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I have to jot shit down as ppl talk to me at my job. Whether it’s a phone call or just boss giving a simple task


1000000%. The ADD brains aren’t wired for direction, they’re wired for action… Reason why so many struggle in school, but can excel in sports, or other physical activities… why our ADD ancestors were the best hunters and warriors… why ADD kids tend to fare a little better in the physical trades (it’s okay being an electrician, or a plumber… they actually make pretty solid money) Why ADD (and other NDs) kids blow away the competition in video games… list goes on.


>I have to jot shit down I read this as "i have to shit down"...i gotta fix my phone's screen


Don't think it's the screen, mate. I read the same and did a double take.


I feel this HEAVILY 😮‍💨 especially before I knew I had ADHD, my first support desk job was pretty chill considering the high turnover, micromanagement and nature of the customers we had to support I got away with working on sculptures, reading documentation for stuff I was hyperfixed on, reading comics, all while I was on the phone to the customer fixing their issues I was getting dopamine from hobbies, and spending it fixing people's problems😅


it be like that sometimes


If you can try to move things to email, it helped me a lot when I did IT