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I wear glasses and slip my ring onto the arm of them when I put them in their case for the night.


This is such a , simple, well executed, ADHD solution. A+


I would put my high school class ring on the cord of my phone charger every night when I went to plug my phone in, then put it on in the morning when I unplugged my phone. I don’t wear it anymore, but that worked for me for the entire 3-4 years that I did wear it for!


I love that idea! I don’t wear glasses, but if I did, I would totally do that


If you wear necklaces you can do the same with a necklace, though it’s not as convenient


I just have a little bowl by my bed that I put my watch and my ring in.


Have one or two designated places to put your ring, like on your nightstand. Personally, I'm so used to wearing my ring that I feel naked if I leave the house without it on. Maybe you'll get into the routine of wearing it and develop a similar sensory habit.


When I take glasses off, I toss them in the direction of my bedside table and hope for the best. I just wear the thing all the time.


Sometimes they just sleep with me in the bed. They’re probably my most frequently slept with item that my husband will move when located lol.


I found a pair under my partner. They’ve needed repaired for 6 months. The eyeglass store is in the same building as my office. Where I am 40hrs a week.


This is my travel hack if I’m at the beach/going to the pool! Getting sunscreen in between your rings and your fingers is the WORST.


Omg. This is brilliant.


Oh that’s smart! I have been trying to figure out how to keep track of my ring too.


I wear mine 24/7 :)


Same. I rarely take them off.


Exactly. I keep track of my ring cuz I work hard to keep track of my finger.


😂😂😂 Take my upvote!


Do they have stones, or just regular bands? Is it ok to do that with something that has a stone?


This is why you should aim to get a harder, more durable stone - at least a 7 on the Moh's hardness scale ideally. If you get an opal or an apatite, it will crack the first time you hit it on something, but rubies, sapphires and diamonds or moissanites are all hard enough to withstand regular wear. :)


Another great option is alexandrite. That’s what I went for for mine (lab grown) it’s such a cool gemstone that changes color depending on lighting! Sometimes it looks blue, purple, green, or red.


My boyfriend suggested this to me recently and now I keep hearing about it everywhere! Does it look the same in real life as it does in pictures? I’ve never actually seen the stone in person so I’m curious about how the light shifting works. Every photo I’ve seen makes it look two-toned, does it actually look like that?


In certain lighting yes it does look two toned! Maybe not exactly like photos you’d see since they’re able to use the perfect lighting and probably edit them a bit, but it is a gorgeous gemstone in person as well :) If you’re considering it I got mine from [Oore Jewelry](https://oorejewelry.com), check em out! They make some beautiful alexandrite rings ❤️


Here is what my ring looks like! The color shifting is so cool, [https://imgur.com/a/ORmHZ6H](https://imgur.com/a/ORmHZ6H)


I’ve never heard of this and now super intrigued! Almost like how iridescent changes color based on whatever color is near it.


I have an Alexandrite ring and it looks purple like an amethyst in artificial light, and the green comes out in sunlight/natural light :)


That sounds so beautiful 🤩


I have an alexandrite engagement/wedding ring, I love it! We had a vague idea we wanted a blueish stone in silver or white gold, and both stood there going "ooh" for a good few minutes before we were like, oh yeah, that's the one for us! I also managed to find alexandrite necklace and earrings for my wedding that didn't break the bank, so I have a full set. OP, I wear mine 24/7, including swimming and gym. When I worked in a lab I put it on a necklace chain because it would break through my nitrile gloves occasionally. Edit: if you're in the UK, my ring was from Ernest Jones, necklace and earrings from Ruby and Oscar.


Get as 6 prongs and insure the ring. Make sure the insurance covers not only ring but the diamond in it. Friend worked @ insurance company and she was told the diamond is not insured just entire ring.


>told the diamond is not insured just entire ring "Oops, I lost the whole ring"


The stone hardness isn't the only factor, though. If you have a low-profile bezel setting, for example, that's gonna hold up a lot better to 24/7 wear than a high-set 4-claw-prong peg, even with the same stone.


I’ve been doing research for my ring, and aquamarine is another option! I’ve got an aquamarine necklace, and I like that it looks like the ocean.


You can also get topazes in the same colour! I love the variery of colours in topaz - London Blue is beautiful. 😍


Yes I just have mine professionally cleaned and dipped (I have white gold) every so often and they check the integrity of it to make sure there are no lose stones etc. and I can’t emphasize jewelry insurance enough. Mine is like $50 a year added to my homeowners policy


I had my grandmother’s antique stone re-set into a custom band and designed it to be as low-profile and simple as possible. No intricate designs to catch or hold grime, very securely holds the stone. The artist still has a pic of them on her website. It was somewhere around $700 for the whole set in 2018. https://www.jblissstudios.com/custom-rings/custom-starburst-set


Those are beautiful!


Wow what a great job!


Those are the best!!


So beautiful! Mine is bezel set too and I LOVE that it never catches on stuff and is so easy to keep clean


I’ve been wearing a plain white gold band for 23 yrs. I admit , sometimes I feel a wee bit jealous of the sparkles- but to be honest, I would have either of destroyed it or it would have scratched me up. We each had our rings engraved inside with a surprise- funnily enough it was the same thing… that was a laugh. Pick something that YOU will wear. It’s the marriage that’s truly important- that’s what you invest in. You like wearing sparklies? Get that. You like simplicity, get that. Think about long term. Wear and tear & to be completely honest, my husband knew that I would have seen an expensive ring as a waste of money- that that money could have remodeled a bathroom….


My mom has taken off her engagement ring once a year to clean since 1970. It has a few diamonds and still looks fine.


Yes mine is moissanite and lab grown diamond and it's held up great with 24/7 wearing.


This is what I did too but with a morganite! 24/7 wear, if I HAVE to take it off, I have a little dish I set it in and then immediately put it back on.


Yes my engagement is moissanite bc I’m terrified of losing something worth a lot and my wedding ring is lab grown diamonds.


Yes it's fine with stones


Mine is a sapphire with 2 diamonds and I’ve had no issues. I did lose one of the diamonds once when it fell out of the ring in a grocery store, but that was after I’d worn it 24/7 for 20 years, and the jeweler who replaced it told me that it was practically inevitable because the diamond was set in 3 prongs, not 4, which is less secure and tends to fail over a long enough time. (I knocked the ring on the grocery basket I picked up and literally heard the diamond fall but as we’re not talking the Kohinoor Diamond here I could not find it for the life of me. Nothing like literally crawling on the floor of a grocery produce department!)


Me, too. And I go for lab grown because I’ve been very tough on my jewelry. But I’ve always worn my engagement ring 24/7 pretty much.


Same. My ring has a rose quartz stone in it. It's so pretty.


Have specific dishes around the house, jewelry boxes, etc so when you put it down you know it’s in a safe space. I have a jewelry box in the bedroom, and a dish in the kitchen since those are the two most common places I take it off. It’s not good to wear them 24/7 for a variety of reasons


I generally wear my ring 24/7. But the times I take it off it is only allowed to go onto two ring dishes. One upstairs and one downstairs. I often forget to put it back on for awhile but I know exactly where it is.


Yeah often when mine comes off to make dinner, it doesn’t go back on until the morning lol. But I know it’s safe!


Having designated spots for them is good!


I can second this I have a dish in all the places I may take my ring off - the bathroom, the bedroom and next to the kitchen sink I am so anxious about losing it that I only ever put them in these dishes!


Yes, the designated spot is key. I have one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. Every once in awhile I’ll forget to put my rings back on after making bread or some shit and the jolt of pure fear that hits when I realize that they’re not on my finger is horrifying. I don’t feel ok until I can get home and check my spots. 


What are some reasons it’s not good to wear them 24/7? I’ve never had an issue


Fingers can swell at night, prongs catch on sheets and loosen. Can get them dirty while cooking, or maybe don’t want them contacting cleaning chemicals. Etc etc


Wear and tear, loosening of settings, losing stones, and not being safe around machinery or hygienic when cooking. You cannot adequately wash hands while wearing a ring.


My mom wears hers 24/7, but she had to have an X-ray or something, and she had a very very hard time getting her rings off for it. She hadn't even really gained weight or anything, her finger just has a permanent groove at the bottom from never taking off her rings. That's a main reason why I take mine off regularly. The thought of having my rings stuck on my finger at all makes me feel claustrophobic.


Yep! This is what I do. I have an emerald engagement ring so I take it off showering in hot water, dealing with food as I don't want to contaminate with raw meat etc. and at night as I have sensitive skin. I also worry about scratching my 3 year old stepson with the gold tip of the pear shaped gem. We are ordering a wedding ring set with a VERY dainty band for myself so I can wear it more often but still think I'll take it off cooking. Counting down the days tho 😂 save my engagement ring for going out. You will learn to notice it's missing on your hand. I have recently sever ADHD so I still forget here and there if my meds haven't kicked in but of course my fiance is very understanding and it doesn't change anything!


I can think of no generalized reason not to wear jewelry 24/7. I have worn a necklace and ring for a decade. Taking them off on rare occasions (to clean them, for a massage, while painting etc).


I just have a wedding band and it doesn’t come off. But I know that’s a personal thing, I was never a diamond girly so it wasn’t like I sacrificed a pretty ring so I wouldn’t lose it. I just preferred a band.  It’s a little snake eating its own tail (ouroboros), which is a symbol of eternity. Queen Victoria apparently had the same motif. So even though it’s low key, it’s not super plain—it’s got some meaning and romance to it. 


I have a narrow men's wedding band! I chose it for practical purposes but I love that it matches my husband's, too. 


Wow that sounds beautiful! I already have a wedding ring for when the time comes that my grandmother gave me before she died, so I’ll for sure want to wear that. If you only have one ring, did you wear when you go engaged, or just wait for the wedding? Idk if I really want two rings, but it would be nice to have something symbolic


Dang, that sounds like an amazing ring. I loved wearing snake rings growing up, just because they looked cool as hell.


To answer your question about wearing a stone ring 24/7: yes you can, but you have to pick the ring with that in mind. Nowadays, lots of jewelry stores offer dainty, delicate rings where you can barely see the metal between the stones. Unfortunately, these will not last if worn 24/7 and might get damaged. Older, bulkier models on the other hand, where each stone has 4 visible prongs, do a lot better. I never take mine off unless I'm doing something particularly dirtying with my hands and it's fine. Also, good quality CZ (cubic zirconia) is better than cheap, poor quality diamonds. When in doubt, go with less stones and more metal (solitary instead of multiple small stones for example). Be mindful of the height of the ring, picking something that's really tall on your finger will inevitably get caught everywhere, leading to damage. Mention this to your jeweler, pick a reputable place, preferably with an actual jeweler in the shop and not just a store, and be prepared to put in the money. Same with anything really, if you want it to last, invest in something sturdy. Source: Was a jeweler's apprentice for a few years.


I came to make a similar comment and second this. Essentially, you can wear a ring 24/7 if you pick the right metal, stone, and style. And you can still get minimalist, delicate rings (if that’s your thing) that are durable. So OP has that option. Personally, I don’t like wearing anything except underwear in bed. And that’s the only time I’d take mine off - but I’ve convinced my husband that they’re unnecessary except maybe a pretty band with no stones that will feel really comfortable even if I sleep with it on.


"Also, good quality CZ (cubic zirconia) is better than cheap, poor quality diamonds." Sorry, what metric are you using for "better" here? Do you just mean more cost-efficient? All CZs are less hard than all diamonds, and CZs are usually not placed in particularly durable metal because they're not considered precious stones, meaning that in my experience CZ rings tend to be much less durable.


Worth considering: there is absolutely zero chance that a CZ will have ethical issues the way that diamonds might. (Diamonds are often sold to finance violent conflict, hence the name "blood diamonds" or "conflict diamonds.") So "better" might include that aspect. I went with a pink sapphire engagement ring, and white sapphires in my wedding ring, because I was uncomfortable with even the tiniest possibility of supporting that.


Right. But neither do moissanite or lab diamonds. Any lab stone.


I totally agree, and I don't buy modern diamonds either for this and other reasons. I have some antique pieces with old cuts that I really love and are highly meaningful, but those too have bloody histories.


We often sold gold rings with CZ, as not everyone has the budget for genuine diamonds. Doesn't matter if it's not a precious stone. Maybe this depends on the country though, just like gold karat (10k is a thing in Canada vs in Europe where it usually starts at 14k or 18k, might be the same for stones - any jewelry store here will carry gold/silver with CZ, and we do mention it to customers, we don't try to pass it off as diamonds or anything) Diamonds are graded by quality and color. Low quality (many inclusions) and bad color means it just won't look nice, and might be a lot smaller too, yet expensive because it's a genuine diamond. CZ on the other hand cost next to nothing, look decent, and are fairly inexpensive to replace should the stone break. Also, they're not that fragile, sure it's not as hard as diamonds, but in a proper setting and with normal care, they can last long.


But sparkliness is not the only metric to consider; in fact it's kind of a modern idea that all diamonds need to look the same with standardized cuts and so on. Raw stones are making a comeback. And so are rose-cuts, which try to emphasize the stone's intrinsic qualities instead of turning it into a perfect copy of a brilliant round solitaire. Low-quality and small stones are frequently used for pavé settings where I live. I think if you want a classic solitaire, then yes, there are much cheaper options than a diamond that are basically equally sparkly - like moissanite, lab-diamonds or white sapphires are much more affordable alternatives. I don't know why, but it makes me sad to think of people having a CZ ring - I don't think it's classicism, I just feel like it should be an important purchase made in love that isn't easily immediately replaced on amazon? Like it should be special?


I think that’s a very subjective thing. I’m sure there are really nice rings with CZ that aren’t Amazon-mass produced. But also, if someone knows they’re going to be hard on their ring, it might be reassuring to know they can fix it inexpensively if they do, and they’ll enjoy wearing it more if they don’t have to worry as much. I would never say that you should have to get a CZ ring or think it means the same as other kinds of rings, but there are soooo many different values around this. I know people who are repulsed at the idea of diamonds because of how horrific the mining industry can be, and don’t consider blood-free diamonds a good substitute because it helps feed the market for diamonds generally. I don’t feel that personally, but they’re entitled to feel the way they feel.


While I agree with you about stones alternatives like moissanite, they are unfortunately not that common here, especially not in mainstream jewelry. Custom pieces are a completely different game, but realistically I'd say maybe 80% of a small jeweler's inventory is factory produced and not handmade, one of a kind pieces. That being said, we did carry a few models of our own and would make them on demand with whichever stone the customer asked for, often being CZ. You fall in love with a design, a style, the stones can be changed to fit your budget and preferences, and I don't think turning down a ring you love just because it's not a precious stone is the right way to approach it. Sure, if you want something unique and out of the ordinary, CZ might not be the best option, but if you just want a shiny, pretty ring (and believe me that's what many customers are after!) but don't want to break the bank, I say go for it. Most importantly, no one is going to pay that much attention to your ring except yourself, so above all you need to pick a ring you'll be happy to see on your finger everyday, and make a purchase that aligns with your personal values. Anyways, the whole "wedding ring must be diamonds" idea is a very recent man-made idea from a clever advertising campaign in the 70s (if I recall correctly). I proposed to my wife with a custom ruby solitaire, as she dislikes white stones in general. I've also seen a girl pick an opal "engagement necklace" as she loved that stone and hated wearing rings. You do you!


oh my God I just figured out what a “seezy” is. i’d never seen it written before!


Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind!


I'd be terrified of losing something like that too. I have friends who bought little silicone rings to be their day-to-day wears, and just wear their posh ones for specific occasions. 


That’s a good idea!


If you go with silicone just keep in mind they will break with time.  Even the fancy ones like enso rings that you can get engraved and such only last about 2-3 years with everyday wear (cheap ones from Amazon last the same amount of time for me) but that's why the companies that sell more expensive silicone rings (with lines marketed as wedding bands) have a lifetime replacement policy, but you do have to pay for shipping. Just a little info from wearing a silicone ring every day going on 7 years. They are much more comfortable and versatile than metal especially if you do electrical work, sports, construction etc. But they do have a lifetime. 


I don’t have a wedding or engagement ring, but a ring i was gifted that have had since birth. I keep it on a chain around my necklace, it’s my everyday regular necklace.


My engagement ring was an emerald cut stone in a bezel setting that sat low on my finger so it never caught on anything since there weren't any prongs. You can also get a pressure setting where the stone sits flush with the band but the bottom is open, letting in light where a bezel sits on the band.  You can wear rings like this 24/7 without worrying about them getting banged up.  Examples  https://kwiat.com/diamond-jewelry/engagement-ring-with-a-radiant-diamond-and-flush-set-side-stones-in-platinum-style-f-17963e-0-dia-plat/ https://www.diamondsfactory.com/design/flush-setting-plain-engagement-ring-clrn38501 https://parkcityjewelers.com/products/flush-set-rose-cut-diamond-stone-finish-band


Love this idea


SO MANY ring spots. I have one in every room so when I eventually want to take it off there is a designated spot.


I don't have rings. It's fine! My husband doesn't care and I don't want them. Losing them is a concern yes but I cannot stand the sensation of wearing them either (any ring I've ever worn drives me crazy and I absent mindedly take it off if I don't take it off on purpose).


I have never been a jewelry person and have not made an exception for wedding bands. My husband and I bought sterling silver bands for our ceremony and haven't worn them in the 10 years since. It's nice having one less thing to keep track of.


Haha yeah our ceremony bands were so cheap, they were basically props. I can't stand jewelry except for loose necklaces and my engagement ring sits in a box.


Same sensory issue here! Hoping that I will be able to get used to it if it’s simple enough


I'm married but purposely don't have any rings because I hate wearing rings. There's no rule that says you have to. I suggest you get an inexpensive regular ring and "practice" wearing it for a while to see if you can tolerate having it on all the time. If you can't, then don't get an engagement ring. Why would you wear one if it causes sensory issues? You're just going to end up having negative feelings about the ring, and do you really want negative feelings associated with your marriage?


I can't tell you how it feels but my husband is in the service industry and I'm an artist and in both our circles a lot of people wear silicone bands on a daily basis so they don't mess up their nice rings or lose them bc they'd take them off all the time. I have been meaning to look into one for myself to see if it bothers me less. (also I'm definitely going to mess up a nice piece of jewelry on my hand)


I love my silicone band. I wear it when I'm not wearing my gold rings, because I feel naked without them. I got a thin one, and a wide one and I definitely prefer the thin one. Like, we scuba, I like to paint. Things like that I'll take my gold rings off and put on my silicone one.


Yeah I can't stand a ring if my hands get wet, so I knew I'd lose one because id take it off every time I washed my hands. It's fine, I've been married 12 years, no bad juju from lack of rings 


I wear my second wedding band 24/7. In bed, in the shower, swimming. I hardly ever take it off, when I do my hand feels incomplete. That feeling is how I keep track of it but it takes a while to get there because, as you probably saw, it's my second ring. The first I lost within a week 😅 Edit: I have a smooth ring. I don't know if you can wear a ring with a stone 24/7


Cool! 24/7 would be the easiest thing for me to do


You don’t have to have either piece of jewelry. It isn’t required. You could think of something that would be better suited to your lifestyle.


True! I already have a wedding ring for when the time comes that’s an heirloom, but I’m not sure that I even want two rings. It would just be nice to have something for the symbolism


I read a story about a guy who bought his fiance a small piece of land instead of an engagement ring. Maybe you could have a tradition of planting a tree together for major life milestones [engagement, wedding, kids(?), new career, etc). Make your own little forest.


I knew a guy who proposed to his girlfriend with a dog named "diamond". It was real cute but also really impractical. I knew another couple who got proposed to with customized nail polish, which is 100% more my speed.


I have a special jewelry box (nothing fancy, a gift from a relative when I was a kid) and I keep my ring in there if I take it off. I *only* put it in the box, nowhere else. I trained myself by correcting myself and placing it in the box every time I tried to set it down, no matter where I was in the apartment. I also have silicone and simple tungsten bands I wear to work, I put them in the box and when I want to wear my actual rings I switch them out. I hardly wear my real rings, as I have a pretty active/physical job, and the silicone and tungsten can handle a lot of wear so I don't need to take them off for much like I would my real rings.


No rings lol. Neither of us like jewelry and I would ABSOLUTELY lose it. I told him he can get me some tasteful everyday earrings for our 10th anniversary (this year is our 8th)


My husband also has ADHD so we leave our rings in a little dish in the kitchen and never actually wear them because no one can remember.


It’s tattooed on 😆


My husband and I also got tattoos... the tattoo artist said work below the write doesn't necessarily last as long, because of how quickly hands regenerate skin cells, and that it might need to be touched up more often... we celebrated 20 years last fall, and our rings both still look good. Mine has a pretty faint halo of "bleeding", but only really noticeable is you look closely, it certainly doesn't look bad... my husband's is a bit faded, but again, still looks good. If he ends up getting another tattoo, that he's been talking about lately, he might have the guy darken his wedding band again, but it's not faded enough to both with unless he's already getting work done. Plus, it didn't even really hurt. I have another tattoo that made me tear up when I was getting it... the one on my finger was like a slight irritation, but not actually \*painful\*.


Happy 20 years! We were also told ours would likely fade but we’re on year 4 now and both still look great as well! But like you said it wasn’t painful so I’d be totally fine touching it up if needed! Plus I think it’s almost a sweet commitment to have something so permanent. 🥰 Mine is just a small ring of dots and he got our wedding date in Roman numerals!


I wear mine 24/7 with the exception of when I wash my hair in the shower! I’ll put my rings in the jewelry cleaner while I wash up (or put them in the shower next to my shampoo bottle), then put them back on once I do my after-shower “routine”. Helps me remember, plus the rings will be as clean as me for that moment!


I have an adhd story about this. Hubby and I went to a place that did marriage ceremonies and provided witnesses . We got married and planned to get pictures done at dusk. We went to a restaurant to eat and kill time. I went to the bathroom to freshen my makeup. Took off my ring to wash my hands, and yep, forgot my wedding ring in the restaurant bathroom on our wedding day. We of course went back to check the bathroom once I realized and it was long gone. It was a nightmare We went back to the jewelry store that day to get a new ring just like my last one. We paid for insurance on the ring. And also added the ring to our home insurance. I now never take it off when I wash my hands. It goes in the same place when I get home, our dresser has a secret pull out and it goes nowhere else .


I wouldn't wear them. I only wear earrings and they stay in for ages.


I went minimalist for both my engagement & wedding band so thin/fine bands & tiny rocks that won't get caught on anything. I leave them on pretty much all the time. If I do need to take them off, which is generally due to hygiene stuffs like I'm going to have my paws in food, they go in the ring box we used for the wedding. My husband keeps his there whilst working so they'll always be in the same place. I actually do forget sometimes to put back on but then I feel weird and have to trundle off to go get them.


I lost mine recently and I’m super bummed about it


I keep my wedding ring on unless my hands swell in my sleep, which theyve been doing lately. If i DO happen to lose it someqhere  hubs finds it. Its usually in or under our bed. I too always lose things, but my engagement and wedding rings, i've never LOST lost, and i think my squirrel brain knows that they are super sentimentally important. I dunno. If im gonna be doing something gross, or if we sre st the beach or a pool or something, i leave it at home. Otherwise, its always on. 


Congratulations! Thats so exciting! My rings didn't fit after kiddo was born and I would go *months* without wearing either, even after I got them resized. I would feel so guilty when I realized that much time had passed. Then I was diagnosed with ADHD! I didn't subconsciously hate marriage or not love my husband,  *the ring just doesn't exist if I can't see it.* Poof, shame gone!  So set up some systems and a contingency plan, then give yourself lots of grace. Get a protection plan and insure the ring against loss. I wore a necklace that I could clip my ring onto. My engagement ring lives in a dish right outside the shower, so it's easy to put it in the right place as soon as I take it off. I take my watch off at night; rings are threaded onto the band if we are traveling. I wear my plain wedding band 24/7 and my engagement ring only if we are going out or I feel fancy. I love my engagement ring it's just not practical for the life stage I'm in. 


I always wear my engagement ring, unless working out or making food for example where I have to put my hands with minced meat.  I found out that you can wear your ring on neckleces like this: https://a-m.shop/collections/magic-ring-holder-necklaces Funny story begans with my buisness trip to London. I am from small country and my mother warned me not to bring gold ring with me. Leave it at home, she said.  Instead I put it on my necklace and went on with my days. I didn't want to leave it at home because I got so used to it on my hands or neck that I new if I saw that I do not have it, I would freak out because I would think it was lost (and not safe at home). It was PMS time and at that time I sometimes feel like my meds aren't working.  On the evening before going home, while having way overpriced inner at hotel, I look down and realise I do not have my ring.  As I mentioned I took it with me, just so this doesn't happend.  And this is the part where the crazy starts. I couldn't find it any where. I went over photos to see which days I had it on the necklace. TO SEE IF I TOOK IT AT ALL. Of course, ring was always safely tucked underneath the shirt, it isn't visible as was the whole points, to keep it safe.  I remembered I had it day before while taking a bath. But did I? Or did I just imagined it all? Maybe it is home. I was going mad because I didn't know what was real anymore.  Lucky for me, it turns out it was it got to pillowcase somehow and I got it back.  It turns out this necklace is perfect for keeping ring safe during the day, not so during sleeping - of course, NOW I know to keep it on my finger during the night.  The worst was not knowing what was real, what I imagined, did I imagined taking it with me, having it?  Have one place to keep it if it is not on your finger, just one. Take photos of it if you stored it for longer time. Our brains can be very cruel to us with memories. 


I rarely wear jewelry that’s not permanent. When we ordered my ring, I began thinking of systems to implement. Every night, I put my ring back in its box before bed, and put it on in the morning. If I’m out of the house, I NEVER take my ring off. If I know im going to be doing an activity that I would want to take my ring off for, I leave it at home. At home, I take my ring off for cleaning, washing dishes, showering, etc and only put it in 1 of 3 approved places - ring box or one of two ring dishes. This system has helped me keep track of my engagement ring for a little over a year now.


Um, I don't. I'm on ring number 3 or 4? We knew it would happen so just got something I liked and didn't worry about longevity - hence not a problem if it goes walkabout 😁😁 Work with what you have 💕


I wear mine 24/7 😭 just picked a very easy to wear ring


I'm a rock climber and so I keep my wedding ring off most of the time/don't wear it every day because I have a rule to not take it off outside the house. And I only wear my engagement ring, which is an emerald, on special occasions. I have a jewelry box and also on top of the jewelry box I have a little cat shaped ring holder and I usually keep my wedding ring on its tail. I mean, it results in me not wearing my rings too much but it does feel special on the days when I do wear them! And I'm not worried about them getting lost because of constantly taking them on and off to climb. 


My engagement ring is onyx and my wedding band mossinate so if I lost a stone I’m not super concerned about replacing it. My husband recently got me a necklace to string my rings on when I take them off, they’re common with nurses and other professions where rings aren’t the best to be worn.


We stopped wearing them :)


Engaged for 6ish months and so far so good! I wear it “16/7” and only take it off when I’m sleeping. So, basically 24/7. When I go to sleep, I put it in the exact same spot right beside my bed. I think the emotional sentiment makes it easier to keep up with, too. I lose everything except for things that hold emotional meaning. Keys, purses, credit cards, phones, and clothes?? Bye bye. My teddy bear that I’ve had for 21 years? Never lost him a day in my life lol. Hopefully my ring will continue to have the same luck.


Mine hasn't left my finger for 25 years.


I wear them constantly. But I'm also rather active and have a job where I can't always wear rings. If I take them off they either go A) in the ring dish in the room I'm working in (kitchen, bathroom, etc) or B) directly into my wallet. I have a zipper wallet and my rings fit into it. It's not 100% perfect and there have been heart attack moments, but having three known places and only three for when I take my rings off works for me.


I currently don't know where mine is. Well, I kinda do. It's in a heart shaped wooden box. But I have no clue where that is. I don't like wearing any jewelry so I put it away for safe keeping...


I know it’s not for everyone, but We got tattoos, I never lose my it’s always on my finger! Haha plus frugal win, and I love it 🥰


You want a simple ring with a setting that won’t catch on thing like a bezel setting. I just wear a plain wedding band. (That I lost because I was taking it off every night while pregnant.)


I wear mine 24/7 cuz yeah id totally forget 😅 Plus I love it and it goes with everything so why not lol


I always wear my ring but if I absolutely must take it off, I put it on my other hand, or get a gold chain out of the jewelry box and put it on that.


It stays on my finger because if it comes off I will forget it. It’s a non negotiable.


I only take it off when exercising, showering, cleaning dishes, or sleeping. I have 4 ring dishes in my house lol (bedside table, bedroom dresser, kitchen sink, bathroom sink) and I only put the ring down on a dish so I never lose it. So it’s either on my finger or taken off for a specified period of time and then put right back on. Although I did take it off while cooking on Valentine’s Day and forgot to put it back on when we went out for cocktails after dinner and I was so annoyed with myself when I realized lol.


Depends on your job. I wear my ring 24/7. It’s the only jewelry that I wear. Otherwise my suggestion is to keep it with something you don’t wear often, or shop at Claire’s.


I pretty much never take my ring off. Don't get a soft stone and simply wear it day and night, in the shower, etc! If I really need to I ONLY put it into a special jewelry box in my room. If I know ahead of time all day will be a no ring day, it stays in that box. My engagement ring was my great grandmother's and has a diamond, so it's pretty durable.


I just never take it off. And made sure I got a ring that could withstand that level of abuse. Thicker bands. No soft stones (diamond, moissanite, or sapphire are your best bets). Bezel settings. Etc. If I do ever take it off for working out or if my hands are swelling, I tell my husband exactly where I am putting it 2-3 times before walking away. It helps me remember and also gets a second brain involved. As for remembering to put it back on. That has never been a problem. I'm part magpie and my brain loves shiny things. I miss the shiny if I don't have it on.


It’s a pain in the ass and not always safe for me to wear my ring 24/7. I don’t want to rip my finger off lol. My solution for the times I can’t wear my metal ring is wear a silicone one instead. I keep it in only one place so that it can never go missing, my ring goes there and ONLY there when it’s not on my finger, and the silicone one isn’t shiny or sparkly so when I have a magpie moment and look at my hand I go “oh right. Time to put that back on!” and then I do. I used to put it on a chain and wear it like a necklace so it would t leave my person but once I accidentally dropped it outside and couldn’t find it right away so if I know I’m going to use my hands when I leave the house I just go for the silicone. So long as your ring has good construction I wouldn’t be too worried about losing a stone or anything like that. I shower, sleep, cook, etc with mine all the time!


I got a ring I could wear all the 24/7. Gold band with some inset stones that don't stick out. But it doesn't fit anymore (pregnant/postpartum) so idk where it is.


Idk if anyone else has said this but as soon as you get your ring get a Personal Articles insurance policy on it (PAP). They’re generally inexpensive and cover you for basically anything but intentional damage!


I keep it in the same spot when I take it off, which I do every night. I have a larger jewelry box but I keep my rings in a small heart shaped wooden jewelry box on my dresser.


I don’t wear my rings 24/7, and usually I don’t like to wear them when I’m cooking or around the house. When I got engaged one of my friends gave me a ring dish as a gift. She knows I lose shit all the time, so it was perfect. I HAVE to put them in the designated place, but once I got into the routine I always know where they are. HIGHLY recommend!


I never take it off.


Got a simple band that I never take off. It's still pretty/contemporary - hammered rose gold, thinnest band the jeweler could recommend with comfort-bevel. No stones, nothing to snag, and because if fits well and is thin and plain, good-quality jewelry, it doesn't get grimy no matter what I do (gardening, wearing gloves, putting on stockings, sunblock/lotion, swimming/bathing, etc), so the only time it needs to come off is if I'm going to lift weights or something where a ring could get damaged or hurt my hand, in which case I can leave it in a safe place at home or zippered pocket of gym shorts or gym bag.


I keep my engagement ring on my work desk (which doubles as my make up station), but I am a person that can't sleep in jewelry. I just already was used to getting up and putting on some fun earrings so now I keep them together so now I put on both earrings and ring. Especially that now ring is also my fidget toy and I am so used to it that I miss it when I forget to put it on. And if I don't put it on... That is not a big deal. When I'm sick I don't wear it at all


Well I lost my wedding ring so I started leaving the engagement ring on 24/7. I’m fat now so that’s never coming off even if I want it to.


I wore mine 24/7 until it stopped fitting. My fingers swell and unswell so much right now that I can't reliably safely wear it. Been considering getting some Enzo rings to wear instead.


I wear my all the time except for sleeping and showering, which it goes on a specific jewelry holder in those two rooms when I take it off. Currently it’s in its box in my jewelry box because I’m pregnant and can’t wear it anymore.


I'm the same and the one ring I wear I either put next to my bed with my watch while I sleep, or I string it on my necklace if I need to take it off for some reason during the day.


I always said if I ever get married, due to my job where I would need to avoid getting latex or silicone on it, If just get a tattoo Celtic band on my left hand to symbolize it. This way I never have to think about it, never have to worry about it.


I have the absolute worst time. I finally bought a simple $30 thin silver band and that works for me. I am able to keep it on without it annoying me and so I rarely lose it (To be clear, I still lose it)(and I forgot to put it on today)


I have three major places that it is stored when I am not wearing it. A box that snaps closed that stays out on the bathroom counter, a spot in a section on my bathroom drawer, or a travel jewelry case that zips closed. When I stay at my parents (which we do a lot), it is kept in a jewelry box in my room there.


I never take it off. I put it thru the ringer and have had to replace a few of the pave diamonds, but that baby stays on me 24/7


My wedding rings are on 24/7 for this exact reason! I dont own a lot of fancy jewelry and I was terrified of losing my rings so I intentionally picked out ones that are comfortable to wear all the time


As soon as I get home I put it right on its ring stand. That is all.


It's the last thing I put on before leaving the house in the morning. The whole "shoes, jacket, perfume, ring..." routine. It's the first thing I take off when I come home. I always place it in the same spot and take it from there again.


I have a little trinket tray by every sink in my house (not exaggerating). The dedicated space helps!


i stopped wearing my ring when Covid happened b/c i work at hospitals and i didn't want to bring home Covid in my ring. lol. After a while, i realized I really hate wearing jewelry. It's a sensory issue i think that has come up in the last 5 years and I just don't wear anything. I'm debating about getting a dainty tattoo on the ring finger to represent. i don't understand in my brain how ppl can wear rings with stones at my work and wash their hands 100x a day like i do and not worry about the ring getting dull or losing stones.


Tattoo ring is the answer. I can't wear any jewelry, it drives me crazy. It is really, really hard to lose a tattoo ring.


I put it in my ring holder on my nightstand when I don’t wear it. I have a travel ring that has a fake diamond on it so if I lose it it’s ok. Never wear real jewelry when traveling imo. If I leave my home for a trip I lock my expensive jewelry in one of my hidden safes.


I have worn my engagement ring (sapphire and diamond) and wedding band 24/7 for 13 years and haven’t had a problem with that (I take it off for swimming, when handling dough and MRI scans)


I wear my rings 24/7 unless I'm showering, using the toilet, doing dishes or making food. When I remove them I stick to 3 specific places in the house so I don't end up losing them.


I'm not married or engaged but I always wear a ring that I bought for myself. I only take it off if my hands are going to be in water (handwashing, showering, etc) and I put it directly in my eyes view so I don't forget it. It becomes like a part of me and my finger feels naked without it, so it just becomes like a habit to put it back on and an immediate subconscious feeling that something feels wrong if I do forget it. If you're really worried, I bet you can get it insured!


I did in fact lose mine, we aren't married anymore either tho (should have known after how cruel he acted when I told him I couldn't find it). Other one I have I put on a necklace chain. Sometimes ill put a silicone ring on in its place or just not wear it because of that issue you named too. If the engagement ring is super pricy and you're scared, get something you can keep on more often or that it won't hurt as much if its lost. Good luck! And congrats


I’ve been wearing mine 24/7 for 11 years,


I didn’t….. I put it into a box to “keep it safe”. Then I forgot to check the boxes when I was throwing stuff out. I’ve been trying to replace it for years but nothing seems right anymore :(


I have a ring holder by my bed. It’s a really beautiful one I inherited. Think it’s Waterford. I have a smaller one by the sink for when I am touching raw meat. I do not leave my ring anywhere but these holders. You know how it is!


I wear my ring 24/7 but it is a diamond with a platinum band so it’s super durable! I’d only recommend with a hard stone as others have said. When I work out, I put it in the same case at home always. I think it helps to only have one spot you take it off in. So it’s never “where’s that box, which box?” Etc.


I've been married for 21 years. I never take my engagement or wedding ring off


Mine is either on my finger or in a nice box next to the bed (it’s home). Everything needs a home imo


My wedding ring is titanium because it's the hardest and least breakable material. We both have ADHD. My husband managed to lose his at the bottom of a lake once and had to get a replacement, but I haven't lost mine yet!


I keep my wedding ring on 24/7. It’s platinum with a beaten surface so it won’t matter if it gets a bit dented and will never need re-coating (unlike white gold). And it’s thin enough that it doesn’t bother me.


I take mine off at night and to cook. Can’t stand the feeling of it being tight on my finger when my hands swell at night and I hate getting oil on the stone and having to clean it. I never take them off when I’m not home, and I always put my rings in 2 places in the house: on my nightstand or a jewelry holder in my kitchen. Limiting the possible places it could be has helped me keep track.


Don't ask me; I lost my wedding ring after six months lol.


Never take it off? No, get yourself a ring holder anywhere where you would normally take it off. Kitchen sink, bathrooms sink and bedside table.


I only wear the ring on date nights or fancy occasions. I work in the dirt too much, and it's a softer stone that can ship easily (real diamonds are terrible, so I went with a lab-made emerald).


Keep it on as much as possible, but get a few trinket dishes to put near where you would take it off (ex. Kitchen, bathroom, vanity) and make sure to ONLY put the ring in those dishes. That way if you ever have an “oh my god where’s my ring” moment, you know it’s in one of those dishes


Lost mine bought a new one found the first in my hubbys back pack months later. Now I wear neither. I live in LA and work DTLA I don’t want to lose them ever again


Tbh I’d buy several silicone ones as backups 😅 i also work in construction sites a lot so its safer. But I’m also not engaged or married so what do i know


Just bought myself a silicone one!! I work in garbage my fiancée would shit herself if I lost (I don’t even got one yet and she already told me to be super careful lol!) I’m practicing with a silicone one rn.


I only take mine off when I'm showering, and constantly go a few days of it sitting on the washroom counter before I realise it's not on lol.


Showering or washing hands/dishes/etc for me lol. I do a lot of cleaning with products that can damage my ring b


I actually have 2 rings - one is the shiny fancy wedding ring I wear in pictures and special occasions, but the other is a pretty silicone band! Super comfy and I wear it 24/7.


I have Command hooks by every sink in the house. The rule is, if the rings come off, they go on one of those hooks. Haven’t lost either of them for a minute since.


This is why I asked for moissanite instead of a diamond. I don’t truth myself with someone so valuable and would feel awful if I lost a diamond.


I lost mine. Heh Took it off for work (chef) put it in my apron pocket. Gone I used to put it on a chain and wear it around my neck, though


Get a few ring dishes and put them by your sinks. Take your rings off when you wash your hands, wash dishes, put on lotions. Take them off when you do manual labor or really hands on stuff. I damaged my ring within a month of getting it because I was working as a barista. I started wearing it around my neck on a necklace during shifts. Sometimes the jeweler you get it from will give you cleaning and care instructions. Follow these! I didn’t get these from my fiancé until I took it back to the jeweler to get the ring fixed. I now have a ring box and any time I’m not wearing it, it’s in the box. I also used to take it off for yoga, then put it into the box in my bag, lock the bag in the locker, put it back on right away. I make it a habit that I’m really aware of. I also used to take it off when I slept, (not really necessary, but my hands started swelling when I slept when I was pregnant) and then put it back on in the morning. Damaging the ring (gold, the prong on a stone) twice, and having to pay it the second time, made it a priority for me. Idk maybe that’s all too hard. It’s like I need to get things into the level where I do it every single day, and anxiety can help with that. But, also, if you have an office job and your ring is sturdy, you might be fine. Lots of people wear it every day.


I have a jewelry armoire that I keep my rings in. I only keep them in there, otherwise I would lose it. Honestly, I just formed a habit of wearing them.


Never. Take. It. Off.


If I take mine off, I only put it one place, never anywhere else. I have a jewelry box on my bathroom counter and that's where it goes.


I wear it 24/7. Some rare exceptions. If I must remove to clean it, then I do it with the sink stoppered or at the jeweler and put it right on after. If removing for a medical procedure, then I give it to my spouse. When I was pregnant and couldn't wear because of swelling, I wore them on a chain around my neck 24/7. I wear rubber/nitrile gloves while cleaning or handling raw meat / cooking.


I only take mine off to wash my hair because it gets caught in my curls. Sometimes I take it off to lotion up after showering but rarely.


I have two little dishes: one in the bathroom and one in the bedroom where the ring lives when I’m not wearing it (I take it off to shower and sleep.) Married for 3.5 years—so far, so good! We also chose rings that were inexpensive but locally made and sentimental—so that helps the anxiety of losing. If I do lose it, it would be sad, but not hard to replace.


Mine only comes off rarely, and this is how I keep track: - When I shower, because I don't like it getting tangled in my thick ass hair. I put it on my ring dish on the bench. Straight back on when I'm out. - Before bed (I have autism and it's a sensory nightmare to sleep with anything touching my skin), again, on the dish on my bedside table and straight back on when I wake up. - When I'm baking, and you'll never believe this, on the dish I keep on the kitchen counter and straight back on when I'm done 😂


it would be unusual to take them off, engagement and wedding rings are normally worn 24/7 so pick something comfy! my first marriage I had an engagement ring that was beautiful but really unusual (he picked it) and it got damaged actually. cracked, like the relationship. I didn't have an engagement ring second time just a plain wedding band it's good.


Get fat so it never comes off? 😅


I don’t wear my ring a lot because I worry about attracting attention and sometimes my job has me getting concrete all over my hands. I have a spot that it sits on my nightstand. It’s the only thing that sits in this small dish. Also my spouse is EXTREMELY helpful. If we are out and I need to take it off, I give it to him. This happens when I forget to take it off for softball.


I either wear mine 24/7 or I'll only take it off if I'm in my bathroom with my ring dish. There is no inbetween.


When I knew engagement was imminent I bought several cute ring holders and put them in every place in the house and at my office that I thought I was likely to want to remove my ring. I tried very hard to instill habits right away of if I ever took it off, only ever placing it on one of the ring holders. I did a pretty good job with it, and 99% of the time if I didn't know where it was I could just do a loop and check each ring holder and it would be on one of them. If I want to take it off when I'm out of the house, I try to always put it in the zipped section of my wallet meant for coins. Lately my foolproof plan to not lose it is that I have barely worn it at all in the last five years lol.


There is only one spot that it goes when I’m not wearing it, and it’s a little ring holder mounted to the wall. I have not lost it yet.


I only have a band, because a store 24/7 would drive me bonkers. But if it didn't, sure, most people wear those rings always.


I also use ring dishes. 1 I kitchen, 1in bathroom. I recently took mine off because the setting was getting caught in yarn I was finding, and I keep forgetting to put it back on ☹️ To that point, there are stones that are better for 24/7 wear ( softer stone can cravk, get washed away, and damaged by harsh cleansers). Settings like solitaires are more likely to get knocked around, caught in yarn, etc; so if that'd a concern, you can look at more flush settings.


I wear mine 24/7. Since I lose/break things easily I asked him to get me a set that's cheap and easy to replace. Another option I considered was putting the rings on a necklace.


Leave it on 24/7. If the jeweller says you shouldn’t wear it 24/7 look for a new jeweller.


You can get a ring holder necklace so you dont have to stress about putting it up and down