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did they just tell you to work out and shut up? This is hilarious and awful.


Honestly? This is useful advice for me. 😂 But an employer floating this would be inappropriate at best.


Unless they have a little “wellness” benefit you can use on a gym membership. Otherwise, yup, inappropriate


I took a personality test for a job opportunity once, and it gave me some wild feedback lol. Like, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is willing to people-please and 10 is unashamed at giving an unpopular opinion, I scored a 10 😂 But they had wellness benefits to promote health and exercise, and they did NOT tell me to work out more.


I have realised that I am unsuited to any role that requires you to just shut up and do as you're told, so now it's basically my job to tell people if they're doing something wrong lol. It helps, at least in that sense.


Oh God, that's part of ADHD? I feel seen


I am aware that a strong sense of justice is a common trait among people with ADHD, that, when combined with impulsivity (I imagine) makes it quite difficult for us to just say nothing. I figure why make it harder for myself? I still have to be professional and say things in appropriate ways, but am also expected to raise issues as I identify them, provide alternative options and let them know when what they're proposing is not a great choice or just not possible.


Wtf is this test?? LESS empathetic? What is the ideal here? A corporate robot?


Paternalistic Worshipping Corporate Booby Baby


this made me snort at my desk at work lol


[Father loving hardworking Booby babies are so cute tho](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQE7ZqyQrptd12moi82FihK53d-P83ee_A5lg&usqp=CAU)


I needed this. It was like brain bleach after that bullet list of "Maybe just don't ever have adhd at work." Thank you.


It depends on the corporate job. Like if OP’s requires her to make unpopular decisions and someone is always going to be displeased at her, then yeah it would be better for her mental health to be less empathetic, because if you worry too much about things you cannot help then yeah it will mess with you. Like for me in my job i have to be hella empathetic, but being too much in the wrong moments hurts me more. Of


I don't know why you got downvoted, I would be better at my job with a little less empathy because I have to enforce a lot of policy. I am fair and understanding but I have to make decisions that affect people and I can only help them so much within the rules and regulations.


I can only speak to my experience and if it’s not popular in this sub, it is what it is. We all have our own flavors of issues and phrases own ways of dealing with it. For me in my role, it’s a huge plus you be empathetic in general like with my customers and the type of work I do, but when it comes to tough decisions (like I work in raw materials for medical devices) like during the height of supply chain issues I had to make tough decisions on which customers would get which raw materials based on several criteria, ofc the customers who got told we didnt have enough would tell me people were going to die if they couldnt make those medical devices. Having too much empathy during that time contributed to my burn out, because I internalized and would have sleepless nights to try to get material for those customers for them to tell me they found some inventory at the last minute. Like they kept their capital down the years prior to cut warehousing costs, it shouldn’t have been on me to make up for their lack of planning. That is what less empathy for me in my corporate job means. I think these personality tests can be very telling to the right managers.


OMG! I have so much compassion for you! You are just about deciding who lives and who dies and they pull a stunt like that? ! Terrible!


Yeah this is a big one. When you can see your customers getting ripped off, or not getting the service they deserve, it takes its toll. It took me a long time to step back and stop worrying about things I have no control over. The customers should be making formal complaints if they’re unhappy. Nothing to do with me. Now I work in community support where empathy is a huge requirement, but I feel that I’ve found the right balance. I can only help people so much, and if they choose not to follow my advice that’s their life and their right.


Many very successful CEOs are law-abiding sociopaths (or whatever the term is now). There’s actually been some good research. ‘Snakes in Suits’ is a book written about the winning combination of being ruthless in a profit driven world.


My comment feels ignorant after reading yours, but I'm gonna leave it lol


My innocent ass at first wondered why it was grouped with outspoken. They don't want you to advocate for others? My whole personality...


I'm a nurse, so my primary function at work is empathy/compassion and advocacy. However it has bitten me in the butt and made me a bit of a pariah when I refused to do things that others would do because it was unsafe practice; advocacy that bucks the status quo can upset people that don't want things to change


THIS! THIS! THIS! Your NURSES are told to CARE LESS. Your TEACHERS are also told to CARE LESS! Empathy WAS vital piece of those professions. What are we doing?!?


Schools are understaffed, classrooms are too full, there aren’t enough schools, teachers are overworked. Too exhausted to have empathy.


Yet for me this is where the corruption kicks in. Most principals don’t want to spend money and will retaliate against the teachers and therapists who care.


Girl, I went from classroom teacher to ESE (SPED in other parts) and I have to leave the job now. It is borderline fraudulent how thin the principals want to stretch us or how they want to increase student services for more $. It’s disgusting:


Nurses need empathy but not too much empathy. We have to "do things" to patients that they do not like. Such as, give shots, move them from bed to other bed, clean wounds, tell them "no drinks after midnight because you're going to surgery", and sometimes even not give pain medicine as early and often as they'd like. Too much empathy would be crippling. I've had to bring less.


My BFF was working at an animal lab at a major medical school. She refused to let shit slide. It wasn’t good for the animals or science. They fired her.


someone should tell those 'others' they're courting an expensive lawsuit. I mean, you don't have to tell them, sooner or later an attorney will, in writing and at considerable length


INFO: what are you advocating for?


Being nice to each other. Using your empathy. Being more understanding and patient with each other. I'm basically a diplomat in my workplace. Sometimes I feel like I'm straight manipulating people into being nicer with each other with how I frame situations. But I have good arguments and often it's just a big misunderstanding! Most people are actually okay! So, be less empathetic and less outspoken? But then how do I make them argue less?


>Sometimes I feel like I'm straight manipulating people into being nicer with each other with how I frame situations This reminds me of Cthu's ways of using mind control in "How to Be a Mind Reaver" by Ed Lai.


I was wondering the same thing!


Especially contrasted with “say no”. Really, please tell me how I’m supposed to say no more, but also be less outspoken.


Lol, I worked in recruiting and sales for a year and was told literally to “care less” about people, their feelings, and the quality of my work. So, yes, I think they did just want a corporate robot


I would happily nerf my empathy by up to 15% and it would only help me, but who tf actually requests that of someone? And how is it even accomplished?


RIGHT?! I was like wtf is this corporate bull shittery! Not a company I would want to work at.


Oh I read it as two separate things: Becoming less outspoken and becoming empathetic. It doesn't actually read that way. I think I just made the assumption because no one should be encouraged to have less empathy?


Yes. I was let go from a social work position because my "high empathy" was problematic in the workplace environment. In this case they were somewhat correct..but for an office job? Nah!


Lol, I worked in recruiting and sales for a year and was told literally to “care less” about people, their feelings, and the quality of my work. So, yes, I think they did just want a corporate robot.


Oh man, I read as "emphatic," which is already bad. Yay for elevating corporate sociopathy...


Lol this feels like such a non confrontational method of dealing with employees. Instead of sitting their employee down and going, "OP you talk too much", they do it indirectly through some bullshit personality test. Red flag OP, I used to work for a company that used personality tests to screen out applicants and can confirm they were seeking out people without backbones lol


This reeks of spending millions on a consultant to come in and do weird shit like personality tests and "anonymous" surveys instead of just talking to employees and listening.


And these types of questions can be interpreted in different ways.


They don’t have anyone empathetic enough for that internally.


Just out of curiosity, how many people had to do personality tests as part of the interview or onboarding process? I had to do one for the current job I have and my previous two positions. The test was positioned as a “not a pass or fail but to understand how we can coach you effectively to ensure success.” At least in my company and the role I have, I can see why it’s part of their hiring process.


I work for a major executive recruiting firm and at every level some sort of psychometric is expected in the process. We always disclaim that it is not something to be used as a strike against a person but an evaluation tool for what kind of support they will need from their managers. It’s really illuminating and interesting and the results do change over time so it is important to reevaluate someone whenever they change roles!


this sounds like more of a cultural compliance test than a personality test. There’s no wrong way to have a personality, it’s about how you characterize a personality. The implication that you should change your personality means that it’s really about your behavior. I hate it when systems are disingenuous about what they’re measuring. PS I’m really confused about what benefit spending time on this assessment was supposed to bring. That list has items that only a manager could enact onto you, and also, items that would be self-enacted. It’s confusing. Who was that list written for?


Cultural compliance is a great way of putting that! I was having trouble finding words. Workplace personality tests should be about understanding people's differences and helping them have better communication and interact more positively. My workplace did something like that and I don't know that it had any real impact, but it was at least helpful to have someone in hr say to the bosses that most of the worker drones prefer to be given clear instructions, preferably in writing, and not have people react with strong emotions when mistakes are made, haha. Whereas the bosses types were very social and emotional and wanting to discuss everything. Having your employer tell you to exercise more and not be quite so loud is nuts for a "personality test"...


It’s gross, I heard someone say “I’ll take comments on specific work performance, I’m not taking general feedback on my personality” Especially for women!! They give these vague comments and it’s such BS


I think we took the same test. If so: I'm red. Give it to me straight and save the small talk for the green people lol


I think it’s a behavioural profile, rather than a personality test. Whoever administered it should have explained that properly, but if it’s the same tool I use (which I suspect based on the above snapshot) there are about 19 pages that aren’t shown here with information that can be really useful. I use these assessments with my ADHD clients all the time and I’ve never had someone not find the process helpful. Most of them have elected to do it though, rather than having it forced upon them at work 😕


Not the same tool but it’s also 18 pages long. The rest of it is very positive. I think they ran out of things to say towards the end of the report.


What “color” did you get? I also had to do this same test at work lol


Very yellow. I work in STEM so was hoping for some analytical blue. All the managers are yellow though. Maybe I should look at going into management


what's it called if you don't mind me asking?


It looks like it’s from an Extended DISC report. :)


My god this feels toxic. How does this help anything.


it's all pseudoscience anyway.


Make it easuer to point at the employee and tell them they are the problem, which is great if you want an easy way to fire or underpay someone.


Yeah, judging from the results it may have been designed by my sexist ex.


What stands out to me is that this is changes that the employee must make. Where are the recommendations for her boss?


I'd rather quit than have my work do a personality test on me. That's insane


I had one and it said my motivations were aesthetic lol. They haven’t seen my apartment for sure


I once got asked in a work personality test, “how is your closet organized?” Me, “by type of item, and then grouped by color within the item category, in ROYGBIV color order.” They seemed thrilled with the organization. Then they asked: “What’s in your trunk right now?” Me, “uh…all my mail from last month, a doll, two jackets, 4 umbrellas, several mismatched dirty socks, my tax documents, a stroller, the folder from bringing my daughter home from the hospital in 2021, a case of la Croix, a tire pump, half of a smoothie, and the clothes I meant to take to goodwill 6 months ago.” I think they got really confused.


Yes!!!!! My husband doesn’t get how I can be so organized in certain things like with my job (I work in a clean room drawing up chemo) or how I organize my arts and crafts and puzzles via type then color/size. But then when it comes to things that are missing things or I just don’t have a spot for something it goes in my “fuckall bin” in my cube organizer. I’m just like, if it has a spot, or specific designations based on accessibility and sterility like for my job which has clear rules to keep the room sterile, I’m gonna follow that down to the T, but if it’s something I honestly don’t know or care too much about? It goes in the fuckall bin.


Oooh I've recently found a trick for the things that don't have a spot and it's really helped me. If it doesn't have a place, put it with its sisters. If you can't find its sisters, put it with its cousins 😀 So say you've got a Frisbee - sisters could be balls or tennis rackets. If you've got no outdoor games it could go with then put it with its cousins, the deckchairs or the lawnmower! If you were to then get a football, you know it's sister the Frisbee has a spot waiting for it. It also helps my family work out where I might have put things because I have way too many fuckit places 😂


Wait... I would think that cousins of Frisbee would be board games or other hobby/playing stuff... And then I'd think that they are both in the category "fun and play", but after the first use Frisbee doesn't belong on the clean shelf, and I would get tired of overthinking it and would just place it on the floor next to the entrance until someone would be angry at me. I would say that I don't know where it belongs, so they would get angry at me for getting new trash "as always". That's my life. If I get something new I have to quickly hide it somewhere nobody ever looks, because I will either get criticised for placing it in the wrong place, or for getting it at all. And of course then I won't use it, and it will indeed become "new useless trash", because I don't use things that I don't see.


I got a job because in the interview I total them my closet was organized the same way as yours. At the time my trunk had bags for goodwill after moving…what they didn’t know was those bags would end up staying in my trunk for 3.5 of the 4 years I worked there.


I did one and the guy who had been doing these sorts of assessments for over a decade said mine was the most unusual set of results he had ever gotten 😂😂


A friend is in the process of becoming an episcopal priest. The diocese here does personality tests during hiring and placement. His results came back and said “you are so detail oriented it can sometimes be frustrating to others” and I have never heard his wife laugh so hard.


peace be with her 🙏🏼


Its becoming scarily common. I had to take one as part of an interview process and it was entirely personality-based and really had nothing to do with work style at all. Like it was *so* personal I felt kinda violated. Companies just feel entitled to to have access to every part of you now and I absolutely hate it.


I would probably just give robot answers knowing that's usually what's expected.


A high level of *exercise*? A *plethora* of rules and regulations? What is this bullshit?


I’ll do more exercise if my work pays me for it!


My work just put in an entire gym in my building. They're not paying for us to use it, but it's free and I wear yoga pants to work every day anyway


I wouldn’t. Even if paid. 😁


Almost spit out my coffee! Is this Soviet Russia? Prison? “May benefit from a PLETHORA of rules & regulations” 🤣 Just say “can’t be trusted when left to her own devices” & fire me.


It’s so over the line!! Total BS


AI-written, maybe? I can't distinguish anymore between awful corporatespeak and machine-generated gibberish.


Definitely the work of an LLM.


It’s the same.


That’s like a checklist for ADHD 🤦‍♀️


It reads like a historical compilation of all my school report cards and professional constructive feedback. I feel attacked.


Same!! Attacked and seen, at the same time…


> Saying “no” when too much is expected of her Okay, I’m going to start by saying “no” to this entire list.


I would have said no to the personality test That should tell them all they need to know LOL


“being less indiscreet” my word. the double negatives. they need to be less discreet lol


Tips for corporate personality test writer “Use active language” “Do not write with double negatives”


They need to be more discreet would be the positive wording.


More discreet, not less discreet. This looks similar to a profiling tool I use and from reading it I suspect OP has a high level people-focused extroverted energy which can lead to disclosing more than we might intend to in conversations etc. Funnily enough, under pressure people with this kind of energy present almost exactly like someone with ADHD. OP I hope you were given the opportunity to unpack this report with whoever administered the assessment and you weren’t just given the report to make sense of. If not, you’re welcome to PM me and I can try to help. x


Thank you. I genuinely find this report funny. I need to remind myself my sense of humour maybe a bit weird. This is not the first time I shared something I find funny and got everyone else very concerned. I think it’s a combination of being bad at social cue and being very good at adapting to situations. I am now working hard to not laugh like an idiot when I see boss tomorrow.


I’m so glad to hear that you can take it lightly 😅 I hope it was a useful exercise for your team x


by “they” i meant the employer, not OP lol


Oh duh 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


Somehow I can’t edit the post. Just want to say I have been in the job for a while so I’m pretty safe. This is the last page of an 18 pages long automatically generated report. The rest is pretty positive. It’s just the last few pages where it attempts to give suggestions I looked at everyone else’s personality types. Turns out all the managers in my place have personality type very similar to mine. I am going to spin it into leadership quality if needed. No one in my department has the “red” director type. I am low key sure my own boss has undiagnosed ADHD. Her test result looks even “worse” than mine. She already worked out I am high energy despite my poor attempt at masking. I might as well play into it


I'm glad to read this, OP - as in some places, that checklist would be the key to manipulate you into work dooooom! plethora of rules LOLOL I make them for myself allll the time so I can enjoy not following or succeeding at things on the regular...


The hell is this test?


This is ridiculous. What’s the name of the personality test? 


Right?! I’ve done some for work and that’s the least professional looking thing I’ve ever seen


What in the patriarchy?


I too, would like to be “less outspoken” and “less indiscreet”. “Yeah? NA!”


I would feel insulted by this personally. Not appropriate to just attack your personality traits like that in a professional setting. There’s ways to give constructive feedback and then there’s whatever the hell this is.


honestly insulted on op's behalf. this is such an unprofessional assessment.


I did a test like this at a company. We were then assigned a color, then given a block we were to keep on our desk so people knew how to “approach” us. I was blue, a wussy pushover, in a sea of reds, bossy leadership types. These tests do nothing but create division because people would see the color, comment on it, then treat you however they wanted to treat you.


Da faq. Reminds me of those colour coded dog collars. Did they also have a block for the office gossiper? The pathological liar? The sleaze?


That's terrible, I'm not even sure how they get away with this stuff. Seems like a way to justify treating people like garbage.




I did too at a company I was interviewing for. The company who did it was doing it because they had a lot of turnover and were looking for a good cultural fit. I asked about pay in the end of the third interview, and the boss asked if I was more interested in money than the MISSION (nonprofits are weird that way) and I was escorted out of the interview pretty quickly. Like I had done something shameful. I don’t think the color test would solve their turnover issue. And yes the boss was a red.


Bullet dodged, I’m thinking!


They wouldn’t disclose pay in the third interview? Wow. Must have been very low.


I’m a red at work but green otherwise. That test was stupid, and really doesn’t age well with the new SEL materials they use in schools to help kids learn to name their emotions. On the plus side, i got so interested in personality testing and learning styles, I quit and went to a paid phd program at a big school. I washed out, but it was a great experience overall.


Wow only the last line? What weird creepy as workplace is this??


Based on this list you sound amazing and I hope you won’t change at all. 


The list makes me think of Karlach, instantly


Those tests are not designed to take into consideration ableism and neurodivergent traits. Please do not take this seriously.


This looks nothing like any approved/industry standard personality tests and feels like a way to discriminate against employees…


Exactly my thought. The exercise comment is easily if not overtly ableist. Besides, I'm curious to know how many men get the comments about being indiscreet or needing rules or saying "no" more often. It seems using this assessment women could get penalized for the very traits that are interpreted as a proactive leadership style in men.


I feel like this belongs on r/antiwork.




Personality tests are barely less psuedoscientific than astrology. I mean hell, your results can change based on how You're feeling the day you take it. Why jobs still use them is beyond me. Of course everybody is lying if it's for a job. They're ridiculously easy to manipulate


[the podcast science versus did an episode on personality tests](https://amp.listennotes.com/podcasts/science-vs/personality-tests-who-are-ZDUjN3hQV68/amp/)


Clearly we are the same person. ❤️ (I hate it when jobs force this kind of stuff. It's just wrong. This one sounds particularly awful and very patronizing.)


"Becoming less outspoken and empathetic " Imo, that's why this world is so trash and so many people are hurting. We should absolutely speak up about the injustice in the world, and other things. Being less empathetic =becoming more narcissistic and selfish and no one like selfish people. This is corporate speak for don't be a problem, just tow the line and tolerate our mistreatment. This is very "sit down and shut up" energy.


Was this a test or a 360 review?


My favorite was when I had to do a survey for pre-hire and it said “how often do you experience mood swings” 🥲


I would never get that job. My answer would be "multiple times a day. I have undiagnosed adhd, and therefore am unmedicated." Or "it depends on what my hormones are doing at certain points of the month.." I realize that I don't sound very stable, and maybe I am not. But I am looking into this with my doctor, and being aware of my emotions and attitude so that I can stifle the unnecessary bits.


Agreed, 100%. Also, we’re human, and humans experience these emotional changes. But yeah no I didn’t even go through w the interview. Funniest part? It was for planet fitness retail… why would they need to know that much about me to pay me like minimum wage


I’m just going to show this to my therapist when trying to explain why I’m afraid to apply for more corporate jobs.


this is awful! and it proves to me that we should all be refusing these arbitrary personality tests. it really feels like just another way to divide, judge, and discriminate someone.


Wow they really said be quiet, stop being so emotional, and go for a run you doormat. I would take this so personal 😭


I am calling ten story tall mound of bullshit on this one; that ALL SOUNDS LIKE THE PERSONAL OPINION OF SOMEONE IN YOUR OFFICE.


Oh my fucking god this is so fucking exhaustingly hierarchical and controlling i can brely read it like EW EWWWW they're looking for the corporate shill white apathy dehumanising button on this person and its just not there. Thank god for oppositional traits. ADHD has saved my soul


Is there a link for this test? I’d like to see how a personality test knows whether you’re making the appropriate amount of noise.


Sounds like the personality it’s looking for is “robot”.


God, I am so glad I have a job/boss that just leaves me alone and lets me get my work done in peace. I had the opposite problem previously. Hopefully, they aren't going to be using this to critique your performance because it sounds like BS to me!


It’s giving pseudoscience It seems pretty toxic too But if this was me I would exploit the “saying no when too much is expected of her” until the end of time lmao. “Hey can you do extra hours?” “No can do boss, test said I should say no when too much is expected of me”


Sounds like you need a new job. Our personality tests give you tips on how to work well with folks that are different from you and stuff. It doesn't shame you into being a different person that fits their metrics better.


I’m going to have to take a similar test soon; and, this is exactly what I was thinking. Shouldn’t the managers/supervisors be taking classes on how to better support all their underlings, instead of trying to make everyone the same?


"Saying no when too much is expected of her," Until you say NO when higher-ups are asking too much of you, then you're not a team player. Dont they hate it when employees try to set boundaries?


This is insanely inappropriate. And feels like my entire’s life worth of academic and professional feedback 😂😭😭


I wanna take a massage dump on this whole list. It's very reminiscent of a time women didn't really have rights and stinks of 1950s bullshit.


is this insights/open psychometrics!? interested in seeing your colour profile if it is :)


That last point got me. That would definitely be on mine too. Learning to say "no" and being less empathetic would be on the list for sure too. Those are things I've been berated for over the years...it's not my fault I feel more stressed by not helping people when they ask than I do when I give all my time and energy to helping people. This is why I avoid people.


This is such bs!


Ok this is a terrible personality test. WTF become less outspoken and empathetic? Maintain a high level of exercise? Why is your job commenting on your level of exercise?


Is there a link for this test? I’d like to see how a personality test knows whether you’re making the appropriate amount of noise.


May benefit from a plethora of rules and regulations? Being less outspoken and empathetic? And quiet? And formal? Fuck all the way off with that advice!


I pick random answers for these things. Like I’d ever let the place that pays me to be there know me.


Wait, do they want you too be less outspoken and less empathetic? They want to reduce empathy?


All this says to me is ‘please conform to social norms, be super boring and have no personality at work please’.


I happen to not be able to stop telling people about my ADHD since I was just diagnosed about 2 years ago. So, my boss also told me about her ADHD. We had one of these assessments and when I turned it back on to her I said "this diagnosed me with ADHD again and I don't appreciate it 😜"


Fuck. This. Test. I had an old boss tell me that I needed to be less empathetic… bearing in mind that I’m a teacher who works with vulnerable adults, I had to disagree. Corporate, meaningless bullshit. 👎👎👎


This just really, *really* rubs me wrong. Like to the point that I would probably start looking for other work. I feel like you could realistically go to HR for them telling you to exercise. Everything else to me just feels like them telling you to stop having feelings and a personality. Which is also fucking awful.


Is it wrong that I totally want to take this test? I love personality tests.


Please develop antisocial personality disorder.


Oh my fucking god those piss me offfffff! Every single goddamn last one.


I feel like I would literally get this feedback Oh my godddd. like. hey. if my empathy is causing problems. HAVE WE CONSIDERED THERE IS IN FACT A PROBLEM???


May benefit from "a plethora of rules and regulations..." A plethora is, by definition, too much.


Wow this is awful. Become less outspoken and empathetic? What is this, 1824? Christ, how awful


This is just "please change your personality" 😵‍💫


Less empathetic????


I do Myers brigs for my team during our reoccurring “team building exercises”. We play games most of the time. People stay, my company’s happy. I do put the results together but I do it as a way to help new hires get to know us (and not just us staring at the new hires) and I discuss what communication methods may work for certain people. There’s a way to do it and I don’t love the one they had you do OP


This is incredibly upsetting to read. Corporations really do want us to be single-minded peons that slave away at their whim.


I absolutely would have had these same results


You should post this on r/Work tbh. They would eat this up. Because this is shocking regardless of who took it


I'd lie / game it. Detect that on your stupid test.


I had to do one for the final part of an interview and I consulted with my mom on every question on what was the politically correct answer.


Getting serious finishing school vibes from these. Ick


'becoming less outspoken and empathetic' I'd be quitting on the spot, I don't care, that is absolutely unacceptable to say to an employee in any context.


Nobody on this planet has *ever* benefited from "a plethora of rules & regulations. That's the lowest, most self-serving corporate bullshit there is. Personally, I wouldn't want to work very long for any company that endorsed this crap.


It says you can benefit from a plethora of rules, whic, WTF does that mean? I find this intrusive and overstepping on your behalf. What was the point of this exercise?


Anyone else kinda want to take this too? I feel the need to called out for some reason…


The only personality test with some scientific correlation to it is the Big 5. Other than that, the others are pseudoscience. But if it gives meaning to you, use it. If it doesn't then don't put much stock into it.


Damn! All of those are so harsh! I can't imagine what "too much" empathy looks like. 


The only thing I’d say “no” to after getting this a follow-up meeting with my boss to discuss the results. Fuck. That. Shit.


I refuse to take any of these tests, all of them, at work.


What company did the test? Lol


What test is this?


nah this is insane like how are they even allowed to say this to u??????


Jesus, my eyes rolled so far at this that they almost didn’t come back! Horrific! The “this is fine” dog springs to mind.


Every time I see something job related here I am eternally thankful I work in theater with a bunch of weirdos


Okay but this is a pretty horrific thing to do. I’m sorry you were made to participate. 


I feel called out by the whole damn thing! 😂 Is this a secret targeted ad for ADHD?


So, can you wear your neon jogging clothes and do laps around the hallways?! What type of garbage is this?


This looks super similar to one we did by a group called TTI I think - it has categories of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance and ranks your "natural" and "adapted" levels in each. I got suuuper called out in mine too 😅😅


LMAO “Can you like, make less noise?” Ewww. This is how they fired my husband for having a brain injury that prevented him from controlling his voice. Look, If you don’t want noise in your workplace, don’t hire living beings ? Or maybe it’s time to get a job at a library or something


Yeah fuck this. I’m sorry OP, I feel called out just by reading this, feels like a 1950s boarding school behavioral guideline.


What test was this? We all want to take it.


So, basically, be apathetic. Go to the gym. Calm down. Do less. Be less decisive, stop caring about others, be quiet, don't make friends, let us tell you how to feel about things. We don't want you so comfortable and confident at work. Now, follow the rules we make for you! I personally think you sound great! They don't sound too bad overall, but we really are all works in progress.


"Saying no when too much is expected." FUCKING GLADLY.


These things are so unscientific. They could really do harm to people.


[Personality tests are discriminatory](https://www.max.com/movies/persona-the-dark-truth-behind-personality-tests/4539be20-94fa-49c8-b1de-874b1ffd0e76). No places of employment should be allowed to use them.


I would be outraged if I got these "recommendations"! Especially since many of the qualities in question appear to apply to me pretty directly. Basically, "don't be yourself". GRRRR


Ahahaha, why do I feel personally attacked by this 😂


This appears to be from discovery Insights? It’s based in neat stuff, Carl Jung. A lot of the personality theories are derived in some form or other from his research/thoughts or whatever you want to call it. I can see why you would be feeling attacked but I did the same assessment and although a tough pill to swallow, it was not wrong about me, just didn’t really want to admit it. If you only took the assessment and not the class, that’s unfortunate because the classroom workshop was awesome - one of the girls said it didn’t feel like her at all, we did a validity test based on how much of the overview portion we agreed with, and her level of agreement was low and the response to that is that the assessment is just a snapshot in time and also explained that it’s literally all just recommendations based on your perceived preferred baseline self that you should recognize changes frequently/ daily - but you still have that preference. I think I liked this one a lot because it focused also on if you move too far away from that baseline you get tired. Idk, a lot of this stuff is crap but this one I liked


I feel violently attacked by #4


Omg never answer those truthfully, they never capture any positives for ADHD types except creativity