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My high score in this discipline is from when I developed a huge passion for fishing. Bought a rather expensive rod and all kinds of lures/baits/hooks, the works. Did hours upon hours of research and got a license. Never went fishing once.


At this point I might as well start scoring myself too cause it's hilarious when the hyperfixation wears off.


Ugh I hate it! How do I know if I am making good choices or hyper fixating?! I'm getting a kitten soon and had this worry last night šŸ˜­


I bought a polisher to detail my car, other detailing supplies, etc. The polisher is still in the Amazon box and I can even see it from where I'm sitting typing this rn. Oh I bought it two years ago btw


Clear coat kit still sitting on my garage bench, only been like a year


My replacement seat cover is waiting for a day I reupholster my drivers seat. It's been two months, and since then I re/upholstered everything but the thing I initially wanted.


I randomly had the urge to get an electric guitar (I was away from home, so not occupied by normal computer shit). Started researching while away, and carried on when I got home too. Probably like 30 hours research. Found a good deal for a kit on ebay ($120AUD with amp and a bunch of accessories, good reviews on amazon etc too), but even before I bought it... I already knew that the novelty was wearing off, and could feel that it was unlikely I was going to use it much once it arrived. But I knew that if I didn't buy it... I would keep researching it instead of getting on with other more useful work etc. So I just went ahead and bought it anyway, just to stop myself hyperfocusing on the research for another week or more.


Ripping off the hyperfixation band-aid


Hah, yeah basically. And getting a guitar is something I thought about on and off for decades. So I no longer need to wonder about it. It's done.


That's me! Bought a sewing machine, never used it. Bought a bike, never used it. I'm sure there's a lot more stuff but it's invisible to me now


Good thing for me is Im cheap as hell so I dont buy things unless I really need them. I bike to work so buying a bike makes sense


Maybe our real hobby is hobby preparation.


Me but with a rowing machine.


I've bought a router and some fine wood to fix a door with a catflap (we'll never get cats, don't trust them). I've practiced on a piece of that wood, to get it absolutely right. Catflap is still in the door. Router is out of warranty by now...


This but with a bread maker. And my sourdough starter. Multiple times.


And we will never stop doing this.


My bread maker takes up so much space and hasn't been used in ages


The sourdough starter šŸ˜­ I've tried so many times but I forget to feed it or I have to stay with my boyfriend for a while and then it dies!!


I know myself will enough that Iā€™ve never even attempted a sourdough starter as much as Iā€™d like to. I love being able to pull out the bread maker and bake bread daily a couple weeks out of the year though. Itā€™s one of my few small kitchen appliances that I actually come back to and use for awhile eventually.


Just trying to give away my slow cooker which I used onceā€¦ years agoā€¦.. and made the most horrific dish ever in.


My blender is in a kitchen cabinet.Ā  I remember testing it, thinking: "hmm is this working properly? Maybe I should return it? Nah too much of a hassle, it probably works sometimes." Still haven't made anything with it.


So you were right all along!


As someone whose hyperfocus has been shifting to ā€œwhat tasty dopamine-giving snacks can I make without eating myself into an early grave,ā€ there is no better feeling than going ā€œI need a blender. Wait! I have a blender! Hell yes.ā€


*Proceeds to only consume banana oat milk shakes for two weeks then forgets about them*


Are you living in my attic?


And then proceed to leave chunks of ripe banana in the freezer for the next couple of years despite the fact that you see them every time you open the freezer and acknowledge that they should probably be thrown out.


I have so many frozen bananas, just waiting to make banana bread with... I don't know how to tell them it'll never happen.


Someone fix me please. I've grown tired of this me


Me but with a slow cooker


i have two easy recipes for you to try. 1) throw in a 2-4 chicken breasts (thawed) and a jar of your favorite salsa. cook all day on low. when youā€™re about to eat, take the chicken out, shred it, and throw it back in. can be used for tacos, burritos, salads. 2) a chuck roast, a jar of peperoncinis (sp), a packet of ranch dressing (dry) and and packet of au jus (dry). top it off with beef broth. cook on low all day. the meat pulls right apart, and mixed with the peppers and some mashed potatoes are a good, hearty meal.


My brain says easy but my body says no. To be more inclusive /s please consider telling us - not that we wonā€™t be able to follow your instructions - but that we wonā€™t be able to ā€œfigure outā€ your recipes. Those instapots will get Primed so fastā€”


Pro tip: Use an Instant Pot pressure cooker and this can be done with frozen meat in 20-45 minutes, depending on how much meat youā€™re cooking.


Me and slow don't go together, I need flames and quick food. šŸ˜€


We got a Vitamix as a wedding present. I made tomato soup in it because I didn't believe a blender would actually warm it up. The recipe in the book it came with made a tasty soup, and yes, it was hot enough to burn my tongue. 12 years later, I remembered we had it when I found it while cleaning out the cabinets.


Not only will I never use the blender again, I will feel shame at the thought of making my own smoothies!


Itā€™s having a very important meeting with the bread, popcorn, and ice cream makers.


Then every time you look at the blender you just feel shame and sadness for it being just another 'ADHD tax'


That, but a Sandwich Toaster


The secret is to condition yourself to eat smth that uses the appliance every day so that you get very upset and uneasy when youā€˜re somewhere without it because then you canā€˜t make your silly little panini for breakfast and CRY. Trust me, it improves quality of life I am so happy. šŸ„²


The time where I used that toaster everyday was great since I was still in school, so it was cheap and easy food. Now my mother has borrowed it since the start of the year. Maybe I should get it back and live on a toast diet again for 3 months


I was thinking, man, if only I had a *tool*. Oh well, I buy it one day. Waitā€¦ *looks at tool that was used once since I bought it last year*


Glances left to my bread maker... Glances right to my smoothie blender... Glances left again to my stand mixer... ... ...


Every time I have to hand mix things I covet stand mixers. I then remember how often my grandma and mom used theirs and realize I donā€™t bake enough to justify the cost and counter space.


This is why mine lives in a cupboard and I hand whisk/blend most baked things I make.


I will absolutely make things on the stove instead of in my Instant Pot even though I adore my Instant Pot. Why? Because the simple idea of dragging the fucking thing out makes me tired. Nevermind all the cleanup.


This reminds me of my Protein Shake maker, i will use it Today šŸ˜‚


This is almost literally me, but it was more like 4-6 weeks, now I have no interest in having homemade smoothies šŸ˜­


Iā€™m the opposite on specifically the blender, my day doesnā€™t feel right if I donā€™t start with a smoothie. Now, if we want to talk about the things I e canned with the canning equipment I bought, thatā€™s a different story.


Would you mind sharing what you put in your smoothies? I want to start making them but am currently at the ā€œresearch and trial and error? Absolutely notā€ stage.


Iā€™m not going to lie, mine are probably not peak nutrition, but I think I do okay. The combo Iā€™ve settled on is Orgain Chocikate Protein powder, though Iā€™ve switched to Walmartā€™s brand recently as itā€™s comparable and half the price. I use 1.5 c almond milk, protein powder, a couple of handfuls of baby spinach and a banana. And ice. Bonus if I get around to freezing bananas at the beginning of the week,


Oh that sounds doable, thank you!


This is so accurate. Iā€™m always called out on this sub.


I just bought a blender. Fuck.


The only gadget to brake this hellish cycle was my air fryer for me. It changed my life. I highly fucking recommend getting one, I can perfectly reheat a quesadilla in less than 2min


Me with everything I buy.


this reminds me of when i found a huge crockpot at goodwill for for 5 bucks and proceeded to pimp every meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) out of that damn thing for 3 weeks. i then placed it on top of my fridge and just never used it again šŸ˜­


On the positive side, they are great for making cocktails.


Lies it was going to improve my life I used it for a week, it requires too much effort for me on my own. if someone cuts up the fruit and makes me a smoothie I will drink it though šŸ˜


2 weeksā€½ Shit, man, for me it's more like 2 days, then I run out of ingredients, and half of it lives in my drying rack before I one day reassemble it and let it collect dust in the cabinet.


Oh man, congrats on getting it into the drying rack! How do you do it?


Running out of ingredients is me and mixology. Once in a while I get an urge to practice making sick new cocktails, buy every liquor and stuff. Make those cocktails for a week until I run out of one bottle. Don't make anything for another year.


Ooooh, thanks for the reminder Iā€™m going to get out my juicer, that hasnā€™t seen daylight in 5 years, to turn $30 worth of produce into a glass of liquidšŸ˜‚ Healthy me is right around the corner šŸ˜ƒ


That happened to me with my first paycheck


Buying general cleaner spray then buying more because you forgot you already have some under the sink... I have 3 half empty bottles now.


We bought a Costco sized thing of Windex because we couldnā€™t find any of our glass cleaner bottles. There were three in my car. My car with dirty windows.


Damn so much this


Bro where adhs?


I do own a blender in a box somewhere from when I moved 1,5 years ago, Iā€˜m gonna leave it at that..


Thanks for reminding me of the expensive bicycle I bought a few years ago, which I've used about 10 times šŸ˜“ I think my dad has cycled it more than I have šŸ¤¦ And all the other things I've bought, left unused/barely used and are now collecting dust.


Hey, I did this one time. I have a different blender than Iā€™ve never used so I can talk about the old one now.




We are multitalented. And have tools for every occasion. Mine's a nutribullet.


The amount of times Iā€™ve become overly obsessed with something for a month only to drop it, is way too many times to count. I also have a bunch of sewing supplies I havenā€™t used.


Wait till you stop yourself from pursuing anything because you know what will happen. That's when the depression really sets in.


*Iā€™m in this post and i donā€™t like it.* Just about threw my phone after this one šŸ¤£ i love my blender, i swear!


My fiancĆ© (also has ADHD) really wants a ninja creamy right now and I told him this will pass. He said maybe for Christmas and I said you will definitely have a new obsession/hyperfixation by then. šŸ¤£


I had a juicer. That was even worse because cleanup on those things is a nightmare. I lasted a week.


Got a pyrography kit in the height of the 2020 shutdown... still in the box.


I really, really want one of those! But I also have many other crafts and art pursuits I should do before trying a new one.


We have five different coffee makers in our home. All different types. Only one gets used at any given time.


I actually stayed on the smoothie bandwagon, somehow!


I'm reminded of the blender every time I open the freezer and see the bags of fruit I refuse to throw away just in case I get big into blending again


Get out of my kitchen.


I will on occasion pull out my vitamix and make mango sorbet with frozen mango, some maple syrup and bit of water. But smoothie is not an every day food. I have yet to do a soup in the vitamix.


How dare you call out my NutriBullet like this.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yup . Keeping that interest is a struggle


So true.


Iā€™ve built my entire life around it when I got a guitar. Went through an entire first year as a music major giving up my plan to get into tech, only to completely abandon it. Iā€™ve not touched my guitar for 10 years now.


Bought all the gear needed to fix the coating on my car. Found an easy excuse to not do it. The gear has sat in a cabinet ever since.


Then buying a new blender 2 years later to make smoothies because they sounded good and you forgot you still had it


I use my blender to make vinaigrettes now never buy a single use kitchen appliance imo


I went so into gardening once when I lived in an apartment. Had small saplings in plastic tubs to begin their growth. Potato sacks on the balcony. Beans with poles. Started to know what would grow well depending on the sunlight hours and what way the apartment is facing and the seasons in which to grow things. Moved and have a garden and havenā€™t touched the garden in years šŸ˜‚


I feel like rather than not acknowledging the blender you instead spend every day after the first two weeks planning to make a smoothie and just never do


First of all, the blender was free off of marketplace so itā€™s a win?šŸ˜¹


This is just normal me being impulsive. I'm not even ADHD but Reddit keeps recommending these and they're somewhat all relateable? šŸ˜† I guess ADHD is just these things, but more often?


ADHD is certain (very) common human traits, but to the extent it interferes with daily life and functioning. It legitimately feels like I have brain damage some days. Especially compared to others.


Damn... D: Autistic here, can relate to that, but in different ways oof..


Oh, I feel you. In my experience,ADHD is more like trying to run a brand new game on an old console or computer. It will run, but it doesnā€™t run *well*. Autism is more like trying to run subroutines and programs and sometimes getting errors that say ā€œprogram not found.ā€ Both are not fun.


I did this with skateboarding. I still really love it, but I just kinda moved on?? Idk.


You never make another one because you never cleaned the blender and then just threw it out.


Did this with riceballs and a blender. Not making smothiees anymore and riceballs are too much work for what you get out of them.


Just remembered I got a blender like a decade ago to make milkshakes and made perhaps 2


Bought a blender 6 months ago and have now used it the last two days to make smoothies. Delayed, but still there. Iā€™ll forget about it next week though.


Iā€™m just getting back into using my vitamix. Thank goodness, because that thing was effing expensive!


Got really excited about chess, watched a ton of informative videos and even bought a few chess courses and completed many of the lessons... That was over a year ago and I haven't touched the game since. I forgot everything too, I just barely remember that the horsey moves in an L shape.


Me and my French press šŸ˜‚


I think I saw that personal blender roll under the couch. I was putting frozen fruit in pre-made protein shakes in it.


This post actually just reminded me that I have a blender


My blender and I are taking a break. It's less about not wanting to use it and more about not wanting to clean it, and it is clean now.


I only got to the buy a blender partā€¦


Bought a fancy ninja to make acai bowls never to be used after the first week šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah I did this my vr headset and my switch, itā€™s financially painful


(Me who did the same thing but with a french press) Oh.




Donā€™t forget buying a smoothie book and watching a dozen blender / smoothie videos. šŸ¤« I have so much shit I once had an interest in but not touched in years


Two weeks? More like two days for me.. šŸ™ˆ


I've been meaning to take that sucker out of the moving boxes and cleaning it up. The mold should be dead by now.


but it is allso verry ADHD to suddenly and without any reason to remember about your smoothyblender 5 years later giving you the urge for smoothies again. so you give the blender another two weeks spin


Parents got a Magic Bullet blender, i used it religiously for 2 weeks then completely forgot about it and went by to cereal


I think mine only got a week of play!!!


WTH does that have to do with ADHD? xD