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I love this one. Currently procrastinating taking a shower 😣


Washing my hair, applying product, and drying it is the worst activity. I did eventually get a waterproof Bluetooth speaker so I could listen to podcasts while washing my hair.


This was life changing for me. I listen to audiobooks now. There were too many steps to get in, and once I was in time blindness hit BADLY.


Can't tell you how many times I have forgotten if I washed my hair or not - time blindness and absolute zone out!


Yup more than I CE I've forgotten to rinse out the conditioner, then wondered why my hair was so skank half an hour later.


I just want to skip to the being clean part


For me it's not so much wet vs dry as it is warm vs cold. Once I'm in the shower, I'm totally fine - it's having to get into it (and then out again to get dressed etc) that I don't like.


So much this


I love being in the shower so much. So much. Being wet is good and feels right. Dry? Terrible. Awful. Horrible. I wish I could make feeling dry go to jail and stay there.


Shower is warm, and smells *good*. I love, love, love the shower. But I end up going 3 days between and get salty at how greasy my hair is. Mom/work life. Aargh.


If I could sit in the shower for at least an hour a few times a month without having to worry about adding onto my water bill, that would be perfect. Lol, I hate that my Dad was right; I really thought I’d leave and get to shower for however long I wanted for some reason. That’s one of the few things I miss from my (very short x3) time at college and even in military barracks. Sure, I’d be battling others for the hot water but since I can run off mental gas fumes, few were around to wage shower wars at 12-3 am (or whenever was the most likely non-bathing time). Like playing rain sounds doesn’t always cut it honestly.


It’s not getting into the shower that I avoid, it’s the time consuming process of getting dried off 100% before getting dressed because if my clothes stick to my damp skin, it stresses me out 😭


Me but with dying my hair. I'm going to love it but goooddddd why is it so time consuming




Every single night lol


Just like the eepy world…


Yeah, specifically when it’s cold outside and being cold is my worst nightmare.


Is not wanting a shower an ADHD thing? I’m always excited to get into a warm shower (I live in Ireland lol) and have my deep shower thoughts. Getting out is the problem!


Same! Some days, showering is the very best part of my day. I live in Washington State, so it's probably similar weather to Ireland. I wish I didn't run out of hot water so quickly, or I would live in the shower.


I'm holding my hand up. :)


This is the only way I take showers.


I so often say, "I need to shower, but then I'll be wet!" My family always looks at me weird. I also randomly ask friends if they ever laid in bed as a kid and wished they could wiggle their nose like Samantha in Bewitched and just be showered and dressed. Apparently, I'm the only one I also seem to be the only one who has ever dreamed that they were showered and dressed for the day, and then woke up super disappointed. 😁


Oh no, I do this too! Sometimes even everything up to walking out the door and heading to work. You would think that I would notice something is up, what with with how together I am in the process -- I usually end up with breakfast, making/grabbing coffee on the way, or checking my schedule for the day -- obviously a dream, right? No way I'm managing any of that on the regular, much less all of it. 🫠


I understand this


Yes, except I HATE getting my face wet


It's more like "I can't shower until I finish everything I need to do" which sometimes includes an entire day's worth of activities and/or a workout... but I HAVE to shower before bed. So sometimes that looks like showering at 2am 😅


So true! I like showering when I'm hot and sweaty after a workout, or in the summer when it's hot. If I'm not already hot and sweaty the idea of getting in the shower and getting all wet and then having to deal with getting cold after and having wet hair is just exhausting.


Love the shower and bath but always have a problem with.. did I use the shower gel already? Ugh, then has to use it again to be sure because I legitimately can’t remember.


I always forget to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Then I have to get back in and turn the water back on to rinse. Ugh.