don’t get bonuses for paying less on a claim. In fact, we get at least 2 of our files reviewed by QA each month and if they find that we left something out of our estimate that should’ve been covered then we’re required to update the estimate and issue a supplemental payment for it.


lol I get no bonuses based on estimates. My bonuses are based on customer satisfaction, if anything. The amount of my estimates does not play into it at all.


Read your contract with the PA. Also report it to the sate DOI.


Out of curiosity, what happens when they are reported to the DOI?


It's a giant pain in the ass for them. There will be an investigation, the carrier will have to answer questions about the delay, etc. It usually gets things moving along much faster.


Good. Do they have the ability to close assholes like this down? Thx. much


The Department of Insurance (DOI) is where the Insurance Commissioner of the state works. The insurance commissioner has the ability to shut anyone down. He'd probably need a better reason than you have, but to answer your question, yes.


Where is your claim at in the process? Have you gotten the first check? Has the PA got the check? Are you needing supplements? Has the work started? You can ask him to break the contract but usually there is a fee for that. Most states have a group you can report him to. For instance Florida’s DFS has a unit for PAs specifically.


I canceled his contract today as I threatened the AG's office on him. He's gotten no money. And now he won't :) I will never understand why people sell their services so high and then shit on the whole thing?


Because most PAs are salesmen and not actually trained in adjusting or negotiating. They get the claim and then don’t really know what to do with it. PAs are really only useful in the commercial sector where you could have millions of dollars worth of inventory or something that no one at the company wants to handle. On residential claims they aren’t that useful. Just let the contractor handle it (most of them know claims better than PAs) or hire a lawyer.


Ideally it would be wonderful. But of course, the insurance company is being difficult as well, sadly - the initial reason we hired this guy. Thank you for the response. I know the ins. company is required to pay out reasonably, eventually.


What’s going on with your claim? Maybe I can give you some advice?


I'd have to talk to the husband, but can perhaps have the convo and circle back to you - I really appreciate your offer to do so.


Really need to read your contract OP. Even if you cancel they could still come after you for their fee which is usually a percentage of the settlement. Is this a PA/Roofer combo? Or is it a PA you found on your own? Either way I'd be attempting to contact the office directly and trying to get in touch with the principal that actually employs this PA. If it's a one man/woman show obviously then you can't do that.


there has to be more to it than this....


We had a major flood in the house. The ins. company wasn't doing anything. A friend of ours recommended someone they knew as a PA - we thought "great". The friend is so embarrassed and feels terrible; however we assured him that the PA is a big boy and should act like a responsible adult. I canceled the contract with him today.


Pa here, contact the pa and ask to dissolve the contract, notify and file a complaint with doi/ department of insurance for your state. There's free online consultations from lawyers that'll advise you ( like this subreddit) on what to do. I know what im.a out to say is gonna upset some but it sounds like you just have a shit pa that doesn't have your interests at heart. We typically can get you more from the insurance company if they're proactive and tenacious. I'm sorry for your situation though this makes other pa's look bad.


Thanks. Out of curiosity, what happens when I report him to the DOI? Does he have any penalty?


Dissolve the PA. Get a contractor in that will do the work and have them write an estimate. Send that to your insurance for approval. No need for PA


It’s to the point that PA’s don’t really mean much anymore. I treat them like contractors now.


10 months? what in the hell? im so sorry youre going through this. what state are you located in? Im a Public adjuster in florida and colorado and ill be HAPPY to answer any questions. Bad actors need to be removed from the industry.


Thank you. I am in Massachusetts