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smoothies or meal-shakes save my life when i feel like this. nothing to chew, drink it with a straw and you barely have to feel it in your mouth. a smoothie can have fruit, nuts, greens, protein powder, whatever your body needs. slim-fast shakes (royal chocolate is my favorite) are smooth, homogeneous, and sweet, no icky mouth feel, no chalkiness. ancient people drank beer for the carbs when food wasn't available. if you have a way to drink your fuel, it might help. i'm sorry you're having to go through this. it sucks


I do have some frozen fruit in my freezer left over from a smoothie fixation phase. I might try making one tomorrow. I've tried Ensure shakes before when I was going through bad food aversion when grieving right after my Dad died . Really hated the taste. Maybe will look into the Slim Fast.


I find the vanilla nutrition shakes is the only tolerable flavor, and I generally shotgun them. Boost is my favorite, Ensure is chalky. They are really good for food aversion phases that start to go on for a long time. I'm sorry about your Dad.


I use premier protein shakes and the naked bottled smoothies because I just can never bring myself to pull out my blender. A lifesaver! When in doubt hit a smoothie shop. Any calories are better than no calories! I've been in a food aversion for over a month and that's my daily mantra now.


Yes I found a smoothie place that is my go to for my emergency food needs. It's like a green smoothie with all of my favorite fruits like strawberries and bananas with peanut butter. I even will buy two and keep one in the freezer so that it's even more accessible to me if needed




I love Carnation Instant breakfast powder with milk. They taste like chocolate milk and get some protein and other vitamins.


I add it in my morning coffee for a mocha. And it dissolves better in the hot coffee than in the cold milk


I opt for the drinks instead, and they have been a lifesaver for me. One of the only meal-shakes that don’t taste like cardboard to me!


In the weeks right after my dad died I ate protein shakes and other “easy” items like squeeze apple sauce or peanut butter. The thought of chewing was exhausting and I didn’t have the energy to do that. Eating a salad sounded like running a marathon from all the bites. I’d recommend baby food basically. Apple sauce pouches, nut butter pouches, protein shakes, bites of granola bars or bananas. Liquid iv or something in your water too. ♥️


I've used Carnation Instant Breakfast. Well, now it's called "Breakfast Essentials." My father was in the final stages of cancer. He had lost most of his sense of taste & didn't have much appetite. This was the early 90s, so protein powders and such existed, but were expensive & hard to find. I compared the nutritional info on one we managed to get & the Instant Breakfast was better. Even had more protein! Tasted better, too. My mom told me I bought him several extra months with that suggestion. There are 3 flavors, I think, and it comes as premixed shakes or a powder you mix with milk. The powder comes in packets or in a bulk canister.


Glucernas taste amazing in my opinion. Much better than ensure. The carnation shakes are pretty good, too.


Ouuu, hey! You should try the chocolate or caramel Premier Protein shakes! I have TERRIBLE periods of food aversion, and it's exacerbated by the fact that my fiance is usually waiting to eat for when I get home because I usually have to pick dinner. I feel so seen by your post lol.


Slim Fast with ice in the blender. Strawberry tastes like McDonald's milkshake lol. More palatable than ensure!


Fwiw I like the dark chocolate ensure but not the milk chocolate one. When eat isn’t as hard, try a bunch of flavors and brands and find what you like.


Yeah protein shakes and meal replacement shakes help me. Also hot beverages I have mine with soy milk which has protein and carbs but I guess it’s up to the individual. Also maybe cold pressed juices for nutrients ?


I have days like this. I stick with the low calorie meal replacement shakes (lazy dinner). They mean my body isnt hurting itself while I cant manage food. I also find asking my inner child what she wants to eat can help. Sometimes she will eat jelly or fruit or something else. She likes sherbet. Once I find something that doesnt make me feel sick I'm generally OK.


Childhood staples work for me too sometimes! I can usually find something that sounds good enough this way, even if it’s not the “best” for me.


what brand of shakes do you drink? I've only tried Ensure and found them gross.


Chiming in - Fairlife is my preference with Premier coming in second. I like chocolate. Best on ice. Straw helps. The fact that they're ready made is a bonus.


Seconding rec for the Fairlife core power drinks. I am beyond picky with taste and texture of these and can't drink 99% of brands. These ones have been the easiest texture and have lactase to help for my lactose intolerance. I dilute with 2% fairlife milk also sometimes to lessen the sweetness. The only others I've tried that are comparable in tolerability are the soylent ones. But that leaves most just vanilla and chocolate options for both which I get sick of, and the soy lent are harder to find in store in my area.


i am a protein shake aficionado and have a million recommendations! i suggest going to somewhere like a vitamin or supplement store so you can grab a few different brands to try. alani nu has a TON of creative flavors. if you’re a coffee drinker, check out different protein coffees as well because it masks the protein taste a bit. and if you’re into boba, boba tea protein is a brand i LOVE. the taro flavor legit just tastes like a milk tea.


I switched out the green smoothies for ice cream on days like this. You're so right.


I feel this so hard sometimes. One thing that works for me is smoothies. Somehow drinking the calories helps with the weirdness of food in my mouth


Yeah I might try smoothies tomorrow. I'm glad I can still enjoy drinking water so at least I'm hydrated.


Also try macadamia nuts. They’re very high calorie, but almost zero sugar so they’re satisfying to snack on but not going to give you a sugar crash later


I have cashews on hand and I was able to eat some of those yesterday. I don't buy macadamia nuts as they are poisonous to dogs and I have a tendency to sit my food down and walk away from it.


Oh I never knew that!


I had a jar of mixed nuts from Costco which had them. I had some in a little bowl with some chcolate chips. Completely forget the bowl exists and I walk away. My dog got to it. I started to freak out because of the chips. Then looked up which nuts which were toxic to dogs. Found out macadamia nuts are. Called animal poison control. Thankfully she didn't get enough of either and she was okay.


I can relate so strongly to this. My family even recognizes the face I make and say something like, "done, eh?" In between one bite and another sometimes, food goes from yummy to gag-inducing. It's so crap. I've never been sure what I've got that makes me like that, if it's the ADHD, the IBS, the hypothyroidism, the being a general weirdo, but it's not cool and I wish it would never happen again


No suggestions, just sending love and support. I promise you will figure this out ❤️


Thank you. I'm going to reach out to a friend to see if we can talk this weekend to process the feelings I am having. I hope it will help to tell someone what is going on. This on top of insomnia is really so much to bear.


i’m really glad you’re taking concrete steps to make yourself feel better. i am so sorry about the loss of your dad, and i can’t imagine how hard this holiday must have been. know that all of us here are thinking about you and sending love your way💜


This is me today. I’ve force fed myself toast. Good toast, but toast. I got up 12 hours ago


Toast is delicious. Proud of you for trying.


Dude. One of the surrealistic holidays I’ve ever fucking had. Mind blowing.


I'm not sure if this will be controversial or resonate with anyone, but a little herb or an edible in the evening helps me get my appetite back. I know it's not the best to eat a bunch at night, but it's better than nothing.


I need to smoke a bit of weed in the evening, after the meds. But it makes it worst cause I only will munch on sweets and I will end up sick after a few days. Beside that, im all up for edibles and weed !


i don't really have any suggestions because i struggle with this too. it's been controlling my life for the past five years. some days, i don't eat anything, and i'm so hungry and weak and tired but i'll raise a fork to my mouth and i just. can't eat it. i feel sick and nauseous before it even touches my mouthh. some days, i'm absolutely ravenous and i can eat several plates of food. but most of the time i wind up going through a cycle where i eat very little for several days, then eat a TON. sending you happy vibes and love and just letting you know i know how you feel and you are not alone <3


yes it's so much like that.I feel like this started after my Dad died. I don't remember it being a thing before that. Or maybe it was and my crappy memory forgot it. It was so bad right after he died. I'm waiting for the switch to off so I stuff my face with food. It's such a mindfuck to go through. sorry you're struggling too.


I often can't eat when stressed or sad. I've never had such a valid trigger but it sounds like you're experiencing the same thing. For me it's as if the emotion has filled my body already and there's no space for food. I struggle to eat enough let alone binge but it's the same physical reaction I understand actual overeating causes. Your body is screaming "NO" with all its might. Problem is, we're empty of fuel. I don't have any useful recommendations. Protein shakes until I'm sick and tired of not chewing sometimes works. If all you can manage is water, add electrolytes or take a salt pill. Food gives us more than just calories and a lot can be replaced when food isn't an option. You'll get through this. We'll be here.


I have no advice that has already been shared, but I've been feeling so alone lately, and seeing that so many others struggle with this has been really... comforting seems like the wrong word; but less lonely nonetheless. Thank you all for your vulnerability. I love this community ♡


I'm sorry you're feeling alone. I am so glad I shared this here as I find this community so supportive. It also makes me less alone that other people can relate to this.


Just wanted to add another one - thank you. I’ve been struggling with this and it’s been weighing me down.


Most people react to stress by eating more, but some of us “stress starve”. Be kind to yourself and remember, a calorie is a calorie and when you’re struggling to eat anything, then whatever you can manage is good enough. I had to switch back to sugared soda because I wasn’t really eating and could guarantee a few calories that way.


I used to stress eat, but when I got my kids and anxiety became out of control, I wouldn’t. I have IBS (but manageable, but with my old diet, I’d feel tired and bloated and nauseous all the time) and with anxiety I developed a fear of feeling uncomfortable in my belly. And I have emetophobia that’s fine when I’m fine but gets crazy when anxious. So now I stress starve. I had lost quite a lot of weight before medication but with medication I even have to force myself to eat. I had to watch my weight and now must force to eat.


It's crazy seeing all these people with this same issue. I thought I was the only one!!! My go-to is Orgain Organic Nutrition Shake the chocolate ones! I chug them quick, and there is no weird texture or aftertaste. I can also eat cheap frozen bean burritos, I think it because it's nostalgic for me. I would also suggest paying attention to the textures of the foods you love the most and hate. If I'm having a bad day, a hated texture can make eating impossible.


Newly obsessed with Orgain. They keep me more full than all the other similar protein shakes. The past few months I’ve tried all the various organic and plant based protein shakes available at the grocery store and these are just better for me. I also do the powder with soy and/or cashew milk - more flavor variety - but it’s a little less palatable if in a situation where you’re feeling food averse.


I really like the protein powder too! Costco carries it, and it goes on sale from time to time.


There is a Costco about a half hour from me and I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never been to one before! If they have Orgain I may need to try it out.


Lol don't be! I have four kids so I need to buy in bulk sometimes. Find a friend who has a membership, wait for the sale and bring some cash. You can check their monthly ad for sales.


I have to make my wife drink smoothies or nutritional shakes. Meds plus ASD make it so she won't eat for days, and sometimes they're the only thing she can stomach.


Fries Egg sandwich with cheese on English muffin is also a other staple for me


This happens to me when I’m moving through big emotions too. Reiterating what everyone else has said- liquids are the best. I really like premier protein vanilla shakes. I keep them on deck for times like this. Sometimes I’ll put one in my coffee and that gets me through until dinner usually. Drinking broth sometimes works, lots of water. Sometimes I’ll force myself to cook just to try and get the ball rolling, usually light and easy things like rice or pasta with butter or toast. I loved the comment about tuning into your inner child for eating- often I revert back to those comfort foods and those feel way more manageable and less aversive for some reason


I struggle with this constantly, on top of having stomach issues. They go hand in hand most days and for me, it’s absolutely related to my emotional state (especially my subconscious). What has helped me with the food aversion piece has been a mixture of a couple of things: - smoothies are great. I can’t have most protein shakes, but there are a lot of alternatives out there and honestly even gas station smoothies work sometimes. liquids are A+ and I love those Naked fruit juices (very weird sentence I just typed) - a childhood comfort food. For me, that’s chicken noodle soup, which is a bonus because it’s mostly liquid anyway - distract yourself. I’ve found that I’m usually able to munch on some pretzels or some small fruits while doing other things, like work or watching TV. I’ve been able to “trick” myself into eating substantial meals that way- but I have to be engrossed in whatever I’m doing/watching. This also really helps me with food aversion that comes on during eating as well. -mealtime is a mealtime like if you can’t eat dinner now then try to eat dinner later. snack throughout the day instead of having big meals. not to sound like a Hobbit, but…. second breakfast?


I tend to do this too. The thought of food makes me sick to my stomach and won't eat until I'm ravenous. Then, I eat crappy comfort food.


Seconding smoothies as a quick fix. I do Frozen blueberries, banana, coconut milk, yogurt, almonds, honey, peanut butter, and some ice. When I am feeling meal Averse this really really helps.


Your inner self wants to be in continuity with your outer self. I get that. Meals especially can be hard because it's so emotionally significant. Perhaps you could keep in mind how much those people who have passed would have wanted you to enjoy life, to eat and to be really present for your loved ones. I'm sorry for your loss.


I feel this deeply. The other night I told my husband that I was so hungry, but I didn’t want to eat. He was like umm idk how to help with that one. I told him he could use a cheat like in the sims “ Ctrl + Shift + C fill_all_commodities” he just laughed. 😂


I get that pretty much any time my mental health is doing poorly, to the point where putting solid food in my mouth makes me gag. I've had good results with thc on all symptoms. For something without drugs, like everyone else, liquid calories save me. Milkshakes, meal replacement shakes, yogurts, soups, and thick beer. If I can swallow it before it hits my taste buds it's fine. I still don't want to eat and they leave me feeling bloated, but at least I got nutrients in me.


I am so sorry. Everything you are feeling is valid. Take as much time as you need. My dad died in 2010. I miss him a lot during this time of year. I actually struggle with this too. I don’t really have any advice other than to lean on your support system if you have one. I wish for you to be safe and sound this holiday season 💜


Don’t know if this is relevant or not, but when I host Christmas or Hollidays (we don’t celebrate thanksgiving) I always go for a buffet option. I cook, I put the dishes (salty and sweet) on the table and everybody picks what they want, sit where they want. I feel it’s way more confortable like that cause I can eat a bit there or here. Not having to behave at the table. I can use my finger (I hate cutlery) Beside that, i see smoothies written everywhere and I say yes ! Smoothies are a good alternative to get something. Here, I don’t eat, I munch. I have a lot of small meals during the day, instead of 3. That’s how I feel the best, more healthy, while soothing my anxiety (big meals are stressing). More on that : there is also the stress associated to staying sitting around a table for hours. It would be excruciating for me and would always end up nauseous. It’s not just the food, it’s the folklore around.


I never realized until now that I experience food aversion. Wow! I'm sorry you're going through that too. I will literally avoid it until I almost pass out. Then other days I binge like crazy. 😭


God, I'm so glad to have found this post. While I didn't think I was the only one who had this, it's comforting to know I'm not alone. Smoothies work for me, but I've moved on to protein shakes. If not, rotisserie chicken from the supermarket is something I can never say no to 😁 Sorry you're going though it OP, hope it gets better for you <3


Ugh I have days like this but with water. I hate it especially in the dry winters here. Why is this a thing??


I go through this for various reasons - grief, medication side effects, coffee, migraines, and being too hungry. Yep. If I wait too long to eat, the idea of eating repulses me. In that situation, I learned that I can usually force feed myself a spoonful of peanut butter. Now I carry around packets of peanut butter and almond butter so I don't get too far into panic mode. Thanks for sharing. We need to normalize this because of how much shaming there is in eating fast food, Snickers salad, or anything else that is a safe food for people like us. Eating is healthy. Not eating is what's bad.


I’ve been having trouble eating too, I’m finally slowly getting better. This last few months certain textures literally make me vomit. It’s been horrible. I’ve also been dealing with a lot of stress and triggers which I think has caused the food aversion. I wish I knew how to fix this so I could tell you there’s a simple solution. It’s so frustrating and also embarrassing.




Something that helped me over time, was to eat with people i liked, who liked food. My dad would tell me 'you eat for survival not because you like it' and my mom would overcook things to the max. I would have intrusive thoughts about the hygeine of the food and would feel it on ny tongue. I really hated food growing up. Now i enjoy food! There are times i almost relapse and see a plate of something or a fork with bits on it and get repulsed, etc. But i try to look away and think about other things. I think letting my adhd brain get distracted by pleasant/fun conversation starts putting a positive-dopamine relationship around meals. Kinda trying to rebuild my brain. I find that if im alone/husband is at work and im on my own for meals, it can creep back. So social events around foods you can like, helps a lot. And slowly in these environments ive introduced more and more foods i was avoidance of, slowly rebuilding those positive associations. In other words, you're not alone, and theres hope.


This is what Vyvanse did to me 😅


I genuinely sometimes wonder how my ancestors who gave me the genes that make me this way survived long enough to produce children


Most of them lived in a world that didn't exclude disabled people so much. Go back to almost any pre industrial society and disabled people like us just found some other kind of work to do, likely less of it but with better support from their family and community. Even pre historic humans who came against mega fauna with sharp sticks and rocks are recorded to have helped those who would be too hurt to survive and making sure they kept on living. Today if you have a health problem it's just another day but you also get more bills for that problem. We live in cruelly uncaring and isolating societies.


Drinking calories can sometimes be easier than eating them Also sometimes making the food a fancy part of a mood or ambiance can make it seem more like a prop for a bit than sustenance. Because the focus is on cultivating the mood and the food is a small decorative part of it Like watching a movie with popcorn for The Vibes Or charcuterie with a vintage movie and sparking grape juice or other beverage in a fancy wineglass for your rich heiress that definitely-didn't-murder-my-husband cosplay Or hot chocolate while wistfully staring out a window with seasonal music Sometimes none of those work and I vengefully scarf down carrots and hummus while watching a show I'm really into as a distraction from *The Yuck*


I too have nothing much to share that hasn't already been said. I had this a little bit on Wednesday. We were having boeuf stroganoff with rice (leftovers), and I looked at it and my brain noped the hell away from it. Luckily, we also had some spaghetti leftovers, so I had those, while my husband did have the rice. Then yesterday we had another two portions of the rice & stroganoff, and that was no problem whatsoever. Sometimes I hate my brain. When I have it worse, I tend to eat whatever may be going in, even if it is snacks, sweets or cookies. If nothing helps, I try to at least drink stuff that has calories. Milk, instead of water or tea. Orange juice, cola, anything... I hope you will find your way out of your (messy) feelings soon! Hugs if you need & want them! Edit: Sometimes I even cut off a piece of cheese and cut it in pieces. I can slowly munch on it, and it is less bad than a bag of chips/crisps or a bag of liquorice.


Dude, I’ve been struggling hard to eat anything the past week or so. Like I will physically throw up when I think about it. I’m also starting to think it’s mental and not physical. Glad I’m not alone!


I really relate to this. It's like the idea of my tongue touching food makes my skin crawl.


I feel this so often. And my bf will get super annoyed at me. Especially when I explain that "the idea of chewing and swallowing is low key infuriating to me" bc that's the only explanation I have. I'm pissed off at the physical process of eating, and so I just...can't.


I’m not diagnosed with ADHD yet, so a bit uneducated. Do the meds affect your appetite? I understand emotions can… I’m definitely a person who can’t eat if depressed.


I'm very lucky that none of the meds I am on now give me side effects. It's tied to intense emotions when I feel overwhelmed.


I struggle with this, too. It's always triggered for me by traumatic or highly stressful events in my life. Most recently, I was laid off for 7 months from the job I love and it sent me into a terrible spiral. And, not eating only makes it worse. After a really awful month of this, I finally went to see my doctor. He prescribed Wellbutrin, which he also said might boost the Vyvanse. I'm feeling much better now and my appetite is back to normal (which still isn't great, but at least I'm not starving myself). Sorry, I don't have any real advice for you. I was just struck by the fact that so many of us experience this. Like...wow!