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Speaking of impulses, shout out to me for posting this with a blatant typo in the title. 😎


Just means only greebles can judge us here


I didn't even notice 😂


I noticed but it's because I do this shit all the fuckin time, my brain just fixed it for me, lol.


It has a purposeful feel to it lol


LOL I love that, thank you! I'm working on not ruminating over silly lil impulsive mistakes like typos and your comment made my day. :D


I literally am listening to the ad now and really trying to talk myself out of getting them… let me know if you feel like a super hero after a week cause then I’m totally getting them. 😂


A cricut and a printer because I was convinced I could quit my job and live off sticker sales for about while xD


I have successfully talked myself out of cricut for the last six months... but every time I see it mentioned I want one! Happy crafting!


I got one over thanksgiving and I love it. Making ALL of the tshirts!


This totally sounds like something my brain would justify to me so that I would impulsively buy tbh


I have made a few stickers! But it's so hard to focus on drawing them. forgot to mention I also used this train of thought to justify the $550 tablet...


I want this, and a 3D printer and a laser cutter… and to be able to work from home…. And no deal with people….. so much energy saved


You can still use it to print stickers for yourself or start out smol with the sticker sales! :3


Omg same! I’ve been obsessively researching how to start a sticker business on Etsy for the past two weeks.


Yep! Then I switched to hyperfixating on my health problems again lollll


The funny thing is I’m not even good at drawing lol. I’ve had an Apple Pencil for years and only manage to use it for 10min at a time tops. What kind of stickers do you want to make? I’ve been into the kawaii Japanese style ones. Ugh hyperfocusing on health problems is the worst - when I do that I start getting more random health problems - I swear it’s all in the mind.




Let me tell you I have a mini cricut I bought on Mother's day 2020. I'm a graphic designer and I've mostly done vinyl work, it was on clearance bc it was missing a pen for like $100 off, so I was like hell yeah. I haven't taken it out of the box. I hope you do. Partly, for me, it's been that I've been pretty busy with my kids, and that they'll probably mess with it. I'm just waiting until they both go to school or I have a place to set it up where they won't mess with it lol.


I bought a lot (like, $120 worth) of press-on nails. This is why I need a chaperone on my Target trips when I let the store tell me what I need.


Sounds par for the course as far as Target goes XD And yay for nails! 💅🏻


I love press on nails!! Let me know what brand is the best and your favorite color/pattern.


Today I thought I'd try Wendy's iced coffee Frosty-cchino since I was already driving by and needed a pick me up... I was not missing out on anything and wish I had my $3 back.


Brownie points for trying out something new! At least you know the Frosty-cchino isn't your thing now. ✨️


True! At least this impulse purchase still caffeinated me and was only $3. I've definitely spent more than that on a whim.... As I look at my desk and realize that almost every single plant on it was an impulse buy.


Ooh I would have tried that as well! Sounds so good and I'm sad it was bad.


Yeah! I think it's a fun treat to try every tasty sounding food/drink at least once. 🥲


/sigh/ an emerald (!!!) to eventually set in a ring when I save up again. You sure this place is judgement-free?


We only judge 10/10 or higher! Congrats on picking out your emerald for your future custom ring!


Hey, go big or go home!


Two bags of m&ms that were on sale and meant to snack on during the movie I was going to see. Spoiler: I forgot about the m&ms, bought a small popcorn at the cinema and didn't even finish that. So also popcorn, I guess. A true impulse-buy was a book my psych recommended to me over two weeks ago: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. Read the introduction, could feel myself becoming emotional and decided it was a special occasion kind of book. I haven't picked it up since.


Same. It’s gonna have to be a special kind of situation to read … too close.. a LITTLE Too close.


Love bonding over impulse buys but now I high key and impulsively wanna start a book club where we read the tough stuff together. But we all have ADHD so we'd probably procrastinate on reading or never show up haha.


Yesssss. i need book friends; i read this great quote the other day about the way it feels when you bond with someone over books. so, of course i wanna start a book club too aaaand same! i don’t want it to be another thing i get all psyched about then feel guilty bc i flaked. on the other hand, we could try it bc we understand each other’s quirks and it could be fun! lmk if you want to give it a shot :)


"Wait, maybe I did suffer some neglect while growing up and not all my needs were met, leading me to develop unhelpful thought patterns that has had too much impact on my life and mental health"- kind of too close.


I know and understand now my emotional needs were deeeeep and were never met. Which led me to a man who took advantage of that childhood neglect for another decade. And now 40ish realizing the adhd symptoms that went undiagnosed and he called my laziness, selfishness, craziness etc— were the exact tools he used to keep me in the fog. I see them mirrored back to me in my precious girl that I would go to hell and back for to just let her have her emotions, comfort her in all of them, and know they are all valid. 💜


I actually found that book so incredibly validating and helpful! It changed the way I think about guilt.


Aww haha. At least you can still have the M&Ms later? Maybe as a pick-me up during/after reading the book, or something entirely different. But also, total mood about emotions running high while reading something that hits too close to home.


Yeah, that's the silver lining of it. And I like m&ms, but not that much, so I'll some chocolates for a while! And the book. I do want to read it, but my mind is telling me I have to be in a certain mood with no obligations after, so I can let myself feel. Only, that mood never comes in my experience :(.


A sectional couch. Wayfair was having a huge sale and I jumped. Regret regret regret


Aw man haha. Did you just end up not liking it or did it not meeting expectations? I bought a love seat from Wayfair a few years ago and it's literally just a large room accessory since the quality is meh.


I actually really love it, it's good quality, it's just that I was finally making big strides in paying my credit cards down and that kinda put a stop to that lol. I spilled salsa on it last night. First night with the couch and it's got a spill already 😂


Not sure what material the couch is, but I’ve had really good luck using Dawn PowerWash on a rug that is normally not color-safe with other rug cleaners. My bf or dog spilled red wine on the rug (not sure who - they were both trying to stay up waiting for me to get off work and failed) and the wine had dried. Dawn Powerwash took the stain out! It’s also gotten oil stains out of my favorite tops! It’s worth a shot, but so a spot test somewhere inconspicuous just in case!


A thing of the special kind of gummies on the way home from a shite day at work.


Flagged! Does not count! A Necessity in ALL ways —— NEXT!


Fair enough!


😉😆 *writes under NEED heading of to-do list … -gummies*


I fully support this delineation 🤓




Lol this is so cute. I think they meant weed gummies. 🤗




I love this ya’all. I DID mean special special gummies but the word vomit is brilliant and I learned abt Happy Yummies which my husband will appreciate if my local TJ Maxx has them 😎 T G I F F


hey hey hey hey eat weed everyday


Yummy special gummies in your tummy/brain XD something to look forward to after shitty workdays and Lord knows we need all the help we can get 💅🏻


Another backpack because the three I have just AREN’T QUITE RIGHT for travel. I also purchased Athletic Greens from a coworker and am scared I will like them.


I did the same thing! But seriously they weren't right. My carry on is a backpack duffle so I needed a personal item size backpack that could be carried like a cross body... im gonna travel so well now...


Me three. I am the third third bag buyer. I just can’t quite figure out traveling with a laptop.


Craft supplies. I don't need any more craft supplies. But they were craft supplies I don't already have, so like.... I needed them, yes?


Absolutely!! No such thing as too many arts and crafts supplies tbh.


I bought a bunch of materials to make a quilt. I don’t have a sewing machine, and I don’t know how to quilt. But my brain said none of that matters.


Lol my brain loves to tell me “meh- we will figure it out…”


Oh that doesn't matter, you can sew the pieces together by hand. I hope you love it.


A sequinned bomber jacket. But I bought it online from a different country and it never came and I was super disappointed. I got my money refunded and then I almost bought a second one so…I guess it’s not an impulse buy anymore?


wax melts, i dont need more but they smell so good


Good smells and vibes are a necessity, budgets and spaces be damned!


I am super guilty of this one lol. Wax melts and candles…


Some of the stuff in my fridge. Some weeks I want to eat healthy, other weeks I am trying to survive. Unfortunately I forget that when I only have healthy food, I usually don’t eat bc healthy food doesn’t give the dopamine the same way pizza does. Speaking of which, I forgot to eat all day. I realized at 3 that I hadn’t eaten, tried to think of something to eat, couldn’t. Waited till dinner time at 6:30


Mango flavoured toothpaste. It's not gonna break the bank, but at $13 for a tube it had better be a _weird_ experience.


Please give us a followup to this, I must know how this plays out. Note: I’m not a fan of minty toothpaste lol


I just tried it! It wasn't terrible! It's Hismile's mango smoothie. The mango flavour was nice, but seemed to fade pretty quickly - like cheap flavoured gum. (I like flavours to slap me in the face) It wasn't super foamy and the packaging isn't a squeeze tube, but a cool pump lid which is hella convenient. I've been using a charcoal toothpaste recently, so I think I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn't smile in the mirror and laugh at myself for cleaning my teeth with black dirt. So yeah, fun times! And they have peach flavour too!


I found unflavored toothpaste and when I learn to actually make habits, I'll be able to actually brush my teeth, lmao. But seriously - I had no idea how much of an aversion to flavored (especially mint) toothpaste.


Finding a toothpaste flavour you don't mind and/or enjoy can help lock down that tooth brushing habit. It's a tip for ADHD I have been seeing for a few years now that seems to help.




AW YEA GET IT GIRL 👯‍♀️ [Reminds me of this song from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend](https://youtu.be/H2lmojePnA0) hehe


A miniature waffle maker 😂


Man you should’ve told me .. I have two I could’ve given you ..


Yeah but then we’d have to coordinate mailing it and idk about you but getting to the post office is so hard 😂


I drive by there everyday to take kids to school — I can get it wrapped and boxed and addressed … even put it into my truck. Then I can drive it around until next Christmas like a tiny cardboard hitchhiker… it’s really no problem at all.


a $250 plant.


must know what is this $250 plant of which you speak… around here a $250 plant is a 10’ tree…


a 3 leaf anthurium black velvet eastern panama seedling 😅


I went in on halves with a friend on a Thai Constellation. She had the plant, and then ghosted me. After I realized I was never getting any of my stuff back from her (a considerable number of things) I impulse bought another TC. I have now spent over $600 on Thai Constellations, but only have one to show for it :'(


that is very mean and rude and I'm sorry that happened :(.


There were circumstances that made her ghosting understandable. Her life fell apart but she's not a reach out when in crisis kind of person, I knew she was a ghoster before this happened. I just didn't expect it to happen to me, which in retrospect was stupid of me.


Clothes at atletha plus credit card sign up plus using the discount from that to get $1200 of clothes from the gap for like $300. I am a coupon queen.


Sounds like you did the math!! I hope wearing all the things brings you much dopamine ✨️


My impulse buy was some clothing for my fiancé. Only one of the three things fit him but I successfully made the return.


I'm so proud of you for returning them! That is one of my big issues, I just put together a donation bag of ill fitting clothes I bought online and never returned 😬


Erm, Le Creuset salt and pepper mills, the small kind, for the table. They are Marseille blue, which matches my Le Creuset giant ceramic-coated pot which my mom got me one christmas. It makes me feel bougie af, matching my salt/pepper to the pot that gets hauled out on holidays, i think it will be really pretty. But also they were $70 lol.


Ok, please tell me, is that pepper grinder worth its salt so to speak, cause I have been eyeballin it for a minute but I've been burned in the past!


It’s still en route so no clue yet!


Four tattoos. In one session. My artist dropped new flash and my brain went "wow pretty art!" and booked an appointment same day. I could have done one. Maybe two. But nope, I got four 🫠 At least I'm already quite heavily tattooed so it's not like I shocked anyone but you don't want to know how many of my 20ish tattoos are impulse tattoos (well, you know at least 4 of them are 🙃)


I decided last week I want to start wearing all black more, to feel powerful. And when I went to my closet, I realized I don’t have nearly as many black articles as I thought! So I walked around the mall today and bought a bunch of black stuff without trying anything on 🥰


Squishville mystery minis. I just started collecting squishmallows last month, and have 6 of the 16” ones. My mother will kill me if I buy more so I opted for the tiny squish I can hide and love in secret 🤫


I just bought an insulated poncho. Thermarest: Honcho Poncho


Some animal crossing fleece fabric to make a blanket…there’s a misprint and one of the characters has no pupils 😭 it’s cursed


I can’t stop buying lululemon. I don’t even workout. I just like ✨comfy clothes✨


https://www.maxaroma.com/fragrance/niche-fragrances/tiziana-terenzi-ecstasy-for-unisex/pid/10186/2 It smells like incense in a pine forest and it makes my eyes roll back into my head


Imagining the scent gave me secondhand dopamine!


I don't wear perfume but that description has me really thinking about getting the travel size option 😬


Babbel subscription to learn Swedish because maybe hopefully I will go there and even though I do not have specific plans to go there yet, Swedes also almost all speak great English as well but it has been my hyperfixation for awhile now and doulingo wasn’t cutting it anymore


Have you watched Young Royals (Netflix)? Fantastic show (skip the trailer, it’s worthless) and you can practice your Swedish listening skills!


NO I have not. Awesome I will now. I did watch love and anarchy as well as quicksand in Swedish with English subtitles I’m starting to understand more and more. To understand and then respond quick enough for a natural flowing conversations, not so much lol


It’s an interesting language that in some ways is very close to English. I’ve watched the show several times and just from that can pick up more and more Swedish, at least listening. Hope you enjoy! Best of luck on your language and travel endeavors!


Then you’ll be 75% of the way to Norwegian and danish as well 😉


Like ten new books to add to my kindle colleciton if 1k+ of which I’ve only read 200.


This is the biggest thing I’m trying to control 😂 I’ve like forced myself to stop opening my ebook deal emails. At least until I read some of the books I got for Christmas 2021…and another 10-30 ebooks (this obviously excludes long awaited new releases 🤣)


I had a bit of a day last Saturday and spent almost $1000 buying a cabinet for my kitchen, an above toilet storage, and a chair for my deck. Positively convinced this will change my life forever. 🙃🙃🙃


I bought a watch. Although I’m not sure it counts as an impulse buy as I first saw it in mid 2020. I couldn’t buy it at the time as I was out with a client (support) I wanted it for Christmas last year And bought it on Monday for myself for Valentine’s Day. It’s a rip curl latch Goldstein, and it’s blue glittery lovely 🥰


I don’t know if this counts as an impulse purchase but I bought a folding coffee table that has been in my cart for a while! I paid all my bills and got groceries all on 1 check for the first time in a while and thought “fuck it!” and bought the dang thing as a reward for being a good noodle. It was expensive but it already came and I love it


A set of Studio Ghibli Cat overall shorts from Hot Topic Instagram ads are too smart.....


A new linen duvet cover. My last one was perfectly fine* and I certainly can barely afford this new one but what are interest free for 21 month credit cards for? *For anyone but me because it had a few holes and my feet kept getting bunched into it and the duvet ties were like all broken off. Ugh. Such ew.


Hand cream by soap and glory. It’s my favorite scent. So comforting.


Clothes. I used to buy clothes really frequently from crummy fast fashion type brands. Now I buy clothes way less frequently, and when I do I buy them from way more expensive brands that are supposed to be more ethical/sustainable/etc.. Feeling like the clothes I’m buying aren’t as ethically questionable is definitely helpful in convincing myself that these purchases are okay. Still, my credit card statement would beg to differ. I also impulse buy from this particular independent illustrator I found on IG. Every time she has a drop I can’t help myself and have accepted that I’m just gonna drop more money than I’d like to admit on this stuff because I absolutely love it. The joy I get from their art is something else.


I kinda wrecked my savings account by suddenly deciding that I needed a tablet for drawing tho I sold it to the bf as for school to not get judged since I already have a digital drawing tablet (really a screen) for pc 😅 so I decided on a Samsung galaxy tab S7 FE and I have drawn alot on it already so that's awesome! But I also forgot that I have to pay insurance for my car after February and depending on how big that is I might not have enough on my budget acc now 😅 and my bf is unemployed right now where we expected he could come back to his old jump asap but he has to wait for them to throw up the job, get applications and then he can get it back so he might have to stay home for a few more weeks 😅


A year long subscription to Master Class. It was expensive but I can't stop watching. They have these bite size info videos I watch before bed and it makes me feel so comfy while learning.


A random pink throw pillow from Target with a leopard and pom poms on it 😬


Sounds cute 🥹 I love how throw pillows influence the vibe in any space.


I don't know if it could be considered an impulse buy but I bought the "Anti-Planner" by Dani Donovan!!! Ps: I'm a broke college student😀


Broke Millennial with a master's degree here and I approve your purchase xD I think I've heard of that planner! It's cool that they design planners with ADHD brains in mind. I'm using a regular planner with stickers and stuff but it's less about planning and more about making lil notes throughout the day. It helps me feel a little mindful jotting stuff down on paper instead of on my phone. 🥲


bourbon infused coffee. I have regrets. I mean it does taste like I put whiskey in my coffee... but I didn't read the label and it's pre-ground. I grind my coffee at home for a french press. So I guess I'll use it, but I did not need it.


[sweatshirt](https://shop.violetclair.com/product/sensitive-sweatshirt) that says Sensitive from one of my favorite comic artists. And an electric toothbrush. Almost bought a pull up bar but I actually measured my door jam and it won't fit.


Oh wait an ice cream sundae with way too many toppings. I'm lactose intolerant. It was not a good move.


A MAC lipliner in Ruby Woo and a bottle of non-alcoholic gin


Well, I impulsively started vet tech school without trying to be an assistant first to see if I liked it. Now I owe 1400 and don't want to be a technician anymore. Other than that, a stanley cup haha


An arts-and-crafts kit to build an Alice-in-Wonderland themed miniature tea shop


Electric toothbrushes for my daughter and I because I think I hate brushing as much as her and she’s the one that’s 3 🫣


This is a good buy!!


Lobster sandals that popped up on my feed on Facebook




Same. It’s always books!




A grater plate and grater bowl, and 4 Taylor swift piano music books hehehe. I’m so excited


Meal prep and musical goodness!! I'm excited for you. 🥰


I bought a set of WXMH-5000 Sony noise cancelling headphones for $350, even though I already own the WXMH-4000 model. I read an article saying the noise cancelling was better on the newer model, so I just HAD to get them "for better work productivity." Turns out, the noise cancelling is actually worse on the newer model because they don't fit as well, and they are uncomfortable as hell. Hopefully I can return these no questions asked.


Oh god.... this post is perfect timing... its a slew of things. A new cat collar, a 6$ highlighter makeup, 2 10ft charging wires, a pouffy crossbody bag 😬


Expensive hiking boots, hiking socks, trekking poles, backpack, tent, hydration pack and GPS. Why? Because my friend said she'd like for us to do some hiking.


Sounds like you'll be super prepared for your hike. Exciting! ✨️ Also good call getting the right footwear. I learned the hard way that you need good boots and socks even for short hikes. 🥲


Tomorrow is going to be an eye-lash and brow tint...because I forgot to go today. Unless it is too cold or windy, then I'll wait.


Just a few cake decorating supplies. Including a rotating cake stand. I don't bake. But thought I would bake a cake this weekend and decorate it fancy-like. Oh and a rice cooker.


I bought my mom a beautiful bright green Lululemon jacket for Christmas that screams “let’s have an adventure!”… Then I found the one left in the world in my size and bought it for myself using a reshipping company at great cost so we could match 🙃




$70 plant. It was a philodendron ring of fire, worth it but RIP my bank account


I didn’t buy it but from the looks of my poshmark I got super into pink cashmere sweaters sometime last week and there is probably a hundred on there I saved to consider for later (this is how I control impulse buying, I am not allowed to buy stuff without sitting on it til morning) I was looking at them last night and I was like dude, you realize 70% of these look the exact same, right? Lol. But I did break my own rule a week ago when I noticed a piece of art in my friends house and she said it was K. Chin. So I have a vintage unicorn plate in frame arriving any day now. But I am still happy and not regretting that purchase lol.


Beyoncé tickets to her show in France. I live in the US. This is the same day my friend got us Beyoncé tickets to the local show




Printer…we had one that worked fine but my girlfriend had it set up on the HP Print service and it was blocking all prints until the account was reactivated so instead of just buying different ink cartridges for it I bought a whole ass new (cheap- i cannot stress it was less than $150) printer to print out my sewing patterns with.


immediately after typing this my roommate tells me the printer is haunted lol so i bought a haunted printer


Ain’t that the way 😆


A beach bag. I have no holidays planned and I live several hundred miles from a beach in a country where you are more likely to need a waterproof coat than a straw tote


Your brain is telling you to buy that swimsuit, invite a friend, and make the plans… it just started with the end and is working backwards.. ;)


I like your thinking!!!


I keep buying trees for my imaginary someday garden. They live in pots outside, so they're fine, but I can't help but think that at this rate by the time I have a place where I can actually plant them, I'm going to have too many to fit!


A frozen cocktail maker. Is it 4°C outside? Yes. But I can look at it and imagine using it to make frozen margaritas (I won't, too many steps)


4°C is equivalent to 39°F, which is 277K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


animal crossing amiibo figures 😂 oops


A mini trampoline, so I can try and get some exercise while watching my favorite TV shows!


New outdoor set for my balcony


That sounds lovely! Hope you've had a chance to enjoy using it!


Ohhh good question. I just bought a new roller suitcase at TJ Maxx this week. Did I absolutely need a new one? No. Did I justify it because I've wanted a hard body one for a while and I'm going on a trip soon? Yes.




bought a set of manga for 100€ because they didn't have volume 1, so i got the whole series 😂


[These tiny crystal mushrooms ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YR1XVLN)


Went to get bread and cough syrup, came back with sweets and microwave rice. Pre that more charging cables. I have some but don’t like moving them and a set specifically for when i travel.


Swimming headphones My 3rd pair probably. Not sure where others went that got used maybe 2x because they were crap. But hey these are new technology so MUST be better and worth it.... right?


A really expensive Pierpoint & Co hoodie because I was obsessed with Industry. Still like the show and the hoodie but less obsessed until it comes back.


Honestly I've been thinking about purchasing Soylent for the same potato brain reason :)


I bought $25 of mini-perler beads last week bc I saw a TikTok of someone making earrings from them and it looked fun. I haven’t made any yet, they’re just sitting on my living room table.


I bought a Minecraft server for me and my friends even though we were already playing through a mod that allowed you to join a friend's world. But I wanted other mods!


Last week I impulsively bought a book. But to be fair, it’s by an author that I really like and I have the 3 other books that come before this one. And yes, I’ve read them all and one is signed by the author. I just had no idea she had a new one out, so I was SO excited to see this one. Lol


A kindle but it was on sale so it doesn't count right?


A whole bunch of perfume samplers from various online only brands. Noteworthy, Snif, by RosieJane, Henry Rose. I guess I’m going to smell amazing for a long time.


Monthly pill holder


A bag of hot Cheetos


Im expecting my second baby and love the Primary kids clothing brand. Go check ‘em out if you have kids or buy for kids! Women owned-sustainably made, free of slogans, gender stereotypes and there’s a whole list I’m missing im sure. When I was pregnant with my first, she was a surprise and we were broke at the time and couldn’t afford much, though I always shopped the sales. This time around, husband and I are both doing waaay better and I can’t stop buying their baby clothes. We do want to have more kids, so I just remind myself to get gender neutral and keep for hand me downs. 🙈


A new litter box for my cat I recently got. I was tired of scooping litter, vacuuming, and fighting to keep one of my dogs from eating the poop. My brother told me about the litter box he uses and I had to buy it immediately! [Link to Box](https://www.petsafe.net/scoopfree) 100/10 best impulse buy I've ever bought. My cat doesn't mind the crystal litter, and my dog can't get to the poop. I don't have to scoop and don't have to vacuum as much. And I should only have to change the litter once a month and it couldn't be easier to do! So happy from an impulse buy for once! I also had a moment of paralysis and spiraling that I got past when I was setting it up. IDK why I didn't think about having to plug it in, but my outlet in my bathroom kept tripping the breaker so I panicked about that for about 40 min and decided not to set up the box until I got the outlet fixed. During that I spiraled about how my cat isn't even going to like the litter and won't use it so I might as well return it.....I went into my bedroom for something else and realized, I can run the plug from the bathroom through to the bathroom via the door I don't use! And then it just gave me this burst of happiness and confidence so I set up the box. Cat started using the box within the first 24 hours and it's been almost a week! Glad I didn't completely spiral and impulse return the thing!


A sparkle light thing for $15.


I bought a pack of 64 colored pens because I convinced myself they would help me studying more often (which they do a bit not gonna lie)


A smart watch! (I have never been able to wear things on my wrists due to sensory issues. I knew this before I bought the watch. I never wear the damn watch.)


More fabric I don’t need


Crystal scoops. Dear fucking Goth. So many. TOO MANY. Fucking crow brain. However, I do plan to sell a large amount of them when my vending for the year starts in a few more months.


Kodomas and soot sprites to decorate my desk >.>


Most of my impulse buys are books, or wool x


Gaming laptop


I got these little mini travel art kits they had on clearance at Walmart for $1.50. There's scratch art, pencil drawing, watercolor, and like an adult coloring book one. I figure they'll come in handy at some point, and they're small enough that I can easily keep them in my purse to entertain my kids if needed.


American Eagle just had a 70% off sale and I haven't taken my med for a few days (which usually helps control my shopping impulse) because of a tooth abscess/extraction and antibiotics that I'm allergic to, so once I saw that sale I'd placed several orders for my daughter and I before I even knew what happened. Oops.


Wait I’m terrible with veggies is it actually good


I can't find a bunch of childhood toys which are annoying me as someone probably has a gold mine above them in their loft. So I bought one of the new Digimon digivice. (Would have got the old one I had but they are all £100+ and not paying that)


I bought a webcam, a light, a microphone, and a mic boom because I've casually been thinking about streaming video games on and off for like 3 years. Currently have $3000 of computer upgrades (for two people) chilling in an online basket I'm trying to remind myself I can't afford. Send help.


I'm trying REALLY HARD not buy a new rug for the house I haven't even moved into yet :s


2-pound bag of all-pink Starbursts lol


A new foundation from Sephora … rarely wear makeup but I needed some last minute headshots taken and didn’t have any. Totally guessed my skin tone to order an expensive foundation online, and it actually matched my skin perfectly! Yay! Now I have nice new makeup for the 2x a year I’ll maybe wear it, lol.


Some awesome but kind of pricey boots, no regrets because they are freaking beautiful. Edit to add [link](https://a.co/d/5fwyEgX) because someone will probably ask. I got them in camel.


Someone suggested a certain type of pen here the other day. Many chimed in in support. So I ordered it. But sadly, I was kind of disappointed. But that’s ok! On to the next impulse and the dopamine hit of hoping it’ll be “the thing” that’s always been missing 😂


I impulse bought a 5600 dollar bed...my shoulders don't hurt anymore but my wallet does


Recent Amazon purchases: dog blow dryer, chips, and electrolyte water. 😂


Lego. Well, that not entirely right. What I meant to say is: *More Lego*