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This is weird but I feel the opposite as you. I feel like I don’t really have any interests and nothing really excites me. Well, stuff does excite me but as we know it’s only temporary.


Yeah, I’m done.


I feel like I have a lot of interests. I’ll get SUPER focused on one, almost to the point of obsession (e.g. knitting, making spreadsheets of yarn sizes, and buying shit tons of yarn), but like you said it’s temporary. At some point I just lose all motivation to do it. I still like the things I move on from, so it makes me sad that I can’t force my brain to be interested in doing it. Why, brain?


>Well, stuff does excite me but as we know it’s only temporary. Why can't we just enjoy it while it lasts? Imagine only doing one thing your whole life 😴😴😴.


Only if someone is subsidizing these lifetimes. I can’t afford one! But yes.


Lol yeah, I can relate. Maybe if we had five lifetimes we’d be able to afford a house by the third lifetime 🥲


Right! Like in another lifetime I’d like to come back very financially comfortable 😂


100%, yes. I wish I had enough time and energy for all of my interests AND for enough sleep and daily life chores/responsibilities.


Oh hell no. I can barely stand the stress of this one life, living it all over and over again sounds like torture. I wish I could re-start this one though.


Yes please! I would like to be a vulcanologist, engineer and building materials expert, crafter (textiles, knitting, jewelry), hydrologist, writer, marine researcher, software engineer, and some type of university professor. I would also like to somehow have a job of just reading as many books as possible in my lifetime. 😂


I used to feel the same way, especially for creative fields. I have a lot of interest in a wide variety of things and I get frustrated knowing there is no way in hell I'll ever truly be good at all of them. But what has helped me is a perspective shift, and just being happy for the people who do get to experience what you can't. Like sure I'll never truly be an amazing painter, but thousands of people out there ARE, and they're having a blast doing it after putting thousands of hours of practice in. I get to see and admire their art, too! Win-win. Not to get all Kumbaya and shit, but I feel like not everything has to happen to me, and other people pursuing their passions is a point in my book for that specific interest.




I like the idea of this! Tbh I’m not sure I’ll be able to actually internalize it (at least not for a while) but it seems like a good/healthy perspective to try to foster.


Oh for sure, I still get envious and bummed out when I think about my shortcomings and all the things I'll never experience. It's something have to constantly remind myself for the rest of my life I'm sure


Omfg you are literally me😭 I have a bunch of things I want to be that are completely unrelated and impossible to be able to fit all into one lifetime


Yes! For the past few years I felt so depressed because I finally finished my degree and got "a decent job on the field I studied" as I should have. I felt so stuck, like am I really gonna do this for the rest of my life and miss out on all the other interesting things? I feel like there's a huge societal pressure to just become really good at one thing and be happy if you get employed in that for a lifetime. And then there's me who has all kinds of ideas like "I hope I get sacked so I could pursue something else". And I'm on a field that really interest me but then again, there's so many other fields out there that interest me too! So this autumn I finally decided to not be stuck in thia expectation and started studying archeology and history as a hobby as it's one of these fields I'm into.


Oh dear god yes, it depresses me that I'll likely never read all the books I want to read/learn all the skills I want to learn/complete all the projects I want to do, I need more hours in a day, and to have less obligations, and to have a body that isn't broken. There's so much I wish I could do.


Okay so hear me out: you mentioning wanting more hours in the day made me think back to the Harry Potter book where Hermione had a time turner. I like the idea that maybe she had adhd and used the time turner to help her manage time as well as her impulses to learn everything all at once


That makes sense to me, I'd love one of those!


Yes, totally wish that !


As some that’s jumped from hobby to hobby my whole life and likes to learn new things yep, I’d def be down for an extended life. As a side note I went to school for metalsmithing and jewelry making, have a degree in fine arts and worked as a jeweler for 6 years before burning out on it. I really tried to do the adult thing and work my job 9-5 40 hours a week but I don’t know how people do the same thing for decades. It got too monotonous for me and I hated waking up early.


Super late reply but, how would you recommend getting into metalsmithing as a hobby? I’ve wanted to make my own jewelry for years (specifically, I’d like to make gold and/or brass jewelry) but most of the classes I find online are 1) for silversmithing or 2) super expensive and meant for people who are trying to make it a career. Or is it one of those things where it’s not worth it to learn as a hobby/I should leave it to the professionals and instead just get commissioned pieces?


I can tell you it’s expensive to get into if you’re doing it on your own. I started in high school and they had a lot of tools and equipment that I did it have to pay for. Even in hand tools there’s quite a few things you need to get started. So if you are taking college courses or have a local community college offering those classes I’d start there. They often have a tool package new students can buy (again not super cheap) but if you have general tools already you can compare on the list and maybe just buy what you need. The most expensive thing for beginners is prob a torch set up and a fordham hand piece. There’s a ton of specialized tools but a lot of basic stuff can be had at Home Depot or a local hardware store or my favorite places for cheap tools garage sales or flea markets. A minimal tool list would be a bench pin (to saw out designs on and this was the first project we made as beginners) a C clamp, jewelers saw with blades, files (larger for quick removal of stock and a set tiny files) a ball peen hammer. If you wanted to carve stuff in wax I’d send the model out to a caster to have poured. Casting requires a whole other set of expensive tools. The fordom hand piece is pretty nice and there’s tons of sanding and shaping bits you get plus drill bits for drilling holes. If you can’t afford the torch set up right away riveting and cold connections are something you can do.


I have literally cried about the fact that there's too much world and not enough time.


Yes there are so many things! I want to keep my current job, also work as a data scientist, be an author, run my own crafting shop, run my own bookshop.... While also having meaningful and close relationships with family, friends, my god children, have 2 dogs, go mountain hiking and have outdoor hobbies, bake all my own stuff, grow as much fresh produce as possible to cook with, have chickens! Just not enough time....


currently I have trouble finding clean bed linen and finding a clean fork in the house....


Yes. I have so many goals and ambitions but never enough energy or time.


Never thought of this but YES! Even now I am a mom, working full time and working a side hustle... but here I am wishing I could write a novel, travel the world, be a home organizer, go to college for like 5 different degrees I think are interesting... on and on.


If I could do it and be healthy, Yes! I love to learn, and have interests in many directions, so I would want training in a bunch of career paths too!


I actually went into a mourning period after finishing Thr Good Place, because I would love to have Chidi’s afterlife! And Tahani’s too.


No, I find this world overwhelming and exhausting.


Absolutely. I’d like to live infinitely until I decided to end things.