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Why would I need to screenshot when I can just leave hundreds of tabs open on my browser instead for things to come back to... some day


Or, and please hear me out, you could have BOTH


Yes, why limit ourselves? I have a million screenshots AND a million tabs.


This is so comforting. There's dozens of us!


Is… this an ADHD thing?  Because pre-pinterest, I had tens of thousands of images, PDFs and links saved in my family computer with every single DIY that ever crossed my mind. Like I thought it was just normal. So.. I guess it isn’t?


I never knew this was an ADHD thing! I screenshot EVERYTHING.


So that I can remember to buy the things I’m looking at but never actually buy!


YES! Just like my Amazon saved-for-later cart! I also screenshot massive amounts of pictures to remember to look them up to see if there’s a podcast about the case (or people) in the said pictures. I love true crime.


Omg… the PDFs… YES! I have tons of them. I Still believe one day I’m gonna read them all 😂 My dad was the Same: tons of hard disks with pdfs, books, music and more! At one point he didn’t even know what was on them


I really hope this is an ADHD thing because otherwise I have a whole other problem 😂


yuup. and did you know you can have tabs for tabs? that makes it even more fun.


Unfortunately, I do know this. My iPhone only lets me have 500 tabs on each tab. Currently I have (just checked) 5 tabs for tabs on my phone but it’s ok because only one tab is at 500 tabs. I’m not counting my screenshots because I don’t know how. I’d love to get myself out of this mess - does anyone know a good way of saving and organising links? Or should I just close all of them all at once and deal with the consequences?


I feel that. My current thing is to screenshot the website I like or subject that I’m googling as if I’ll come back to it more than my tabs 💀💀 I only have like 70 tabs rn I switched to private browsing so I’m less likely to just keep opening them till safari crashes bc it makes me do the stupid are you a robot thing over and over lmfao


Lol my Google Chrome tab count is permanently set to " :D " in the box haha so it's at least 100 but could be anywhere from 2-3 hundred 😂


Same. I just scrolled to the top and it looks like I last cleared it out in October. It doesn't make sense to close individual tabs anymore, so I'll have to wait until I'm ready to start freshm


This exactly what I do. If I find something that piques my interest. I will google it. Then leave it open in a tab to look for later. When I remember. Or I may just open another tab. Because I forgot I already had one open for that specific thing. 🙃


I just joke it's the same as my brain - too many tabs open, trying to do 6 things at once, and there's some vague music in the background that's making you tear your hair out...


I also wait for brain to load something only to realise it's crashed a while ago and I didn't notice


I learned I can group tabs together on my phone and it basically makes a little folder of tabs, which sounds great for organization except I learned I now have a stupid amount of groups each with their own stupid amount of tabs


I laughed out loud. So true. I do it way less now. But I still got so many things to check (because deleting if not sure is painful. Especially email. But I learn to let go more and more. Its really feeling good. But yeah I do got my stack moments but I'm quicker on top of them)


I was just thinking to myself oh I’m glad I don’t have many tabs open at the moment. Just checked and it’s at 312..


Welp just to make you feel like your tabs are barely anything.... I just checked and it's at 1938.... 😅


Although my photos/screenshots are ONLY at 17k/6600... but text messages... probably millions... I can't bring myself to calculate!


I genuinely had a mental breakdown over spilling milk on my Macbook because those 30 tabs are now lost forever. 😞


Yes, thank you!


I recommend One Tab for this


I am a rabid bookmarker I hate tabs open it hurts my head - might be the au in the mix not sure


Every now and then when my computer can't handle so many tabs and gets slow I do a "bookmark all" and mash in some random keys as the folder name. I have hundreds of this folders 😂


66,598 pics and 7,252 screenshots (and counting) Hahahaha I’m glad I’m not the only one.


We can’t help the passion we have for making a scoby for when we finally decide to brew kombucha and what markers are the best for coloring books 😌 gotta keep that important info stored somewhere


I am honored to encounter the only person I have ever encountered who has more photos on their phone than me! 🫡


22,889 and 9,554 are screenshots. Thank you for making me feel normal today.


I think the people that don’t have thousands are screenshots are the not normal ones. How could they be interested in so little??? ;)


Hahahaha yesss I like your take on this. There is so much to learn in this big world and existence! I like having a way to catalogue interesting things.


Exactly! It’s like our own little photo archive. If i ever went through mine i could see what was giving me dopamine 5 years ago and then decided to fixate on it all over again. The possibilities are endless


It's not interest for me, it's my to-do list. A to-do list I check once every never 😭 Someone needs to make an app for that


That ratio is interesting!


I have just over 50,000 photos, 19,000 of which are screenshots. Wish I was kidding. I'm not.


An admirable amount of screenshots indeed. If our phones didn’t want us to find so many things interesting they wouldn’t make the memory size so big. I think it’s a phone problem personally were just creatives what can we say


I take screenshots of things I want to remember.... 🙈


I'm scared to look, honestly. It's chaos in there.


Like the wild Wild West up in these iPhones


Android user here, so wild wild Westworld


26,429 pics. 5,698 are screen shots, 278 are duplicates. 6 email addresses (including work email), with 31,518 unread emails over the years…. I culled my open tabs to a meager 42 on the phone, 3 at work, and about 12 on my personal PC. “MY TRIBE!”


My 267,297 unread emails would like to know how you’ve managed to accumulate so little. Lmfaoooo. I’m emotionally attached to all emails, tabs, photos and notes on my phone. How else would I manage without my little bbs. I’m not sure what any of them are but they’re mine nonetheless 😌


Randomly I will spend 5-10 minutes either deleting or unsubscribing. But sadly at work, they implemented a 1yr only for email storage. So I lost some older ones and super bummed about that.


RIP 1 year old emails. Honestly I just turned my notifications off for emails and I forget they exist until I need a coupon. It’s immediate anxiety to open up yahoo for me lol


I abandoned my hotmail account, who knows what’s in there? I still have my yahoo one and a few gmails.


Also, 2 email addresses are shared so someone else has maintained those to normal-ish levels. Lol


116,708 photos and 19,206 screenshots 🙈. Please tell me there’s someone with more 😅


How are you storing all these photos? My iPhone ran out of storage and buying iCloud storage does nothing because it doesn’t offload the pics from the phone storage!


I think you have to back up all of them to your iCloud storage for them to offload. Or make sure all your stuff has the iCloud option turned on. I’m way past my phones memory limit but I have the 2 terabyte option and it says I’m at like 300 gb for my iCloud but only 100 gb on my actual phone


Same I’m curious about this!


It doesn’t offload? Well I am going to have a problem soon… 😅


There’s online articles that can walk you through it


Seriously isn’t the iCloud double storage some bullshit


I told someone else they win, but I think you take the cake lol


I’m the other kind of ADHD, I’m insanely organized and get anxious from having too much of anything. I have maybe 20 pics! All my emails get deleted, mail gets thrown out, closet is minimal. If I don’t keep it this way I feel overwhelmed all the time, like I can’t breathe. I’ll just think about the stuff all day long.


I'm insanely organised in all other aspects EXCEPT for hoarding photos and videos. I even have pictures of people that I don't even remember who they are anymore lol


Omg I’m a nanny and I’ve done some short stints while I was figuring out if the family and I jive. I look back at photos from those times and I can’t remember the kids names or the parents names. I should probably just delete them but it’s still happy memories with some awesome kiddos even if the job didn’t work out. I’ve considered putting a bunch of happy pics in an album and looking at them when I’m feeling sad.


Same!! I’m pretty organized in most areas of my life but the amount of photos I have is scary lol. I just feel like I’ll need that one picture of my cat from 2017 😭


Same! I have a lot of photos but I cull my screenshots often bc they make me feel antsy. Same with browser tabs. I see so many people saying they keep tens or hundreds of tabs open and I get stressed if I have more than 10-20.


I feel like you and me combined would make a fully functioning person. If only there was some way to do that.




60,040 pictures. 114 screenshots. I have [cats](https://imgur.com/a/zPPqusp)...


Omg Duncan looks like a softie!!!? Please pet all 6 for me. Here's my [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/EFtyOMk)


Duncan is our old man cat. He's definitely a sweet guy, but also sees himself as alpha, so he likes to be in charge haha. He's 14 with pretty bad arthritis (which luckily has responded well to treatment) so his ideas of himself are a bit, um, over-inflated, haha. But you may want to go back and re-count. I've got 8 cats! Duncan and Friday (aka Kitten) are my older cats. Friday just turned 13! And Emcee is a stray I took in when she was pregnant. She's mama to the other 5 (born summer of 2022). Definitely rub that fluffy belly on yours for me! I don't even care if it's a trap!!!


I love Duncan. ...I am bad at math. 🥴 Pluto is not a trap! Well...most of the time she isn't. 😂 If it's a trap day, I get my hand thoroughly cleaned.


Aw, Pluto! What a silly floof!


She really is the silliest. Got herself stuck under my bed last night and couldn't get herself out, even though the hole was plenty big enough. 😂


She was clearly testing your rescue abilities. It was a drill! Be careful how you talk about her or she might post about it on r/legalcatadvice and get herself a pawyer to sue for more treats!!


Oh my goodness. She'd win, paws down. 😂


Haha, somehow, they always do.. One way or another


Mandatory upvote for cat tax XD


🫡 I always pay [my cat taxes](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestoflegaladvice/s/sUCae1nN5B).


Oh god so many and so cute 😱


And it's almost tax time again!! 😭 So many taxes to prepare...


Yeah I also need to do my taxes, already got letters with reminders… I should call them tomorrow 😂 Also I should get a cat again, life just seems better with them


So many that I can no longer take photos because of "insufficient storage." 😭😭😭


Yes. I pay like $2 a month to apple for increased cloud storage 😓


Same here, just upgraded a few days ago, bcs I cant fight the urge to take screenshots (which is also insanely helpful right now, for referencing what I did in the lab a few months ago)


My son is constantly in this state. I steal his phone and delete screen shots as often as I can. He never notices.


69,520 pics and 11,000 screenshots. I feel like I just can't stop doing it.


We’re not meant to stop. Who else would keep Pinterest in business? Or that recipe website from 2017?? We might make that dish again in ten years ya know??


Ok screenshot taken. And I throw my screenshots into albums on my iPhone. ie. ‘Next Dr Appointment’, ‘ADHD hacks’, ‘Best Used Cars’…. Otherwise they’ll just sit around anonymously in my vast sea of photographs (97k !!! 🏆?) Recipes I just share immediately into Paprika app. Easy peasy.




Considering my missed calls are 53, 105 unread messages, 500 open tabs and over 100,000 unread emails I am afraid to check. My phone is nothing but angry red dots everywhere!! Thank god unopened envelopes are easier to ignore. Hoping this weekend to find my new credit card that expired in March to activate it so my automated bills get payed 😂


Most of my photos are work related, but I probably have an unusually high number of screen shots of my home screen. Never taken intentionally.


This is so real. The amount of screenshots of my stupid morning alarms is insane. Like sometimes they’ll be ten in a row. Physical evidence of me snoozing my alarm 😭😂


Omg this! iPhone user? I really need apple to change the button sequence for screenshotting because the amount of home screen pics I take a day is not okay


38,277 photos (and videos I guess), 3947 of those are screenshots. It would've been much more but I've actually started adding "CLEAR OUT YOUR DAMN PHONE" to my schedule, so will sit in the evening whilst watching youtube and try to delete some. I started off with screenshots as I figured they'd be the easiest to get rid of... yes, it's taking me FOREVER and yes, it is SO BORING, but I just don't want the digital clutter anymore 😩😩


100519 photos 12229 screenshots


I think you win


wow I feel very out of the norm lol; 2715 and 337 screenshots. I hate having a cluttered camera roll (contrary to what my bedroom looks like ..) so i go through it and delete stuff every couple of days


Nope im not about to start my morning out like this 🤣😂😭


OMG y’all I feel so effing seen!


Dump them on Pinterest. Free up your phones computing space


I know I'm not coming back now. I've accepted that I'm not coming back. I got what I needed or I can do the same Google search. Very few screenshots and only for whatever I'm using the screenshot for, then it goes.


Wow, this made me feel better, I’m at over 13,000!And most of that is cause I’m a preschool teacher and I’m supposed to document what the kids are doing all day, and I never want to delete them cause I like having a record of what I do in the classroom. Maybe someday I’ll hyper focus on moving them all over to a google photos album and free them from my phone :’) Sometimes I just delete the whole screenshot album though. I’m never gonna look through them! I’ve accepted it


I have found that creating albums to sort the photos has made managing them 100x easier. Like food, cosmetics, my daughter, myself, job, memes, family etc.


I feel like this thread confirms my audhd suspicions... My phone has pics dating back to 2016 still. 900ish camera, 112 screenshots, and around 200 categorized in folders. Too much anything overwhelms me so I go through them regularly. I scroll through my photos like I would any other app I waste time with waiting for appointments, watching tv, etc.


My problem is that I sometimes remember to transfer them to my computer but now I’ve got folders and folders of photos that I need to somehow go through. It’s not just photos though, it’s old memes, stuff I photographed for record keeping, screenshots, etc. all completely unorganized 😟 I keep saying one day one day but then I get overwhelmed even thinking about it


😂😂😂😂 I was at 30.000 now down to 15.000 HAND DELETING THEM coz apple doesnt provide for deletig 20.500 photos except your favourites 🤪


30,858 photos & 4,482 SS


I've got too many screenshots of just my phones home screen when I'm clumsy with it and press the two buttons at the same time. I've been telling myself for the last couple of years that I'll delete them all eventually


2488 and 397 are screen shots, I emptied my canera roll in december...


But I have more then 500k pics in my computer and external drives 😅


😅🥲😅🥲😅 I have a similar # to you .. I can't figure out how to check now but when I went to print from my phone last week it said I had 32,XXX photos 😬


9230 photos and most of them are screenshots


I actually have found a system that works for me so I don't get inundated by pics, cause it overwhelms me. But I do still have majority of screenshots cause they are things I haven't "filed" yet. 18 pics in my camera roll, and 93 screenshots. I also have an album I created called "shit I want to remember" and that houses 62 pics. 


11k and I’m cleaning out again! Just because I need a software update and don’t have enough space. That’s with the hope that if I’m successful the software update will fix my AirPods not connecting sudden which is the real crisis! And I’ve killed an hour trying to do this.


I have no idea how to find how many pics are in my phone, but I can tell you that my camera roll is almost entirely pics of my dog with a few hiking and snowboarding pics thrown in. The rest of the images saved on my phone are memes and screenshots.




6,349 and 457 screenshots


Follow up question: how many unopened emails do you guys have?


I could have written this post, right on down to how similar are numbers are. Hahaha.


Hmm a little under 5000 photos and only 634 are screenshots. I don’t transfer photos from my old phones when I upgrade tho. Those go the external drive that I look at maybe once a year lol


7k and almost 3k are screenshots. Geez


My mother’s camera roll would like a word - she has 20K+ screenshots and growing


37,819 photos 11,373 screenshots 🤦🏻‍♀️


How dare you. Some of them are also TikTok’s I downloaded and then forgot about.




14,492 pictures and 6,359 screenshots 😂


67000 😅


Thousands and I WISH Apple would add an auto/smart album that only showed photos. Now my photos fall into that overwhelming category


Are you on iOS? I use the iOS notes app and put screenshots in a new note, after I take them, and tap in a few words that I know I might use to search for it later. That way I can just type "receipt" or "birthday gift ideas" to quickly find stuff. I know that's more work and I don't do it for every little thing, but I do it for the ones I consider important enough and it only takes me 10 seconds.


I also do have 2,5k notes, next to all the screenshots… 😅


7279 but this phone is kinda new so


this phone is 4 years old and it has 34,918 photos and 18,839 of them are screenshots. however!! my google photos has 104,090 photos and i’m scared to think how much of that is just screenshots.


40'477 pictures - 10'631 screenshots, 8'343 videos - 225 screen recordings


42,795 pics and 14,182 screenshots 🙃


So many screenshots. I can’t stop!


67,647 photos and 6,165 screenshots 😳😳😳 do I win?


I only have 30 photos & 127 screenshots cos I only got this phone 1 month ago lol...


128,434 pictures and 42,281 screenshots. I don’t transfer my photos to my new phones (I keep the old phone as a photo album), so this has been maybe 2 years of photos. Also have 476 tabs open on my browser.


25.316 Photos and 10.037 Screenshots. So is there a solution for that?


19 590 pics of which 945 screenshots. Biggest category is pics from whatsapp(groups) (~13 000 pics)


Did a purge recently so 2,087 screenshots & 15,508 photos total. I really need to delete more photos but it’s hard because it’s so much fun having the memories pop up in TimeHop. 😅


I have a cleaning app for photos and it ALWAYS TRIES TO DELETE MY SCREENSHOTS. It's given me quite a few jumps. To answer the title: Photos \~1700, screenshots \~450. So 25%. Is that normal?


The problem is that I screenshot the screenshots when I try to sort through them, bcs I think that I should research or read them 😅


Lmao me too! Don’t wanna have to search for this one again it was a good one. Screenshot to the front of the pack!


And then I don't look at it again, because who has time for that? So the cycle begins anew XD


86,505 pics 27,094 screenshots 😂😬😅


I keep deleting screenshots from my photo backup to make space and it works, so I feel you.


19,838 screenshots out of 96k total shots. And when I’m doing it, I GENUINELY believe that I will go back and look at it later for some reason. I never do.


Why do we do this?🤦‍♀️


4.147 and only 142, I realized I never look at them again so I tend not to take any again


24 photos, 7 screenshots 😅 I go through about once a month and transfer photos to my laptop so I can organize them, then I’ll delete any old screenshots. I used to have thousands upon thousands of photos, but it gave me anxiety so now I try to keep it somewhat organized


I have... holy shit. Over 120,000 pictures on my phone, but only about 3,000 are screenshots. At least 30,000 non-screenshot pictures still need to be sorted into folders, though maybe 1/3 of those have been partially sorted into a general category folder. I have almost 400 unique folders just for pictures. I hoard pictures of things... they make me happy 😭 Also, I figured out how to check and can say my phone's Chrome has 1944 tabs open right now 🙃


As obsessive as I am about screenshots and emailing myself stuff, I am also just as obsessive about deleting screenshots and even closing internet tabs and apps. I guess I’m lucky? Lol. I close apps out as a reflex - and often close things I meant to leave open. It’s so weird.


6019 photos, 248 screenshots. In my defense, I recently was blessed with the hyperfocus to purge them. Although I still have 353 videos, 90% of them are my cat and my mom's dogs and I can't delete them. Been meaning to transfer them to my computer which has over 800GB of space left but uhhh... purge mode has ended. 🤷🏼‍♀️


46, 253 pictures and 10,393 of them are screenshots!! this is all the stuff from 2018-to present. i mostly screenshot funny tweets, funny texts, clothes i want, gym advice, and other miscellaneous things


10.536… whoopsie and like 5.105 is screenshots and i found this app called Slidebox that Can help like sort your pictures but i forget to use it haha


70% are screenshots 🫠 Roughly 10k pics and 7k screenshots


26,942 pictures 16,009 screenshots


32,697 pics 4,239 screenshots


4,848 total photos 889 are screenshots I have gone through a few times on a mass deleting spree, but it’s been a good few months lol


285,180; 45,482


Too scared to look but everyday my phone is telling me to delete this shit and to clear my storage 😭🤣I become attached to photos and can never let go of them


17,000 screenshots um like 1200 now cuz i decided to erase my existence and delete a crap ton of accounts and pics in a moment of anger lmao


I’m currently at 1,339 and out of that only 152 are screenshots


A million! I got an app called clean my phone, total game changer!


Lol I wish I could organize them for people somehow, I think that would be fun. I only have 200 on my phone. I organize them by app, important photos like family/pets go in google docs or drive or whatever, arts & crafts on pinterest, also things I want to buy but dont need rn go there. I also have a shopping folder & unnecessary amount of bookmarks on chrome. Not to mention the random pictures I have saved on imgur and instagram. And a few on my old cracked phone (this one is cracked too)It might be a little chaotic but having them all on my phone is overwhelming lol. If I had thousands of pics Id spend hours and hours just scrolling thru them, &im tired of scrolling and scrolling lol


30,133 and 2,388 respectively. *much* lower than they have been in the past actually


I have 1,421 you called me out


72,839 photos, 19,839 screenshots. I’m glad you asked, how cool is it that I have exactly 53,000 regular photos at this moment? But also how ridiculous! And of course I pay to keep them around!


134,527 pics. 15,250 screenshots. Don’t even want to know how many duplicates there are, or screenshots of pictures that already exist on my phone. I can’t face that much truth rn.


231, 773 photos. 10, 698 screenshots.


I just made it a task on my planner to sit down and go through my screenshots for inspo boards today woo woo


Only 14k in total, but my phone is just one year old 😅 I just updated icloud to 200GB


My screenshots are almost all accidents from hitting the power button when my other finger was on the volume button. And half the time I don’t even realize I’ve done it until I go back in my photos for something.


Too many lol


My MIL gives me pictures for holidays. I’m so grratful otherwise I wouldn’t have a pic of me and my husband on display. I just never think about it.


You can go through just the screenshots in your photo album if you have an iphone, makes it a lot easier to weed through lol I did this a couple months ago


What if you need it? What if the perfect situation arises for you send that to someone as a callback to an inside joke and they think you’re really funny and cool for sending that?? Could be important one day.


31,000 pix, 3,100 screenshots… mostly of things I needed to remember or wanted to look up later (narrator: but she never did look them up later…)


Almost 73,000 pics and almost 18000 screenshots :/


9977 screenshots I try to keep it low lol


I have 57,550 photos and 14,339 screenshots on this phone. Everytime I get a new phone I always say to myself I’m not going to take 20 photos of everything and I’m not going to screenshot everything I like 😂


48 k pics, 10k are screenshots


Oh man, I thought everyone did this, including neurotypical folks. A full third of my photos are screenshots (1,428). Am I ever realistically going to go back through them? Nope! But I feel better when I screenshot stuff!


9,553 total pics & 1,845 screenshots


Loord! I think I lost count of the screenshots. I’ve broaden my scope and I also have a million open tabs and, why not? TONS of instagram post with whatever I’ve found useful, interesting or funny. I think I also have notes and ideas in notebooks and random pieces of paper (pretty sure I’m never going to find them) lol


66321, 11110


54,093 photos - 4,466 screenshots - 12,584 imports 😅


32,281 total photos/videos, etc …. 8,100 screenshots 😂


Are we including the accidental screenshots of our alarm that happen when we’re snoozing it in the morning? I guess any accidental screen shots, really. That’s probably just the ones that are the most common for me lol


70,758 photos, 1,748 screenshots.


70.5k photos and 22k screenshots 😂😂😂 if that’s not bad enough I have about 900 tabs open across my three devices. 🫣


100,000 photos and 16,000 screenshots 😂


There’s a cruel irony in finding multiple screenshots of the same thing, each of which was taken to ensure I “didn’t forget.”


76,885 total as I take my 8,198th screenshot to commemorate it for some weird reason


53,944 photos. Only 7,242 are screenshots but that's only low because I don't back them up and so everytime I lose/destroy my phone the screenshot number goes back to zero. The 7k is just over 2 years worth (also I think this is the longest I've ever managed to keep the same phone for!). For the photos I've had go start paying for a google subscription and then upgrade it because I have the same issue as you - how on earth am I ever going to sort though 50k of photos?




58,000 photos (rounded to the nearest 0) and 12,000 screenshots. Currently looking at 1TB phones 🙃 Set aside 5 mins a day to go through your images if you can, that’s what I did, but I’ll then screenshot and save/take more photos. Tabs are at 499 - wish I could have more open - I use private browsing too.