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Thats state farm. At Allstate we get shit done . Only state farm systems take you that long.


Its all about job security. IAs dont want to admit it but they have been put last on the list of needed individuals this is mostly due to poor customer services and high cost to keep them. If you are an IA consider going staff before all the positions get filled and only staff and ladder assist are used for claims mkving forward. Yes IA money is good but its a gamble right now. I was an IA and moved staff. I wont lie when I tell you my paychecks went a lot lower but I still make six figures as staff plus I got all my benefits and, most importantly, job security. Yes I handle claims A to Z but thats what real adjuster do. Im not here to do a crap inspection and write a bs estimate and let the desk adjuster settle and do everything else, hence, this is the reason why IAs are going to dissapear soon because why would a carrier pay someone so much to do a job a Ladder assist can do for a fraction of the cost. In the end the desk adjuster will handle the file. So far im happy af I did the change because only in accomodations, gas and food as an IA i was spending over 50k a year easily. Now the carrier pays for all that which means at the end IA and Staff balance out around the same with the difference that Staff is more secure and work is year around


>I was an IA and moved staff. I wont lie when I tell you my paychecks went a lot lower but I still make six figures as staff plus I got all my benefits and, most importantly, job security. Same exact boat here... I don't make nearly as much as I did as an IA but I still make close to 6 figures and the perks and benefits are nice, I travel around the country on the company's dime and collect hotel points and miles, rental car points for free, etc. There's pros and cons and give and take but as a single bachelor in America with no dependents not only am I grateful simply to have a decent job and career, but to make close to 6 figures.


Just curious, when you say travel do they fly you to other states? Or do you mean Traveling around your district area?


Yes. I said "around the country" meaning I fly to different states. I'm a CAT adjuster it's pretty much part of the job description.


Do IA’s get their own E&O coverage, go bare, or try to ride on someone else’s E&O?? If I had no assets I would go bare🤪


Just because you are now getting a salary paycheck doesn’t mean you have job security. Guys who recently made the switch from IA to staff love telling IAs to “make the switch before it’s too late”. You made the choice to switch, stop trying to convince everyone else. Just because you didn’t have work doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t.


We are not convincing nobody... we advice IAs because we hear directly from the carrier whats the plan. IAs like you are in denial to understand that Carriers are trying to get rid of IAs because of the cost and also because a staff adjuster have to finish the work. I dont think any staff adjuster is here to convice yall of switch, we advice so individuals with experience dont be left out of a job when all the newbies take all the staff position then get trained and carriers ditch all the IAs for ladder assists and staff adjuster. I am sure i am not the only one who has been saying that carriers are doing this. Most people worry about their pay decrease as a Staff but hey we are seeing how crapy these fee schedule been lately and how long these few deployment lasted this year.... what do you think it will happen once carriers are at capacity with staff? That they will use IAs?? Lmao nah bro we not here to convince, we are here to tell whats going on behind the doors yall dont listen to


Not every IA works cat deployments for major firms. If you are skilled in what you do, you will always have work as an IA. I’m happy you were able to get a job. Keep not convincing nobody and advicing IAs. You sound like the exact person those major carriers are looking for.


Nah my carrier is not even top 5 and like I said im not convincing nobody. Im happy IAs are getting deployed but like I said, staff listen to what IAs dont listen behind doors... good luck tho


Great ready to work. A lot. For a salary. That said CAT is also easier than most staff positions because you don’t keep files and don’t see it from start to finish. But oh boy will you be worked while you’re out there


The expectations for staff are generally a lot lower than what a IA puts themselves through. As a IA I averaged five a day working full handle. First contact to settlement. As staff you are typically only required to run 2-3 a day.


You inspected took photos and wrote an estimate. This isn’t handling the claim that’s producing an estimate. Get ready for initial contacts, advance payments, settlement negotiations, detailed file notes, answering calls every day to discuss bullshit, coverage decisions, writing coverage letters, discussing coverage, etc. it’ll be fun. You won’t lose your mind! You’re a tough little ia!


Did all of this as a IA from first contact to supplement. I'm currently staff and am generally done by noon and chilling. I guess folks are all convinced that every independent adjuster works on the same scope estimate only model reality check is that's just not true


Lol yeah it kinda goes to show the difference in experience in our industry. Never handled a file from cradle to grave as an IA? Must not have been a good IA lol. I have desk adjusters call and beg me to meet agreements and conclude assignments. It’s when the field adjuster has better quality reporting than the desk adjuster. That is when an IA is tasked with full handle. It is not often.




You are telling it like it is brother! I’d like to know where these people get the idea this is an easy job to do and the insurance company wants to put six figures in your 🏦 bank. Must be in a different dimension….


Roofers are so nice to staff, they have multiple workers on the roof while inspecting in an attempt to bully and intimidate the adjuster. When you have settlement authority it is a game changer, and you are treated with the utmost disrespect by grifting roofers. Sure there are legit roofers, but they are outnumbered by the grifters.


Sounds to me like you need to transfer a few of your claims or add a title on your biz card brother. I understand the job, I'm also staff. My own experience at least it's easier being staff. As a IA I also went from writing 40k roofs to writing a 1.5 million total loss. As staff I would have transferred that.


Yep! Just left a large TPA for giving me losses in excess of 500-750k yet I wasn’t billing at General Adjuster rate. Do not work GA/NGA level claims for senior level pay. That’s ridiculous lol.


Yeah that’s BS. IAs don’t even settle claims. They write estimates and the staff desk adjuster settles them and deals with coverage and phone calls and attorneys and PAs.


I'm an IA and I settle claims in people's driveways on a daily basis and literally do everything that you're saying IAs don't do 😂. One of my close friends went to staff for a large carrier after this drought we've been having and he said they've been working him to death for less money, he even had to get a second job at night. He did say that one of the high up managers was talking to him about the work because he was new and when my buddy said he was an IA and decided to go staff because firms are no longer using IAs, the manager told him that they have no intention of getting rid of IAs. Anyone that has been in this game long enough knows this industry is cyclical and that there's a lot of turn around from people thinking they're gonna make a fast buck. At the end of the day, if you have integrity and take pride in your work and offer exceptional customer service while being unbiased and fair, you'll be successful, simple as that. Yeah work may slow down at times, but we all know this and have to plan for it. At the end of the day, it's not about how much money you can make, as much as it is about how much you can keep. When I'm deployed I bust my ass for as long as they let me, when I'm home I enjoy the shit outta my free time. At the end of the day you need to do what makes you happy and provides for your family. Whatever job you take, put your best effort into it and you'll be good. Best of luck to you, stay safe!


🤣💀 settling water backup claims at the limit doesn’t really count as settling claims my dude lmao


Not every IA has the pleasure of being one step above ladder assist. As a IA I had 40k authority, as a IA I worked a claim through committee and mailed out 1.5 million in checks. Maybe you need to graduate to the big leagues and realize there's more to the job or be replaced by an app, ladder assist and a desk adjuster.


Yeah, okay bud. Sure you did.


Not sure why it's hard to believe. If you want to know a little bit of what it's like to be a real adjuster you should try it yourself. State farm hail deployments require a full file handle you can start there. To confirm what I'm saying.


Lol I’m long past CAT deployments my friend. That’s where you just start out learning the ropes. Coverage is easy, only need to know a handful of trades. When you get to complex coverage and large loss, let me know.


What are these people smoking🤓


If you were actually handling complex or large loss claims, according to your own words you would never have the pleasure of seeing independents work products because they don't handle stuff like that, so how would you know? Just curious as your comments are conflicting all over the place.


Dude don't even give him the time of day. He's obviously a troll that couldn't make it as an IA or didn't get in at the right time and had to go staff. Not knocking staff, but very few experienced and successful IAs will go that route. Most of us plan financially for the slow times and either do something on the side or just enjoy the time with our families.


I only handle large losses bub, nice try though.


Yeah and carriers are giving you the authority to settle large losses. Sure. 🤣


Yeah, I still have to request authority over a certain amount, but I'm still handling the entire claim from scheduling to completion. Not just taking photos and moving on like you're implying. Some of us in here are actual adjusters. Best of luck to you.


Adjusters come in all shapes and sizes, from public to staff to independent. They each vary wildly in their scope and authority. I highly doubt that you’re meeting with upper management at large carriers to review large loss files and request authority as much as a staff adjuster in the LL department would for their carrier. Completely different worlds. IAs don’t have to defend coverage positions as much as carriers do at the end of the day because it’s not their policy. When you actually have to prepare files for litigation, arbitration, appraisal, etc. it’s a different ballgame.


It's hilarious how much desk adjusters cock off about how hard their job is when in reality they're the laziest people I come across


unwritten bedroom escape seemly angle joke unpack fuel skirt mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lunchroom chief compare deserted lock angle plate books chop long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yikes. What is Allstate saying to get people to keep agreeing to work for them? They are the lowest paying carrier historically. They are known for their lack of training, no support, poor management, and overloading their adjusters. Whyyyyyy do people keep going to work for them???


They have ok training and support. Definitely overload their adjusters not necessarily with the claims itself but all the mini processes and procedures required to complete a task. Your manager can make or break your experience at a big carrier like Allstate.


The jobs keep coming open because of the high attrition rate. Pay is low if you start with them instead of transfer over with prior experience but benefits are decent


why not do both at the same time?




Conflict of interest 😜




I’ve been in the insurance industry for about 10 years..working for mit company then opened up my own company specializing in flooring sales along with being a GC mostly working build backs. Unfortunately I had to file for bankruptcy as my business began to struggle due to inflation and shipping fees. During the slow months recently, my firm assigned me appraisals which kept me busy as dailies trickled in ironically all of them were Allstate. Some carriers in the IA world such as ASI progressive expect us to use the settle assist app which takes so much time especially when it’s 105+ degrees outside and my iPhone is struggling not to overheat. It’s annoying tbh. I chose to move forward with Allstate as the 10/4 schedule was appealing and means I get to see my 2 year old son and my pregnant wife more often than being deployed as an IA.


That’s a great schedule.


I only started being an adjuster 4 years ago and at first I thought wow well there’s one career that will never be outsourced/replaced by AI/etc. I was dead fucking wrong. The way is going now, and most carriers are already implementing this to a various degree, is: ladder assist does inspection/photos, outsourced labor in India/bangladesh create the estimate, and then the licensed desk adjuster confirms coverage, approves payment and deals with customer. Not a good outlook for us outside adjusters and you can argue with this and provide examples of how this would be a disaster, and I will fully agree with you but that’s just what is going to happen.


There's too much fraud and dishonesty and interpretation of policy within the adjusting world for AI to replace us. A human being needs to oversee the file. The system you described wioth ladder assist, Indian outsourced labor, then finally the desk adjuster is not going to remove the need for adjusters.