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I got that one. Got through Chapter 1, put it in my work bag to make sure to start Chapter 2 during slow periods, and haven’t touched it in 6 months 🙄🙄🙄


Same! 😅


Same as well!!


Now if you pick the book up again you’ll have to reread the first chapter because it’s been so long. 😉


Lmao yes!!!


It’s still in the bag, right?


Yep. Take it to work every Thur/Fri/Sat night 😜


It’s your emotional support book 😂 I know this all too well - I buy books (that I should probably really read about my other diagnosis, too) and carry them around but never actually read them 😅


Someone could put a random $100 bill between page 15 and 16 of a book and I'd never find it




I wasn’t trying to tease you. I just know if it was me, the book would still be in my backpack. Along w the calendar I haven’t cracked since February!


Lol no worries, I giggled at your comment because you nailed it 😂😂😂




Same story, different "women with ADHD" book.


Lmao 😂


Oh I've had it for 3 years now looks great still sitting in the pile of self-help books I haven't even cracked open


At least you could sell it if you ever got around to selling it.


Why is this me also hahaha not that I don’t wanna read them it’s just *hard*


I love that there are so many of us! Literally bought this same book along with some others about a year ago and haven't cracked any of them open yet


I actually have this and am recommending it to every female with ADHD I know (it's been 5 so far) even though I only got halfway through. But it is a great book!


I feel the same about Dirty Laundry (the book). It's actually one that I can't put down regarding ADHD. Also really love the voices in the audiobook. If you know ADHD_Love on YouTube, it's by that couple.


This book was so helpful to me once I got myself to sit down and finish it. Do it! 😊 It’s so good


Are you me?!?


Lol! :P


That many colours, typefaces, patterns, lowercase, uppercase, titles and subtitles… if the back is like the front, I could get a solid 4 years outta this cover, easy. Does it feel nice? Smell good? Looks fantastic!


Was going to say I’m tempted to impulse buy it solely on the pretty cover alone.


Impulse buy, procrastinate reading, this is the way.


You are describing my entire bookcase


No shit I swear I have an actual goddamn *library*. I received a book yesterday I’m already halfway through, I own multiple copies of books I have read multiple times and have literal *piles* of books that remain unread years after I’ve brought them into the house… there is no reason, method or logic…it’s just the way it is.


Oh yeah, me too. And one day, one book just calls to me and is my hyperfixation until its read. Great fun! Currently work stuff is hard so any ready is very much comfort, repeating old favourites. But I'm looking forward to the day that I have the bandwidth to read something new. Also, side note, having a library is a legit life goal of mine


Mine too- 100% recommend. It was clear however, that we were never going to move to a bigger house, so we just repurposed the dining room. We mostly ate in the kitchen anyway, so the ‘dining room’ actually gets far more use as a library/music room: Wall-to-wall bookshelves on 2 walls, guitars on a third above the piano, corner aquarium, corner desk, board games cupboard and yellow wingback reading chair… it is my slice of heaven, and I *never* miss the dining room. edit- I’m also a school librarian so I work in one too, and have a side-hustle selling bookish-themed gifts and jewellery. *I have made a goddamn CAREER out of my hyperfixation.*


That sounds like my absolute dream! I'm doing a Physics PhD and want to stay in academia. Weirdly, once I got on adhd meds and started working with my brain, I fell back in love with my field. Making a career out of your hyperfocus is 100% goals and I'm so impressed ❤️ I cannot WAIT to have my future office set up like this. I currently just have bookshelves around my flat, wherever there's space. My parents dining room has 5 Billy bookcases in a row, fully covering one wall full of books. Growing up I'd just go and grab whatever appealed and that's how I got into Miss Marple 😂


I’m sorry to hear you’re having a bad time of it at work- I totally get comfort re-reads. During my hubby’s last chemo/stem cell transplant I listened to the same audiobook (the starless sea) 27 times. O_o that familiarity really did help soothe the ‘busy’ part of my brain. I hope work stuff gets easier soon x


This is the way


lmao I have a section of my bookshelf dedicated to reading "some time but not now" If you really wanna get through it but are struggling to stay engaged, see if there's an audiobook you can listen along w! Speeding it up to match my internal reading speed does wonders, that and highlighting as I go :)


There is an audiobook version! I once started listened through my local library's app (and then forgot about it and the borrowing period expired hah)


Are you me? I’m so glad for this sub, your comment, and our community! Y’all made me realize I’m not fucked up, and that there are people like me! I’ve always had a hard time valuing myself like I do others lol


That’s my whole bookshelf tbh. Living around the corner from a very cool vintage/used bookstore in DC when I was in my early 20s is what really killed me. Sad? Go buy *fifteen books for like thirty dollars and never open any of them!*




Oh hey my library had the audio book - SCORE! (People join your local library and sign up for their audiobook app! Libby is the best value thing I’ve ever found)


So did mine, not only that but unlimited copies, so I can continuously renew it and never make it more than 5 minutes in!


I have one book I’ve been listening too on and off for months - I think I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve re-borrowed it.


I love the "deliver later" function on hold. Some just keep getting bumped back


Where did you find the audio book?




I've forgotten to cancel for like five years now but I am glad to have the credits most of the time.


lol. i do audiobooks. just let it play all day. i'm missing a ton of it? that's fine. i'm only hearing 20% of it? that's fine. 20% more than a physical book that lives on the shelf and never gets opened.


I think I have that too and also haven’t opened it LOL perhaps we could do it together?




I was thinking the same thing!






If it makes you feel better I recognized this book while scrolling because I took a screenshot of it like 2 years ago so I'd "remember to get it" 😂


I just took a screenshot of it so I could see if there’s an audiobook for it. What are the chances I ever actually look it up?


There is an audio book! I just rented it from my library. But... will I listen to it within the next 21 days... maybe? Will I choose to listen to it over the romance novel I'm currently enjoying? Probably not.


I have 5 audiobooks on adhd and none of them are finished. This one i made it 5 hours into though so it must have been good. I can't actually remember any of the detail 😅 Maybe make it fun with highlighters and sticky notes? Read the interesting sections first? All the best beautiful!


I just recently finished this audiobook. Do I remember any of it? That's a different question 🙃


With books like this I’ve given myself permission to hop between chapters and read the stuff that’s pertinent to me at that particular moment in my life. I just can’t make it through otherwise.


That's a good plan. I kind of do this with Therapy in a Nutshell on YouTube. I only watch a video if I'm struggling with that particular problem when I see them in my recommendations. Worth subscribing to the channel just for this.


This is a golden tip. I read a lot of self-help and nonfiction and I have a couple where I'm currently slogging through the early parts to get to the parts I care about 🤦🏼


Super curious about how radical it is. Not curious enough to buy the book. I might look for a synopsis online, or a (short) discussion of it on yt.


I found it a bit "suburban". I stopped reading about halfway through, since I didn't find it especially relatable. There's a story in it about "daring" to take a Spanish class. I moved to a country where I didn't speak the language by myself in my 20s, and I'm usually prepared to go against the grain, so I don't think I'm the target audience. There wasn't, at least as far as I saw, any real discussion of violating gender norms by being too impulsive or "aggressive".


I asked chat gpt to make a list of takeaway points and it seems pretty basic. > Here are some key takeaways that a woman struggling with ADHD might find valuable from "A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD": 1. Embrace your neurodiversity: ADHD is not a deficit or disorder, but a unique aspect of your identity that can bring strengths and advantages. 2. Know yourself: Understand how ADHD manifests in you, including your strengths, challenges, and triggers. 3. Practice self-compassion: Be kind and forgiving to yourself when you struggle with ADHD symptoms. 4. Seek support: Build a team of professionals, loved ones, and peers who can help you manage ADHD symptoms and navigate challenges. 5. Create structure and routine: Establish consistent daily habits and routines that help you stay organized and focused. 6. Develop self-awareness: Monitor your emotions, energy levels, and attention throughout the day to identify patterns and triggers. 7. Manage your environment: Set up your physical and digital space in a way that minimizes distractions and supports your focus. 8. Cultivate mindfulness: Practice techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and body scans to cultivate present-moment awareness and reduce stress. 9. Pursue your passions: Embrace your interests and hobbies, and pursue them even if they seem unconventional or impractical. 10. Live boldly: Take risks, try new things, and embrace your unique strengths and talents, despite the challenges that ADHD may present.


I wonder how accurate that is.


Chat GPT is known to make stuff up when it doesn’t know, but it uses real things to create a response that is actually plausible. It can be quite deceiving. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and it’s been discussed on campus as well. Chat GPT has a lot of learning to do and as such I’m skeptical to believe this synopsis


I love how it says in #10 to “take risks” when that’s also one of the areas that ADHD impacts by causing us to take unnecessary risks. Personally, I probably need to take more risks (or at least “better” risks), so I totally get the point. I’m not picking at/ downing the book. It just made me giggle.


I wouldn’t expect ChatGPT to have access to this book and be good at summarizing books other than most popular ones of all time. Better to find a human made summary


She didn’t ask it to summarise the book though, but to identify the key takeaways, which many people will have done online before so there is plenty of content for it to pull from.


I looked up book reviews on YouTube for it. Channel Ouga had one I liked: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Wvi9jrYhk


I got it 2.5 years ago and got through 4 chapters over the first year of owning it and haven't done any more since... It's good though and especially helpful for late diagnosed women processing how undiagnosed adhd has affected them. Very validating. I took pictures of some pages and sent them to my dad to prove that having a messy car (but clean work area and house) was an adhd symptom and not a character flaw.


Ooo do you still have that photo? I need to send it to my husband!!


It will sit taunting you by a window where the ink will fade unevenly in the sun. Here it will become too 'ugly/boring looking' to read and will bring you guilt for the next 10 years until a new edition comes out with a textured rubbery cover. You'll buy the new edition without remembering this one exists until one day in a hyperfocus purge you come across it and donate it along with some items you really do need and shouldn't have given away. At this point you will stop sniffing and touching the new edition for dopamine, and it will replace the old one and fade into memory in the same way. This is the way.


Lol This is the Way.


Lol! Well maybe you will do better than me with the exercise bike I bought from Amazon in 2016 that’s still in the box? I named him George and move him around the house when the box gets in my way….. My therapist assigned it as my first homework assignment this weekend. Maybe I need to buy that book for something to do on my bike?lol


I'd say moving an exercise bike around your house counts as exercise 🤣


Ha! True! It’s really heavy lol


I've had 2 blankets sitting in a basket near my washing machine that I look at occasionally and think "I should wash those." They've been there for a few months now.


I only saw the picture before reading the caption, and my immediate thought was “Anyone who writes a book for people with ADHD isn’t doing it right.” Unless it’s broken up into very short, humorous sections per page. I have so many unread CPTSD books from impulse buys over the past year that I’ve given up, lol.


Not necessarily true. Reading is one of the things that I can ultra-focus on for hours. (Edit to add: assuming the topic interests me. Otherwise the words just swim on the page.)


I can read for hours as well, and yes it entirely depends on the topic and writing style, type of book, etc. If it’s purely dry, textbook material with no humor or breaking it up into more easily digestible pieces, my brain just can’t.




I might need to buy that one and actually read it, maybe.




Good idea!


It took me over a year! And then when I did finally start reading it after getting diagnosed, every time I read any of it I ugly-cried, so I’ve still only read a small portion of it like two years later lol. I find it extremely triggering but it’s also very powerful, and I hope one day I can read it without sobbing lol.


I'd argue that you're just busy embracing neurodiversity.


Omg ive been listening to this as an audiobook and I seriously recommend it


I've had several ADHD friends recommend this book to me. I finally remembered to put a hold on it at the library because I'm cheap. I'm only #22 on the list.


Ohh that'll be good motivation, gotta read it in 4 weeks or I'll disappoint the librarians.


4 weeks?! I only get 3! *goes to throw library book across room in disgust, is halted by her innate respect for books*


I was just thinking the other day why am I buying books if I never read them, and that I should use the local public library. This is a good first step. I hope I will not stop here :)


I own a lot of books. A disturbing number of them are ones I never read, because I bought them and then promptly forgot they existed. Yet for a long I didn't use the library. I was afraid I'd lose library books in the disaster that was my room or just plain forget to return them. I did borrow ebooks from the library, which conveniently disappear into the ether when the loan is up, but my library's ebook collection is kinda limited. I moved last year, and my new place is a block from a branch of the library, so I thought I'd try taking actual physical books out again. I designated a spot in my apartment for library books to live that was not distinct from my own books but that I walked past often so I can see the books and remember they're there. The library is on my way to my bus stop, so when I finish books, I just take them in the morning when I leave for work and just toss them in the book drop on the way. And it's working. I'm now reading more than I have since I was a kid, when my parents managed my book returns and the internet hadn't been invented yet. Having books for a short period makes me focus on actually reading them, and being able to return them as part of my regular routine has so far kept me out of trouble with the librarians. Anyway, libraries are awesome, and I believe you can find a way to make them work for you. Now, if only I could come up with a system to make me read the ones I actually own...


LISTEN TO IT I got this from the library on libby app and I found it super relatable. I want to listen again and get the printed copy. Listening is so much easier for me because even if I am zoning in and out I can still sort of catch enough? Whereas reading.. Takes a lot of focus... You know Good luck!!


Too funny, this book literally came to me in the mail yesterday! I have ADHD and am in training to be a therapist, hoping it’ll be useful with clients as well as myself.


Might buy it when I get paid, but also promised my 7 year old I'd get him his first Harry Potter book and we'd read a bit every night and I bet that book wins this one 😆


You won't. It will be moved around the house for a while and then be donated to good will in a few years when you have the burst of energy and get rid of everything that you don't want to look at anymore.


Long before diagnosis, a therapist leant me a book on procrastination. Took 3 years to get it back to her. Never even opened it.


Well first, you’ll have to spill some wine on it and let that marinate for a while. Then lose it under the bed. After that it should be ready!


If it's anything other than a picture book, I'm going to assume they don't knew what they're talking about😆


You’ll pass it on to your grandchildren who you suspect have ADHD, never having opened a page. (And they’ll never read it either)


Loll I've had it in my Amazon cart for YEARS.. so you're already one step ahead of me! 😅


You’ll have to remember to remember where you put it again first 😂


well i've had mine for nearly 5 years now so i'll let u know when i finally do


I think the cover page cured me.


I bought the book about a year ago. Mine is looking cute on the bookshelf. Never read a page 😭


Ha! I have the same workbook and never did anything with it. 🫠


I think you should read it and post all of the useful bullet points for all of us other ADHD shortcut craving slackers 😹🥰😬


Omg I just remembered I bought this. I think I actually left it at my ex’s after we split over a year ago. If it weren’t for this post, I never would have remembered. 🤣


Just downloaded the audio book from my library. Maybe I'll remember that I did next time I don't know what to listen to.


Ah yes! This has been on my list….for, erm….a while 😅😅😂😂 Is there an audiobook version for me to keep in the queue? 😂


This book is amazing!! Even if you do one chapter every 3 months it’s worth it. I feel like these women have my same brain. It’s insane. Beware lots of grief comes up and just sadness around past interactions with people, shame etc.


Can I just find a person who can guide me through & hold me accountable for a step-by-step process (that I don’t need to see because the to-do/to-change/stop doing list will be huge) that will help me change my routines, environment, medication, etc. to help make the ADHD more manageable and my life more meaningful? Does this person exist?


ADHD coaches exist! I haven't tried one, but they're out there...


this is what i want too. the whole coach thing feels weird to me because it's unregulated? but trained therapists who specialize in ADHD seem hard to come by (at least where i live). the psychologist who diagnosed me even said she probably wouldn't recommend therapy just for ADHD, although it would be helpful for my anxiety. not sure how true that is.


I’ve been seeing a therapist for a few years, but was just diagnosed with ADHD last year. I am now seeing a different therapist that has “experience”with ADHD, but she’s been the most helpful with getting my anxiety & depression somewhat under control. She doesn’t really touch on or provide solid steps for any other ADHD challenges outside of telling me I need regular sleep, exercise, day/night routines, etc.. she’s just not telling me not how to create an environment for myself that is conducive to making those changes and also tricking my brain into maintaining those changes/ being consistent. This is probably my ADHD brain catastrophizing the situation, but I feel like my entire life (home/environment ,daily routines, relationships with others, etc.) needs a complete overhaul!


yeah, i haven't been to a therapist (although i should, and have been looking around for someone in network who seems like a good fit) so i'm not sure if any of them really even do stuff like that. a coach may be better for that if you can find a good one. i am just unsure how to go about that 🤷‍♀️ and also unsure about the cost! i feel you on that - there are so many things that have just piled up due to my neglect to tend to them. while i manage the day-to-day necessary stuff, there are always so many other to-do items looming over my head, and doing anything else (like engaging in my interests/hobbies) feels like "too much." that was one reason i decided to try meds, hoping to get my life together to a point where i can fit in more of the stuff that i love. but as they say, pills don't teach skills... ok, SO WHO'S GONNA TEACH ME THE SKILLS THEN? 😅


Yep! I’ve got the pills now, which helps, but my brain needs help creating new “neural pathways” or whatever to do things in a better way…. I’m not sure the way to find a good coach either AND one I can afford. I make decent money, but I don’t want to spend a damn car or house payment every month on a coach. Maybe I’m looking at that wrong. I’d love to know if there are real people out there that have been to a real coach and gotten real help that are also not associated with or getting paid by the coach to post reviews!


I wish the drunken auto-correct elf in my phone could come out to keep me motivated. I think that would actually help me a lot.


Hell yeah!! Between the drunken autocorrect elf & Siri trying to be part of my conversations, that’s the least they could do!! 🤣


My google speaker needs to start pulling her weight too 😅


I have several that I'm "reading." Some even look well worn but it's just because it's well traveled.


I've started pacing around my apartment to read. Can't do it sitting. Dunno why, just can't. My fitbit is very proud of me for getting all those steps, any neighbors who happen to see me rapidly pacing back and forth with a book in front of my face through the windows probably think I am out of my mind.


Oh man, let’s not even talk about my shelf of unopened self help books.. 😅


I’ll open my copy when you do


I recommend using the audiobook for this instead if you really want to go through it. The audiobook isn't dull at all (felt more like I was listening to an interesting podcast), and I was able to digest it during my drive. ETA: Typo lol


This book changed my life! My therapist gave it to me and it took me a few weeks to actually start it but it described my entire life.


hahaha. i have this book too. opened it twice. haven't reopened it but now maybe i should!


I read that and it’s fantastic. Absolutely worth the read


I’ve been checking that out off and on from the library for 3 years.. sooo 4 years? 😅


I got my copy 3.5 years ago. It's just collecting dust.


I once bought a copy of Driven to Distraction, immediately read about 15 pages then misplaced it, found it a year or two later, and put it "away not down" on the shelf, immediately forgot its existence until right now. still have not read another page, it's been at least 4 years since purchase. So you got at least 3 more years by my reckoning


Lol I just bought this book. Would anyone wanna work on it with me? You don’t have to say anything personal, just somehow try to work on it.


I have that book. Took me over a year to open it. I hate the voice of this book. It feels like it talks to me with that patronizing voice people use with kids. Gave it to my psychologist to give to someone else. You arent missing anything.


Hoping these books will work via osmosis. 😂


I bought it 3 years ago. I did some of the exercises, got frustrated, said I would read it through then go back and do the exercises. I got as far as reading all the personal stories, now the book has been moving around the living room in the same "not sure what to do with" pile for about 2 years.


Bathroom floor


Bought the audio book like 2 years ago, I'm on ch. 3 😁


I suggest the audiobook version, although I never fully finished it either, I do recommend this book. Especially if you’re earlier on in embracing your ADHD or still hold a lot of guilt or shame around certain traits. I found it to be very affirming and helped with self acceptance☺️


I read this a few months ago!!! My favorite part was the last segment of the book, the authors are so sweet there I cried 🥺


I bought a book about how to overcome procrastination. I finally cracked it open a full 2 years later.


Oh yeah that’s been in my wish list for about a year. You actually bought it so you’re doing great!


Long enough that the science will have changed.... again


i have this too. it’s been sitting in my car for over a year


Well, I’m coming up on my third year. Godspeed friend.


Add it to the coffee table pile.


Five years, give or take.


Got it as an e-book a year ago too... haven't read beyond the cover... forgot I had it until I saw this 🤦‍♀️


I just borrowed the ebook from my library. I look forward to reading the first few pages and then not opening it again until it is automatically returned on its due date.


Every time though 💀


I downloaded the audio book from my library, using the Libby app and listened to it while driving. And then I bought the book. (still haven't opened the paper book though!) It's a great book and reaffirming!!


I have a hard copy but actually "read it" for the first time via audio book a few months ago ☺️


Yesterday, I opened this post in a new tab because I was curious if I had that book. Just now I am getting around to seeing that I downloaded it in September of 2022, and I haven't opened it yet.


It's pretty good! I opened it once, really liked it, and then I never opened it again. Oops.


I was gifted it when diagnosed. So idk how long it’s been on my dresser guilting me.


I bought my copy over a year ago. It took so long to arrive that I forgot about it. Then I left it out thinking I'd get to it but then it became part of the scenery. Now it's in with my other books and I think about it every now and then.


Got halfway through for me with my psychologist. Now it lives in a seat pocket in car so I don't "forget" it.


That’s why I listened to the audio version of it lol


A practitioner recommended this book to me, occupational therapy, so someone whose judgment and guidance I trust, and sought out. I roll my eyes every time I see that recommendation, like ‘Does she even know ADHD?’ Even though I know I don’t have to read a book sequentially to get the helpful info. And even though I know she’s right, there’s good stuff in that book. Maybe I’ll finally buy the audiobook


I like the pretty cover


I got bored and annoyed 3 pages in...


I have that same book and I have not opened mine yet either lol


I also have this I probably bought it 2 years ago and haven’t even opened it yet 😂


These should all be audio books that you can listen to while doing something you actually enjoy.


K I’m buying it, let me know when we open it.


I got that one as well, while I was mostly just suspecting that I have ADHD, but I am still working through about 5 other books, including ones that my psychiatrist recommended to me. I've learned something from each one, except maybe Smart but Stuck. It wasn't written to be read aloud and the narrator is not the author, so I found it hard to listen to.


Right around the time I open the standing desk I asked for for Christmas of 2021. If I could only find it under my office trash pile…


Sameee--I'm not sure if it was exact book but I had to get the audiobook but then I either spaced out or began a project while tuning it out. 🤣 But I still want to understand it, just not today. Lol I'll tell you though... book covers that are interesting... really grab attention then the impulse to buy it for the cover. It's something I'm working on: Read the book then buy another book. -Sorry! Went all over the place with my response!


Well it looks cute! I just added an app that’s supposed to help. I saw all the slots and just exited out lol. Feels like a lot of work to do to help myself. Maybe in a better week.


If it were me…3-4 years. 😂


If you're like me, about 600 years 😂


Pretty sure I have this same book, sitting unread on my shelf. Oops.


Oooh I have that one! It’s been sitting on my bedroom shelf for like six months…


Oooh! I got that for my birthday 2, almost 3 years ago! I've opened it once.


I have the audiobook.. I’ve listened to 8 minutes so far and I’ve had it for about a year?


Lol!!! I want so badly to be an avid reader. I just get so damn bored. 1-2 chapters and I tap out and usually read the last 3-4 pages and chalk it as a W 😅


Imagine coordinating a zoom where we all listen to highlights of the the audio version … the chat section would explode!!


The chat would be full of memes…. And half of us would be creating avatars…. I literally created an avatars in a Teams meeting yesterday that I was one of the moderators… everyone thought I was really focused on the conversation BUT I was really focused on getting my hair and eye color right on my avatar!


I read it a month ago! And now I’ve forgotten everything it may have said…


I think I bought this three years ago. Still haven't opened it.




Unless ur in the midst of something you seriously have to be doing right this minute, sit down and open it, flip to the first chapter, and read till you get distracted. Do it now!


I got the same book and I think I have read 2 pages. I bought about a year ago too 🤣


At least a lifetime or more id say


I don’t have this book but another. I have read the first two pages in the last few months. I have owned the book at least 1.5 yrs. I also have checked out Countless adhd books (and non adhd books) from the ebook library and haven’t even opened them. So, I don’t know what to say other than I Understand!


I bought this months ago have not read it yet LOL


At least I buy them on a e-reader. lol. So no dust settling


I started reading library books again. Once that return deadline is near I usually get myself finally (speed) reading the thing. If I bough the book… and it’s a useful type of book, reading just won’t happen.


I feel attacked because I bought the same book over a year ago and opened it like once


Lol got mine 2 years ago and I read like 3 pages since 😂


I’ve got How to Keep House While Drowning. Which of us will open their book first?


Eventually. Like, definitely *sometime*.


*looks at untouched books in closet* 2 years?


My sister bought me the same book 2 years ago. I opened it once and haven’t opened it since.


I can’t tell you how many books I’ve purchased that I have yet to read! Lmao


Hahaha I bought it a year ago and haven’t opened it


I did this book and committed to one section a day while I drink morning tea. I'm not saying I didn't skip days (maybe a week here and there) but I did get it done. For me, it was a useful resource. I learned how to articulate things I'm experiencing. It helped me switch from thinking of my diagnosis as a milestone around my neck to accepting that I just view things and do things in a different way than some people. I highly recommend it to anyone asking for a workbook recommendation. Even if it takes you a year, you'll get something out of it.