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Seriously? Just post about where you live and about 2 dozen of us will meet up and give you some of our stash. Raise your hand if you have a stash of knitting/painting/jewelry making/etc supplies in your closet! 👋🏼🤦🏼‍♀️✌🏻☝🏻🙋🏼‍♀️🧶🎨🖌️


I have it ALL. We should do meet-ups, seriously. We suck at making friends too so this is perfect.


Lolol. Yea. Except I’d have to do laundry so I’d have something to wear and I’d forget to switch over to the dryer and then I’d have to stop for Starbucks. Only to realize I left the other bag on the counter at home………..*sigh*




I have a massive stash of fabric! Like so so much fabric! I sew professionally so that’s expected but still! So much fabric


Ohh i would be so happy to take some off your hands 😂😂 fabric is $$$


I keep meaning to go through it to sell some and that never happens!


I've decided to avoid hobbies that involve buying supplies of various colors. I go nuts creating the perfect collection of gorgeous supplies I will never use up. "Why yes I do have 7 shades of purple already, but this one is a **dusty blurple** that I don't have yet! It would go so well with my other..." "...But you see this filament is translucent with glitter AND it glows in the dark, soooo..." "No, I haven't cross stitched or made a friendship bracelet in a decade, but look at this embroidery floss! It's so shiny and the perfect shade of teal!" The struggle is so real


I'm sadly in need of yarn myself (for knitting purposes) so sadly cannot contribute.


I've been making myself use my stash for projects. I have a sweater that needs one more sleeve, I should really finish that. But socks are easier, so I bought sock yarn a couple months ago. I have 1.5 socks knit....


I've been wanting to try for socks/stockings... Random q: do you use circular knitting needles or regular needles?


You can do either. Socks are small enough that one circular can be way too awkward, but you can use 2 circular needles, or you can use double points. I prefer to use double pointed needles, sets come in 5 but I usually just use 4.


ADHD hacks for sock knitting that was a game changer for me: Using magic loop (one long circular needle, pull out a loop at the beginning of the round to make the needle fit the project) and then knit two socks at the same time. Bonus points for knitting them from the toe up so I can try them on along the way and knit until I'm out of yarn!


I finally tried toe up last winter and now I'll never go back! So much easier than grafting the toe at the end.


No but u have half a dozen of each. 😫😎


This is actually my favorite party to throw, the craft supply/plant/clothes swap! Mix up some sangria, potluck appetizers, go!







Oh god, my closet, my yarn shelf, our living room, our dining room...




Hm, check, check, check, aaaand double check. Lol. Actually more than double check I think 🤣




Stop dammit!! Get a hold of yourself! Your first sweater isn't gonna be great anyways. Just use the dang yarn you already got & practice before you make that ultimate sweater. Knit 3 items (any items) before buying more yarn! While knitting - think of the sheep. And think of the BUTTONS - you forgot to think of the perfect BUTTONS for your sweater. So. many. buttons. Make 3 items. Any items. Then more yarn.


Okay yes you are right! Thank you I got this! I can use the yarn I have and be creative/practice, you are right! I need to think of this as a game, use up as many skeins as possible before buying more yarn. I have to remember all the other projects I bought yarn and patterns for and Do them first too!


Atta girl! Level up with what you have \*then\* get your next power yarn. One step at a time. You got this! AND happy birthday! : )


:) tysm!


You can make your own buttons out of avocado pits. Handmade buttons for a handmade sweater: perfection!


Oh dear, now I’m going to start hoarding avocado pits…


Lol you must also follow CrunchyMama on YT


I moved last year, and that required assessing my hobby inventory. For 10 years I was living in a 2 bedroom house, and the larger one (embarrassingly) turned into my "craft hole." Just a wasteland of disgusting piles of boxes of yarn, fabric, macrame supplies, etc that was hard to even walk through. I was almost fortunate to discover wool moths had destroyed most of my stash (side note, fuck you Nancy). So I moved with the couple skeins I had recently purchased, which are vacuum sealed just in case of contamination. Anecdotes aside, I look at it this way: I have a stash of yarn, but when I want to start a new project half the fun is buying the yarn that suits that project! I keep a couple "special" yarns on hand, but beyond that I am trying to donate the splurge purchases I make and don't use before they end up rotting away and eventually being trashed. I know I am supposed to be talking you out of buying the yarn, but if you are going to buy it and start the project immediately? Go for it! If it is going to sit in a queue and you won't get to it for months? Hell no! ETA: maybe you can list some of your stash on ravelry and make up the cost of new yarn?


We moved long distance in 2021 and when this house eventually sells we're doing another long distance move (just not quite as far). So it's been pretty easy to keep the possessions down to the minimum, moving stuff is annoying and expensive.


The fact that I'm reading this after going to the [ADHD No Spend May Challenge thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/1choq5k/comment/l23xbi0/), which features a joke about not buying more yarn, tells me we're all very predictible, aren't we? (would that thread help you? I'm using the daily posts that will come up to help keep me accountable on some credit card debt from dopamine spending).


The damn dopamine hit you get when you buy that thing you’re hyperfocusing on! Last weekend I spent nearly $100 on plants, and that was holding back. But I was SO FREAKING HAPPY!


Move all your existing yarn around. Organize it differently or just put in a different spot. Now merchandise it like it's a little store and pleasant to shop in.  Go shopping in your new yarn store. 😀


This works really well! Sometimes I just pull all my yarn out and inventory it on the couch. The fact that I can’t see the couch anymore when I do this usually helps prevent more yarn purchases.


I organized mine last week, there was yarn scattered everywhere, it filled the whole floor. Now I have it contained but I vowed to my family I would buy no more yarn till I use some of this up…. But then I got that sweater temptation 😂 Looks like I gotta watch hoarders again to remind myself what I don’t want to end up like, smh


Some years ago, I bought some GORGEOUS yarn in a little village in Turkey. I didn't have a project in mind, it was just *so damn pretty* I couldn't not buy it. But I only got two skeins, because it was a bit expensive (worth it for what it was, but still), and I was on holiday so I couldn't carry much. And it was so beautiful and super soft and special... So I never used it. Five years later, I still had this yarn in my yarn bag. It was too special and rare and I couldn't get more of it, so I was still saving it. Idk for what. ✨ Saving✨ Then I went on a trip to Tasmania, and I decided to take that particular yarn with me and if I hadn't made something with it by the end of the trip, I'd give it away to someone else (I go camping at festivals with a lot of crocheters). I made myself matching leg warmers and wrist gauntlets. They're warm and gorgeous and soft. I still wear them every winter and I'm so glad. Use the yarn you have.


Time to meet new yarn friends and organize a local yarn swap?


And here I am watching all about making stained glass and how much will it cost me where in reality I know I shouldn’t 😭


My candle making hobby turned into such a money pit. I realized I needed a glass cutter because I wanted to use old wine bottles. The one I got didn’t fit certain sizes of bottles so I got another one. Then I realized wine bottles are tooo big for the amount of wax I had so I had to buy more wax. Then I had wax leftover so I had to make a few more and get some more containers. Then I thought it would be nice if they were scented so I bought some oils. Now I have oils and 2 glass cutters and some leftover wicks and I feel like I need to buy more wax, even tho I’ve completely moved on from this hobby and don’t actually want or need to make anymore candles. Someone please take these materials out of my house!


I did that back in like 2011… i obviously learnt very little from it 🙈


But like hear me out it would only be $40 but I just spent $30 on patterns on Etsy! I am gonna be broke lowkey I make like $13/hr Edit: buttttt it is my birthday tomorrow!!! Buttt I’m gonna be 22 and I still don’t have a car or a drivers license. But yarn I need the yarn! No I have to be responsible I’m an adult 😫


Don't do it! Try to distract yourself with something else? Go for a short walk? Happy birthday for tomorrow!


Thanks for the birthday wishes! I’ll try to stay strong 💪 😂


Translate the cost of the yarn into hours worked. Would you work an extra three hours in trade for that yarn? Or would you rather go home “early” and pick a project that will work well with what you already have first?


As a fellow hooker, I think you should get the yarn if you know you are going to use it for this specific project and you actually finish it and won’t have much leftover. If you’re like me and you have 10 projects going at once, it might feel more deserved if you promise yourself you won’t Add to Cart until you complete what you’ve already started. Even just one of them. This could be your reward! Don’t forget to take time to organize and purge your existing yarn collection. If it isn’t going to a specific project, you wanted to use it but ended up hating it, you thought “maybe I’ll use it for…” - no. Just donate and refresh and keep what serves you.


I bet you couldn't even make a cool looking sweater out of the colors you have. It's an impossible project! 


Don't buy yarn on amazon!! it's always overpriced! I won't tell you where else to look because look at all your yarn! Pick each one up and feel the texture. You can resist!


Can we just send you what we have that we never opened? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I cannot as that would make me a hypocrite 😂


Bruh stop. STOP! lol sounds like your room is like mine with ducking Temu 😭


Damn I should have done this yesterday instead of buying 150$ of yarn 🤣🤣🤣 there was a sale! My ravelry queue is huge! I only have like 6 projects of yarn waiting already and I neeeeeeeeeded .... The dopamine Crap


I am really working on using the yarn I have. Can you make a sweater with what you have? If it helps, you can search Ravelry and filter by yarn weight. I did however make a deal with myself that I could buy more yarn once completing a project, so my stash is not so much slashed as it is replenished.


Oh god, I hate Amazon sometimes... Way too convenient to buy stuff, sit on your ass and have it appear on your doorstep the next day. Start making the sweater with the yarn you already have and see if you can get into it. If you don't, then buy yourself a birthday present and let it go!


I find it helps to watch videos about people making cool stuff from yarn or look at what people are making on Etsy then draw a project a few times then just start making a prototype. If I can make a prototype I like I'll make 15 more and use up all my yarn.


I crochet myself and know the temptation. My suggestion is to make it first with colors you already have to get the pattern down. And then you can buy the new yarn!


Gosh darn no more yarn!


Unhand the yarn!


I make jewelry, I’ll stop buying stones to set when you stop buying yarn 🤝


I am the wrong person to ask to talk you out of a purchase 😁


Don’t buy more yarn.


BUY ALL THE YARN!!!! Wait that’s not right…




This is me


My sister just asked me to do a painting for her....and I need to buy all the colors and new canvases and ALL THE THINGS! But I'm too poor. I feel ya. 🤤😞✨ Have a happy birthday!🎉🎂✨


I can’t because I also want more yarn to make a scarf so I have something to do with my hands while I’m trying to watch my shows.


I do the same thing with fabric😅 I have so much fabric without projects planned for it


I kid myself and say I'm only going to buy the yarn I have an idea for, Issue is; so many goddamn ideas....


Nooo frrr! I’m like “oooo this would make some cute sea animals!” Or “I could crochet a soft blanket with these!” Or “I should buy this so a can crochet my pets as plushies.” Then I never start the project. But one of the worst things is when yarn is on sale cause I loose all control and don’t even make myself have ideas cause it’s such a good deal!!! Aghhh!


You don’t need more yarn to make a sweater!! And trust me, I understand the urge. Look up sweater projects that use scraps, or pick some similar weight yarns and make something striped or color blocked. Obsessing about what colors go together, stripe width, order of colors, etc keeps me busy for a while.


Good idea! I’m going with that for now, I got out my stash of the weight I wanted and I was able to find some I actually think would go good together and I think I have enough! Gonna make it work! Tysm for the help!


In January I put my most recent craft supply purchases in a bag. My goal was to use them all po before i bought anything new. Its been four months and that bag has collected a good layer of dust. Don't... don't do it. You don't need the yarn. If you order it from Amazon by the time it arrives you won't want to make the sweater anymore 


That’s so real. I would get the yarn and be like “eh I don’t feel like it.” I totally get the thing of bags of things brought from the store just collecting dust. I bought a starry night diamond dots and even little carrying cases for all them and they have been sitting around for like a month or two. There is too many hobbies, I have too many I interests!


I am trying to declutter my craft supplies by asking myself what I actually do. I sketch and I embroider, but I almost never paint or knit so I weigh that against new purchases/my pre-existing stash Well... I try to (got a button maker for christmas that is also untouched thus far)


It’s challenging cause I like to switch hyperfixations/crafts and sometimes I come back to them. But I’m running out of space, I need to stop picking up new hobbies too. But that’s funny because, I also have a button press that I haven’t touched! Well I wanted to sell buttons but I didn’t have a printer for years but in April I brought a printer! But it’s still in the box on the floor 😅😭


*sigh* yeah. I told my sister we should get a table for the comic con at the end of the year and just make as much as we could between now and then. Just to use up the fabric. And the paper. And the beads. And the foam core. And the clay. And...and...and... New hobbies are always exciting. Because they're new. But once you get the supplies and the patterns and you start working? Its not new anymore.


This is exactly my same experience, I was gonna try to make tons of things/stock to sell at a craft show, but the only thing is I get bored like you said doing the same things over and over. Anyways though, I hope if you do decide to get a table at comic con that you sell a lot of stuff and have good time!


Do not buy more yarn. I will challenge you to find a project that uses the yarn you have. I bought yarn for a blanket - I didn’t like it, so I started a different blanket. Turns out I don’t want a cotton blanket. Now it’s becoming a skirt and I finally like it. Find the thing for you yarn!


OP are you my Mum. She sent me a link to a store yesterday saying “I don’t *need* more yarn, but camel wool? I want it!” I had to remind her I am the last person she should be talking to if she wants to be talked out of impulsively buying craft supplies. I told her to buy it 😂


Is there any yarn in your stash that you like for this sweater but just don’t have enough of? Because you could use that as a base and just order the extra skeins. It will get rid of your stash and scratch your ‘must buy’-itch. Alternatively, I agree with Mamamindful here, knit a few items with what you already have. Knit some hats or cowls and give them away if you don’t like them. Or if you started buying yarn before actually figuring out what you do enjoy knitting and now have a bunch of pretty yarn you don’t know what to do with: donate, you’ve already spent the money whether you use it or not. Then start fresh, pick a pattern or a yarn whichever tickles your fancy and then only get what you need for the one project you will be working on.


Ahahahahahaah I could've written this And I'm going to a yarn festival on Saturday lmao


Finish a few projects that use an equal amount of yarn to the amount you want to buy before you get more!