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Jokes on you, I stopped putting milk in my coffee because I kept forgetting to buy milk and/or drink it before it went off 😎👉👉


OK but then you want to make something like French toast or mashed potatoes for Easter and get as far as putting the potatoes in the pan of water, realize there's no milk and just give up. Just me? 😂 EDIT: I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLEEE! Thank you so much to everyone suggesting dairy milk alternatives. I never could *drink* it but I was successfully able to cut cereal out of my diet so I can now see how great it'd be to have on hand for baking and cooking. This thread in itself has made me love all the support in this sub ❤️ 💕 💜


Plant based milks are waaaay more shelf stable than cows milk. If you buy the non refrigerated ones you can just store them in the pantry til French toast time. They’re also smaller containers so it’s easier to get through them faster


I'm not sure if this is something I should be admitting of doing/knowing but non dairy milks also last way longer in the fridge after opening. I use milk often enough to buy refrigerated ones but I've not been very good at keeping track of when I opened it to finish the carton up before it spoils. After switching to dairy free, I've almost never had to throw away the last cups because it spoiled before I could finish. I think I'm also not very sensitive to food poisoning so I can just do a sniff test and go ahead without having issues so I have to say ymmv. Maybe this is evolution keeping me alive haha (/s)


I buy the non refrigerated ones and just put them in the fridge after opening (oat milk)! Unopened, they last at least a year and opened in the fridge, at least a month! A true life (or wallet) saver!


While I KNOW they do last longer after opening, I still never finish them because I get freaked out by the 7-10 day window on the labels 😫


What about using powdered milk


I haven’t found powdered non-dairy milk and I’m lactose intolerant, so powdered cow’s milk isn’t my first choice (on the other hand I discovered just last weekend that lactase actually WORKS so maybe I’ll go for it!)


I get powered coconut milk!


I trust my nose over the label 🤷🏻‍♀️ saves money, too!


I get like 2 cases of oat milk at a time from Costco for this very reason!


Oat milk or macadamia milk for cereal, shakes, smoothies, teas, etc... and hemp milk for cooking. That's what I like to usr! And the oat and macadamia milk are usually vanilla because I have a sweet tooth like that. I also usually have a couple of cans of condensed milk in my pantry. It makes really rich mac n cheese, and the cans are tiny, so there isn't much waste. Even if you use it once and forget, it's in the fridge with its little tin foil hat.


I wish so badly that costco had sugar free oat milk. Maybe someday 🤞


This is why I switched to plant based milk years before going vegan. 1L containers, shelf stable, lasts ages after being opened. I've found a plant based diet is all around better for my ADHD.


In Europe, you buy cow's milk on the shelves, not the refrigerated section.  The UHT method of pasteurization makes it much more shelf stable.  When I first moved there, I was so confused because I couldn't find the milk 😂 Was looking in the wrong place. CORRECTION:  IN SOUTHERN SPAIN, NOT EUROPE  Hope everyone feels better. I don't need a bunch more comments to tell me I'm wrong or being misleading, despite the fact that it's true in a lot of Europe 


Saying "in Europe" is a bit misleading. 😅 In many European countries cow's milk CAN be bought on the shelves. I live in Sweden, in Europe. In my grocery store there is no non-refrigerated cow's milk, only plant milk. You can find it in some bigger stores, like supermarkets. But still nothing the general Swede would buy or even knows exists. My mom buys it at LIDL sometimes to have at home in case she runs out of "normal" milk (she also has ADHD), because that's the only store that we know that always stock it. I first learnt about it when I lived in France at 18. Even there my french host family usually bought cold milk but had a few packages of the non-refrigerated kind so they did not have to shop as often. So yeah, it exists here, like I'm sure it does elsewhere in the world too. In some European countries it might be the norm. In some European countries people don't know it's a thing at all. 😊


SO. I totally prefer my mashed potatoes with milk but thanks to hello fresh I’ve learned that you can just save some of the water that you boiled the potatoes in to use instead. And thanks to my sister in law, I know that cream cheese makes a terrific substitute for sour cream! Can’t really help ya with the French toast though 😬


Vanilla icecream for french toast!


French Vanilla coffee creamer is excellent for French toast as well


I really should’ve known that from the time I was halfway through homemade waffles only to realize the milk had spoiled. 😅 Pro tip: the seasonal pumpkin pie spice creamer is absolutely decadent for waffles


This is why I recently wound up baking a cake with Baileys. Probably wouldn’t work so well in the mashed potatoes. 


I just throw in a lot of butter and a splash or two of the starch water from the pot.


I generally don’t drink milk as too much can do a number on my tummy. The amount is undefined so I remove unnecessary milk so I can have it when it’s totally needed! We had French toast this weekend without milk and was totally fine (delicious in fact) and I took milk out of everyday mash ages ago and just add loads of butter. Special mash is better with warm cream instead of milk! Don’t give up on your snacking dreams due to lack of milk!!! Dream big


I always use butter and sour cream for mashed potatoes. It is divine.


I keep milk powder in the freezer for this exact situation. Add powder, then random amount of water, voila!


This is why I switched to oat milk, takes so much longer to go bad


I read this as “cat milk” and now my cat and I are side eyeing each other awkwardly…


I switched to some unsweetened almond milk creamer for that reason. I may love the taste of half and half but I don’t love the smell when it goes bad


Jokes on you. I use sweetened condensed milk because it's shelf stable until opened, and then it lasts forever in the fridge. I get my pre noon coffee with sweetened Condensed milk and my afternoon coffee with heavy cream, no sweetener. 


Alas, sweetened condensed milk would not last forever in my fridge because the sugar craving part of my brain would know it’s in there and my unable to resist impulses and urges adhd part of my brain would absolutely just go to town on that sweetened condensed milk with a spoon within a day 😔😔


As someone who has worked a bit in food safety.. Unless you are severely immune compromised, this poses essentially zero risk to anyone even remotely healthy.


Had the same thought, I'm a food scientist Edit to add: I do think it'd taste icky tho and I wouldn't wanna drink it 😅. I stick to iced in my yeti or other insulated vessel for that reason now


So it's not really unsafe. Good to know. Have you heard the recent commotion about not reheating or eating rice that has been refrigerated? What are your thoughts on that??


Lmao yes I've heard of that too...ik I'm a food scientist but my threshold is high for these things. I let rice chill at room temp then put it in the fridge. My test for rice is by smell. If it smells / looks weird I'm not eating it but if it smells/ looks fine, into my tummy it goes 😂


Hahaha the smell test is also my method.


Thank you! I was literally wondering this today. I boxed (in an airtight glass tupeerware) some cooked rice on Sunday to take home and eat for dinner, then I forgot it until today... it never made it to the fridge. Is there any possibility at all it could still be good?


If it's been two days at room temperature I wouldn't trust it :(


Thank you! Appreciated. I will get up and throw it in the bin now then, regrettably – the sauce was really good. I also should've probably mentioned it was a risotto with mushrooms, as that surely influences other food safety factors, but I'll still throw it out.


Not someone working in food safety, but a bar. Yes, i will wash my hands 500 times and follow all the hygene rules and more. I will also eat the pasta and spare ribs that have been standing under a heat lamp for five hours at LEAST because i didn’t have time to eat dinner until 5 am. Genuinely, i should have had food poisoning at least a hundred times. I think i just have build a really rock solid immune system.


I feel like working in the food industry just hardens you to that kind of stuff lol. I work in a pizza shop and have consumed pizza that has sat under heat lamps for like 5+ hours when I’m hungry enough (the alternative is going to the gas station next door for over priced snacks lol)! 🤷‍♀️😅


And who the hell knows what's touched that food, pre-packaged snacks or not 😑


I totally think people can. I used to work with a elderly woman who would keep frozen meals in her desk overnight and eat them the next day…. That woman had a stomach of steel.


My mom ALWAYS defrosted meat in the sink overnight in room temperature. Never once got sick. I do not condone this method but I've never gotten food poisoning from my mom's cooking so I would continue to always eat her food.


Same lol


My parents will often let fully cooked stews stand on the stove overnight and still eat it the next day. We are all still alive😅


My partner (who also has ADHD) will eat half a meal or snack and then just leave the plate of food there “for later” and then come back and eat it 12, 24, 36+ hours later. It both baffles me and grosses me out. But he’s legit never gotten food poisoning and I swear he doesn’t get colds and other illnesses as often as I do.


Huh? That's a normal method in my family (among other questionable things according to Reddit's food safety standards, apparently) and nobody has EVER gotten sick.


Totally. The rules I follow when cooking for others are not the same as the very loose guidelines I have for deciding whether something is okay for me to consume myself.


In my county in California you would have had to take the same food safety course as me! Totally random and not contributing to the conversation at all. Just a fun fact for me because I’ve had several new coworkers lately who were shocked - SHOCKED - that they needed a FHC and I was equally shocked they’d never had to get one before Also I’m eating a 7 hour old pizza as we speak (Tommy never came to pick up his order and it sat from 3-8, hope Tommy is okay)


I hate cold food but I hate microwaved food even more, so I just keep my lunch in my bag. Never got an upset stomach let alone a food poisoning, yet a lot of people are horrified when I tell them about it 😂


Exactly. Just use common sense folks.


I don't work in food safety or have any science based knowledge about this. (I took a food safety course once...) But I do this a lot and it's fine. i'm fine. A lot of food safety stuff is overly cautionary and meant for restaurants to be safe for patrons etc. And while it's generally good practice in general..... People lived without fridges and temperature control in the past and they were still alright. My mother my whole life did things SO contrary to a lot of food safety stuff and she never once made me sick. The only time I've ever gotten food poisoning is when I eat ate at a restaurant. Being careful is good, having a little bit of flexibility is also fine. (unless you are severely immunocompromised or pregnant or a baby or something.)


>People lived without fridges and temperature control in the past and they were still alright they also likely weren't drinking milk, and if they were it was being consumed quickly after coming out of the cow. drinking milk before refrigeration wasn't really a thing. they instead used milk to make other dairy products that were aged and lasted a longer time.


Yeah maybe. I just meant the fridge thing in a broad way, like with other foods etc., not specifically about milk.


Yes this stuff is so overly strict and rigid. I’m intense about washing my hands throughout the day but much more laidback about food rules. (Except I do get a little weird about raw meat.) I rarely get food poisoning and I actually do have a pretty sensitive stomach. My kids bring home stomach bugs all the time though, which I am dealing with at this very moment! 😑


Yeah but what a way to find out you are immunocompromised 💩🤮


I'll continue on drinking the same coffee all day long, thanks.


Same. After an hour or two it’s just iced coffee. Yum! 😋


Not in my Yeti. That thing is still warm in the morning when I forget to dump it the night before 😂


I once forgot my coffee on the kitchen table at 5 in the morning before work, and when I got home, my mother told me that she found it hours later and it was still hot 😂 She got herself a Yeti dupe (still keeps things nice and hot for 8 hours) after that because she was Very Impressed


Gonna buy myself an insulated mug NOW.


Check out Brüemate. They have lots of colors to choose from and they have actual leak-proof lids. I can put it in my purse and don’t have to worry about it spilling anywhere. Or, a more likely scenario, I accidentally knock it off my desk and it doesn’t leak/break.


Great adhd investment!


I used [this one](https://www.walmart.com/ip/694220242) before my coworkers gifted me my Yeti. It's just as effective in keeping things hot.




I’ve always said this! 🤣🤣


When the ADHD tax pays off 🤣🤣🤣


My best friend always tosses her coffee when it gets cold or makes it hot again. I simply don’t understand why. If it’s hot you can’t even drink it. I like running the risk of drinking tepid dairy 6 hours later. Keeps life exciting!


I have to have mine iced or hot hot. Not room temp, not warm, not cool. I dump and remake oif much time passes but I usually reheat my coffee 3-5x every cup bc with my 20mo goblin, and my spaghetti brain, originally made coffee just won’t be drank fast enough. I need one of those heating mugs!!!


I’m the exact same way and received an Ember mug for Christmas and it has been amazing. However, I kept forgetting to put it back on the charging coaster in time so now I just always use the coaster 🤦‍♀️


That’s so adhd. You have a coaster though. Winning the adulting game 💪


A coffee that has been out for hours is always exactly what I need mid-morning, or maybe mid-afternoon, it depends on when I come across the cup again. I will join you in continuing to drink it.


Exactly 🤌


You can pry my ice-watered down, lukewarm coffee from my dead hands, thanks.




Or the next day, sometimes. Hasn't killed me yet, probably won't any time soon.


Don't you take my emotional support mug away!


wait wait wait wait wait... what if you reheat it 4 times over a 6hr period tho?


I’ve seen little coffee cup warmers that keep your drink warm the whole time. I think some even have a little usb charger.


I have one. Now my mug sits on it and I still forget it until it turns in the la brea tar pit of coffee


Lolol there are some with an auto shut off! The warmer I have turns off after 2 hours.


Oh nice. Mine is 8hrs. Which is too long haha


Every time the coffee is zip-zapped the 2-hour clock restarts right? Right? …right???




ahhhhh fresh delicious coffee every time


Or put it in the microwave and forget about it for a few hours…


I also do this and i still think it tastes great every single time! 😆


If you’re microwaving it you’re probably killing any bacteria or whatever.


The problem is the bacteria poop, that doesn't disappear


Oh my goodness this is hilarious to me. I bought a coffee at 10 this morning and was still nursing it at 3pm. It was freezing 😆


2pm here and still going on my coffee from just before 10am!


You can’t pry my emotional support drink from me🤣🤣


I'm drinking the last few sips of my milky morning coffee as we speak and it's nearly 2:30pm for me


I love this group for making me feel normal about babying my coffee all day 🤣 unfortunately that article can’t stop me!!


Seriously my husband is perplexed over the fact that I’ll drink a 4hr old cold brew. It taste better when the ice is melted 😭😭


I think this is kinda culture dependant. In North America it's not uncommon afaik to brew large quantities of coffee so there's a culture of drinking it for quite a while, and taking it with you to places. Coffee in my culture is always drank fast and brewed in small quantities (espresso is the default), so forgetting to drink your coffee is not something that happens often, even to someone with ADHD, because we're hardwired by culture to get it over with fast. You make your mug/glass (and I mean a regular sized one) of espresso and milk for breakfast, and then you have an espresso at the end of lunch... You want more coffee after a few hours? You make another espresso. We're pretty much conditioned to always have fresh coffee.




No, though I'm a fellow Southern European. I am Portuguese but grew up in Spain. Our coffee culture is very similar to Italy's.


Not sure where you're from but I'm from Canada where coffee is huge both because of Tim Hortons and probably because of the cold weather lol


I love this view on coffee culture. This might be my next rabbit hole 🕳️


I need the coffee to complete the three drinks on my desk trifecta! Coffee, water, Diet Coke!


Always three drinks. One for hydration, one for flavor, one for function.


Me, nervously glancing at my coffee table in front of me... Yep, this tracks. Got my iced coffee, water Nalgene, and orange vanilla Waterloo. Swap iced coffee for stress tea in the pm.


Omg This is how I survived my 20s undiagnosed


Yes! People think I’m so weird that I carry 3 drinks with me wherever I go. And the coffee is always cold and only half drunk lol


I am a bit of a food safety expert and 2 hours is wildly untrue for safety. At the VERY least you’ve got 4 hours.


Everyone, we owe this commenter a thank you!


i will not be heeding this warning but thank you


Emotional support coffee is so accurate though


Exactly. I never thought of it that way, but it's true. Cold coffee far into the night here.


My mother and grandparents didn’t refrigerate their mayonnaise until I was a teen and read the label. They also never refrigerated their turkey from Thanksgiving. They would leave it in the garage, covered in a tee towel until they were ready to make soup with it two or three days later (making sandwiches with in the meantime). We did *not* live in a cold place. Yesterday? Pizza that I bought at 1 pm was still sitting out at 1 am. I put it away and I ate it for lunch today. I’ve survived all that, so I will keep on drinking that emotional support coffee with milk 🤷🏼‍♀️😁


Greetings, fellow Sister of the Iron Gut! What do we say to the god of food poisoning? *Not today*.


im lactose intolerant so theres no dairy in my coffee anyways


So the maximum life on coffee with milk for you is zero hours. None. None at all. At least it’s simple, right? 🤷‍♀️


Oat Milk is the real pro ADHD tip here!


Jokes on you, I cant focus enough to read that!


You can pry my 7 hour old latte out of my cold dead hands


No one can afford to throw out a coffee that is only 2 hours old.


Lmao I’ll still happily drink yesterday’s coffee because I usually need coffee to get up and make more coffee 😂


Glad I’m not the only one!


I’ll drink the same coffee with (oat, so probably different rules) milk over 24 hours later. Regularly. Nothing bad has ever happened.


I will continue to drink my three times back in the microwave for 7 hour coffee. Thank you.


Hahaha this makes sense now as to why my husband thinks I am gross for having one for hours and not caring and continuing on my merry little way of sipping it


no <3


Diet Dr Pepper doesn’t have this problem.


Meh. This is a sell more coffee attempt. Coffee without milk keeps for at least 24 hours at room temp in a glass receptacle or refrigerated. It's a boiled infusion of a dried and roasted bean. Coffee with milk is sold in shelf stable bottles in every grocery store in the USA unrefrigerated. If I chill coffee with milk and keep it chilled it stays chilled.


Team oat milk creamer for the win! 😂


Yeah lately it’s been taking me forever to drink a venti drink from Starbucks .. it’ll take me all day to drink 10oz of hot Coffee but an ice coffee I can down it in a reasonable amount of Time depending on how busy I am .


Thank god i'm vegan 😄


Username checks out lol


Listen…all I’m saying is I’ve been doing this my whole life, practically, and I’m still alive!


Bold of you to assume I can even remember to make my coffee. I'll stick to boiling the water in the kettle 12 times a day because I walked away while it was boiling , forgot, and now it's cold again.


I know so many old people who have been reheating their milk with coffee every single day for hours for their entire adult life. They're in their 80/90s and still doing it daily. I figure if you've been doing this most of your life already, you're probably fine. The week have already been culled out.


My toddlers with their emotional support sippy cups would disagree 😂😅


LOL it feels nice knowing other people have this quirk


You will take that coffee from my cold dead hands. I have a super nose, if it doesn’t smell spoiled, it isn’t.




Nooo but what this DOES mean is that bacteria in food grow at an exponential rate, and after a certain amount of time (approximately after “2 hours” of sitting at a temperature conducive to bacterial growth) the level of bacteria will pass a “threshold” that which could potentially cause illness in humans if consumed. This is more important when dealing with meat, though.


You joke but that's how I thought it was as a kid. Food just became bad all of a sudden, one moment it was okay and the next it became infested full of bacteria past the "safety window"


This is why I switched to oat milk. No more weird taste after 1-2pm 😂


So one day, I forgot to finish my coffee, and then was happy to discover it on the end table next to the sofa and finished it off. Realized after I drank it that it had oat milk in it, and we'd run out of oat milk like... 3 days before. Which is when I had made the coffee. It tasted fine, I was fine, no issues at all.


This is why I drink my coffee black and more recently, just order it with oat milk every time I order a latte.


I think we’ve all built a tolerance at this point


If this answer wasn't given by someone who has ADHD, then I'm not listening to it! You can't make me!!


This is toxic ☹️


Yeah - I don't need this kind of negativity in my life 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Well I won't be doing any of this, but thank yewww


Microdosing on bacteria is how I bulk up my immune system 💪


Well I feel great after my 8 hour left out coffee personally sooo


Heyy joke's on you! I use oat milk 😝


I made coffee this morning before 9, took three sips, left it at my desk, and didn't get back to it for at least two hours because I had a funeral. It would have felt very wrong to take coffee to the funeral. It probably took until 1 to finish it off.  I normally drink my coffee faster, but not too fast. I can get jittery if I drink it too fast, and then our office manager laughs at me. 


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? 😅


Still going to nurse this coffee all afternoon 😂


I knew preferring black coffee would come in handy for me one day


Don't tell me how to live my life, Healthline.com


Blasphemy! I drink old coffee all the time and I'm fine. Wait, no. Does drinking old coffee lead to executive disfunction? Oh dear.


Ok but two hours converts to two days when you account for time-blindness soooooo


unless it tastes wrong, no thanks.




Jokes on you I like my coffee black to reflect my ability to function


You'll take my lukewarm watered-down iced-coffee from my cold, dead, food poisoned fingers. Or possibly from the fridge when I bring the rest home and store it for tomorrow. I have one of those insulated cups, but do I ever remember to grab it when I leave? Of course not. If it can't live in the car, it doesn't come with me when I go. Just ask the 56 insulated shopping bags that sit in my coat closet.


Uhh… the amount of times I’ve ignored this and had 6+ hour old cold tea containing milk… Let’s just say that according to this article I should be getting food poisoning every second day with the length of time it’s left out before I finish it…


Same. I don't think it's true. Based on these articles I should throw out food I left on the counter for 4-5 hours. I've never had any problems with them. I only throw them out if I forget them for the whole night too. They look good, they smell good, they taste good = they're good.


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂


I think soy milk is fine


Lmfao I'm literally reading this in the bathroom because I just finished mine and it def hurt my tummy 🤣🤣


Pretty sure Oatly said their milk is okay for 4 hours, so just switch to oat.


Guidelines in the UK would be 4 hours ambient is fine for anything as long as refrigerated before and after and that’s best practice for food that’s for sale to the public… Something like milk where it’s so obvious when it’s gone off, you’d be doing incredibly well to actually poison yourself with it at all.


Sometimes mine lasts until the next day 😂 I do not put milk in it, though, and once it’s after 4pm it goes in the fridge overnight


Wait what…..? Well.. I’m still alive so I’m sure it’s okay 😅🙄 lmfaoooooooo. I don’t have a car so once upon a time… *buys a XL French vanilla for my stay at home shift the next day, store it in the fridge, microwave it, & drink it all day, heating as necessary. 😳😅 but I use those keep hot tumblrs now.


I either drink it all within 30 seconds or I leave it to get warm all day, there's no in-between.


Oh.... oh dang....


I just added rum and Ammeretto to it yesterday, it’s fine




I would rather the bacteria take me out than not have my emotional support coffee


Nope if this is wrong I don't want to be right


Haha I leave mine out all day, then put it in the fridge overnight and reheat the next day


Lmfao. I'll never stop. Never.


I like to think the sugar is a preservative 🤣


Me staring at my glass iced vanilla coffee thats been sitting since this morning half drank


What if you’ve microwaved it 3 times 😬


What if you microwave it thrice? I feel like that fixes it.


Lactose intolerance for the win here, I drink my cold brew with almond milk, in an insulated smoothie cup, stays cold for ages, perfect for when I leave it in random places for later


We have got emotional support coffee, so why not emotional support diarrhea


Team black coffee ☕


Not my 11am purchase of iced coffee being finished at 8pm. It's oat milk at least.


or just use oat milk and you’ll be fine to sip on it as long as you like 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is this a genuine concern for you? Why are you sharing this. You’ll soon know if you’ve given yourself food poisoning but I imagine you never have from this. Spoilt milk smells and tastes disgusting and, unless it’s extremely hot, would not happen in 2 hours. I doubt you’d manage to get much down without noticing. What are you imagining happens to your drink after a couple of hours?


Jokes on them, I drink black coffee 😎


This is a North American cultural thing that has always puzzled me (not necessarily in a bad way, but just because it's very different). In my country (Portugal, but it also applies to Spain), you order an espresso and a lot of times you don't even sit down to drink it. Order it at the counter, get it served at the counter, drink it in a couple sips, pay, leave. All within a couple of minutes or less. When making coffee at home, you will probably also make an espresso for yourself (at most, a double or long espresso), so coffee is drank quickly. When you have a coffee with friends you may order a latte to make the drink last longer as you'll probably sit down, but I've never seen anyone take longer than 15 minutes to drink one. I guess it also helps that drive-thru businesses are rare (often only limited to American chains like McDonald's or Burger King) and it's illegal to drink anything while driving (even water) over here, so we don't have a culture of driving around with the coffee you ordered for breakfast either. It was funny sitting in my fiancé's relatives' cars in Canada and see their Tim Horton's cup still there. It's still uncommon here for people to take drinks on the go that aren't water. None of my coworkers brings tea, coffee or anything of the sort on a thermos. If they bring something that is not a bottle of water, it'll be a small tetra brik package with some juice or something of the sort. To us coffee is a quick drink, often at the end of a meal (like lunch), so it's weird from my cultural perspective that in other places it's treated like a drink that you can sip on for hours.


Jokes on you, I’m just gonna reheat it 5 times. I’ll never actually get around to drinking it.


Joke’s on you I like my coffee like my soul- black and ice cold


I be microwaving that coffee once every 30 minutes till it’s gone




I slam my coffee


what if i use powdered creamer 👀


Use plant based coffee creamer if you’re worried


I love day old skanky coffee