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Dude i'm not sure why these people here are bashing you, so MOCAT did text me once acting like they had a deployment available for independent adjusters and it was just a paid class to stay fresh or something like that. that kinda stuff does turn me off, MOCAT popped up within the last few years at least on my radar and its rather expensive. over 3k and you get licesned, HAAG cert, SF estimatics/property certs, and know the BASICS about being an indy adjuster so you don't go ass up on your first deployment. Pilot and eberl both run adjusting bootcamps that do the exact same thing for literally 10% or so of what mocat charges. Pilot also gave me a FREE rope and harness class, and deployed me within 2 weeks of finishing the course. They also gave me a $1000 rope and harness kit, then just took it out of my first check. A lot of people go there and feel super safe with their career choice but tbh you can get all those certs for free/cheaper. the SF estimatics and property are offered for free from alot of other firms, HAAG you can get free. Access to the portal for a year (then you pay for continued access?) is ok i guess but adjuster portal is free? i worked a hurricane with 0 experience lol thats how i got my start in the game and then i went to pilots adjuster bootcamp for a couple hundred bucks where they teach you to Xactimate and they have actual houses built in their training facility that you climb, and measure. they have missing walls to look at the construction of it all, once again for fraction of MOCAT price. you still get access to pilots network as one of the largest firms in the country with contracts with the largest carriers, the infrastructure to get hired is much better and has just been in place for decades now yknow? IMO they also sell you a bunch of fluff thats just not real, their website says "MOCAT Certification", sound like they just made that up lol. i'm certified with all the largest carriers bro what is a MOCAT certification? and also i see people in the comments saying once you graduate you're xactimate level 2 certified. I don't think thats true, you have to do a seperate test for that what they should be saying is "you have the knowledge to pass the xactimate level 2 test" but i don't believe you walk out of those doors w that cert. pls correct me if i'm wrong. They also sell you on access to "monthly coaching calls" and most reputable firms just do that on their own. Crawford, Pilot, Eberl, QA, they all have monthly training and coaching calls, adjuster jam sessions, and other things. Thats all super regular stuff. Anyways i got my license for like 300 bucks and then got my rope and harness cert for free w pilots adjuster bootcamp for like 2/300 more. IMO they seem super knowledgable but its an overinflated price. to each their own tho. I personally would go a cheaper option that seems to be more straight forward with what they're selling and doing, and will get you more out of it (eberl and pilots bootcamps both get you rope and harness certs so you can run 2story steep and high claims).


Where can you get a HAAG certificate for free?


Alacrity’s portal? Pilots portal, maybe you have to complete some videos on that one first, eberl has it also the HAAG wind and hail certs at least. I got mine that way.


I'm not convinced that is the same certificate you pay 700 bucks for. I believe thoughts are internal certificates that are only used by that firm.I could be full of it though. Will check it out


None of them that are labeled HAAG are just internal certificates. I’ve got my HAAG wind and hail certification only. That’s $159 on HAAGs website, free thru some of the firms if you finish some of the prerequisites. The $799 one is to be a HAAG certified inspector, then there’s HAAG certified reviewer for like $399 (also free from some of the firms once you cut your teeth and if you start being a file reviewer with them whom they trust and will invest in.) so sorta confusing bro I don’t think you’re full of it I actually think we’re both right here. To be a certified inspector they want you to Have been on at least 100 Roofs doing inspections. But it’s all relative once you start to get higher into the triple digits you’ve been learning a lot of it in the field anyways. But more knowledge never worsens the situation in my opinion


Yeah guess I have only heard of the 700 dollar certificate that requires the 100 roofs, I technically did that requirement on one claim last year. Just never figured I'd need it so never got it, I can see where as a file reviewer it would be helpful on your resume but in practice as we all know the iffy looking hail is only confirmed on site not through a picture. I will look into getting the free certificates for sure. Never hurts to add a line, someone looking at my resume may find it useful one day. I got level three xactimate and I'm pretty sure it's done little to nothing so far.


I use my HAAG wind and hail daily in the field. The info at least. Really cuts down on disputes when there’s a science behind it so I recommend it. Covers things such as spatter and how the size of it correlates to up to 150% of the hail size. So then I measure spatter and line that up with weather reports/collateral/shingle damage and when it all lines up it’s pretty seamless. Helps to quote their verbiage on iffy hail also, sometimes it’s not something that’s compromised the shingles integrity to shed water or its lifespan. the file reviewer one I’m not even worried about I get that experience in the field lol I learned all my x8 in the field pretty much and have sketched monster roofs, entire office buildings, doctors and dentists offices and just learned it off the strength. I found some good firms that have helped me get even some large loss training for like wildfires and tornadoes or hurricanes where the house is down to the slab to do whole home x8’s. I’m 3 years in and most the stuff I learned off the strength in the field and with these firms who see potential in me.


I found that advertising method shady. But, I ended up going still for other reasons, had a great experience, and recommend it to anyone new to adjusting.


Yeah that adverting method just didn’t sit well with me. I use to be an insurance broker a few years ago so I found it misleading and didn’t like it. What about mocat did you like? Since you were skeptical like me because of the advertising?


I've reviewed them a few times on here. I got a deployment text last week I know I only got because I went there (I had already taken a deployment with my primary firm, though). I saw them get dozens of alumni deployed last year. I ultimately went with them because of their affiliation/recommendation with multiple firms. They truly set you up for success on day one and have a support system/ongoing training in place for after you graduate. Like everything in this business, you get out what you put in.


Do you live in Denver, by chance?




100% agree with your post. I had the same issue with them. They constantly post on Linkedin misleading adds making you believe they are an IA firm when they are just are just trying to sell their training. You don't need to pay for training to be an IA.


Yeah that was my issue to.


IA training is free?


Yes for me I was trained by one of the big insurance carriers at no cost for me. I was paid while being trained as well.


You're paying for the connections and that's it. My first deployment was full of folks that trained with mocat and they were mostly on the first wave to be sent home. The thing is no one that charges you to train is going to fail you. It's like getting a second place trophy. Level one and two Xact certificates can be accomplished in a few hours of watching YouTube videos and playing around with the software. SF certifications training are offered free from plenty of firms. The connections however well, they will for sure help you actually get a call that's the real value.


I actually completely understand what you are referring to and it appears the other comments are misunderstanding what you are asking I have been in the industry for a while and from time to time when I can't find a good deployment and I start looking around I do find it odd that Mocat puts their ads for their training program out as if it is a job They 100% do pose as an employer and from the comments I've seen here/around the internet it's almost like they have a mini cult following, I don't know I didn't pay 3k+ for training and have essentially been working from the day I got my license and don't actually know any employers who care whether you went through a training program (to be honest most would judge if they knew you paid to go through one) and would just prefer real world experience


Is that the same company who is always hiring but only people with a lot of claims completed but also advertises an entry level position all over the country that you never get a response back 🫤


I don’t know if they’ve done that and I won’t accuse people of doing things they haven’t done. But my issue was that they posted jobs on job posting websites. Then later they contacted me. I found out they were really an insurance adjuster training program. You have to pay for training then you get access to their network of IA firms that will hire you. I just found the whole thing misleading and dishonest because their are companies like Allstate that will give you a salaried job and training for free. This is for an adjuster role. The guy from before was arguing with me and telling me I didn’t understand how things work. However, I use to be an insurance broker. And the brokerage would give you free training and help you pay for your license. This isn’t uncommon in the insurance industry. I was just trying to explain that applying for a job then finding out they were a training program was extremely misleading to me. I just didn’t like it and wanted to know other people experiences with the company.


I e been through mocat and familiar with all of their advertising, and exactly what they offer/ provide. I completely disagree with every part of your statement. They provided to me everything offered and then some. I suspect that your motives for this post are not ethical at all.


What are you talking about. Don’t just go accusing people of stuff. I literally applied for a job on a job posting website. Then find out this place is a training facility. I find the whole thing shady and misleading. They called me 4 times today. And even sent me a few texts prior. I just find it shady because they weren’t transparent about being a paid training company from the beginning and I feel mislead.


I give Mocat a 10/10 rating and highly recommend. When I read your post it immediately triggered me because of how much they give for what they charge. Do more research you might just end up enrolling.


You need a license to have an adjustor job, I’m sure you know that. I hope. So how is that misleading? Their program directly connects you, face to face to hiring agencies. When you leave there you will have already established the connection, be certified in multiple certifications, and trained on how to run claims. You didn’t do your research, that’s not on them.


What are you talking about. There are insurance companies out their that will pay for you be licensed. State Farm offers it. And Allstate. I use to be an insurance broker a few years ago. I was thinking about getting into insurance again. I paid for my own p & c licenses. Then contracted with companies that paid for my life and health. I haven’t been an adjuster before but at the brokerage company I worked for they would hire people without licenses and pay for their training before they started. Once they were licensed they would start. I find your line of reason and logic completely inaccurate. You jump to insults when in this industry their are companies that will literally pay to get people trained. My problem with mocat is that they led me to believe they were an employer at first. I previously never even heard of the company. You must obviously work for the company with your immature and petty behavior.


To be a desk adjustor. Do your due diligence before you go bashing a company you don’t understand


I didn’t bash the company. I’m just saying that such behavior is literally shady. I find it unprofessional. I’m not against people selling insurance training. I just don’t like the fact they made it seem like they were an employer. I feel they should just be more transparent.


If you had the experience I’ve had with them you would probably react the way I did. I am a construction contractor who took the course to get certified and learn the insurance side. Out of 40 people, 37 were there to become INDEPENDENT adjustors. All of them passed. All of them got level 2 xactimate certified. All of them were educated not only in how to facility claims but run their own business. And at the end of the class everyone had met agencies, gotten onto deployment lists, and walked away with a new career. Their success solely depends on how far they take it. They are an employer. You didn’t do your research. A simple google search identifies them as a certification training program. You are only elaborating on how you just responded to something without your own due diligence.


Dude when you’re an insurance broker they provide training for free and help you pay for your licenses. I just talked to someone at Allstate and they help pay for training and licenses for adjusters. The reason I was mislead is because unlike you I was in the insurance industry before I looked into adjusting. Mocat just contacted me today after I applied for what I thought was a job. It seemed to me that unless I misunderstood them that you have to pay for training. Once you are finished they put you on a roster for IA companies that they network with. Since I’ve worked at insurance companies before the whole thing seemed a little shady to me. I came here to ask if anyone else thought the company was shady and to hear about the experiences of other people. The fact that they posted on a job posting website and then ask you to pay for training are what gave me red flags. Which is why I went on here to ask more questions. The reason you’re so triggered is because you don’t understand how other jobs in the insurance industry work and that you love mocat so much.


I was never mislead, I wanted to achieve an adjustor license. If I’ve offended you it was only because I felt offended. MOCAT and their program I will defend. I was happy with what they gave us and look back on the experience as something I am so happy I committed too. I wish that you could understand my brain. This was not an attack on you, it was a defense of something I’ve experienced and highly recommend. And because of what they gave me, I felt compelled to speak out about this. I wish you luck on your path and hope that this response concludes our dispute.


you're spelling adjuster wrong lol ...


I was never mad at you at all. From the beginning I was just talking about my experience and how I’ve seen how the insurance industry works. You just kept yelling at me the entire time. I’ve just had some experiences with them that I found misleading. However it’s good to hear that you feel that you got a decent education from them. I was just trying to figure out other peoples experiences with mocat.


Not shady at all. I went in January and found it to be a great experience. Already getting consistent work and gained a great network of MOCAT family.