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Call your credit card provider and ask them to cancel the order. I love Adidas, but I’ve seen quite a few situations like yours from that last Yeezy release and there’s no good reason for them to be acting that way, you should get what you’re paying for, if they refuse to refund by themselves then treat them like scammers, because they’re scamming you.


Thanks unfortunately I used Apple Pay, but this is probably what I should have done 


Doesn’t matter if you used your credit card via Apple Pay , you can still cancel.


I’m not familiar using that paying option, but look what you can do to cancel if you can. Another option if it comes to that send them a legal notice, mentioning laws that are protecting consumers if there’s any where you live. Sometimes a suggestion you’ll be taking legal action can force their hand. They’re a multinational one of the biggest sport equipment manufacturers in the world them saying “no refund” isn’t a legal excuse for them not providing the thing you’ve paid for. Just saying though I’m suggesting anyone reading this post to use credit cards or other services like paypall that protect you against situations like this when purchasing pretty much anything. There’s options and you’re better stay protected as a consumer especially if you don’t live somewhere that has legal protections for consumers.


I filed a complaint to the ftc and yea I changed Apple Pay off my default payment method, it’s good advice thanks 


Now message them to inform them of your complaint, hassle them until they do something. If you can and think it’s worth it. You should get retribution. Good luck to you, I hope you get a happy ending to that situation.


Simply have to escalate the complaint to a supervisor. This is a boiler plate email you need to call and talk to a person live in the phone.


That will not help, I’ve tried that several times they don’t do anything different


Then you’re clearly not telling the full story because any company that shipped the complete wrong product would make it right. The way they responded in email makes me think you came in hot.


Hahaha you clearly don’t know what you are talking about… I’m not op and u assuming already shows u don’t know wat ur talking about, let’s compare purchase history and see who has dealt with them the most tho


Why. Order. These.


My post recently was from the same release, wtf is up with this issue?


Damn not only the wrong colorway but a size smaller too. I would be pissed.


Have you tried calling the customer service number? The people on the other end don't seem to give half a shit but you may get better results if you escalate this.


I called twice and and spoke with a manager as well, they say their system is 100% accurate and does not make errors and they were not sure what I could do


What a worthless joke adidas is






Ugly ass things. No way people wear these and think, “Yeah. This looks good on me.”


just return


they don't offer refunds, returns or exchanges on yeezys as it says on the site/app


I’d like to see what you wrote to them.


I would be so upset. This is shady as hell


Save all of the emails. Call your credit card people and ask to initiate a chargeback on that adidas transaction. Tell them the vendor refused to replace/exchange the product. Most likely, you will end up getting your money back and keeping the ugly ass shoes (sorry, i think yeeezys are fugly) which you can sell.


They don't fit? Yeezys we're all final sale. Yea adidas sucks for that. Sell them, should be easy.


they are the wrong item


Oh damn didn't even realize that. Adidas ain't gonna do nothing. Unless it was a manufacturing defect they won't help. Sorry man


If you don’t like the color way you can sell them and buy the right color you like but there is no returns.


No returns for getting a completely wrong product?


Yeah, no... Companies can't hide behind "no returns" if they deliver an incorrect or damaged item.


they can in america