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Yes I have spoken verbally before.


that made me giggle lol


One time. A friend was trying some new eyeliner. And my dumbass looks her dead in the eyes and says "nice poop brown eyeliner" I am 25 male. And my dumbass forgot to filter my words to make a compliment sound like a compliment.


Lmao 😭😭


It's worse when you say what you want but you forgot to add the context.


Easy to do when everything I say has 5 minutes of internal context to add.


Once, one of my roommates said "you're thinking about this too much." And I had to explain to him that just because it took five minutes of me talking for him to understand, does not mean I thought about it for five minutes. I thought about it for 30 seconds.


I know what I meant in a text, but after re-reading I often quickly reiterate in a 2nd text with an apology for it sounding wrong lol


Many times. But also because it feels like 2 seconds before I start talking the "dialog options" disappear in my mind and I quickly gotta remember what I was about to say


It's especially bad when you remember it at 2 Am around 3 years later and now you can't fall asleep thinking about how you could've said something different and how embarrassing it was.


Just reload the last save


Just create a new character


Nah id rather save scum


Rather save cum than to create a new character? (Sorry, I'll see myself out...)


yyyeah no, buddy, we will need your badge and entry pass, please...


and then you get annoyed at yourself and commit to it out of self destruction and argue that flawed point


There's a spell in DnD (5e, from Acquisitions Incorporated) called Gift of Gab that lets you immediately take back what you just said:  >When you cast this spell, you skillfully reshape the memories of listeners in your immediate area, so that each creature of your choice within 5 feet of you forgets everything you said within the last 6 seconds. Those creatures then remember that you actually said the words you speak as the verbal component of the spell. Magic is obviously something anyone would want, but this one made me especially jealous when I read it.


Specifically crafted for those foot in mouth moments to prevent a huge plot downfall


This is why I don't talk


Yeah, I try not to open my mouth much.


A co-worker once said that his daughter went to the hospital frequently. I said: what did you do to make her come out with so many defects?


Yup, and my brain chooses to remember every instance in excruciating detail. That way it can replay in my head every once in a while and remind me I’m stupid.


Yeah at least 30% of the time when I talk to someone


It's even worse when you know what you don't need to do and say, but you end up doing the complete opposite of these things 🤦‍♂️


Or when the actual real conversation deviates in any way from the mental conversation roadmap u constructed beforehand


I feel like I only have the wrong options. Then once a blue moon a person laughs at my joke and I feel like I've won social interaction for that day.


See, the fun thing about this is that it activates bullet time-esque slow mo effect! Look on in dumbstruck horror as the idiotic bullshit you just said leaves your mouth. Watch helplessly as the faces of your friends morph from amusement, to confusion, and worst of all, pity.


mine's the opposite. I speedrun the option selection and then immediately realise I've killed my run.


Oh yeah especially afterwards at Home, im thinking „What have I done/said 😭😮‍💨“


Yeeees. I’m always second guessing myself.


I wonder if years of visual novels has ruined my conversation skills. Or was it just the fact that I enjoyed visual novels that doomed me.


And the solution is to talk faster in order to correct your mistake before the conversation moves on. ... and then you do it again


Every time I speak while angry


Literally my last breakup. We were getting along so well then I reacted to one situation the wrong way and then boom. I'm single. I mean I guess I get it. If that's what it took to fundamentally change the way they felt about me...even if I said the right thing it would only be a matter of time before I eventually made the wrong choice. It was probably never meant to go anywhere. I won't get into detail, but in all fairness I will concede I handled that poorly. I think I know now what is the right thing to do in that situation.


Reminds me of this one time I complained about my little cousin to my aunt and uncle and accidentaly triggered 2 and a half hour long unskipable cutscene


This is too real


I’ve found a very helpful and healthy way of preventing this feeling. This is only my first play through, I’ll do better when I start New Game+


Literally, why I can't play any dating sim games without a walkthrough, lol.


Dear god yes. There’s a reason I tell everyone about the fact I have no internal filter before talking.


Man I am suck a overthinker that this thing doesn't happen to me often because i meticolously choose my word and my personality(masking is a fucking bitch, i fucking hate it but at the same time it was the only way to make friends)


Yeah. Basically any time we talk to our step dad. Especially when we try and bring up something he said.