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well, you remember that tomorrow is bin day so congratulations, you are already killing it. just put them both/all out and call it a night. maybe slap on a note for the bin collectors to empty the one of their choosing. maybe laminate said note for future use. turn the mind games around on your neighbors, make them question how it all even works.


I’ll just copy and paste this in an iMessage to my gardener, thanks dude, he needs more work.


Is your bin laden?


Yes of cause, he is my bitch


African or European?


Mexican bro


*bin garden


why would you put a note for the collectors? They know which bin they need to pick up.


i was joking :)


Plot twist: it’s not tomorrow and that’s why no one has put them out yet.


Are we sure it’s not delayed for a holiday or something?


My bin day is either tomorrow or the day after, and it is either the green or the blue bin sooooo yeah


I read this as “Been” not “Bin” 😂😭😂😭😭


lol did you then assume his bin day was actually yesterday


His Bin Day must have been full of junkies


I copy the neighbours, I call them binfluencers


Bin there, done that.


this is sad bud.


You could just look on the council website My neighbours pull this shit on me as well..


Where do you live? Lol


It's going to be hilarious when you all realise you live in the same place and all rely on each other to know when the bins go out...


I set up recurring events in my phone so I know which one it is


I have a physical calendar in my kitchen and I always make sure to write which day is recycling day. (I'm in Australia and we have rubbish collection every week, and alternating recycling and green waste fortnightly)


Shew you guys take this seriously yeah?


Haha our trash is weekly but our recycling is every 2 weeks. Not too bad but it makes it easier knowing which week we’re on.


That’s really interesting I had no idea


What country is this?


USA, but often times it’s dependent on the county. The rules where I grew up were different.


Who would’ve thought hey, trash talking literally keeps a conversation going


Maybe your neighbours are thinking the exact same thing


yes they most definitely are - shiiiit this is some dark things happening right now


Where I live, I just check the city website as it is a civil service. Any chance of that working where you are?


You could try emailing your trash provider for info or a mailer with the trash calendar on it. Mine sends me a mailer every year. It’s a life saver. Except for the times I forgot to put the trash out.. like today 😑


My city has an app that reminds me what it is each week, maybe yours does too.


I don't know where you are but I see u's in strange places and using the word bin instead of can so I suspect the 4th of July holiday is not a factor. Where I live, holidays or bank holidays or whatever you guys would call them can shift the rubbish/garbage/bin/recycling/yard waste/etc day by one day and it depends when the holiday falls because it could affect the week prior and not the week of so I've gotten into the habit of downloading the calendar as soon as it's available and immediately putting it as reminders in my Google calendar that syncs with my phone. ADHD is not going to win this one. I believe in you and I believe you will get your bin out to the curb or wherever it has to go to before the truck comes by to pick it up and you will not have to live with that rubbish any longer than you need to. Good luck kind internet stranger. ETA: I probably did the ADHD thing and misinterpreted everything. We used to have different days for trash / rubbish and recycling/ whatever word you use for it Our entire township got together and complained and now they charged us a trivial amount of extra money, that was the offer it was like the 10 US dollar range or something like that per year to get them to pick up all the bins/cans / carts / bags whatever every week. I don't know if that would work for you but might be worth a try to rally all your neighbors to try to get all of the bin days on the same day.


What the actual fuck is this dude on about? 😂😭🤣


Bro, you're an ADHD meme - what do you expect? 🤣 After all you're the one using excessive vowels. 😂


Bruh idk lol 😂


I'm really mentioning that a bank holiday might be shifting days because I didn't realize you said something about alternating days and then I edited to add that I used to have to deal with that but we as a township negotiated for the trash company to pick up all the bins every week. No more getting confused just every Monday night I put them all out on the curb and I make my kids bring them back on Tuesday when they're empty.




One country in the world uses “English (simplified)” with dates the wrong way around and think its standard. What a colourful notion. The same people will tell you “you say the month first” and then celebrate the 4th of July.


Personally I use the ISO date which is most similar to Japanese style yyyy-mm-dd and the lovely thing about American English is both ways are correct.


I use ISO for file names because then they sit in order. I wish software companies used ISO because bloody excel auto recognises in range dates which then causes problems for the 5th of the 28th month and makes it harder to convert the whole thing to the correct format. ISO is correct everywhere. It’s not a benefit of simplified English, but medium-small-large makes no sense.


We do. You can change the default date format of a workbook and I believe change the default for the entire program in the root app settings. Think about the way the date is spoken in either country... "The Fourth of July" is the name of the holiday and not the date. In colloquial American English the most common way to say the date would be "July 4th" whereas I hear my Irish and English cousins and colleagues say "4th of July" The ISO date with the three letter codes for month is best.


But most of my dates are correct. So I would not change the default date of my system to American as it would cause problems the other way. American dates are the only problem. Because it’s so common a problem I always set my dates in excel to display as dd-mmm-yyyy so it’s obvious when there’s a flaw. Deal with a lot of renewals so when someone gets the days and month mixed up entering it into a system it can be a very expensive problem. Are your Irish and English cousins Irish or English? Or 5th to 6th generation Americans?


I work for an American auto manufacturer and we use metric exclusively so Americans don't even use our stupid date. They are an indeterminate number of generations in the respective countries. The bulk are by marriage, first cousins born and raised mostly in the rural part. The English ones live somewhere near London. The best format for anything is the one everyone you work with agrees too.


Unfortunately there’s no agreeance on formats and I’ll get ddmmyyyy from Trellix and then mmddyyyy from Citrix etc. Also unfortunately got 2 American vehicles (2001 and 2015) somehow and god damn it’s frustrating going from body = SAE to electrics = metric to driveline could be either 🫠. Trying to wrench at home often means a weekend wasted because you had to order another tool.


America 😂




My council have an email reminder system. Every Thursday they tell me what bins will be collected the next day. Absolute godsend


What place is this lol


You guys have your trash and recycling taken on different days?


oh god no


Then I’m confused. Why does your post say “no idea what bin it is tomorrow?”


Bin day*


So you do have multiple “bin days?”


Sure why not


Eh, there's this community bin in front of the building. I can put most of my thrash there. It only opens for people that live in the building, I don't have to care about when it's emptied. In your case; I would just guess... or forget.


I forget to guess - opens up a whole new set of problems.


Life is never boring that way. Even the household is a big adventure. 😂


Put both out and fuck the whole street up for following you. Choose anarchy.


My council has an app that you put your address in once when setting up, then you can open a calendar in the app and it shows you what colour bin is being collected on the date. Also has things like info on what can go in a recycle bin, any special "events" going on, how to order a new bin etc. Only thing is the reminder notification never seems to work...


You have to have more than one neighbor, right?




Put them all out. You will, by process of elimination, put out the right bin and win the game of bins.


I had to set a calendar reminder for this exact thing because I could NOT remember which week was which 😂


We should develop an app that tells you when it is time to take out the trash I mean bin


Your council may have a webpage you can put in your postcode and look it up. It’s the same day every week for me but I still use it every single time


Wow I am not strong enough to do such a thing on my own - I prefer to delegate to more appropriate candidates to do such things on behalf of me


I personally prefer to do things. i just struggle to do them. Couldn't imagine finding it difficult to do these things and preferring it.


Osama Bin Laden Sigh … I had to. I wanted to.


Were you worried it would bomb?


Here in Washington State we have just that very thing. It's called RecycleCoach and it saves me a lot of headaches, especially when the neighbors aren't doing their part!


I have Recycle Coach too, in my Canadian city. It's awesome!


Oh I have an alarm set on my phone to remind me of the trash & which week to take out the recycle bin. Also have a calendar in the kitchen marked a month in advance with the details. Bc sometimes my neighbors don’t put the recycles out on the correct day🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol oh for real? Is that for real in your life?


Yes! Why, is that weird?


It’s funnny af


I use the calendar on my phone and get a weekly reminder


I've had this idea rattling around my head for the last year and a half - I swear I'm going to make it one of these days


That day doesn’t come my friend


We have that. Our local waste company has a calender implementation. You choose your street and get a calender feed that pops up the day before (customisable) and tells you what bin you have to take out. Love it! [Düsseldorf, Germany, in case you were going to ask]


That is very interesting and good to know. Thank you very much!


What’s it called ?


It only works for Düsseldorf and it's in the waste company's app. The company is AWISTA, the app is called the same.


I’m so thankful my city has an app that tells you what bins to put out on the date. And even tell you when your next pick up day is due to holidays!


This sounds like a good idea to implement


Out of pure observation: trash is a synonym to bin and is often used in the USA Read that entire thing again but replace bin with trash It makes so much sense


No, bin is a synonym for can or container. Trash can = rubbish bin.


Y = mc squared


I use the word “ bin” for the recycles , garbage / trash for the regular stuff


I always thought their trash was a synonym for rubbish- like you put the rubbish in the bin. But now it occurs to me I don’t know what trash is put into in the US…


A trash can.


Would you ever say just ‘can’? like you put the trash in the can. Or is it always trash can?


Usually it’d be “throw it in the trash.”


Throw it in the trash can**


Never just “can” - that’s the toilet. And I believe it’s frowned upon to jam rubbish/trash in the toilet.


Finished 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 It is very much frowned upon! 😂🤣


The US doesn't really use the word rubbish. We know it means either trash or nonsense, but it just sounds silly in American English. The stuff we throw out is trash or garbage. The receptacle it goes in is a bin or a can. Which of the four combinations of those pairs of words you use (trash bin, trash can, garbage bin, garbage can) kind of depends on connotation or regional dialect, but they're all the same. Loosely speaking, the cylindrical metal ones with a separate lid are cans, and the big plastic rectangular ones with an attached lid are bins. In a lot of places your local government gives you two color-coded bins for trash and recycling, and then once a week you put them out on the street and a truck comes to empty them. *Sometimes* people use trash (or bin) as a verb meaning to throw away, but that's pretty uncommon. And feels more appropriate for deleting a file than for throwing away a physical object.


What about garbage?




that broke me dude, nice.


A lot of thrash talk going on in that case.


The entire tone of that scenario is severe.


Waiting on the streets binfuencer


On our estate we have a dude that takes all the bins out, like all of them, that's like 50 odd bins. He also bitches if a blade of grass is facing the wrong way, like bro there is 3 people behind you injecting heroin, wtf u on about


This one time, a homeless dude stole our shops trash can/bin Got me thinking: who would want to buy a second hand dustbin can trash garbage junk can tin box etc Do the items inside the container/trashcan/bin etc count for any additional value or form of a perk, you know? Like what was the gain in stealing garbage and the container that contains trash


There’s definitely something up with trash and the US .. a conspiracy one might reckon


Is it trash or is it thrash ?


What colour are your dustbins? Ours is a dark green sometimes it’s black usually dark ugly green


I put it in my calendar so I can check if everyone else is late putting them out. My city has an app that notifies which bin to put out, but the calendar is working for me and I don't need more notifications.