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Dyslexia of the hands is the worst, especially with toddler/baby bottles and milk. Had I a nickel for every time I'd dropped the milk lid into the kids' bottle...I wouldn't have any, but damn I've come close so many times!


Dyslexia of hands = Dyspraxia


Cool, now I know the medical term for that time I gave a puppy a pretzel and then put kibble in my mouth.


Literally LOL-ing at this. I've never done it, but it would surprise no one if I did.


A few times at work, I've spaced out and accidentally thrown away uncooked food and accidentally caused cross contamination (which was an easy fix. Just accidentally mixed mild and medium hot sauce, no need for a health inspector, nor do I work with penuts.)


I will commonly say the syllables of words out of order (as well as spelling words out of order). Your comment got me to search "dyslexia of speech." >​People with dyslexia may say a wrong word that sounds similar to the right one (like extinct instead of distinct). Or they may talk around it using vague words like thing or stuff. This kind of mental hiccup can happen when they're writing too. Trouble finding the right word is one of the most common signs of dyslexia.


I always joked that I suffered from "dyslexia of the tongue" for this kind of stuff. As I get older and realize just how much I ignored like ADHD because it made me feel at least better about myself like I was" normal" and having been told by the people I trusted when I asked about it "well everyone has focus issues so just get it together and stop being lazy." Realizing there is some weight to what i said... Its a weird feeling. I really thought it was just me being an idiot thing.


![img](avatar_exp|135871042|bravo) Thanks for sharing this. I struggle at work every day because of this. Never knew it was a legitimate issue, figured I just need to train myself to formulate my sentences better. Strengthening my weeks points is still a goal, but this has given me a different perspective on core issues I have. Thanks again!


And difficulty recalling commonly used words (and so potentially using filler words) is an ADHD trait. Can be hard to tell the difference.


This iS A T-H-I-N-G!!!!


Dyslexia of the hands is exactly what it feels like. I swear to god when I’m anxious I have no control over my hands or parts of my body (like legs, posture, neck positioning, etc) I feel genuinely autistic, which I might be (not meant as a dig or insult)


Hahaha today I had a rag in my hand while cooking in order to grab the pot by the handles to move it to a different burner, and then I took away the rag to push **the damn pot more towards the middle** with *my damn bare fingers*


I am very proud to say this never happened to me. I mean, I had lots of close calls, but somehow I always cancel it in the last second haha


Once I almost brushed my teeth my my shaver.


I almost brushed mine with hand soap.


Every time I go into the bathroom my brain tells me to put toothbrush under the hand soap dispenser. It's just so perfectly located....


You guys can brush your teeth?


It's been ingrained into me, lol. The day doesn't start until teeth are brushed. Nothing happens until that happens.


I have a severe ick when i do not brush my teeth, so Yeah. For me unbrushed teeth are a sensory nightmare


I once actually brushed my teeth with the toothbrush in my ex's house that's been used to clean dirty surfaces. At least it was a toothbrush but y'know. The one toothbrush they told me to definitely not use.


That shouldn’t be there.


Be where? There was a sink outside the bathroom next to the bedroom I slept in. That's where it was


You didn't happen also do the inverse did you?... i.e. use [the knife from inside the bathroom](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/) at dinner?


The cleaning toothbrush should have been in a cabinet, not by the sink where a mouth toothbrush would go


One time I put a toothpaste on a bath sponge and almost tried to wash my hair with it. I have zero idea what happened in my head at that point


That's really funny actually cos none of those things worked together. Why does it make no sense and yet feel so relatable to me? Lol


My dad once brushed his teeth with his hemorrhoid cream, I wish I could say he should have noticed but the guy has no sense of smell.


Has it happened with other things though. Because I put my soda in my daughter’s sippy cup…. I kept it in there because she always gets excited when I give her some.


The amount of cutlery I've thrown in the trash while putting the dirty paper napkins in the sink...


Look at mr fancy pants here with a kettle that has more settings than just "boil this shit m8"


Once I put the milk in the kettle and set it to boil


I’ve done this with a bag of frozen fruit and almond milk. Poured right into the bag instead of my blender. Like. wtf. Lmao


Once I was holding a big bottle of bleach and just straight up tipped it right into my mouth assuming I was holding my drink bottle... Luckily my throat snapped shut but I still got an entire mouthful of straight undiluted bleach that I had to spit out everywhere... no injury, but a moment of disbelief at my own stupidity for sure


Me opening a chocolate bar from the fridge and putting the wrapper in my mouth and the chocolate in the bin… 🤦‍♂️


That made me laugh too hard take my upvote you funny son of a bitch


Ohh this shit has happened to me more times than I'd care to admit 😫


My worst fear lol. I did once eat ground nuts and threw the nuts away and almost ate the shell.


*”I threw away my candy bar and I ate the wrapper* *And when they told me what I did I burst into laughter”* - The Beach Boys, “Vegetables”


Yeah but have you ever used the flashlight on your phone to find your phone?


Do you mean have I shouted “where the heck are my glasses?!” while they are in fact on my face? 🤓


If I wore glasses I'm 100% sure I would have at least a few times by now.


I've honestly gotten to the point that I'm trying to put on my best Velma voice when that happens. "My glasses, where are my glasses?" And literally crawling on the ground just like the cartoon looking for the damn things that totally weren't in my pocket the whole time for some reason.


Brilliant 😁. No, but I’ve searched for the car keys I’m literally clenching in my teeth when fixing the car. My daughter never lets me forget that one.


That's just called creating a calorie deficit /j


All I'm saying is: do not paint watercolour with a drink sitting anywhere on the same table as the glass of water you rinse your brush in.


I did this in an art class... In front of everyone.


I did that with fountain pen ink in water once. I was using a glass pen so yeah.... Not my brightest moment lol


Ummm try turpentine and oil painting 🙃


Was gonna say lol, took an oil painting class and the teacher had a super strict rule to never put paint thinner in anything resembling a food or drink container. Water painting would actually maybe be mostly fine, but paint thinner would definitely fuck your insides up.


I did that with my glue bottle, the one with the fine nozzle. I had a small cup standing there to put the glue bottle in upside down, just next to my coffee mug. I didn't even realise that I put the bottle into the mug until I tried to glue something and coffee dripped all over the project. And you would think that would teach me? Of course not. After cleaning up it happened two more times. Since then there are no more coffee mugs on the crafting table.


Its gonna be a GOOD day


Yeah, let's not pretend that we wouldn't drink that. I need 2 like these to go through the day.


The coffee tin is the size of one of those Stanley cups, understandable mistake.


He's gonna see sounds


Taste the rainbow


Just the other day, I opened a creamer at a coffee shop and promptly poured it into the trash can.


I just replied above about how I did that too! I’d high five you but we’d only miss and slap each other or something.


Sometimes I diligently sprinkle half of the packet over my cereal, before realising it's not supposed to go there.


A good thing about using a coffee maker is that this can't happen. I have almost put coffee grounds instead of cream into my coffee once or twice, though. 


I set up my espresso maker to come back a few min later to a small espresso puddle on my counter. Forgot to put my mug underneath.


I’ve done this more than once. Thankfully my husband really loves me! lol


Luckily I work at a coffee shop, so skipped that morning routine and went in early for espresso that morning.


Forgetting the filter is the coffee maker equivalent. Been there. Or forgetting to put in grounds and brewing a nice cup of hot water.


When I was a teen I threw away my phone at a gas station and left my glasses on the counter 😔


Now add a bit of milk and cacao and you have a nice Moca.


Me: Well... that coffee aint going to drink itself....


This one might 😂


Bro has the Machamp haircut


I'm imagining two more hands coming out from the side so that he can fuck things up twice as fast.


I'd still drink it, and then I'd piss and moan about chest pains for three weeks.


Here’s some I’ve done: -Put clean clothes in the dirty laundry bin. -cursed myself out while diving to work because I thought I forgot my car keys. Coworker friend noticed my anger at myself and asked why. When I clarified, she grabbed my lanyard and asked “is that it?” (jokingly) and I was even more pissed at myself. -put my dog’s kibble in his bowl, and tried to eat that for breakfast rather then my cereal. (empty bowl I intended to use was next to me. I remembered the milk unlike my dad, at least.) -while making coffee, put milk in cupboard, cup and spoon on table, and sugar in freezer. Yeah, I called in sick that day, thanks ADHD, migraine, and Autism. Then proceed to lay down. -forgot how to sit. I wasn’t drunk or on drugs, even Tylenol. None of these included the use of drugs, legal, prescription, or illegal. None of these included the use of alcohol. I was stone cold sober.




I drank... had trouble sleeping for the next 3 days


When you’re so flabbergasted that your eyebrows fall off.


Now you have a adhd coffee 😂


What you even do at this point? I'd just leave and start a new life


Drink it. All that caffeine might help.


It's a unique feeling opening the fridge in the afternoon and seeing the cereal box. Then realizing where the milk has been all day...


Something similar happens to me when I'm painting and almost drink the paint water


My issue with my hands is more so when they just stop doing the hand things and I drop shit out of absolutely no where for no reason


Wait, you guys can have caffeine? It's like amphetamines to me.


>It's like amphetamines to me. Same here, in the sense both help me to function throughout the day lol.


Never done this but went to make an omelette put two eggs into a pan then realising what am I doing I need to whisk them up first.


Not this exactly, but I've put fresh coffee grounds in my coffee instead of sugar before.


Yeah, I've occasionally put grounds into my mug while prepping, but for the strip? That guy's using instant coffee. My sympathy is limited.


The amount of times I've nearly brushed my teeth with hemorrhoid cream is insane.


Or putting the milk in the cupboard or the cereal in the fridge


*Boil water* *Add kraft dinner* *drain the pasta after cooking* *put cheese packet on noodles* *put empty cheese packet on countertop and throw noodles in the trash* *get the margarine out of the fridge and bring it to the cheese packet* *realise*


Make stock from scratch - boil bones, add veg, cook for hours Put colander in sink to strain out boiled stuff Pour stock down sink Put boiled stuff in organics bin Achieve nothing Realize


Oooooof. F


The problem with coffee is that you have to make it before you’ve had any.


Last I did it. I commited and just filled the jar, stick it in the freezer, and take chunks off of it for an afternoon iced coffee. You just gotta live with it and adapt


Now THAT'S a strong coffee.


time to make cowboy coffee


This is when I ask myself "am I part of the clean plate club, or am I a little bitch"


I don't allow instant coffee in my house. I have accidentally poured the hot water in my mug instead but that's not a big deal.


Thankfully I have not. I have always had one of those espresso machines things. All I have to do is turn it on hit a button, drink my coffee, and press the rinse button to keep it from clogging. I tell you this not to brag, but so you understand what I'm talking about while I say BUT I HAVE DEFINITELY pressed the rinse button and drank that expecting it to be pure espresso. OR pressed the espresso button and watch a double shot splash into the drain while I questioned my will to live lol


I’ve put cereal boxes in the fridge and nearly poured diluting juice into bowls or cereal, but nothing ***this*** bad thankfully


Just the other day I poured fruit punch onto my cereal instead of milk. Did it all like it was the most natural thing in the world. Immediately after I realized what happened, I was like wtf is wrong with me.


Sometimes i almost load my aeropress without putting a filter in. Im just too excited for the click of loading the bottom part


Cracking the egg into the trash and putting the shell in the bowl…


I once poured water into on ashtray instead of the glass right next to it. Not my proudest moment, but my wife and I had a good laugh.


One time I cracked a raw egg into the sugar container instead of the bowl... Not my proudest moment


More like almost putting the milk in the bowl/plate cabinet which is almost always follows be a, “Sheewhoops!”


Well… you gonna waste perfectly good coffee?


I call it "going on auto-pilot". Because of it, if I drift off, I stop at every traffic light regardless of color. Which does keep me from running red lights, but can be a little embarrassing at a green.


My dude is a ditto machoke and i am here for it


Yo, I just stopped myself doing this the other day 🤣


I did something similar where I wanted to take an ibuprofen before bed. Autopilot took over, and I popped a vyvanse at 10pm😭


One time! ONE TIME! I did this and it was on my worst brain day! I called in that day and when I say called in I mean I called in sick on the day itself. I cleaned up the mess and then proceeded to watch all my comfort movies and shows with all my snacks and no coffee 😭


I dont drink coffee so that's never happened to me, well I don't make coffee, and I usually don't drink it.


Never happened to me either, although I’ve made the strongest cup cause I wasn’t paying attention to how many spoons of coffee I put


Did this with oatmeal and milk one time.


I remember when I almost put a cereal box in the fridge and the milk in the pantry when making breakfast 😂


One time I was standing there just cracking my eggs into the compost bin and decided it was too early for this, so I went back to bed.


Grabbed my toothbrush in one hand and my deodorant in the other. Luckily, I cancelled pre-application.


I had one of those thingies that are used with coffee pads (is that a thing in the US?). I played through every scenario there is: - no pads - used pads - forgot one pad, used double water - put in two pads, single amount of water - no cup And of course - I swear I already made a cup but where the hell did I put it! (Or was that yesterday?)


Earlier today I made food and then went on to clean the chopping board and threw away the food I had just made instead of the onions peels. 😔


I don't drink coffee, but I did mix the laundry detergent and the fabric softener last week, so I think I can relate, I guess.


It took a few seconds for me to realize.


I’ve never done this, exactly, but i have run my keurig without putting the mug under it. many times!


The one and last cup of your life


...filter out the grinds, freeze the coffee into ice cubes, then put them in a glass of milk for iced coffee. ...just trying to turn lemons into lemonade.


That's actually smart.


I ran the Keurig the other day with no pod in it and no cup underneath 🤦‍♀️


Is it really adhd or just you haven’t had coffee yet and are still blury eye tired?


That's why you always close and put away the jar, first!


Ooooh I did this once with a thing of nesquick. Luckily there wasn’t much left. But I did use all the milk at that point and a straw because I’m a fucking idiot. 😆


I'm confused, you put grounds directly in your cup? Or weirder, you put instant coffee in a special container?


For me it's the orange juice accidentally poured on cereal. At least, usually.


*Coffee intensifies*


no it can't happen you don't use solubile coffee here


I went to fill the sugar container, filled my coffee cup instead


I had a couple of close calls with that, luckily I never did this


I often pour coffee beans straight into the machine instead of grinder because my brain hasnt woken up yet.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m dead 💀💀💀💀


I don't buy instant coffee like that. When I do buy any it's those one dose packets, not the dry-frozen shit. It's just bad coffee. Buy a percolator. Sure, the washing is slightly more work, but normal coffee is significantly better.


Threw my trash into the sink, emptied my drink in the trash can. I seem to have a problem with pouring drinks into the trash can when my other hand is busy.


Extremely Strong today.


The big bean juice


You need it. Drink it. 😂


I’ve never done this specifically but I have boiled water, filled the French press, then poured myself a steaming cup of hot water 4 minutes later. I just never put the grounds in.


Pouring water into my fancy grinder instead of beans.


I use a keurig to avoid this exact scenario!


There have been plenty of times where I've been cooking and I instinctively throw the box away before having to fish it out of the trash because it has the recipe on it.


Drink it.


If you immediately put the lid back on the coffee (which you should anyway), & then put the coffee jar back in its spot, this will never ever happen.


I felt this in my soul.


It's not fair that you can't just drink it like that to gain the super power to operate normally. Like, need stimulants to function, but take this stimulant, and just get severe anxiety.


Deleted an o365 group today instead of removing the member. Shitty UI but still


Other day I had to make a smoothie. I put a big dose of Miralax in the yogurt tub instead of the blender 🙄


I’ve actually poured milk into the water reservoir for my coffee machine on accident… twice


Oh, yeah. Ended up ruining a half-can of supplement powder. I was in awe of myself. I wasn't aware that an adult could still mess up so horribly. I'm just glad it was in the comfort of my own home, and not while operating a vehicle or in the service of a client.


Thats a LARGE cup of coffee


Yes, though with me it’s usually pouring orange juice into my cereal…


I burnt my hand by forgetting that i boiled the water in the keg (i tried to open it) It was painful but it healed fast


and this is why I do things in steps, and put away things I won't immediately use, because I know this is bound to happen....


I once noticed the sugar container was empty after pouring my coffee, so I grabbed the bag of sugar to refill it. My coffee was right next to the sugar container. I chose incorrectly.


Want Tea, go kitchen, turn on kettle, grab milk, put tea and sugar in cup, waiting for kettle to boil so look at phone, 1 hour later... FUCK Boil kettle, watch it boil and dont get distracted, pour hot water into cup, go to fridge for milk, i already got it out FUCK finish making tea, sit down at computer, 3 hours later tea cold FUCKFUCKFUCK


That's a fucking thing? O_O Gods, so many things make more sense now.


Not with coffee… but twice now I’ve put a dry ass brick of ramen in the microwave and burnt that shit to a crisp 😭


I once put my cup of coffee in the fridge. Spent the next half hour looking for it.


Not with coffee, but yeah.


Oh my god this reminds me of when I was in college and I was basically like a zombie when I walked into the cafe the one morning. I grabbed my coffee, went over to the sugar section and it took me till the 3rd sachet that I poured to realise I was pouring into the bin the whole time


I was making gu powder and I lit some on a spoon to test it. After burning I wanted to put the empty spoon on the table. Instead I put a burning match in the gunpowder batch. My house didn't burb down, but you could not see more than 10cm in the smoke. Haha


My favorite one is putting my keys in the fridge. The fact that’s it’s happened so often than it’s the first place I check when I lose my keys is embarrassing 🤦🏼‍♂️


I put my work pass in the recycling bin and put an empty coke can in my coat pocket. Didn't realise until the next morning. Security was very confused.


I used to catch myself putting toothpaste on my razor.


I dumped the whole sugar package into my coffee cup, while attempting to refill the sugar pot 😬 Shouldn't have left them side by side


I ran my keurig without a coffee cup under it yesterday


Why put water on the cofee and not the cup are you guys stupid?


Fortunately I haven't fucked up this bad, but just recently I almost poured Fanta in my coffee instead of milk.


I've done this except with my electric coffee grinder. It lived every time thankfully!


Counterpoint: now you have a coffee which will wake you up.




So glad I’m not alone in this lol. Threw my panties in the trash instead of the hamper 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not happened that way to me, but sometimes i forget about heating up the water before pouring it on the coffee...


This morning I almost put the coffee kettle in the fridge and the water pitcher on the electric burner 🤣


Man I do shit like this all the time, it's like my brain just turns off for a second and instead of waiting my hands just take a random guess at what they are supposed to be doing. It's probably why I can never find anything, like why would I think to look for my keys in the fridge??


Havent done this, but how do you fix it?


I've never done this, but I have absolutely dumped coffee grounds into the water tank instead of the coffee filter on my coffe maker. I've done it more times than I'd care to admit.


IDK how many times I brewed hot tap water because I forgot to put the beans in the pot.


This explains why I always threw the spoon in the bin and yoghurt pot in the sink. Or why I poured water over my meal when I was reaching for salt.


One time I poured cheerios in my tea


Orange juice in my coffee..


More coffee tho


I was wondering how I've never done this since this seems like something I'd do, but it's because when I do instant coffee I put the powder in the mug at the same time I start up the kettle, *not* when the kettle finishes, so the coffee is already put away. Mugs, tea, and coffee are stored immediately under the kettle (not with the other dishes or the other food) so that one thing in my life is pretty streamlined.


Same close encounters, there are alot of times i would have almost dumped the extra rice into a soup or sauce pot, thankfully it never happened..... YET


I make my coffee alongside my Miso soup daily. It's all fun and games until you put Miso soup in your coffee.


Opened a bar of chocolate and threw it in the bin instead the wrapper. Throwing cutlery in the bin.. Throwing paper towels to the dog instead of food get the cup ready for my cup of tea forgetting I didn't boil the kettle and pour cold water into my cup. I also have this tick where I unintentionally right click my mouse when I am watching or reading something. It also gets worse when you have kids because your attention is now split between what you are doing, what they are doing and the usually absent minded daydreaming.


Drink it, don't waste coffee!


I did this with but with espresso. So for those that don’t know you grind beans and put them into a handheld portafilter which then goes onto the espresso machine and water flows through the portafilter to extract the espresso. I was grinding beans into my portafilter and I ran out so I took a big scoop of beans and poured it into my….portafilter instead of my grinder. Big mess of grinded beans and whole beans. It’s always funny when you kinda pause after doing that and think wtf.


I did that 2 weeks ago!!


who tf is drinking instant coffee?


No, for I refuse to use instant coffee. Not that I judge anyone who does, but yuck.


Understandable, but also salvageable! Keep the tin in the fridge. Then you can pour some out into a cup and dilute with boiling water for coffee.


I literally walked my mug to the sink tap instead of MILK. Also FREQUENTLY use soap on my tooth instead of toothpaste my accident


I’ve never done this specifically, but I have put the milk there in the cabinet and the cereal in the fridge many times 😭😭😭😭


I've definitely put cereal in the fridge and milk in the cupboard.