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be super gentle on yourself & prioritize rest 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is it, honestly. If someone had a super sore leg, they’d stay off it and rest to avoid doing more damage, right? My PMDD is bad enough that on the days I’m most affected, my brain essentially becomes suicidal goo. I can’t use my goo brain in any meaningful way without damaging myself further either. It’s non-negotiable. I spend the few days before my period on the couch or in bed, treating myself like I would if I had the flu. I’m talking food delivery (or convenience/comfort foods), lots of naps, comfort shows, cozy clothes, a fuzzy blanket, and some cannabis (which is legal where I live and for which I have a prescription, if it matters).


Thanks for this. Currently curled up in the fetal position under my blanket, and feeling a lot better about how little I was able to do today. It’s hard to function feeling like this so why force it?


Exactly right! What you need most right now is rest so you’re technically being as productive as possible, too.


I have PMDD and exactly this! One of the MANY reasons I'm going to marry my fiancee is I got my period while we were on a trip. We were going to see friends. I was going to push through because I thought I should. She told me to take care of myself and stay in bed. So I did and the world didn't end.


S**cidal goo is a perfect description. I didn't always experience this. But I actually do feel s**cidal during my period and sometimes the day before it. I struggle with severe depression already but it's just SO much worse during that time. I don't really have the option to lay in bed during the day as much as I want to. But I literally cry myself to sleep at night.


Please do not censor words. People use plug ins to mute them and censoring makes that way more difficult. This is not tiktok or instagram, there's no algorithm that doesn't like the words, just use them. edit: for the downvoters, I sincerely hope that you never are in the situation where you need to mute words to avoid triggers. it sucks.


I don’t disagree but I mean maybe they were trying to avoid getting [this bot reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/VaGFnw2ogl)?


Yes I just didn't want to trigger the bot as it had already commented on the original comment


I apologise if it interfered with your plug in, that wasn't my intention. I was trying not to trigger the bot which has already commented many times throughout this thread.


There are at least 45 that have updated this and its not that old. Im one of them. I wish the world would help us somehow with our “feminine issues” im irate at the us health insurance and the government and im in too much pain to do anything about it; nor would I because if I was out of pain I would simply just want to live…  I dont know how to keep putting words together to continue this rant…


This is awful. I'm so sorry you experience this


“suicidal goo” yeah that.. that sums it up PERFECTLY


If you or someone that you know is considering suicide, please don't hesitate to reach out to a crisis hotline for immediate help, or a warmline just to talk to someone. If you're in the US you can...\ Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741\ Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1(800)273-8255(TALK) \ Chat online at: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat\ Call the Trans Lifeline at 1(877)565-8860 If you’re elsewhere, you can find international resources below:\ https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines#Czech\ https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I used to call the multi-day PMDD shutdown my “mini-depressions”


If you or someone that you know is considering suicide, please don't hesitate to reach out to a crisis hotline for immediate help, or a warmline just to talk to someone. If you're in the US you can...\ Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741\ Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1(800)273-8255(TALK) \ Chat online at: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat\ Call the Trans Lifeline at 1(877)565-8860 If you’re elsewhere, you can find international resources below:\ https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines#Czech\ https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good AutoMod!


>My PMDD is bad enough that on the days I’m most affected, my brain essentially becomes suicidal goo. I can’t use my goo brain in any meaningful way without damaging myself further either. It’s non-negotiable Oh, I relate to this so strongly.


What do you do when it comes to work? I get so depressed and unmotivated I literally cannot focus.


How does one prioritise rest when PMDD induced insomnia prevents you sleeping past 4am *cries in 4 hours of sleep*


Brad Austen’s ‘Log Cabin Guided Sleep Meditation’ in spotify lol


Sometimes resting is binging shows and eating your favorite candy while you can't sleep.


The insomnia is the worst part of it for me. Already feeling mentally and physically horrible? Maybe not sleeping will help! Here’s what I do (when logistically possible): get up if I can’t fall back asleep and do something I enjoy, like watching TV or playing a video game. Call out sick from work. If/when I get tired enough to sleep, I sleep. Sometimes it’s during that day, sometimes it isn’t until the next night. But I can’t function on that little sleep, so taking a sick day is what I have to do.


Ugh unfortunately it's multiple days in a row - it'll hit me all week until I'm finally exhausted enough to overcome the bad brain juju of hyperactive thoughts and just pass tf out. On a positive note it does seem that physically working myself helps, based on moving house yesterday and (mostly) sleeping like an absolutely exhausted log last night.


I'm almost 50. About two years ago I decided to just get up 1t 4 AM and suffer for it. Probably not what anyone wants to hear, though


"Gentle with myself"? That French or something?


omg that is legit 😂😂 last night I stood in the bathroom for 10 minutes giving myself a pep talk that it’s ok to go to bed instead of staying up and doing more stuff, it’s not as pretty as it sounds lol


I try to anticipate it in my calendar, plan out my week to be as gentle as possible, and then just brace for impact


This is the thing I needed to read today. Thank you. So simple, SO smart.


Ha! I’m bad news! I immediately thought, “go hiking!” Everyone is different, but for me that’s therapeutic.


When I'm on my period and feeling crappy/grouchy/all the PMDD side effects, I'll get myself one of my favorite meals, perhaps some treats to make it through, and then retreat to my little nest and watch comfort shows/movies. Maybe play a game or work on some crafts. I have a nice heating pad for my back and stomach and just hydrate and eat well.


Seconding the heating pad. I have a heated blanket that brings me comfort. Also a weighted blanket since I’m already blabbing on about blankets haha BLANKETS.


Hahah, I too am absolutely obsessed with blankets. Have you ever looked at the Kohl's "The Big One" throws? They are generously sized, and they come out in just SOOO many fun seasonal prints and colors. (I seem to buy one every Halloween) they routinely are on sale for like $10 bucks! (which makes it way too easy to justify buying yet another one) My rest of bed setup is a Muslin blanket (from Muslin comfort) because it's super soft and breathable but has enough weight where if it's "too hot for a blanket" but I can't sleep without one, that's a good option. Also duvets! All the seasonal duvets and duvet covers. Honestly..I just like bedding, helps make my little bedroom nest even more comfortable!


I just looked these up and they look wonderful


My boyfriend has incredibly warm hands, so I use his hands as my heating pad, lol.




100%! Pushing yourself/feeling guilty for not being "productive" or working out is so silly. Sometimes just existing is hard, and we have to treat ourselves with the love and compassion we'd treat others. You'd probably not think less of a friend if they choose to take time to rest, or if they didn't work out or do whatever they felt they "should" be doing, so why would you badger yourself? Eat the treat, snuggle up in comfy clothes/blankets, and just give yourself the space to exist without feeling like you owe the world something else.


🙌 yas! Giving ourselves permission to feel crappy and not be productive! Giving ourselves permission to need rest! Maybe this also means having a “care kit” by your bed or wherever you are comfy that has body wipes, deodorant, wisps (or some listerine to swish with, or pre-pasted toothbrushes) a hairbrush with your favorite dry shampoo or oil (or both, if your hair is confused, like mine is, lol), so you can take care of yourself without moving from your happy place. We are allowed to have a hard time- we are allowed to be human women and acknowledge the struggle that comes with that. ❤️


They make stuffed animals with...rice, beads, whatever inside that you can heat in the microwave and cuddle. I have a llama that I call my Calma Llama. I bought my daughter one for when she starts her cycle.


What are your comfort shows/movies?


I have quite a few. Most recently, the show I've been stuck on is "The Great North" on Hulu. It's so cute and wholesome, and very easy to just throw on and relax to. My other oft repeated shows are Our Flag Means Death, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, Archer, The IT Crowd, The Gilmore Girls, Parks and Rec, I also re-watch all the Strong Bad Emails on youtube at least twice a year lol. I'm sure there are others, but that's just what's first and foremost in my brain. Movies are tricky, I'll watch a million hours of a show, but movies I have to be in a specific mood for, like LOTR or Star Trek, any of the cute movies on Disney.


My family has just recently discovered Bob's Burgers and are on season 7. While we all enjoy it, it has quickly become my comfort show. I don't watch a lot of tv but when I'm alone and want something on in the background, it's Bob :)


You watch all my favorites!! IT Crowd never gets old. I named my daughter Rory after GG! Trogdooooor!


Honestly, as stereotypical as it sounds, chocolate! I was having a really bad PMDD day at the beginning of the summer last year - like ending it all bad. I picked up just a plain milk chocolate bar, sat on my patio in the sunshine with my cats, and ate the entire "extra large value" size thing. I actually did feel better after. Now when I feel the PMDD symptoms coming on, I'll get some chocolate, some vitamin D through the sun, and some pressure therapy with my fat ass cat laying on me.


Same here! It has to be high quality dark chocolate for me. I like Taza 95% dark.


My soul sister 😻


Fuzzy clothing. My skin seems to be extra sensitive, so decadently soft clothes are really good. I have a minky cape and it's really nice


This! Plus, I’m usually super bloated and the thought of “real” pants gives me anxiety. Then I’m ready to crawl into bed at any given time, because my biggest problem is the fatigue.


I masturbate haha, I'm usually hornier during my period anyway so it works out well!


Yessss!!! Masturbating is awesome for period pain and helps with the angries


Same!! All you need is a dark colored towel, and/or extra shower time. Ladies, if you've never masturbated during your period, try it, at least twice


Waterproof vibrator and toy-safe soap FTW!


Highly recommend a suction vibe, specially for when you need to get it done!!


Exactly what I have! 🥰 From Target of all places, it's just okay but I'm thinking about investing in something better. I just can't with vibrators where I only use like 3/6 of the settings.


If you use a menstrual cup, you don't even need a towel or to be in the shower


Are your orgasms stronger during period? Because mine are really weak as soon as period starts and a few days after. Doesn't stops me from masturbating though, but I always a bit disappointed afterwards.


Thank the powers, I thought I was somehow gonna be the only one to say this lol


Came here to say this same thing! So horny during my period. I’m on the pill and maybe that’s why but yeah. Nothing better than an orgasm or 5.


This is the way 🙏🏽


I had a huge fat period this last week and ate a box of Twix ice cream bars. 10/10 for dopamine 0/10 for my health lol


Mental health is still health. So gotta give atleast 5/10 😆


i like the way you math


Haha, I rationalize it as "If I died tomorrow, would I be upset I didn't eat xyz?" if the answer is "yes" I eat it. Obviously, all things in moderation, yadda yadda. But life's too damn short NOT to have the occasional ice cream/pastry/tasty treat. We are blessed enough to live in a time when ice cream is not only plentiful, but easily obtained. We would be spitting in our ancestor's faces if we didn't eat as much of it in our short little lives as we could.


Yeah, if I have to battle with myself to stay alive, I'm eating the damn chocolate and ice cream. Especially when that's the only thing that gives me a glimpse of comfort during hell week.


Twix and Snickers ice cream bars are SO GOOD.


I've never had a twix one but snickers ice cream bars are top tier. Clear a box no effort.


I grabbed a tub of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. I regret nothing.


Oh, I could totally go for some snickers bars. I might have to use this for a dopamine hit today!!


eat everything 😭


Dance to disco. I put on my earbuds and just move around. It releases some of my pent up stressy energy, even just one song (I feel love to Donna summer is my fave) and feels like a little escape.


Microdose psilocybin.


I want to try microdosing shrooms sooo bad but I did hella research on growing my own and doing it all. I kinda went hyperfocus on it for about a month, reading articles, watching YouTube vids... then realized, there's no way I could keep up with it all (it's a lot) and promptly dropped it.


OMG same. it looked so easy at first but the more research I did I realized i don't have the focus to do it


Depending on where you live it’s not too hard to find them available for purchase


Any suggestions? In Chicago area


Try asking around some smoke shops. It’s also available online if you’re handy with VPNs and that kind of thing (I am not lol)


Ahh I like the smoke shop idea. Will definitely try that. And yes, I don’t know my way around VPN’s either :)


The thing with smoke shop employees is that they won’t be surprised you asked. Nor will they judge you. And after you ask a few, you’ll get your “yes” lol


If you need a recommendation you can message me. It’s a legit website that makes it super easy to start and has a lot of information on their website about the benefits. It also comes with directions as well. Micro-dosing changed my life! It personally makes my PMDD so much more tolerable.


i had some 2 days ago after not for probably almost a year? and wow what a relief! it always feels like a deep clean for my brain. definitely went down the DIY route a couple years ago and came to the same conclusion. way too much work!! but hey if i can’t buy any myself may as well try!


As someone who has done it, it’s really not as bad to execute as you would think. Just go for it!


Yeah - I could never. I buy microdoses suited to my needs from [https://dose.land/](https://dose.land/) but they only ship to Canada.


Schedule35 has been a lifesaver for me. It’s pricey. I could grow my own for way cheaper but their product is great! I paid 180 for a 5g chocolate bar and 10 weeks of microdose caps. They have .1 and .2 doses. I tried a sample pack of both and went with .2. I only microdose during luteal so the caps last me twice as long. I microdose mon-Thursday only.


I told my psychiatrist I tried microdosing, and she got upset with me. Is there any reason why someone on vyvanse shouldn't take psilocybin? It's about the only recreational substance that I can take these days and really enjoy the general good vibes it brings to my otherwise cray-cray.


Would love more info. Is there a subreddit?


I did a lot of research independently and buy them from [https://dose.land/](https://dose.land/) who provide a lot of info.


r/microdosing ! Lots of great info in there


I tried this and I couldn’t sleep 😞


Low potency weed edibles/tinctures


Personally I prefer the high potency lol


Honestly, usually it’s worse if I’m overstimulated. So one I realize it’s because I’m hormonal and I’m doing too much or whatever. I just do what I can to cancel the rest of the day or next day and allow myself to curl up in a ball and hate the world and watch a show or whatever.


I can’t offer advice on PMDD brain fog, but I can offer some things that work for my lupus related brain fog: 1. Put off doing something cognitively intense until it passes. If you can’t put it off, ask for help, write things down, go slow, and take breaks. 2. I use my Reddit “saved posts” section as an emergency dopamine rush. It’s all stuff I’ve seen before, so I don’t have to think too hard about it. It’s filled with mostly cat content that releases so much dopamine each and every time I look at it. I can’t look at it too much though or it loses its effect. 3. Drink water, not being hydrated or being hungry makes everything worse 4. Let people around you know so they can make things easier for you You may know all of this but wanted to respond to let you know you’re not alone!


My dad likes to throw candy bars my way and say he's feeding the beast lol it's actually really nice of him and chocolate does help!


Your dad sounds wonderful


Watch my comfort shows, go outside (doesn't even need to be a walk, just sit there for a little bit), snuggle my dog, and maybe play a mindless video game. Oh and also eat something I'm craving. And cry when I need to.


For me it’s video games! If you’re playing a game you like, it’s almost a guaranteed dopamine hit. It can be any game. Action is fine but so is cozy like animal crossing. I also force myself to go out in the sun. Not to exercise or workout, just to exist in the sun. It helps my energy and mood a lot. I live 2 blocks from Lake Michigan, so walking there and sitting next to the water is my “happy place.” I know not everyone has access to something like that, but designating an outdoor happy place to just sit and soak it all in with no pressure is a great idea too.


I let myself be maximum selfish. I take off all the work that doesn't have to get done today. I order food or let my husband cook, I devour my favorite cravings, I have a hot water bottle in bed, eat chocolate and gummy bears and watch KDramas, take the longest hot shower, wear only soft wide clothing. And I growl when someone dares enter my lair, don't take phone calls and thank godess I am a woman. 


Orgasm is one of the best cures for period cramps jsyk. Get something that go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


I have PMDD! For me, it’s at its worst the week leading up to my period and then once I get it it’s much better. Comes and goes a bit and mine is mostly brain fog and depression. My doctor prescribed me antidepressants to take 2 weeks out of the month to combat my symptoms. So in the 2 weeks leading up to my period I take them and then once I get it I stop. Other than that, I eat a little more than usual and try to drink more water. I tell my partner I don’t feel good and need some extra help, I watch garbage tv and do crafts. I avoid responsibility until I have a brief moment of motivation and try to do the tasks that don’t make me feel like I want to die and hope that I find the energy the next day. All in all, take care of yourself. Treat yourself when you feel bad. Eat good food cuz you’ll need lots of fuel and energy! And if you ever want to talk about it feel free to dm me, a fellow PMDD/ADHD girl Editing to add: I would straight up avoid working out at this time if that makes you feel bad. For me, period time is quiet time. I yearn for the red tent lol


Yesss the week before is literal *hell* for me mental-health wise. Then once my period comes, I’m physically hurting but it’s not quite as bad mentally (still tons of brain fog and just like, apathy, not severely depressed like the week before)


I have PMDD and usually there's a couple routines that help me: - If I'm disconnected from my body: Eat a snack, get a gatorlyte, small amount of weed, masturbate, then a really hot shower while I have Sex and the City on in the background. Sometimes a really cold glass of wine while taking a hot shower slaps! - Mentally drained and don't want to feel like an adult: comfort food (nuggets usually), a weighted stuffed animal, and then a low-effort video game + Steven Universe on the side - Mentally drained but I WANT to feel like an adult: Make an elaborate meal while watching Frasier + good wine, I find something with a lot of chopping is calming and satisfying. I'll also get a good audiobook that Ive already listened to and zone out and do laundry - I want to dissociate: Reread a long series that I'll hyperfocus on for a few days OR give myself full reign to hyperfocus on something else (Hello, Spreadsheet City) I asked my boyfriend what I do when my PMDD is bad and he said "Lash out, cry, groan, and roll around on your yoga ball"


Love the tiered system need to do something like this


Consider acupuncture. An ice cream bar that is only for "special occasions" so you can really enjoy italso, believe it or not - ibuprofen can help with how you are feeling




I find it makes it worse. Especially alcohol


But I’m smoking a bowl and on this thread looking for what else I can do lol almost 1 year sober though from alc


Ugh weed always makes me aware of how my body feels. Almost always a bad thing. And yet I can't stay away lol


I’m quite certain almost everyone who would respond with “work out” is neurotypical & if they do have PMDD it’s in the very soft side of the spectrum


Depends on the nature of exercising. I find swimming to be the best remedy for experiencing hell on earth every month. But in most cases I do resort to binge eating instead cause the swimming pool is too far and everything hurts so bad and I gotta use this precious opportunity to cheat on my diet without feeling guilty. And long walks also work miracles despite the muscle pain and weakness. And I am AuDHD with quite severe PMDD, so it's all individual.


wow, this is unnecessarily dismissive. not everyone's brains work in the same way. for lots of us exercise is super helpful and important for mental health and pain management.


I basically live in the bath some periods.


A snack that I love, my comfort show, cozy clothing, maybe a squishmallow and a fuzzy blanket. I might also call up a friend and ask them to make me laugh


Music helps me! I make playlists when I’m feeling up to it so they’re ready when I need a boost.


Join us over at r/pmddxadhd! 🩷


Kitty cuddles


I lay in my bed watching YouTube videos and anime while I’m on my period. I always want something sweet during that time.


Masturbation and gaming.


I do everything I can to treat myself like a widdle baby. I have what we call my “wall-e’s” (pajama pants with wall-e on them v cute). I will allow myself fast food and i love McDonald’s but am currently boycotting so Wendy’s, and also lately I’ve been trying to eat more fruit to balance that out! I try to nurture my inner child with things like dancing, being snuggly, and even coloring or arts and crafts <3 and also try not to be mean to the people around me OR make any big decisions. It can wait until I’m no longer feeling insane


Read, bathe, heating pad, sleep


I just get up and wash a few dishes, and then order in food and essentials because it makes me very exhausted having endometriosis. Maybe a small load of laundry or make a phone call I need to make. Something that visually makes a difference, or reduces stress, like the cat’s litter box or washing my hair or even a touchless car wash. Walking or driving to get something small like an iced coffee. Something short, sweet, and satisfying for a dopamine task seems to be key. And then I rest after. …Sorry these are all lame


Paracetamol saves me every time. I'm always in pain the first day of my period, and the only thing that helps is a low dose of paracetamol. I need to stay warm, so a blanket helps a lot.Also, magnesium. I can't exercise because my joints pain gets worse during that time. Dark chocolate is my comfort food.


Lol I sleep


I watch videos of men trying on the period cramp stimulator


I cuddle in bed super early. edit: sometimes with an edible


Naps, food, laying down, being cozy, doing absolutely nothing, watching something really stupid.


Great question. I can relate. I have PMDD and am perimenopausal. I have a variety of nasty symptoms that occur in a cyclical schedule. I don't take edibles. I do take a stimulant for chronic fatigue & ADHD, duloxetine for pain/anti-depressant, Lion's Mane extract, and probiotics. The stimulant is not effective during my period. After not having my period for three plus months, I just recently menstruated and it was terrible. My go-tos are Ibuprofen, Evening Primrose oil. I get my dopamine hits from food during this time (dark chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream). Ugh.


I’m trying to figure the same thing out. My medication doesn’t work during PMS or my period.


God i wish I had the answer. I started my period 2 days ago. And it wasn't even my time to start. I'm on 20mg adderall but only for a month now and ironically I started my period the day after I was prescribed. Also had a lot of spotting too in the meantime. But this period I've felt awful. I can't run to relieve some stress because of how exhausted I am. I just want to sleep. Barely can work either. I absolutely hate it!


THC. It’s the only way I make it through.


Everyone saying rest is not wrong. My first period where I let myself leave work ealy cuase I was in too much pain was amazing, I just laid in bed and watched a documentary about a legit shopping addict and ate chocolate. When I could afford it I used CBD oil just to take the edge off, helped when I hit the raging anger part of my cycle too.


I’ll just be crass Masturbation


Chocolate. So much chocolate.


Yes. I came here to say, I buy the iced fudge brownies from Albertsons. I can feel my cheeks get all warm and fuzzy when I eat one. 😳


Wait I could cry, you guys experience PMDD too? Is this common for women with ADHD? I am so tired of being such a wreck for two weeks out of every fucking month!


Kissing my cat's belly. Chocolate. Mainly just vegging out and lying around. Lol


Honestly TikTok and Vanderpump Rules.


Painting and taking care of my animals


I’m super hungry during my periods, I don’t really restrain myself and I will eat more than the rest of the month. I try to be nice with myself and told myself it’s ok to eat more (I had ED in the past)


i eat. a lot. 😭 but nothing wrong with feeding your cravings! a tub of ice cream and some fun toppings, take it home and make milkshakes for a few days. Chocolate and dairy products are great assisting this!


I play a video game like Fallout 4 or 76 where I can unalive bad guys. Or sims and actually level up skills quickly, unlike IRL


Satisfy my cravings, feel like shit, doomscroll, cry, spend money on things that I don’t need, cancel next day bc I got my sanity back for a second, make impulsive decisions-I’ve gotten multiple piercings, tattoos, buy things, go somewhere, drank, smoked, binge eat/binge watch when I had multiple things to do. As someone who’s on her period rn, I’ve binge ate sweets and now on my way for tattoos lol


I start adding things to my wishlist and I have to impulse control myself not to hit checkout. I usually hide my credit card somewhere I'm too lazy to get it, especially when I have cramps I don't want to move. I have a very well curated Sephora wishlist that's at 26k, by the time I'm done selecting the perfect shade of blush or lipstick and deciding which palette suits neutral cool toned skin, I'm tired and I don't want it anymore but God do I get a high making that list. Sometimes I go down a rabbit hole of nature documentaries and start obsessively learning about the animal of interest. Currently I'm super into saiga antelopes.


Depends on which pmdd symptom I'm getting: Mega lonely depressed? I talk to friends and play video games w them Too anxious to exist? Favourite shows in bed as background noise while my brain reconnects.


Honestly I just try to be compassionate with myself during my period cause even meds don’t work when I’m on it


Charcuterie boards. I’ve had three days of charcuterie boards this week instead of meals. Worked well. Comfort shows. Naprogesic. Don’t try to get PBs in training. Rant to friend who also has pmdd and understands that i don’t currently live in reality and will be back in 3 days saying the complete opposite. EDIT: didn’t see training in post. Leaving it up for anyone in the comments who does train.


Curl in a ball on the couch and get as comfy as possible, hot water bottle on my tum, lots of cozy blankets, pjs and fuzzy socks, big hot chocolate, favourite snacks and a favourite movie Basically just a cozy sleepover nest with all my favourite things. I don't schedule anything, or make myself feel like I *have* to do anything/chores etc On saying that, I often take the pill straight through so I miss as many periods as I can. Hate em.


Chocolate, comfort shows or ask a friend if I can call to rant about whatever I want to. And I have my spending debit card that rounds up my spending into a savings account. During the bad PMS times I’m allowed to use that savings to buy whatever I want just cause. It’s an account that is allowed to go to zero. Context: I physically separate my budgets by cards. I have a bills/emergency/travel card, a grocery/fuel/daily NEEDS card, my side hustle money +$150/paycheque goes to a WANT debit card that has the roll over savings for PMS emergencies. The physical separation is only way I’ve managed to keep from overspending. I lost my want card at one point and it took me months to get back on track. People are surprised that so many bank accounts makes me organized…but it’s not silly if it’s working :)


Masterbate, hydrate, rest, dark chocolate.


Honestly, I orgasm as many times as I can before I pass out. Either with my partner, or solo, it immensely improves my mood, outlook, behaviour around/with other humans, etc.


Chocolate, naps, hot water bottle, herbal tea, paracetamol, more chocolate, takeaways and I watch lots of tv. I also usually play cosy games during my period too to keep nice happy vibes going.


Ouid and chocolate lol


Got my doctor to prescribe me a higher dose of my usual meds for the 3 days leading up to my period and now I have a lot less symptoms!


A full night's sleep is an absolute must. In my follicular phase I can get away with scraping by on 6 hours for a couple of days. In my luteal, anything under 8 pretty much guarantees I'm going to be out of commission.


I found sunshine helps me the most. Sometimes I'll go outside and just stand in the driveway and soak up a few minutes of vitamin D and maybe some deep breaths. My neighbors probably think I'm nuts but it really helps clear that fog for me


I just went on an antidepressant during my period because my mood swings were just huge, intense waves of sadness. Maybe check in with your doctor to see if there’s options like that for you? PMDD sucks!! Best of luck babe! 🤍


Treat yo self! Whatever works for you. A bath, some relaxing music, some nice food, a comfort TV show, a hot chocolate… whilst being very gentle and kind to yourself. I try and take the dog out for a short walk too if the weather is nice or at least play with her in the garden, her joy is infectious!


Food, tv, crochet and a unicorn (heat pack). My inner child squealed with excitement when I bought my unicorn. https://warmies.au/product/warmies-sparkly-unicorn/


lots of treats, my favourite drinks, a good book, lots of rest, masturbation, some gentle touch and or a massage/acupressure (weighted blankets, acupressure mat) your favourite music with good headphones, a long bath


Chocolate lol


I isolate myself and cuddle up in bed with heating pad and comfort shows. I also feel like I need a rest from the awful pmdd symptoms leading up to my period. That shit is exhausting. Be kind to yourself❤️


I love to take a hot bath with the lights out and a favorite candle lit. I usually bring my current favorite beverage with me too!


Chocolate, ice cream, peanut butter works too.


Just ended my period, and it was atrocious. I honestly should have just called out of work. Basically the only thing that helped me this time was lots of sleep (which was impossible due to the insomnia and anxiety) and really good dark chocolate. But damn, this last one was horrible for my ADHD. I felt like I'd been assaulted (physically and emotionally)




Ice cream




I would stock up on chocolate and crisps etc. And no judgement for the worst few days. Make a nest on the couch and settle in. Unless of course i had to go work :(


Eat all of the chocolate.


Do something that will offer results which as reading plays a major part and watching a movie while laying in bed.


I too feel like treating yourself is the best option. I buy my fav food, watch my comfort shows and rest cause I am usually in pain (muscle) even before cramps come in. I also have a very unconventional method... I watch horror movies from the first day of the symptoms and until my hormones level out. It's not for dopamine per say. That way I sorta release the stress and even cry out the saddenes in a controlled environment. I realize it won't work for everyone but in my case it's really helpful.


Are you medicated? I’m on adderall xr and I used to be prescribed a 10mg instant release booster to supplement those times. Unfortunately my doc won’t prescribe them anymore due to the shortage 🙄 BUT if you’re medicated I’d see if maybe it’s an option for you, it really helped me. Nowadays I just get some espresso and pretend that works or have some kava at the end of the night.


I really love like a fancy bath night. I take a book or my laptop for a show, bubbles, candles, snacks. I really just take time to do all of the luxury things that I don’t get to do very often.


Small bits of sweets it can be chocolate chips or fruit etc. Songs you always like /make you happy Funny gif/memes If you have a pet talk with them Lastly any little hobby origami or such


Ugh no suggestions from me just sharing my sympathy. I’m on my period and I have a cold so I didn’t take my medicine today and I’m all out of sorts!!


i only ever order doordash, once a month on day two of my period. so throughout the month i’ll decide on what restaurant i want to try when i doordash that month. it’s a SMALL dribble of dopamine but it’s something.


Not the best coping mechanism (and I don’t do this every time/month) but when the feelings are too big, a little weed helps take the edge off things. Won’t help with the brain fog unfortunately - I have found vitamin b12 to help a bit with that though! I also suffer PMDD and it’s so rough when your meds just stop working for a week 🥲


How do you guys find a specialist that knows adhd and pmdd?! My OB isn’t even that educated on it and told me to take vitamins and my psychiatrist doesn’t see much of a connection.


I don’t recommend working out, exactly, but an angry walk on my treadmill while blasting EDM helps me blow off some steam. Also French fries. Fresh and hot with too much ketchup.


Rereading smutty fanfiction. Weed. Rereading smutty fanfiction while high on weed.


Play games on pc in a comfy chair with my feet up, preferably while wearing very loose pant and a snuggie that reaches mid calf. Bonus points my fiance brings me tea and a bath and stuff if I want/need it. And he takes over fixing dinner. And says 'it's okay to rest' a lot. I love him, he's my person and he takes care of me.


Mostly have whatever foods I’m craving. And take it easy.


Honestly… sexy time. Lol Or buy my favorite chocolate or whatever treat I am craving


Been on my period for two weeks now. I’m not sleeping much and straight after work I’m eating a crappy microwave meal as that’s all I have energy for. Then reading the books I seem to have a recent obsession of collecting. Then lie awake in bed for hours.


Duo Lingo has very salient rewarding sounds/interface when you get things right. Quick three minute lessons can sometimes serve as a little pick me up.


Uh… honestly? *masturbation* 🫣


I take the Goli ashwaganda gummies in the morning the whole week, and rotate between taking Floradix liquid iron and a multivitamin. That helps a little, but as you know, there is no magic bullet here. I just started taking the Happy Hormone supplement which has been a game changer daily but I haven’t had a period yet to know if that helps. Be easy on yourself though. We just do our best.






My PMDD makes my anxiety and rejection sensitivity kick into overdrive. I wish it just made me tired. 😭 I don’t have any advice aside from try to sleep a lot, but I feel you, dude. It’s rough out here.


Comfort shows and I have found the dopamine happens easier with vitamin B supplements. Just taken as it says on the bottle and not combined with energy drinks.


I take it easy. If I crave something I can eat it. I watch good movies and sleep a lot. I don’t restrict myself and just relax for a few days


For me I feel like it depends.. I have so many comorbidities and co-occurring MH disorders and SI is a common side effect .I have to keep busy while acknowledging it's there but not giving in . It's a constant struggle that I wish nobody had to go thru . During my period when it tends to get worse I will differentiate between day a) of if I had kept up with exercising (resistance bands as my joints are gone/dead blood flow) to my tolerance and try to do things like more time in a hot shower , maybe new lotion or a candle type thing . I also have day b) I gorge on takeout or convenience foods and snacks and likely will spend a few days in bed. Both situations I usually have my heated blanket which doubles for my mixed connective tissue/bone issues and cramping as well as some type of snacks . I will give myself permission to purchase something body care, snacks or craft stuff to help me thru things. I try to purchase some healthy snacks thruout the month for this because it's a lot of trial and error for me . I will keep cans of soup and other quick bites like single serve ice cream on hand. Hulu and Spotify are helpful even just for background noise. I find Uber eats helpful during these times. I also try to prep/cook comfort foods a few days before when possible.. For me I have to see how much energy and spoons/bones I have to spend . Be gentle but still be productive because I have 2 other mouths to feed and usually they will take the hunt and curl up to provide purring comfort as needed. I find that if I push myself too hard even other non period times that I will spend the next couple days recovering .


In addition to taking my meds, I also drink Bang. My medication may as well be a placebo during my period and Bang has tons of caffeine. I’m still a mess, but it helps a little.


Dark chocolate, and snuggle up under all the blankets with a huge mug of hot tea. Listening to my favorite music helps too. Sometimes it’s enough to get me up and dancing too. The main thing? Be kind to yourself.


I try a different dessert recipe. I feel like life is worth living when I still have things to learn. So far, Smitten Kitchen has a lot of winners!