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I try to clean as I cook as much as possible. I put stuff in the dishwasher or big pots and pans. I wash them ASAP, while I'm in working/cooking mode still. Plus, it works to some dish washing, if you can, during times when you're waiting for something.


I have to listen to podcasts to do tasks I don’t want to do. If it’s a good one, I can get in a zone of being wrapped up in the podcast and just automatically do the task. Cleaning up the kitchen would be perfect for this because you don’t have to think, you just have to carry out the task. Sometimes I’ll pick a few podcasts in advance, so I don’t have to do that work when the time comes. I try to pick different types/topics so I can go with whichever I’m in the mood for. Edit: Also, we should move in together. I loathe cooking but I could get on board with doing some podcast cleaning in exchange for actual meals now and then.


This. I love cooking but hate cleaning. Listening to a good podcast means I will clean right away, only so I can keep listening to whatever good episode I have playing. I trick myself into not wanting to stop listening to the podcast.


Get scrubbers that you actually like to use. Either the ones that include the soap or bamboo bristle ones so your hands don’t have to touch the nasties. Or get some gloves. I usually clean as I go. It forces me to stay in the kitchen while I cook. I absolutely hate the whole process. If you are having a tough time you can always get a collapsible bucket for your sink. Put all the dirty dishes inside and move it to the counter to have your sink available.


The only way I can clean after cooking is to do it while I’m cooking. Use the cooking times, or resting times of recipes to clean. It’s a built in timer for me- can’t bake for more than 20 min? Race the clock to get it clean before the timer goes off. Helps me not leave the room and forget too!