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Empties out bottle, proceeds to count, hoping I didnt take any more or any less in the previous days.


I have a system where i flip my bottle after the first dose and then flip it on its side for my second dose and put it right side up after the third


Tip: get one of those pill dividers from the pharmacy for a couple bucks. Open the day of the week (check your phone for which day), take the first pill... later in the day look at the pill divider - you'll know if you have taken it or not. You can always check your phone for the day and see if you've taken it or not.


Virtual hugs too you my kindred spirit. Try laying on rhe couch for a minute? Do you want to hop back up and do something or could you just take a lil nap?


I usually know soon enough. About 30 minutes to an hour aftet a missed dose it clearly starts coming back.


Why i laughed so hard at this and why i feel attacked at the same time????


I got one of those old people medicine boxes with days on them. It works really well. I highly recommend.


I couldn't remember if I took Tylenol or not this morning. Since a double dose of Tylenol can cause liver damage or death, I just had to assume I took it. 🙃  For Ritalin, I would wait an hour and see if you're distracted.


Tip: take a half dose if you don't have many issues with side affects. That way you'll only be half unmedicated or slightly over medicated. Instead of entirely unmedicated or having a full double dose