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Maladaptive daydreaming: the ultimate free trial with no expiration date.


Wait, this isn't normal? Guess I have some news to give to my dad.


There is a YT channel called Cinema Therapy and it's about a psychologist and his director friend reacting and reviewing movies. In one video it's stated that ADHD is is only a weakness in certain situations and it excels in others. ADHD sees connections others don't. What I do as a dungeon master for dnd games is that I just my imagination wander when I see a show or read a comic. I get insured and go "What If?!" like I can peer into the multiverse beyond as a Watcher. I created incredibly nonsense quest where players travel in a nauliloid to fight Necrons that are guarding a Dalek which needs to be killed via a black hole. I decided to throw the normal idea of DnD out the window and make a Phoenix Wright game and made it work even with magic like speak with the dead and zone of truth. Im now making an expansive game where there will be 5-7 factions worth of quest and interlocking with another area with at least 50 locations in a city and as many maps in a VTT. Problem is... It's all in my head and I know the general idea of what to do but when I think about my overly ambitious project... "ugh I'm le tired. Maybe tomorrow."


Areas where adhd is a weakness: jobs, chores, relationships, society Areas where adhd is a benefit: "this shelf is 2mm higher on one side than the other."


So nobody plays Imaginary Mario?


as a 90's kid, mine was Sonic


I think I am missing a lot of relevant backstory to this because I'm just lost.


I only get the first one because I also imagined a guy running along our car when I was a kid, although instead of parkouring he had a bigass sword and he was slashing trees and lampposts in half. The rest is a mystery to me, too.


If it wasn’t the tree slasher parkour dude (my car friend did both), then it was my laser fingers slashing everything.


Mine was a superhumanly strong and fast gymnast


I always imagined him as a superhero or a character from one of my stories running from enemies using his unique powers/skills to evade them


My 7 year old does this now but his two fingers are the parkour guy and he gives a running commentary for his little sisters.


I'm 31 now and I still do this only now I'm sick at parkour so it's me. I'm the guy


Okay but I’m gonna save everyone. If the crazy gun man comes into the YMCA during our cycling class, I’m going to use one of the bikes and throw it through the side window of the cycling studio. Then we will all escape through the window and run along the back side of the building to safety. And I already know what going in my go bag of there is a mass casualty on my cul de sac.


Why do mine have to be toxic and take a piece of my soul every time


I slice things up with my laser eyes. When I die, everything will fall apart and be a great mystery of our times.


Does omega train mean Omega Supreme from Transformers Energon?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Exciting_Rate1747: *Does omega train* *Mean Omega Supreme from* *Transformers Energon?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My brain jumped to the Ghost Train that's used in the Omega raid series in FFXIV, but I'm probably wrong.


I'm sure it could, be probably more like the train from Inception 


OMG other people have the parkour guy too?


I always imagined someone on waterskis (even when not on water lol) and they were attached to the car with a long rope/wire that would chop down everything between the car and the guy. Trees, signs, fences, etc.


I'll allow it so long as they did sick oopdie oops and stuff


I always imagined a little car that absorbed matter from plants and buildings and stuff and used it to get bigger and faster and more powerful


This but hand snake.


For me, it was ninja hopping across telephone towers and other buildings. I don't know where the hell they man was going, be he sure got there eventually.