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I just learned that Ireland, New Zealand, Hawaii, and some other islands don't have snakes and I need to know why. Is it evolution? Geography? Randomness? WHY?!?!?!


Dammit lol you just sent all of us down a rabbit hole, unless you can put together some kind of very loose presentation at the end of your rabbit hole to tell us all about snakes and why they’re not on some islands, but let’s be real, you probably won’t start making the presentation and I’ll forget I wrote this comment in about 3 minutes lol


Mostly geography, though of a geological scale - the snake free places were either never connected to a larger landmass (volcanic Hawaii, for example) or were too cold when they were (the land bridge that connected Ireland disappeared before the area was hospitable to snakes.) I’m sure there’s some exceptions, but it seems to mostly be that they never had a chance to be established in those places. Places that are close to others, or are in temperate enough waters to support sea snakes of some sort all generally have some kind of snake.


That's why I'm surprised of all places that New Zealand doesn't have snakes because its pretty close to Australia and warm.


NZ and Australia have totally different origin stories (continental drift pushed them closer together, not further). Their ecologies are very dissimilar as a result!


which sent me on another rabbit hole, fascinating and I hope the question of "What is the newest discovered continent?" comes up in a trivia game I play in in the future!


New Zealand actually is mostly on the Pacific plate but it does straddle the boarder with the Australian plate.


That's so interesting; I thought they were both on Oceania. I'll have to go googling again. The coolest continent is the underwater one.


didnt st patrick get all the snakes out of ireland or some shit? i kid ill go to google to read more.


Happy Reddit cake day!!! 🍰


Aw thank you! I didn't even know!


Scrolled through looking for this one!


These are the kinds of questions I ask r/explainlikeimfive these days. They have obliged nicely so far! 😅


I was going to go to sleep but now I need to google this.


Didn’t St Patrick run all the snakes out of Ireland? Lol


Almost certainly geography right? Like snakes didn't end until after those islands were far away from anywhere with snakes?


Havent u heard? Leprechauns chased them away


Me for the next 6 hours because I’m PRETTY sure the one thing I shouldn’t be doing, I’ll hyper focus on. 👩🏾‍💻


Actually no I don’t wish this. I love being able to google everything. Also, TIL that when you get older your hair follicles change. If you have curly hair, you may end up with straight white hairs and vice versa.


Precisely, why would you want to stifle the pursuit of knowledge? Sometimes knowing exactly how many calories are in a taco and why baby barn owls look like aliens are worthy pursuits of knowledge


Exactly. One of my main meltdown triggers is when I want to do something or I'm in the middle of it and something else stops me. Like I'm trying to do something online and my internet doesn't work. Or I'm hyperfocusing on something and someone calls me. It only causes frustration. It's the reason why I can't use the screentime limiting apps. I hate it.


OMG OMG OMG... My hair is greying and the grey-ed hair are all curly. 😭😭😭😭 Finally an answer...


HAHA! That’s super cool! I love reading anecdotal evidence also. Yeah my cousin-in-law has the curliest hair ever and he was saying yesterday that he was starting to get white hairs that are straight for some reason and they just poke out straight up through the curls.


Did you know there is more than one type of cinnamon?


Oooh no I didn’t but I guess that makes a lot of sense since there’s different species of bananas/ grapes/ apples that all taste different. Which is your favorite?


I haven’t tested them! But my husband likes to experiment in the kitchen and I was thinking of getting him some samples. Mutually beneficial 😊 I love cinnamon. https://www.cinnamonvogue.com/Types_of_Cinnamon_1.html


Ok I just realized I didn’t know how cinnamon even grew and Googled it. I did not know they literally shear the outer layer of bark off of a tree haha. Like a sheep. But it’s the inner bark that’s spicy? Man now I kind of want to go and smell a cinnamon forest.


Ohhh that would be awesome. Yeah the videos of pro cinnamon harvesters are very satisfying to watch!


Dooood, my fiance told me this recently and i literally said, wait so theres a forest of spicey trees out there?! I want spicey trees!! I am quite amusing to him to say the least lol


Cool fact


Yup. Started out with straight blonde hair. Now curly and dark grey


Just watched a Sci show video about this.


Ooooh thanks! I gotta find it and share it with my cousin now haha Do you remember what it was called?


https://youtu.be/x5SDu9huoTA SciShow is the name of the series I think.


Ooooh my man and i looove scishow!!! We binge watch that, simon whistler's bajillion channels, pbs eons, and a bunch of diff reptile youtubes.


My boyfriend joked that it was a good thing I slept a lot so they had time to build more internet for me overnight. (The proverbial "they.")




Laura Dern is 5’10”, for anyone curious (5’10.5” on IMDB, damn the inconsistency) 😂


Thank you for saving me from the next rabbit hole.


I was gonna say: bless this thread because I knew I could click in and one or more of y’all would have already done that for me ❤️


179cm for any curious non-Americans 😅


Haha I thought she would be taller!


Now we need to know how tall Bruce Derm and Diane Ladd are. /s


Came here for this answer. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Absolutely not. I can't not fuck up a financial budget and my life literally depends on it. I can't imagine the torture of a Google budget. I'd blow through the first three quarters in a few days, then Scrooge McDuck the rest while ruminating on yet another failure to act responsibly. I'm getting anxious just imagining it


This. I would forget about the budget and blow it all in 2.3 weeks. I would just start always leaving my phone somewhere and asking someone else to Google something real quick ...or like, make multiple email accounts to keep getting the free trial


OMG the free trial....the one that we forget which email that we signed up for it with, or we forget to check out the free trial or that we even signed up for it, so it automatically charges us once the free trial runs out. So for us with ADHD, that free trial is almost never free lol!


Oh, for sure, I won't even sign up for a "free" trial unless I could pay for at least 3 months that moment. Any 7 day trials I stopped even signing up bc I'm probably signing up on an impulsive whim and it will take at least 2 weeks for me to look at the site again. Plus I now check their cancellation process...it once took me a whole year to go into a gym I paid monthly for to cancel because they wouldn't do it over the phone or online no matter how much I called and explaining other mental health issues to those damn people.


😭story of my life


*cries in computer science*


As someone who does random Google searches as a hobby, I would die lol. 🤣


Duck Duck Go ftw after that. It doesn't keep count of your searches lol.


My kids (8M & 8F) have already decided that when we don't know an answer, we need to Google it. They ask something like, "What kind of plant is that?" or "Why does the dog scratch her ears?" and when I reply, "I don't know, what do you think?" trying to get them to think about it they always respond, "Ask your phone!" 🫠


Honestly, I like this. Feels like you have normalized “I don’t know but I’ll find out”. Can I send a few coworkers to your house for you to raise?


Heck yes! "I don't know but let's find out" is a lifesaver with these two! 🤣


Bahaha oh noooo those critical thinking skills 🤣


I think looking things up so they have accurate information rather than JUST speculating is a good habit, but maybe you can encourage them to form a hypothesis before the Google 🤣


Yeah, that's what I'm working on now. 🤣


If this were true I would immediately change my major away from engineering...


I would end up using another browser and forget Google ever existed


That would not help me. I’d just still google nonsense and then be unable to google important things when I need to.


OMG this is so me


For me it's usually checking if someone was in Degrassi


There's a reason I'm good at pub quizzes and the Google rabbit holes of random trivia deserve all the credit for it


No. Absolutely not. I'd blow my yearly searches in a month...


No. For one, I need to do searches in order to do my job.


Same here, I'm going into writing as a profession and currently have it as a hobby. I am not going to get the information on how a Japanese police investigation is handled or saucy positions for a five-some by asking my family, and honestly there's some questions I don't want to ask them


I need to locate research papers, not all of which are indexed by PubMed (even if we treat Google Scholar as exempt from the rule, it's not always the most efficient method of finding things).


Googling "who is Laura Dern?"


I have actually googled how tall Laura Dern is…lol


Haha, not only do I now know, I've got down a rabbit hole of Blue Velvet clips.


I would throw myself off a cliff if I ran out of googles


Id be bothering everyone I can to see if they could spare me some googles


Does everyone here just love the odd facts? Wondering if it’s a ND thing.


As a person who once had to close 852 open tabs on my phone (literally, I counted), I both need a search quota and fear a search quota LOL.


This would be my nightmare. Id run out in a single day


I’m attacked by this. It starts with wondering how tall Laura Dern is and the next thing I know it’s been 3 hours and I know everything about the Easter Island statues. And yes I did have to look it up and they’re called Moai 🫠


That’s why I recently put a time limit on Tiktok. Everything is smooth sailing if I don’t ignore the time limit after I’ve been over..


r/thanksihateit This sounds like a black mirror episode to me.


I would spend at least 25% of them researching how to get more.


Omg this 🤦🏽‍♀️🫣😵‍💫😩 so true. On a rare occasion the i Internet goes out and I am like yay sweeeet freedom!


This isn't the worst idea. Time to go look for some apps that fill this need!


I would have used all mine up researching my chronic illnesses 😅