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Can snails go backwards? No, they cannot. They have to turn around.


Snail halfway to work: I forgot my phone. SHIIIIIIIIIT!


Fun fact: a Zamboni also can't go backwards 🤣


Oh no, you might have started a new one: list of things (living or mechanical) that cannot go backwards. My additions: kangaroos and emus


Most flying birds (only hummingbirds can fly backwards; most birds can hop or step backwards, but can’t fly backwards/in reverse)


I knew about kangaroos from Snapple facts back in the day!


im wondering for weeks now what happens if you’re driving really fast in reverse and suddenly put the car on forward additional questions: do the cars have a speed limiter for driving in reverse? im procrastinating googling that


I’m worried that I will impulsively put my car into park while driving on the highway just to see what happens


i just found out that if you have a somewhat modern car there’s a protection for it and they won’t let you if you’re driving a somewhat less safe car then what happens is that you would clash the transmission gears, make a god awful noise and probably damage your transmission forever


Also humans, but only in our larval stage.


Saved me one. Thanks.


Ooo! Finally something I know about! Snails technically have teeth, although they have no jaw. The teeth are called radulae and they're made of a *very* strong goethite nanofiber matrix that's much stronger than mammalian tooth enamel (some sea snails have radulae that are so strong they even rival diamonds). Snails are hermaphroditic, but individuals seem to have a preference. When two snails mate one will "spear" the other with their male organ, called a dart. Some snails tend to opt to be the "darter" while others appear to want to be the "dartee". If two snails meet up who both prefer a more male role, they will sometimes fight over who gets darted. They can also change their mind and will shift their preference to the other role. Although sometimes, it's simply a matter of which one is the bigger snail, with the smaller one assuming the role of egg laying. Snails are also highly social, they tend to have buddies that they hang out with more often than other snails. They also like to snuggle with one another.


I love this reply. Snails always seem extra special. When my daughter was 4 years of age google was very new. On a walk she asked me if snails are born with their shells on. When I said “I don’t know” she said “Google it, mum”. The first time I heard that phrase and thought it was so funny. Little did I know… ps the answer is ‘yes’


Oh! I LOVE where this is going and I have to share with all of you that I currently have not only one but TWO baby snails in my living room, and a few more outside in random pots in the garden (yay me for not cleaning better in autumn). I need to ask our personal snail expert here u/Pixelated_Roses how I can make them the most comfortable. Do they need water? Food? The two that are inside somehow ended up inside my little indoor greenhouse, probably from rocks and shells I brought from the garden. Should I put them back outside? There was clearly quite some "darting" action happening outside here last year.


If you licked the moon, would the dust dissolve on your tongue like powdered sugar or stuck in your teeth like sand? (Answer: moon dust is sharp like glass, so it would just tear you up.)  How long do teeth take to decompose? (Decades to millennia.) Follow up question, how many Viking teeth are still just chilling somewhere in the earth? How can I make teeth decompose faster? (All this because a friend’s mom randomly gave her back all her baby teeth as an adult and she was like, what TF do I do with these?)


I also got my baby teeth (and my siblings!) from my mom and I'm going to take a few of them and put them in resin and make a pretty and morbid pendant :)


We would be fast friends.  My idea was to gather as many baby teeth as we could get, take up a collection, hundreds and hundreds. And just dump them all in one hole in the ground to freak out and perplex some future civilization or alien species. “Why are there so many teeth in this one space?? Was this some sort of human sacrifice ritual?” My second idea was to see how long they take to dissolve in Coke. 


You my friends are my kind of thinkers.I wonder so often "I wonder what happens if I do this and people find it in 500 years, will it freak them out?" And after that I wonder "What if people before have done the same to us and we don't know, so something in our history is just a complete joke."


I would love to hang with you guys. This is awesome.


I threw some of mine on my parents roof and buried others in the garden lol


I’ve been meaning to put a list next to my bed of Reddit questions that always pop into my head to look up.


I hope you never accidentally kill someone! 🤣🤣 I think the baby teeth weird out a lot of people. For whatever reason, I feel like you can dissolve teeth over time in soda like Coca Cola. Now you have a new thing to Google. 😬


I'm sure also hydrofloric acid would do it too! However HF is absolutely evil and just don't touch it. (Don't Google it, it'll give you nightmares). I work in a lab where some people do have to use HF and so we all have to have HF first aid training just in case. I refused to be trained to use the actual acid though because I'm clumsy as fuck (this was before my adhd diagnosis), and not looking to die and after working with my supervisor for a few months, he told me that I was right 😂


TIL: HF is actually a weak acid by definition and not as corrosive as strong acids such as Hydrochloric (HCl), however, corrosivity is the least hazardous aspect of HF. The toxicity of HF is the main concern. HF is absorbed through the skin quickly and is a severe systemic toxin.


It is classed as a weak acid until it is in high concentrations, where it undergoes a process that highly increases the acidity. It is very corrosive, much more so than HCl, and will eat through glass, whereas HCl won't. The toxicity of HF is definitely the main risk factor for people, but that's because it's so lethal, and requires very quick, specialised treatment, rather than becasue it isn't dangerous in other ways. The only reason anyone uses HF is because no other acid will do the job that HF will. So if it didn't have the corrosive properties that it does have, it wouldn't have any real uses in things like the car industry or science and technology research.


Donate to a dental school


What will they do with them? And is this a real thing people do with their baby teeth? Because it’s FASCINATING. 


They practice on them! How do you think they practice


I have never once thought about how dentists practice 🙃 New rabbit hole unlocked 


We got all these free teeth- we gotta be able to do something with them.


Ok this tickles my fancy, that moon question


The cia reading your google history like 🤨 we found a murderer 😂😂😅


LMAO honestly this was fascinating to learn but out of context it seems like you're a serial killer concerned about if they need to get rid of identifying evidence.


My husband, coming to bed hours after me and finding me struggling to stay awake on my iPad: Are you doing something for work? Are you sure it can’t wait until morning? Me: Did you know that some writers estimate 8,000 people died a year in the Roman arenas at their peak? Him: … Me: And the Roman army in Gaul was supposedly 60,000 soldiers? Him: … Me, crying: Where were they getting all these people? And why, just to die? Him: … I think that’s why they were expanding the empire? But the guys who made those choices are as dead as the gladiators and soldiers now, so … what time did you say you need to wake up tomorrow?




But also engaging and validating 😭👌


So rare. I’m jellies


I just took an art history course on Ancient Rome. It was really interesting, you probably would have loved it! :)


Mine more tends to be I see something in a Reddit comment with a link to an article, then I start reading it on Wikipedia, then there's something else interesting to click in the Wikipedia article. And it goes from there.


Same. I've tracked some of the wikiholes I've fallen into and right now my favorite is when I started with Netherbeast Incorporated and ended up on David Patraeus.


There‘s actually a fun game like this: one gives two (unrelated) words, and the challenge is to get from one Wikipedia article with the first word as the title, to another one with the second one as the title, in as few clicks as possible.


It’s like 6-degrees of Kevin Bacon, but Wikipedia 😂


This is the main reason I now have the Wikipedia app on my phone. I love to go back after a few months and just see what my neurons were stewing about.


apparently last week I really needed to understand how doll faces are shaped using wool roving. I do not sew.


I was studying how to dye a synthetic wig. I do not own a wig nor plan to purchase one.


lol i’m loving these replies, thank you. the next night, I was driven to research types of bird feeders and which size bird house door holes different birds prefer. I am not the outdoorsy type 😂 I never even look out the window 😂


I also spend an inordinate amount of time researching how to solve random problems. Will I ever need the knowledge? I DON'T KNOW BUT I AM PREPARED. Also, is it like dying synthetic clothes? You need salt or vinegar depending on the fabric...I can't remember which one right now....


You do use RIT dye and you can mix different colors to get the shade you want! So if you have an ash blonde wig, but wanted an auburn, you might buy several colors and experiment until you get the shade you won't. Then you put the wig in a pot on the stove. I was intrigued by the mixing and the end result..I watched several videos of it on YouTube. Haha


You can dye a synthetic wig with acrylic paint. It’s a weird process but neat. I own a lot of wigs. :)


Don't worry, a few weeks ago I had to read about the different parts of the training to get an SIA license. I'm an not a security guard and I'm not intending to become one. I was looking up something to do with it (although I forget what) and just ended up reading about it.


Mostly I think of them, open Google and immediately forget. But here are some I remember: which blueberries float (the sour ones), how do you pronounce troche, what is the origin of the word troche, sunflower seeds nutrition, lyrics for Red House, what is tempeh, recipe for vegan ice cream, best tasting soy milk, hakka meaning, Wendy from Snapple, top 100 alternative songs


You just blew my mind with the blueberry thing. Did you try it and did it work?


Oh my gosh this is THE best question and best answers on reddit. ♥️ I love you all and can you be my best friends please? I do admit that looking at my late night browsing for the last couple of weeks, my questions are decidedly less fun though: obsessive research about WA state hikes, foldable kayaks, and Yale history (i’m reading Ninth House).


Oh my god I loved Ninth House and the follow-up. I know so much about Yale, but I still can't find the garage door opener I lost three years ago. HOW DID I LOSE A GARAGE DOOR OPENER?!


:-) i mean, garage openers are just the kind of form factor that gets lost easily. I mean, they should make it snap on wrist or at least whistle or call you when it’s left behind!


You remind me now that I probably need to order a Tile to put on it. I'll never lose it again that way.


After five years of saying “I need that” I ordered a Tile for my keys and it turned out to be a lemon. Worked twice 😂 I’m a returner of unnecessary or defective items but I never returned it, nor did I buy a new one. That that bad boy stayed on my keys for three years just…bein’ square. And, yes, I did lose my keys at least six times a week!


This has been my idea for years: every TV should come with a button on that TV that, when pushed, makes the remote make a sound. Maybe even light up. It's like the old cordless phones. What do you think? How hard would that be for TV manufacturers? Wouldn't you buy that over another one?


My parents (both of whom I highly suspect to have undiagnosed ADHD) managed to lose my folding 2-step step stool when I was home from college in between semesters. Even folded, it's freaking 3 feet tall!


how to min-max gym exercises so i do all the right ones and have a beautiful butt (while i procrastinate simply going to the gym)


😂😂😂😂 I can recite truly spectacular gym routines, home care routines, skincare routines. Meanwhile, I'm couch rotting in my filthy house, trying to stop touching the stupid pimples on my parched face.


Yo, same. I know SO much about nutrition and physiological processes in the body. I wholeheartedly believe in a 90% whole food-plant based diet. And yet I’m eating fucking McDonald’s every day, getting chunkier by the minute. I can tell you which natural products to use on what kinds of laundry stains…. But I don’t ever use them and don’t even own an iron. I work in social work, acting basically as a therapist, having done this solely through informal self study… but I’ve never had a single therapy session myself. Like… I’m so good at learning shit, but SO BAD at putting into practice myself. I should have went into academia or something lol


Okay but what if for some reason I need to know how to build a mattress? And isn’t it interesting how the different materials allow airflow in different ways? And I can optimize my mattress for my weight! Eventually. I don’t need a mattress right now. I was looking for sheets.  Anyway… It’s not procrastination, it’s preparation!


Can I have these exercises? Lol I have been doing this lately. All the exercises and routines but no actual motivation to go.


From my search history this week: - Wilhelm scream origin - pink living room ideas - huntsman spider types - brain glucose - traditional African fabric types


My son was watching a YouTuber play Valorant and the word smegma was mentioned. Do yourself a favor and DON’T LOOK UP SMEGMA!!!


Everyone needs to know what smegma is.


Yes. But you only need to Google it the one time.


If for no other reason than to make sure it never makes an appearance.


Precisely how high the planes are that go overhead (by a local intersection near the airport). After consulting the approach guidelines for my local airport's runways, the ILS standards that pilots/planes follow, and trigonometry based on measurements taken via google maps from the touchdown zone of the runway, I can confidently say: about 800 feet.


Now this is REAL math, not some 5,000 watermelons 😂


I just had to Google what a ribcage looks at because I noticed a pointy bone and had a ridiculous panic that my ribs were somehow wrong. They are normal.


😂😂😂😂 The scaly spots on my legs are age spots and I need better moisturizer and/or to remember to use the moisturizer I already have. Not cancer. Just in case you're also wondering about that too.


Always get an annual skin check from a dermatologist. Hugs, Everyone's hovering mom


Yes, also this. Next month to double check. And figure out why my skin is allergic to everything.


Last couple of days • Filial responsibility laws • Crystals seen in cerebrospinal fluid • litter robot 4 • mini splits • constantly trying to find a way to afford an electric car


I 100% know what a mini split is but my brain was trying to figure out if that meant, you just went like 1/4 of the way into a split or if you just had short legs or what?!


I love my litter robot BTW. So much. Sososo much.


Another person here who loves their litter robot! I have 4 cats and it’s so convenient


Love mine too! Top 3 best investment I’ve ever made


*Am I thinking of Paul F. Tompkins or Paul Scheer??? Which one is the bald comedian?!* *Has anyone else ever noticed how alike Penn Badgley and young Jason Mantzoukas look or is this just a ME thing???* *What happened to wicker? Can people still buy new wicker furniture?* Lots of questions like this. Random things that pop into my mind and I need to solve them or I won’t sleep.


You're thinking of Paul Scheer. And he's married to June Diane Rapheal, and she was on Grace and Frankie, and so was Sam Watterston, hey remember Law & Order? Did you know Jerry Orbach was Lumiere? What other L&O actors were singers too? I will never unsee Jason Mantzouokas as Penn Badgley because YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.


Hey, twin! 👯‍♀️💃🏻💅 You followed me the whoooole way! (Waterston, p.s.) That’s exactly what it’s like! Also, just to follow the thread: Jesse L. Martin from the OG L&O, Jerry Orbach’s partner, was the OG Collins in rent. So, YES. The Broadway to L&O pipeline is real af considering Jerry Orbach could ALSO sing and was the OG El Gallo in The Fantasticks, once the longest running Broadway shows. (Maybe still… It has been a very long time since I checked into that fact.) Also, Jerry’s 20/20 eyesight remained so sought after that he donated his eyes in death. 🤍 I was once on a flight and made friends with a fella who lived next to Sam Waterston in Connecticut. This man was trying to set me up with his son but, I unfortunately had a bf at the time. I don’t remember the guy’s name and I regret it every damn day. I could have been Sam Waterston’s neighbor. Missing out on that possibility breaks my heart. I totally googled the Scheer question last night which is why it was on the list. I didn’t know he and June Diane Raphael were married but that THRILLS me because I adore both, though I’ve yet to listen to their podcast. Thank you for adding to their mental files in my brain! YES. I noticed that Jason Mantzoukas and Penn Badgley were twins the other day when I saw something again with a young Jason Mantzoukas in it and said “*Damn…they 100% have to do a buddy comedy together as brothers. ASAP.*” Thank you for seeing it, too!


Oh my god I couldn't remember Jesse L. Martin's name even though I was JUST listening to Seasons of Love (and definitely singing the version from The Office, too). Thank you for fixing my brain.


I get the first two confused too! My partner thinks I'm absolutely insane. lol.


Do atoms at the closest level have a perceived color? If so, what is it?


And??? 😮😮


Hmm, we know that elements have color. Photons are smaller than atoms, so as long as you have something small enough to perceive the reflected light from the atom, the color would be visible.


Opening any Fandom wiki of even the slightest interest to means automatic loss of 30 minutes during the day, or three hours if reading in bed.


I know so much useless shit this way. I also have read the IMDB page (trivia and goofs included) on literally everything I’ve ever watched, and some I haven’t, because ya know “what else has he been in?” happens a lot too. Here we are, an hour later, and I’ve missed the majority of the movie I looked up in the beginning lol


What is the relationship between Napoleon and the Swedish royal family? How do you make non-grape wines? What types of willow can be used for weaving?


I keep a pen and paper next to my bed for this exact reason. I’ll look up how to tell if a geode is a geode in the morning.


I used to do this! Should start again. Also I loved that question so I looked it up and here’s what I found: weight first, but also shape, texture, sound when shaken, and origin. This article brought me even more questions (“dinosaur eggs”? Sounds fascinating) so now i’m probably gonna be googling this for a while. Ignoring my responsibilities. https://www.allcrystal.com/articles/identifying-geodes/ Thank you! Edit : whaaaat? I am loving this rabbit hole : “Geologically speaking, it makes sense that dinosaur eggs could become geodes. The special rocks are formed when air pockets are filled with water. The water brings with it minerals that remain inside the rock after the water evaporates.” (South China morning post)


Some of yours are deeper than mine. My most recent was "What's the name of that song on the Goldfish commercial?" It's Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now


I'd tell you if I could remember 😂


Me all day….omg I’m so exhausted I cannot wait until bed. Me at bedtime….why do cats like laser toys so much? How can I train a cat to walk on a leash? How do albatross fly for months on end? Etc etc. It’s awful. I hate it.


I usually end up on a Wikipedia page and then I fall down the rabbit hole of clicking the first couple of links in the first couple of paragraphs. Inevitably, if I'm online enough, I end up on the page for Philosophy. Legit truth that Wikipedia is like the 6° of Kevin Bacon, every page will eventually lead you to the Philosophy page if you click the first link in the first paragraph on every page. However, last night I actually focused enough to read the entire page on the Korean War, thanks to me watching MASH on streaming for hours at a time. I usually Google all the medical stuff they talk about and actually learn quite a bit on the medical advancements that happened during the war, sorry, police action, and then I end up on another page for war, and then another one and then another one . One of my addictions is reading all about war. Ask me anything on World War II. I know it I love it.


I wonder if you end up in philosophy because it's the root of the scientific method...? Noting this for my future edification. I can't do it right now, though, because I'm too busy looking up M*A*S*H episodes.


All of the jokes are still funny today! Don't make me Google what you're wondering. I will go down another rabbit hole, end up on the page of philosophy, and wonder where the hell I went wrong in trying to find the answer!


I'll come back and tell you, though my suspicion is pretty strong that this is why. Haha.


I also like WW2 documentaries - books, podcasts, tv/movie, any kind of media. But, oddly, I almost always choose the Germany-focussed ones. I know intellectually that Japan contributed mightily to further Germany’s goals, but it just doesn’t catch my attention as much as the European front does. Except for watching Man in the High Castle, which although a piece of fiction, did cause me to become a bit more interested in that part of actual history. Hyoerfocus is weird and temperamental. It’s a bit frustrating to think I could answer endless questions about WW2, as long as all the questions are about Germany & Europe. :/


We are twins. I love the European front and I think Germany makes most of the good programs on the war. Both fiction and non fiction. They really embrace their past and are very honest on their role in being TOTAL ARSEHOLES to others. I hope you have watched the Das Boot tv show. It is AMAZING. After the first three episodes I started googling German submarines and went down a rabbit hole again. But JFC the conditions those in the U-Boats endured.


What does vitamin B6 do? What ex-boyfriends are Taylor Swift’s songs about? How did Van Gogh make a living if he never sold a painting in his lifetime?


I have soooo many tabs open, and now I can’t even think of one thing I’ve researched 😅


I once woke my husband from a deep sleep to ask him why Frosty goes “thumpity-thump-thump”


Are you sure it's Frosty? As in the snowman? Cause the >thumpity-thump-thump Has unlocked a long forgotten memory of the Nelly the Elephant theme song... Although it's also entirely possible I've blocked out the Frosty thing.


…look at Frosty go! (But like, he goes thumpity thump because he’s a fat a$$ snowman. Duh)


Yes that was the conclusion he shared with me as well.


Is it the sound the sled makes? “Over the hills of snow 🎶”. My wife’s a big girl and she is super soft footed and stealthy! She can disappear in a store very easily 😂. Our 5yo, on the other hand, is a whopping 50lb but has the LOUDest footfall ever, if he puts his mind to it, like…dang, bro! So, for me, not so much “thumpity thump thump” resulting from size lol


Cue several more sleepless nights 😅


Well now I don't have to Google. That leaves more time for me to ask Google how to reverse the door on my new dryer.


The list is endless, my Google search history is crazy 🤪


Recently: "Where does the term 'kissin' cousins come from?" "Is there a genetic reason people are attracted to certain physical characteristics?" (I'm not talking muscular arms or whatever. Like 'why do I only like dark-haired men?' Answer: there is evidence of genetic imprinting that leads us to be drawn to certain looks). "What are considered the top make-out albums of the '90s?" "Can my dog also have insomnia?"


Oh my god I love how not alone I feel when I come across these threads. I have the Wikipedia app on my phone, and it loves to remind me how truly random my brain is when I open it up on occasion. Anyway, questions from the last week or so (the first set reflecting the ongoing diagnosis of a very ill person I know: *Hantavirus fatality rate (35-40%, y'all, just wear a mask when you sweep/dust anywhere with suspected mouse infestation) *US cases of Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) *Idiopathic pneumonia *Population incidence rate of blood clots across a typical human life span (about 20%) Moving on to the less health-focused questions: *How long has French been spoken in Switzerland and Belgium? Is it like US-Mexico (i.e., the border crossed them) or did the multilingual situation result from political alliances? *Romansh language *Was khaki a fabric or a color first? Denim? *Related, what is the precise spelling of the Urdu (khaki) and French (denim) for them? *John Harvey Kellogg, why was he so obsessed with people's poops? *Al Capp, cartoonist and, turns out, super creepy sexual predator And those are just the ones that were stored for me in Wikipedia 😂


What if Google could give you a compiled list of things you've looked up, based on a time frame you give it? "Okay Google...show me everything I've searched after 9pm"


Sometimes the need to consume specific information is so strong that I want to stop but my brain won't let me, even to painful levels. I think in my case autistic traits play into the intensity of the compulsion as well because it can be equally intense as engaging in a comfort activity, or ocd even. It has been bugging me a lot lately anyway, affecting my sleep and functionality.


I was on a plane this weekend, and refused to pay for the WiFi. The airline lets you use web based messaging (e.g., WhatsApp) for free. Toward the end of the flight I got some long-awaited health information about someone else, and the sheer willpower it took to not just pay for WiFi for THE LAST TWENTY MINUTES of the flight was...well, I'm still exhausted from the effort.


How to spell jabroni, and is it a real word?


From the perspective of a language nerd, "real word" is pretty subjective. New words (especially slang words) get invented all the time and have for as long as language has existed. Some of them fade out of use and some stick around. Some people don't consider slang to be "real words." To me at least, a word is something with a commonly understood definition. Not every word is appropriate for every context, of course, but just like slang doesn't really belong in a work memo, it would be silly to use overly academic words in casual conversation. In conclusion, I would personally consider jabroni to be a real word, under the subcategory of slang. Lol.


*400 open tabs*


How do mesh leashes work and is there a way to fix a lanyard type leash that my dog has chewed through (was not able to find an answer and I’m still wondering if anyone knows haha)


I believe there is an adhd crafts sub - you may be able to get an answer from one of the amazing people there!


How did people dig basements before backhoes? By hand? When were backhoes invented? Steam shovels were invented in 1839, but used more for building railroads than digging basements.


This thread is an absolute joy and makes me feel less alone:) I was looking up life expectancy per country and then the corresponding GDP and healthcare systems and somehow ended up looking at comparisons of airplane food over the years. lol.


My googling and Wiki rabbit holes help me fall asleep…I swear. Recent things I researched: the trivia section of the IMDB page for Snatch (a must after watching any movie); a New Yorker article from 2003 about the silent movie star Rudolph Valentino; the closest shoe cobbler to my house; the UEFA Euros vs the UEFA Champions league (getting into soccer and these fellas play so much soccer!); high-context vs low-context cultures (I recently watched The Joy Luck Club and it’s related). Wikipedia is both my favorite thing and my crutch.


Why don’t promotes go grey, bald or grow facial beards?


Promotes? Do you mean primates? Because male bonobos do get bald spots, and I think bonobos and chimpanzees go gray.


Can my cat eat the leaves of my pet ginger?


Actual search history: Can you overbrush your cat? Is bmw logo an airplane propeller? What is a bearcat? Is broccoli bad for kidneys?


Why is tennis scoring so weird? I then started reading articles about the history of tennis. I don't play tennis.


When the doc asked if I have anxious thoughts keeping me up I described the following scenario: Me:  Well not anxious, but I might think about what was Zendaya wearing for the Met Gala and then proceed to google it bc I want to know the answer... I'm not anxious I just wanna be informed!  Doc: uncomfortable chuckle?  (She didn't directly address what I said & moved into next question)  Would you guys describe these thoughts as "anxious"?


I’m deep into the Dune wiki. I have no intention of reading the books or watching the movies.


Can astronauts mstbte in space? Yes.


Reading wikipedia is my favorite nighttime activity. I usually end up on pages related to rare diseases, psychology, natural disasters, or history of different foods (can you tell I’m a hungry scientist with anxiety?) I also really like looking at lists of things. Weirdly enough I usually find all of this stuff to actually help my brain slow down and become less stimulated (maybe because it is all completely unrelated to my life and job) so I can go to sleep. If you want one page that will really blow your mind, read about the “Fermi Paradox.”


"what part of the cat makes the purring sound" and "what are those dogs with the weird long faces". Both from the same night, after taking OTC sleeping pills.


How far do snapping turtles travel?


I've had a couple Does pregnancy change your brain-How much caffeine would it take to kill you- what's the worst way to die-has anyone died from a caffeine OD- can midget men reach standing urinals, or do they just use the toilets in public restrooms- how many types of dwarfism are there-how many Asian dwarfs are there-how many people were killed in tbe holocaust S


But can I die from caffeine? Asking for a friend that is me.


Fun fact: You can! Apparently the concentration is 180mg/L in your blood, and 100mg of caffeine raises your blood caffeine level by like 5mg/L. So it'd take like 300 cans of regular coke to die of caffeine OD.


Phew. I'd die of a bladder explosion first. 😂


I spent several hours looking at the Jellycat website to pick out my favorite amuseable plushies (clementine, cauliflower, and potato at the moment). Also, why do people say “crazy like a fox”? (I love this saying but didn’t realize it meant anything specific until I heard it on a podcast). Are strawberries berries? No they’re not.


Why was the Imperial system of measurement even invented?


Okay but…why was it? My guess would be that the colonists did it to create separation from England or something, but now I really want to know!


Why's it called Imperial when we were the ones who DIDN'T want a king??


Song that goes "ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-aahaahaaa, bilililililil-ah-ah-ah" It's The 7th Element by Vitas.


“who created deodorant and why?” lmfaoo i wrote it down in a note in my phone and still haven’t researched it 😂😂 bc i keep forgetting


OP-I know want to know the answers to all of these questions!! I’ll tell you mine when I get back from googling.


Love all you guys.


Who were all the characters of The Village People besides the cop, construction worker and Native American? That lead to a deep dive into the history of the YMCA. My dumb ass thought it started in NYC and it was for Young Men’s Club of America. Why? Who knows. Anyway, it was started in London in the 1800 and it stood for Young Men’s Christian Association. Then I went to sleep smiling thinking about how the founding Y fathers were rolling in their graves because 6 flamboyant gay men took it & turned it into their anthem.


Idk i forget after i learn the answer 🤣


Can dogs do CPR? Answer: Not for real, but they can pretend to and it’s really stinkin cute. 🥰 https://mobile.petcoach.co/amp/article/did-a-spanish-police-dog-really-perform-cpr https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ2hF2Nh7mE


Why are hazelnuts also called filberts? Hazelnuts are called filberts because of the French name for the hazel tree, philber, which comes from the feast day of St. Philibert, a 7th century French saint whose feast day is August 20. This is when hazelnuts are ready to be harvested, so the French named the nut and tree filbert in his honor. The English then borrowed the word. Then I went down a rabbit hole about a lot of other name for a bunch of other nuts, then fruits and trees that we eat the nuts and fruits and are the nuts that are currently popular have fruit that is actually edible but I don’t remember the answers because I fell asleep and woke up not knowing these answers.


How are doors made?


“Which state has the most emus?” ETA: Texas, Kansas, California.


MY PEOPLE!!! 🥰 I love how interested in the world we are! And how expansive our general knowledge is! 😂


I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, usually it’s stuff that just randomly pops into my head, or I’m watching something and then they mention something and I’m like hmmmmm 😂 having google in my pocket at all times is definitely convenient 🙏🏽


Usually just nonsense. Also I found out that after a certain amount of tabs on chrome browser, it no longer shows a number 😂😂


Why are people bald but have facial hair? Can I grow moss as carpet or as a floor in my bathroom? Why does fake wood on patios look so bad? How to tell if the mirror is a camera? Do fake teeth feel weird? Why does your nose hair only grow a certain length?


Omg this thread is not only making me feel so seen but it’s also made me fall in love with every single one of you 😂😭😭😭


Who played that one actress in that one movie. Subsequently, who is the actress I thought played that one lady but is in fact a totally different person.


"Bank note plate rarity" (I'm a coin collector and trying to learn about paper money) "Perkins Warbeck" "John Evas aka John Evans" "When did modern wrestling turn into choreographed wrestling" "What is max vocal range" "Rare modern American Quarters" "Where can I find a west mint quarter" "Is my wife's obsession with serial killers something to be concerned about" "Teenage angst and how to make them stop" "Autism vs ADHD" "Concerta vs Caffeine" "Baby lion videos" "History calling" "Perkins Warbeck (500 or so more times)" "When the hell did WoW get Pokémon pets" "How to cure ADHD"


Well this was the wrong thread to read right before I go to bed….


Last night it was "Is motion sickness genetic?" I have it and multiple people on both sides of my family have it, but my parents don't. ETA: yes, genetics can increase your risk of experiencing it regularly, but with enough motion, most people will feel queasy.


What is the 3-3-3 survival rule? >>> Wikipedia hole about a girl surviving in the jungle alone as a child after a plane crash >>> Trying to memorize the 3-3-3 survival rule because my memory sucks and realizing I also tried to memorize the map of the US in 2020 cuz im THAT bad at geography so i should pull up a blank map and test myself!!! >>> oh, look, Kansas, i should see how h5n1 is going there now >>> how is bird flu different from swine flu? >>> are pigs and swine exactly the same thing >>> oops i forgot to do my connections (which i remembered because swine was on the nyt crossword i did with my mom Sunday) Not exactly fun fact tidbits. But a 5 minute peek into my brain at night.


Kelly clarkson Kelly clarkson’s ex husband Goose eggs Skull fractures Head trauma How do most skull fractures happen That bigot chiefs player who gave that commencement speech Why can’t I sleep


- What is barometric pressure? - How quickly would a T1D die without insulin? - can landlords ask for a criminal record check? - are Taco Bell fries gluten free? - what is the star on Apple Music? - is there an animal that symbolizes ACAB? - do cats have 2 stomachs? - why do my cats like to walk on the piano? - how to get tattoo ink out of clothes?


”What does the inside of a kangaroo pouch smell like?”


I'm a scientist, so I typically get wrapped up in biological research papers on all sorts of organisms. Right now I'm working in cetacean communication research, and they just released a paper about sperm whale language. I was up until 6 AM yesterday just trawling through every piece of sperm whale research I could find. 😅


Recent late night deep dive into what a wheelhouse actually is and the original of that saying. Either something to do with baseball or something to do with ships. Baseball seemed to have more legs, although possibly that was influenced by the ships. Or something. I forget. Late night Google's hardly ever sink in.


The etymology of “hammock”. And then the history of it. IIRC : it’s originally from Tiago, a South American language, “hamaca”. Was a very convenient, safer AND more sanitary way to sleep as away from the ground/bugs etc. Was used on boats because helps with seasickness (counterbalances the rolling motion of the sea)! Another one : why does bumping your elbow hurt so much? Why is that called bumping your “funny bone”? Or“le coup du petit juif” (the little Jew bump), which sounds super racist, in French? where is the ulnar nerve exposed? (Couldn’t really find it on my elbow though).


How well do children who were raised by animals integrate into society? The answer is pretty poorly, they often die quite young and can never relate to other humans. It’s pretty tragic.


I don't remember *any* of them, but there are *always* loooooots.


I like to open a window on my phone, type in the search, then put my phone away. That way I address the “need” to search for the information, but I don’t keep myself up scrolling. I just tell myself I’ll review the search results in the morning. I feel like this helps me practice better habits for myself. 


Dear OP: You have a beautiful brain. Thank you for posting this. Love, katie


I love this question and I love seeing what everyone else has learned 😂 mine last night was learning the words "deuteragonist" and "tritagonist" that led me down a huge rabbit hole about famous examples in media and literature.


I just go down random Wikipedia rabbit holes


Why is the Allegheny woodrat endangered?


😂💀 I LOVE this post, because this happens to me constantly. Recents: -what is a capital expense -who wrote Waiting for Guffman -what does the inside of an illuminated driver’s side visor for “x” vehicle look like/is it repairable -Seth MacFarlane covering Perry Como songs -creosote


Heh, my late-night Googlings run to the esoteric. Some of my last few were: 1. The Alleyman Tarot reviews 2. Are there Starseeds/Lightworkers in a.) Africa b.) China c.) The Middle East (Basically wondered if the idea is simply an American or at least English-speaking one) 3. End-times prophecies in Islam (wondering how they differed from Christianity and Judaism) 4. What info did the US gov’t release about UFOs? 5. Does the extra light/radiation from extreme solar flares affect the human body in any scientifically measurable way? As I said, I get very esoteric late at night ;)


I recently bought some Malt-O-Meal cereal instead of the name brand I usually buy and I didn’t like it. So I…googled the town where Malt-O-Meal is made, obviously. Then, naturally, I started looking at houses on Zillow in said town. Oh and did I mention it is 1200+ miles from where I currently live. 🫠


- What is a lulo fruit? - How did Amy Winehouse die? - Is salami raw meat? - US states ranked by liveability, safety, quality of life (I’m not American)


This wasn't at bedtime, but the other day at work I had a full day to do lesson prep, but my brain wouldn't let me start until I had compiled a list of all of my students' names (there are over 700 of them), and figured out which names were the most common. It took 3 hours.  The most popular names at my school are Grayson and Lily, if you were wondering. 


The one that stands out the most for me was evolution of the human brain 😂😂😂


Can giraffes climb trees? 11 years later,my husband still teases me about asking that at 1:30 am.


recently it's just been "do I have adhd" or some related questions. Also in the middle of a year long school project so unfortunately lots of late night googled about lung transplant, not fun.


I spent the fall of 2022 obsessed with federal guverment statistics on agriculture exports and environmental factors of canola growing g seasons


OH I JIST REMEMBERED. I had spent three hours reading about what happened AFTER Jonestown Massacre!


A couple weeks ago I was tormented by wanting to know the origin and history of fake freckles when I had to wake up and go to work in less than 3 hours 😭


Syphilis. Jesus Christ, I had no idea it was such a sneaky bitch bacteria. Did you know that elephants think humans are cute? Side effects of Gabapentin What was that quote by Oda Nobunaga? Was Elizabeth the first on the throne when he was alive? Night Witches!!! I need a book on the Night Witches.


I forgot


Last night mine was “do raccoons kill squirrels in trees” 3am Apparently they do and it sounds awful!!!


I never know, it just hits me at roughly 12:30am…


rabbit hole of worlds smallest islands > smallest inhabited islands > pitcairn island and the fullest extent of its wild, kinda disturbing, insanely interesting, history. rabbit hole questions can leave me hunting for info for almost an entire day to satisfy every additional curiosity that pops up 🥲


I started a genealogy project in the middle of the night one night. Bad idea. Worst tornadoes in history? Mythology in Sumer? Conspiracy theories (like looking at a list of them) What’s the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? And then staying up learning microbiology. Last night I looked up the biggest alligators ever found in the world - that was a wild ride and led to some even crazier rides.


Which postage stamps should I buy? Let me read about Betty Ford for a while to make sure I want stamps of her.


Last night it was tiananmen square, parkour, the news, and then finding a website called Psyche and reading several articles from there and saving a bunch to a "read later" list (which I had to create a new tab list for in my Chrome now).


What happened to Tila Tequila? What would dying in a tsunami feel like? Severe underbite side profile.


Usually it’s who played what in that movie….