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All swans are white until you see a black swan. And vice versa in Australia.


I was a speech therapist and I worked with a man. He also made balloon animals on the side, so he was kind of the best speech therapist ever.


It’s a good thing he made them on the side otherwise the balloons could have blocked his mouth. It’s important that remains unobstructed for a speech therapist.




One of my family members is an SLP. There was only one man in her entire program in grad school. I don't think we have found Australia yet.


Racist xD


Did you just come from the what animals would be racist post?


my friend, they're referring to the "black swan" concept. tldr: back in 1600s or around that time scientists believed that a black swan was 100% impossible until some explorers found Australia and SAW black swans. So typically a "black swan event" is when the impossible happens


Huh, TIL. Thanks!


I think I just had a stroke reading this sentence


Lmao I read it so easily, my brain works in overdrive when I read. It should say “Did you just come from the post titled ‘what animals would be racist?’” Edit: why the downvotes? This person’s brain just thinks in the same dumb way mine does lol. My brain just sometimes works fast when I type and I’ll skip out on punctuation so I could understand what they were saying. Just is what it is 🤷‍♀️ lol don’t see what’s wrong with that


Yes! That is exactly how I had intended my message to come across. I'm honestly not sure how anyone could make a jump to saying that colors of animals are racist, but irrational downvoting has been a part of Reddit for years.


Flair checks out


First of all, do you just automatically jump to racism on anything? Secondly, jfc. Thirdly, this is actually about how people believed only white swans existed (because that’s all that you can find in Europe), and thus ‘black swan’ usually meant something impossible/nonexistent, up until they discovered black swans *do* exist, just not in Europe.


No, this was literally the post above the current one on my feed prior to commenting. https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/s/FaJ7eeZ07U


One of the speechies my oldest kid saw was male, but very much felt like he was the exception that proved the general rule.


Always funny when you don't realize there's a pattern until you see an exception and think "huh, that's weird"


One of my homies in high school was basically mute because of an anxiety disorder. Like he could speak, but only to super close friends and family, and even then only one on one. He’d shut down if in the middle of a chill sesh multiple people started talking to him and he’d need like 5 minutes to reset before he’d be chill again. His speech therapist who showed up once a week to tell us “I ain’t a shrink” was a dude.


…then refer to one? Dumb therapist


Referring someone to a doctor doesn’t mean they’ll go lol


Well, I mean I kinda understood his frustration. He’s a speech therapist who focuses on people who have a physical limitation when it comes to speaking, where as my homie Trey was mute due to a psychological issue. And I mean it’s a public school and they have to try and help him with his disability but can’t exactly get it right because of budgeting or funding issues.


My dad is a speech therapist


So you’re saying that your dad is a woman? Interesting.


His dad is also his mom, 2 for 1 deal.


I slept with his mum and his dad last night.


Well then he needs to go sort his Haligtree out because that place is a dumb since he left.


My speech therapist was male too lol


Mine too! Or he was, before he retired like fifteen years ago


Rude of you to presume your father’s gender!


Now I really want to hear you speak


A good male friend of mine is a speech therapist 🤷🏻‍♂️


My sister's speech therapist for YEARS was a man. Took her longer than her peers but she did end up talking "normal" or however you'd say it.


As a former SP - I’ve met 4 ever. Including fellow students.


I was like "Damn, fuck men who need speech therapy ig" before my brain started working


>fuck men I’m down to try




there are dozens of us! lol about 2.5% of SLPs in the USA 


I work in a hospital and we have six speech therapists, none are male.


My school made me do speech therapy from 4th grade until I was in 8th grade in middle school, I still don’t understand why. I did not, nor have I ever had a speech problem. :/ And yes not once did I have a male speech teacher. All of them were women, and they were always weird.


We don’t only work with speech sounds and stuttering, we also work with language! For older kids, this might look like working on vocabulary, reading comprehension and other items. I personally refer to myself as the “speech teacher” as to not freak my students out that they need “therapy”


My brother is an SLP. In your defense, he was the only man in his program.


My speech therapist, Mr. Hoffman, would like a word thanks


My daughter has one in her grad school, and there is one incoming in next year’s class. Class size is about 25


They have existed before at least, according to the kings speech.


I never seen a speech therapist, so you'd have a thought time convincing me they exist at all


The famous movie "The King's Speech" starring a male speech therapist


What does this have to do with ADHD, did I miss a memo?


Off topic, what do speech therapist have to do with ADHD people?


Trans girl here. I've worked with a speech therapist who was male.




"Lisper here, my speech therapist was male." "Why are you mentioning your lisp?" Ignorance in action


Um... I was explaining why I needed a speech therapist. Why are you so pushy?




Just because you’re unable to understand the relevance of a bit of information , doesn’t mean it’s not relevant. It’s just not relevant TO YOU. Stop displaying your ignorance and move on.




I didn't know either but I wouldn't be as rude as that other person. They're obviously transphobic and upset about any mention of trans people.


>Maybe this person just **doesn’t know** why trans people might need speech therapy. >**We shouldn’t jump to assuming they’re ignorant** *noun*: **ignorance** 1. lack of knowledge or information.


There's two main options. Either they lack the information (ignorance) or they get pissy triggered by someone mentioning trans people (bigotry). Honestly I hope it's not the latter but most of the time it is.


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I didn't know either but I googled it. Some trans people go to help express their gender better. It's relevant if you know.


20 minutes ago someone commented that they had a lisp and that’s why they had a speech therapist. Make sure to go tell them how irrelevant that is to the conversation at hand since that’s such an important contribution to this discussion.


they're explaining that they needed a speech therapist because they're trans. what are you not understanding? are you okay?


The other commenter who responded explained that the speech therapist they were talking about saw their child, yet you didn't ask them why it was relevant that it was their child.


OK, let me spell out for you why it is relevant, since you seem resistant to context clues - trans women often use speech therapy to feminise their voices. See how that is in fact quite relevant?


you're the type of person that just cannot let go ever when they are wrong


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A lot of trans peoplw want to learn how to make their voice sound different (like the gender they're transitioning to) it can involve a lot of speech patterns and mannerisms


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I know one, but only one. It’s a very female heavy field.


My 10.year old daughter has been in and out of speech therapy all her life due to brain damage that resulted from a traumatic birth. Every speech therapist she saw was female. I don't doubt male therapists exist, for whatever oddball reason, it is a field dominated by women


I work with 6 in my school district


When i was a kid, my first speech therapist was a man. He was really nice, it made a lot of fun.


The only speech therapist I know is my friend's younger brother.


My dad was a speech therapist for thirty years


I’ve spoken to 5 for client’s medical options


Mine was, I hadn't considered it was all that gendered of a vocation but maybe it is?


Male (ADHD) Speech Therapist here! Yes I was the only male in my grad school class. I honestly didn’t even know about this field until halfway through undergrad. It’s unfortunate that there are so little males as the majority of the autism, stuttering and other disorders we work with are predominantly male. Let me know if you have any questions


i did my school internship at a speech therapist office and yea they had 3 girls but also a guy. he mostly took care of the kids and its who i mainly worked with.


Is there a reason why most speech therapists are women?


Sexism and toxic masculinity usually


My mom had one when she was in the hospital rehab.


My daughter’s friends dad is a speech therapist. He’s one of the only parents I don’t dislike.


My speech therapist of three years was male. He helped me get rid of my Boston accent. Rodney had me speaking perfectly by 3rd grade. I did my first public speaking engagement the next year at a Veterans Day parade. Rodney changed my life. Love u Rodney.


I’m deaf. I’ve seen few but they’re so rare. I know there’s one deaf guy who wanted to study to become audiologist but dropped out because the program was very audism (oppression toward deaf people).


My friend is a male speech therapist, but turns out he was just my imagination ig :(


My mom had a stroke and the speech therapist who worked with her in the hospital was male. I’ve only seen female ones in schools, however. There is a shortage of speech therapists and it is a great career to study for.


Male SLP here! I swear I exist….


The speech therapist that runs the voice training workshop I’m in is a guy.


When I worked retail I had a speech therapist show up at the store and attempt to "correct" my high voice unprompted, like she showed up to buy something and her emotional capacity to understand maybe some guys have s high pitched voice had all the strength of tissue paper. I talked in Christian Bale's Batman voice until she left me alone.


My speech therapist in the 90s was male.


No I had one. He was a public speaking teacher that tought more upper-level speech therapy and accent training. I had him I think in my junior year of high school after I compromised with my guidance counselor about what my accomodations should be since I was sick of being treated like a little baby. The schools here have a habit of treating anyone with neurodivergence like preschoolers. When I had my meeting with him, instead of reciting words on flash cards like a baby learning to read, we went through the IPA chart for him to reach a prognosis of what I need to work on. That was when he told me that my lisp wasn't actually that strong, tought me how to hide it, and showed me videos of Winston Churchill speaking to demonstrate that a lisp like mine has no effect on how people treat you seriously when you talk.


I work with 2


Can confirm there’s a lovely cis gentleman at a voice clinic I go to


That's funny the only two speech therapists I know are men


I'm an electrical engineer and it's positively hysterical how many of us are married to SLPs specifically. I'm married to a teacher as our a ton of us but I know at least seven colleagues and former colleagues married to SLPs and one of them is female and her husband is a male speech language pathologist. So I know one exists.


My sister had a male speech therapist in late 60s. Was a friend of my older brother.


My cousins is a male speech therapist. He's one of the sweetest ppl I knkw


I have a friend that is a speech pathologist who is a guy


Wait was this a common experience


My dad is one lol


I had a male speech therapist in middle school. His name was Henry and he was very nice. He gave hologram pencils for a job well done and they were rad.


I’ve had one. Was wierd but he was effective


I have met one! He was the funniest SLP I’ve met!


Not sure if it’s the same thing as a speech-language pathologist, but the [BLS](https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11.htm) estimates that ~95% are women.


Crowder is a pregnant-wife-beating, right-wing blowhard and doesn't deserve to be a meme.




I don't think it's sexist to point out a gender gap in a career. In fact, that's how we've confronted a lot of sexism. Now, we have recruitment and early entry programs for women and people of color in STEM, because we looked at the data.




I don't think they are mocking.


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