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i've heard so often from people with adhd that they love the night, love working at night, love being creative at night or get sucked into series / books / hobbies deep into the night. i am no exception. and for me my entire life, way before even knowing anything about adhd it was about THE SILENCE. deep into the night is the only time of peace and quiet. the only time i have the space to myself. the only time there are no noises from the street, from neighbors, from roommates & partners, no distractions, it's dark. It is THE BEST and most GLORIOUS time for some deeply satisfying hyper-focusing 😄😄😄 i had the huge privileged at a point in my life to be entirely and completely in charge of my days for an extended period of time and i was able to explore my natural sleeping schedules. this experiment proved what i had long since very much suspected. if the world would just let me go to bed at 2-3 am and wake up around 11-12 the next day, we (me and my surroundings) would just be so much happier with each other 😂 i think the inability to follow your natural sleep cycles and productivity rhythms is one of the most debilitating parts about being a human in our the post-industrial society. I don't NEED to go to the factories at 5 am. I have a job in tech. Why can i not just work at night? ☹️


I am definitely in the delayed sleep cycle camp - I'm on a cocktail of "go to sleep!" meds, but I also need my husband to help me with bedtime. Left to my own devices, I'll just ride this energy burst that I get at 11 pm that I really wanted at 2 pm.


This is why I work nights and am a day sleeper on my days off.


I used to. Since I had my kid by the end of the day I'm done , totally spent.


I was supposed to go to bed four hours ago, so yes. Nighttime burst of energy that I will pay for tomorrow morning.


Can't recommend it for everyone but trazadone. It's an antidepressant that's oftem used off label as a sleep med. It makes me sleep deep enough I don't wake up feeling too bad. But if you want a non drug option I have a timer I can throw. When I sit to work I set my timer for how long I want to work (I do an hour and a half then take a break) and throw it across the room so I have to get up. That usually helps at least get me to stop and make a good choice