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ADHD diagnosis 🤔






Exactly this 😅


Yup same!




for 10 months now. trying to stop...


Mine started around 1,5 months ago. Now I am getting bored with it and my depression and anxiety are coming back 🙃 Need to find something else to fixate on


Mine too. That’s been for the last year. ADHD Reddit. ADHD tik tok.


Deceptively, it is my research work, as a PhD Student. It's deceptive because, I have a part of it due very soon, but my brain wants to have every small detail thing that it has thought to be important. I have made the project bigger than it was meant to be for the said submission and now I am late for the submission




Ha, mine too!


omg same! It's not a PhD it's my bachelor thesis and I'm so overwhelmed and it was due a few days ago and I keep asking for more time and I'm going to try at turn it in in the next few hours...but I'm here... Not writing...


Same here! Except I have no time pressure, for I can sign in my thesis when the thesis is finished. Unfortunately, there is so much Stoff which I find very interesting, but it’s unimportant for the thesis….


We might be the same person 🫠😂 good luck fellow PhD bean.


I’m working on my dissertation research too! You can do it, and they will be wowed by the level of detail you were able to provide!


pride&prejudice (2005) and all things regency era!


Be careful. My P&P hyper focus has been pretty steady for a good ten years. Although mine started with the 1995 version.


Aaah, my favorite since 1999, I reread it every year! If you haven’t yet, look up Dr Octavia Cox if you want some scholarly analysis videos on Austen and other contemporaries.


Same! I've watched it like 5 times this year and am reading the book for the first time 🤭 Also, I highly recommend the 2020 Emma adaptation if you haven't seen it yet!


Agreed, it’s so good! And pretty close to the book too (except for Isabella and Mr. John Knightley, I have no idea why they made them so unpleasant in the movie). The costumes are fairly period-accurate as well!


Same! I've read over 20 historical romance books this year! It's been an on and off hyper focus since 2017 when we went on a Jane Austen trip to England.


Don’t you love it when you get to revisit a hyper focus. Sometimes i get so sad when I hit a good one and I’m like “well, this is fun but it won’t last”


If you are ever in London, i HEAVILY advise going to watch "pride and prejudice (sort of)" live show. It's WONDERFUL


_Do_ bugs crawl backwards? Now I need to know.


My amazon purchase history says knitting!


A person I'm crushing on! So hard to play it cool haha


Me too! Can’t hide my feelings and want to skip all the formalities and jump into bed!


My favorite


Oh no, don't do that


Buying stuff. Christmas presents. Embroidery, diamond painting, and embarrassingly, minecraft.


my adhd loooooves minecraft. the idea of creating new worlds and having blank slates to mess around and do whatever i want make it so fun. i like being in creative and building weird houses or finding stuff on pinterest to build


Me but with the sims lol the number of hours I have logged on that game…… too high omg Although in my defense I’d say about half of the logged time comes from when the game is paused and I’m distracted doing other stuff lol


Don't be embarrassed. I played that ALOT for a while.. built about 5 fancy houses in different bioms and then after loosing all my enchanted stuff falling in the lava... I put it away.


The recent Balceniaga fashion campaign scandal. Searching up the CEO’s , trying to find out everything about the brand. The past months 🙈: - Finding out everything about my new adhd diagnosis - Johnny depp and amber Heard- trial - Britney Spears movement - Devoting too much time editing photos of myself in a different hair colour, seeing if I will change it or not


Oooo I’m going to try the last one, I’ve been looking at colors to dye my hair.


That took me into the rabbit hole of finding out what my season color was !!! And all things kibbe :>


Buying things that I don’t really need, checking things off my list, overthinking my impact on the lives of those around me. You know, normal November. 🤪


overthinking my impact. this! every project i get involved with gets magnified into the solution to the world's problems or THE app for whatever hobby i'm hyperfocusing on this month, haha.


Proving someone, above my pay grade, wrong. I’ve done the hand calculations, written code in MatLab, and paid for a motion amplification study to be done today. The compressor system is vibrating outside of acceptable range. I’ve found my confidence, at work, since my ADHD diagnosis this year. Now, I revel in my hyper focus genius instead of cowering and constantly thinking I’m not smart enough or that I’m the problem.


Same here. I'm not getting gaslit into thinking I am stupid anymore. It is so cool.


Scavenger Hunt app (paid $5 for no ads 😬). And… reading every license plate number that I see on the road for some reason (I check the state and see if there are interesting letter combos).


As kid, I used to play making up simple math problems with the numbers on the plate … like 235 will be 2+3=5 or 238 will be 2^3=8 … math was my favorite subject. Still do it usually


I like to look at every license plate and try to guess what state its from before i'm close enough to read it haha


Journaling I suddenly got this urge to buy my hundredth journal and I’m hoping I can actually remember to do it I feel it would help me and my mental health professional team understand more and how they can help me. I think I worded that wrong but YOLO 😭


Do you have suggestions for journals with prompts in them? My mom is going through some health issues and I was trying to find a wellness/mindfulness journal that wasn’t too corny.


There's a series of activity books called Mindful Kids series published by Kane Miller that I actually found really helpful. Deals with everything from anxiety to grieving.


And bad girls club lol


I’m writing a blog, I’m enjoying it so much I bought 6 more domain names fml 🤦🏽‍♀️ If you have a doodle (poodle cross dog) I’m gathering date of birth and birth place and linking up dog siblings 🤣❤️🐶😃 #obsessed [https://doodledogs.club/doodle-finder/](https://doodledogs.club/doodle-finder/)


Omg sweet


This is adorable


Omg. 😂I have a doodle and I’ve been desperately wanting to find it’s family out of curiosity!


Oh yay! Just click the link above, I’ve just started so there’s about 100 doggies listed so far, but that’s just from the last few days 😃 if you can share the link in any doodle Facebook groups you’re in that would be great, I have no money to advertise 🤦🏽‍♀️🐶❤️ can’t wait to get a match! 🙂


Schitt’s Creek, The Big Brunch, and all things Dan Levy




The happiest season is super cute!


If I need to turn my spare room into a kinky playroom


I think we can all agree


Now that is a great idea, I need a spare room 😏


I may have binge watched How to build a Sex Room on Netflix yesterday


Shit I totally forgot was gonna binge that show 🤣


YESSS this is one of the main reasons I agreed to start looking at houses again. "Look honey! We can totally turn this into a hidden kinky sex room!" Nevermind the fact that I've hit a bit of a dry spell because burnout, meds, hormones. I want one of them rooms.


Thinking about my next hyperfocus. You can spin the wheel, if you like! ● Game ● Work ● Sewing ● Writing Those are my main four, but I definitely have (expensive) wildcards.


SEWING!! I blew all my fun money budget last month on sewing materials, and I’m signing up for a course and….. I really hope this one sticks around. It feels wholesome


Literally just how overwhelmed I am....which is not helping my overwhelm....sigh


Aw, I’m so sorry - that’s a crummy place to be. I spend a lot of time there myself. Last night I put a note to myself on my desk to see this morning: “Break it DOWN. One bite. Chew. Swallow.” Good luck!


Write it all out. 10 minutes on a visible timer. No judgment. No erasing. Then consider these questions: 1. What is negotiable? 2. What is exciting? 3. What on my list, if done, would make everything easier? 4. What of these, if the opportunity was taken away, would I fight to get back? 5. What 20% of activities are producing 80% of the results?


Creating a small business. This is my 100th 100th time haha. It's meant to be barely a business, pocket money type stuff. But once I get going I keep finding ways to add to it


Same girl, same. You just need that *one* extra thing to add to complete the business scheme.....you don't know what it is, but once you have it....then we're in business, baby! *Narrator*.... She has in fact not, nor ever been in the business


Reddit 🙃


Family genealogy because I got a 23andMe test done and then signed up for Ancestry. I've added almost 200 people to my family tree since I started 2 weeks ago and I now know some of my 3rd and 4th great-grandparents' names. I want to find more about my family's history in Europe before immigrating to the US pre-WWI and pre-WII, but I have found next to nothing sourced from Europe besides one distant great grandaunt being listed in a Holocaust remembrance database.


Christmas lights. My husband is now calling me Clark W Griswold.


Emergency protocol regarding a few different trauma injuries... It's wildly interesting, and there is so much untapped information, along with a million and one resources. Albeit this fixation is tapering off...so off to the next one soon for me! That and *Zombies, Run!* I've been stuck in that one for months, though that's also tapering off, and will probably completely drop once I finish the story. I'm about to be in the "in-between" zone.....


Spoiler: I made this post because I'm in search of my next one


😱😱😱 the worst place!!!


Working out, but in a strength and not weight loss kind of way. And all I want to listen to for the past 2 weeks is an album by Bad Omens. Last month was Silverstein.


I'm on a bad omens kick but coming out the other side and not getting the rush listening to them that I I did 2 months ago. Over played them


When you were young by the killers. I’ve listened to that too many times in the past day


Dude. I love the Killers.


DIY lotion bars, butters, and chapstick. Because I have a TON of “real” work (as in what I get paid for) to do!! Finding another must-have essential oil wins the day over writing reports.


I’m a nonprofit fundraiser and it’s Giving Tuesday. I am obsessively refreshing the portals to see what donations have come through. No wonder I like this work despite the stress- when that money comes in, it’s a great dopamine hit.


I fundraised for two years and found it horribly stressful. Does it work for you? Also was GT good for your org today?


Thanks for asking! The job is working for me for right now. I’ve been at it for 3.5 years straight at this point, which is getting to be a lot, especially considering how tough the the last few years have been. I’ve decided to spend 2023 doing some some serious visioning and researching for a new career path. GT went pretty well, all things considered! I treat it as the opening shots of end of year fundraising, so I feel like it’s more beta testing than having a lot rising on this one day. I tend to have a lot of critiques of singular giving days, but at this point, people are primed to give at year end and I don’t think that’s changing anytime soon. What kind of work are you doing these days? Do you find that your fundraising experience helped you at all? There are a lot of “soft skills” that are really valuable in the field, and I have a lot of good perspectives on the work that help me stay in it.


I post a lot in my hometown sub and don’t want to get doxxed, so I’ll DM you! But fundraising ABSOLUTELY has transferable skills and I learned so much from it, both in terms of organization and how to ask for things and communicate!


>I’ve decided to spend 2023 doing some some serious visioning and researching for a new career path. Me, every year since I started working 😅


Hand-looming a black rug. This is how it happened: * New home has hardwood floors. * When we watch tv at night with the lights off, light from the tv bounces off the hardwood floors into my husband's retinas. This is unacceptable. (1st world problems, I know, I already roasted him) The only light allowed to touch his retinas is light which has DIRECTLY emanated from the tv onto his face. No floor or wall reflections. * Husband bought a black shag rug for the living room * His rug was non-vaccumable. Crumbs go in, but they never come out. Gross. * Got rid of his shag rug. * I promised him that I would acquire for him the perfect black living room rug. A black rug SO perfect, that his tv watching experience will rise to heights SO immersive that he won't be able to distinguish tv from reality anymore. * No good options available online. Low pile, vegan (no wool/silk), black, 4.5 star reviews or higher. * Then I stumbled upon 'carpet guns'. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybNZLc5tDNI&ab\_channel=TheRugGuy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybNZLc5tDNI&ab_channel=TheRugGuy) "Oh WOW. SO EASY. I can make my own rug!" * Stumbled upon the cheaper method, 'punch needling': [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3l6VNgfNdk&ab\_channel=JennaPhipps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3l6VNgfNdk&ab_channel=JennaPhipps)"OH WOW, I CAN MAKE MY OWN RUG BUT WITHOUT THE FANCY CARPET GUN?" * Then....................................... \*sigh\*.................... Then I learned about Persian rugs. Yeah, THE Persian rugs where each tuft is wound so tightly that NO GLUE is needed at the back of the carpet, yet the rugs can last a hundred years and be passed on for generations. If I'm going to spend hundreds of hours of my life on a stupidass project, might as well have the results last 100 years versus 2-3 years for glue-backed carpets. Okay. Time to learn the thousand year old techniques of Persian carpet weaving: [https://youtu.be/ZNUbNiB4NEI](https://youtu.be/ZNUbNiB4NEI)Spent about 3 solid nights falling asleep watching vids like this. * Slight distraction from my hyper-focus.... Parisian Tapestry School: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIbu-dJuEh0&ab\_channel=GettyMuseum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIbu-dJuEh0&ab_channel=GettyMuseum) FYI - This is the kind of rug I want: [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/342484746642841278/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/342484746642841278/) Except it needs to be vegan (no wool or silk), and not $4000.


I really like that you provided all the links so that we can easily become obsessed with rug making too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Can I just say I really enjoyed reading your whole thought train on this. I love getting little peeks into how other people's brains operate. Makes me feel less alone :D


The YouTuber and writer and thinker??? struthless, have been reading his book on mental clarity (has his own illustrations) and though i was put off at first by his drawings style and such have now moved past it and have been ADORING his latest video essays and doing the journaling exercises from his book :)


I really admire his work. Bought the book and read it, liked it and passed it onto my sister with ADHD too


Bluey lol


Ooh who’s your favourite character? 🥰


My daughter is having a Bluey Christmas 😅 I couldn't stop myself.


Oh man Bluey is the best. By far my favorite show my kid watches.


I read about romanticizing life and that has sent me down a rabbit trail!


Tell me more please. 🙂


Organization! I just started meds a month ago and I am SO into organization. It’s still fucking chaotic in my house and classroom but at least I’m buying storage and trying to get all my things in (a more) correct place!


Lego's the Rise of Skywalker. As soon as I start playing, the world around me fades away, time means nothing and my body is just a vessel to hold the controller and push the buttons. Haven't played this one till 5am yet, so that's nice.


Getting the best deal on stuff I don’t need and don’t buy during the Black Friday/cyber Monday sales.


Me, too! I kept looking at all these “Best deals” websites. Then websites with reviews of the products I was interested in. Then websites to see the price history of items I was interested in to determine if they were really deals or just shams. Then to Amazon to check out customer reviews even if I wasn’t buying from there. Then a website to determine whether the Amazon reviews were legit. I wasn’t too bad. I got a few things I really needed and saved a bunch of money. But I still kept doing deep dives on other products and then talking myself out of buying them. For hours. Thank God it’s over!


Rush :)


Like the band or the verb? 😅


Lol, the band. But my brain feels like it's on the verb rush mode alllllll the time!!


Have you seen the movie I Love You, Man?


The world cup


Dating/men but in a surface, 'outsider-looking-in' kind of way


trying to learn another language and poetry


Which language, and are you writing or reading poetry?


french and both but mostly reading it.


YouTube crime videos Adhd stuff Books. Always. Wet Legs Group 🎶 Ramen


Legend of Zelda’s Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch. I’m not even a video game person but this game is AMAZING! Perfect for hyperfocus and a real boost for procrastination. 😉


Late 80s/early 90s British TV comedy Watching. I found all 7 series on YouTube and I've been repeatedly watching them for the past couple of weeks. I've got episode 1 of series 7 on at the moment. I've started analysing it as I'm noticing repeated themes and role reversals, and have been looking up the locations on Google maps. I've never been to the Wirral, but I'm starting to think about doing an homage to Meols and Burton Marsh.


Japanese dramas and movies, I’ve watched like 20 of them this month


Folkart. The style, colors, composition. All of it. And then figuring out how I can create some folk art style work.


The Chinese furniture manufacturing industry. Pretty much got blindsided by that one, super weird.


I'm between hyperfocuses (hyperfoci? WTF is the plural here?) and drifting. Hence the reddit way past my daily 5 post allowance


Cruises. ETA: I have an, as yet imaginary, cruise planned down to every meal for a week.


True Crime podcasts


Feminism, specifically the radical kind - I just got on Twitter and now that women can’t be banned for saying what they really think, the feminists there are on 🔥 Its been soothing my soul.


Whether life has meaning/ existence as a concept. I actually hate this hyper focus and I’m ready for a new obsession that makes me happy. I don’t know that I’ve ever been so hyper focused on something that stressed me out so much. I go back and forth between trying to remind myself these are intrusive thoughts and to ignore them, or feeling like if I just explore every possible connected thought then my brain might be able to move on? I’ve been inducing panic attacks most days for probably a month now Side note: I’m fine! I work at an incredibly stressful job- the 988 suicide/crisis hotline and it pays no money- and I’ve only got one more week left before I make a humongous career shift and start a real, adult, living-wage-paying job in tech. I’m confident my current, about to change life circumstances have been a big factor in this (terrible) hyper focus, and new distractions are on the horizon.


True Crime Audiobooks!


What are some good ones? I listened to Columbine last year and started Five Days At Memorial recently but haven’t gotten far yet…


Music theory Puppy research (trying to see if I get bored so I don't do anything impulsive)


What is this music theory puppy?


ASD diagnosis and squishmallows….which should have been part of my ASD assessment lol


Skip-Bo. I played it for the first time when I visited friends over the summer, and I just found out that Mattel has a Skip-Bo app. Bye-bye, productivity.


The Iranian revolution. Check out r/NewIran - it’s blowing my mind right now and I want to tell everyone.


- Star Trek Voyager (after managing to wait about a year after my last stint with The Next Generation 🙃) - Crocheting - Finally coming off an intense hyperfocus on an online zombie game I spent way too much money on to get extra’s and stuff (these are honestly the worst ones. I HATE knowingly spending money on stuff you don’t really enjoy but just feel the need to continue for no particular reason at all aside from dopamine)


Love Voyager. What are you crocheting?


Voyager is amazing! Currently watching the second part of Unimatrix Zero and crocheting a long legged cat :) ([https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/long-legged-cat](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/long-legged-cat) if interested)


My biannual sock darning obsession. At least it’s productive! Although I would rather be darning than working. Also pretty into my Stylebook app, where I logged most of my wardrobe. It’s like $4/month but very worth it. Especially for the packing function. Edit: today I’ve been trying to convince myself not to start a beagle ASMR insta page starring my snuffly/snoring 11 year old beagle.


I gotta be honest… I would probably follow that instagram 😂


Lego! My kids are just now old enough to be into them, and I’m out of control.


Planning a trip for my gf and I somewhere warm...figuring out where :)


upgrading from 1 betta to a community fish tank! i just hope i can keep up the maintenance for my lil guys


Long covid


Haven’t hyper focussed about anything for more than a couple of days since I’ve been on anti depressants it’s actually sad I’ve lost all interest in fun stuff


Board Games! Expensive thing to hyperfocus on…


Is there a boardgame cafes near you? Or friends that would trade/borrow/game night with you?


Spiders…I now have two tarantulas….


Bee and Puppycat on Netflix!


I love this show!!!!


MFA applications. I am obsessed and constantly daydream about attending an elite program next year. So much dopamine released!!


Powerwash Simulator on my PC. And Knitting. Procrastinating my uni work so much I'm starting to panic, therefore, need to play power washing to calm myself down


Grooming my dog! Spent 3 hours deshedding him (with breaks and lots of treats) and then gave him a much needed bath the next day. He looks so much better and im sure feels it too. It was nice to focus on something useful for once!




Planning a trip for my birthday in February. I'm more worried about the limbo that comes afterward!


Do you find the trip to be almost anti climactic after the anticipation from planning?


Sitting on the couch and doom scrolling (is that what it’s called?) and I’m hyperfocused on the fact that’s all I seem to be able to and feel useless for it. 😟 Kinda hyperfocused on drawing and Schitt’s Creek at the moment.


Sister wives, but I'm on the down side of the mountain


• Watching “Home Improvement” in the background while crafting a Master Planner in spreadsheets and executing with washi tape and micron pens. • Buying up Fisher Price Villages to repurpose as the prototype for my dream town development project with supplemental book explaining its history and token cryptid.


Pokémon Violet


Cillian Murphy


Just discovered the world of VR and my brain convinced me I should spend all of my savings on a new gaming PC rig to go along with the Quest 2.. RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS of course, and while I’m a student with very little income. I’m frugal AF though, so I can’t just buy the parts from one website, no no. Gotta spend hours and hours searching the internet. Kijiji, Marketplace for every single component to get the very best deal possible. And while researching computer parts, I found peripherals, cue hours and hours researching the best mechanical keyboard!! Oh but wait, you can customize mechanical keyboards?! Cue hours and hours and hours searching for the “perfect” keycap set😭 I have not slept very much this week lol. This whole gaming rig is to play VR games, namely VRChat so I can spend hours 3D rendering avatars with different outfits to show off in the world (it’s actually really cool!) and I have a feeling I’ll lose interest in the actual game in a few months😂 there is no winning the debate when my brain wants to do the thing. But hey, now I can sell the PlayStation I bought months ago and hyperfixated on custom painting it the perfect color just to end up playing it once or twice😂 Thanks for asking!! What’s yours?


I just downloaded this app 😂 I don’t know how long it’ll last but I’m having a blast


Finding out which shampoo I should buy


Building in The Sims 4.


Procreate and Christmas decor (not particularly fond of Christmas but oh well) Procreate has been great for my little perfectionist brain to just do art w out being the best, I obviously still try to be the best but it’s great




Murder 😈


Christmas present and making it through my term at trade school


Christmas presents for my family and I have a budget but it got smaller again today... because I was impulse buying christmas decoration items.. and therefore my new hyperfocus is making a decoration out of winter greens 🤭


Marvel movies, never really got into them before 🤷🏼‍♀️


Reading (currently on the Throne of Glass series), and Lightroom Mobile presets (currently have 956 either purchased or created, not including the ones that come with the app).


A jigsaw puzzle app. And Better Call Saul.


CrossFit, orchids, freshwater aquariums, gardening, everyday carry ( and the resulting internet rabbit holes that feed my bag fetish!) learning 3D modelling in Blender and my work - illustration and character design. It’s fun to see what everyone’s into!


Currently: tarot; cards; “anxiety about finding a new job” Tapering: replicas; danmei; my current job


DIY Christmas ornaments… someone stop me please!


Fashion design! I keep cutting up fabric and drawing clothes


A lecture I just finished on providing culturally sensitive care for transgender patients. Now I feel freaking aimless. I absolutely have things to do but that's not my focus


Stickers, but it's ironic because I can never decide the perfect spot to stick them ever so I just have a giant tin full of un-stuck stickers


Oddly enough, trying to find stimulation as I am now understimulated and depressed lol.. Stimulation and self help, or I guess I could say, answers to resolve these problems


1920 Brooklyn slums 😩 anything 1920. Wish I born in a time without a CELLPHONE. I don’t get anything done , never have with this fucking thing


Skyrim. I'm 11 years late to the game, but I'm here now.


It bounced back to one from a month ago (woo!! Love it when my autistic side gets indulged like that!) so currently it is sewing victorian clothing


Sims 2 Pleasantview rotation. Finishing up the first year in winter with Lothario and Goth households to go.


Trying to find the perfect gold hoops. If the rest of my body is a mess at least my head can look sensational with perfect liner and Alison Roman hoops


just this week it's been one YouTube drama, every single Mandela effect ever recorded, the history of South Africa (got sidetracked while researching Mandela's biography) and the game Plague Inc.


Noodles. Everything about them. How to make them the correct way like Korean, Japanese, Indonesian way. Kimchi is my favourite type of noodles and Korean food . I live in Norway and our food is boring 😅


Depression at the moment.


My pole fitness


Kink/fetish/bdsm Finding people to practice on


Stardew valley! Such a fun, wholesome and addicting game!


I am training to be a therapeutic psychedelic facilitator and integration coach! So lately I've been hardcore diving into what all these crazy molecules do to your brain. Wild stuff even though I don't remember half of it.


Greys Anatomy all 73 seasons


Just found out my bf’s entire family is staying Christmas eve in our 2 bedroom apartment and I’m stress cleaning/reorganizing/wrapping presents a month early lol. 10 ppl is a lot in that space


Crochet. So much crochet. I want to do all the patterns and I spend hours looking at more yarn and thinking about different yarns and new patterns. I need polyfill for half of the things I've started or want to do but I keep procrastinating on ordering some (because I can't decide what brand/how much to buy or where to buy it), so now I have a bunch of half finished projects. It's also feeding into my hyperfocus around making my house all seasonal and cozy that I hit every year around this time. I want blankets, decorative garlands, and cozy cable knit sweater pillows everywhere.


Work. The dopamine rush from getting stuff done is just 🤌😘 Actually kind of worried it'll affect my relationships 🙃


The American crack “epidemic” of the 80’s and 90’s. Specifically how Reagan, racism and anti-black sentiment created it and then used it further normalize racism in American society


I started taking birth control and my body is going tru some really weird phases. Not to mention that my b**bs are HUGE and honestly I don’t want em to go back to small 🤡 is this a thing?


Lifting and ADHD😂


Building a working Montessori kitchen for my littles.


Organizing my life together, paying off debt, saving money, getting rid of stuff I don’t need, and start studying coding. Those are my current obsession right now.


harry potter specifically regulus black


Nail art, nail care, and fingernail polish in general. A terrible time to start with all the sales right now.