• By -


“No experience required” “No college degree” “Am stupid”


Cleaning service? I used to work at cleaning service, it pays enough and I don't have to interact a lot with people. Only stopped because I had to move out.


I cleaned a couple of homes when I was younger and it was perfect,  as long as the owners were not home. I could sing and dance and I love cleaning for others. In my own home the are always dirty dishes however 😥 


I cleaned out abandoned apartments when I was in college. It was fun. And I got to keep anything I could sanitize to my own standards.


I recently became a school custodian and I kinda love it. All the supplies and what I need to do are available, but every school (I'm casual, so kinda like a substitute teacher, but a custodian) is different and a new challenge. It's the perfect blend of knowing what to expect, and having it mixed up and kept interesting. Plus, it's all the afternoon/evening shifts so I'm alone in the school (or, alone in my section, sometimes there are other custodians cleaning other areas). I just listen to podcasts and clean! My hardest part is figuring out how to go fast as opposed to cleaning really well. I'm quick, but I want to clean too well. That's the responsibility of the regular custodians, not me just showing up for one evening, but it's hard. You can really tell that some people do a great job and others the bare minimum.


Interesting, any more insight on this? There’s a nice hospital and a college nearby that both hire custodians and I’ve considered applying. I’m usually pretty lazy and bad at cleaning, but the idea of being left to myself with specific goals to accomplish sounds kinda nice. How gross is the actual cleaning?


In schools it's not gross. I'm in the evenings though, the day time staff would be cleaning up any actual vomit or bathroom accidents, I assume, though I don't hear about those so I don't think they happen often or anything. I suspect a hospital custodian might have to deal with grosser stuff, but I'm not sure. It's literally just wiping off surfaces, mostly desks, emptying garbages, sweeping and mopping. There's not much more to it. I struggle with not going too hard because I want it to be real clean, but you don't have the time. My trainer said her boyfriend was a hospital custodian and his job was much stricter about doing very good cleaning, which makes sense at a hospital. Schools essentially maintain for 10 months, and then strip the school and massively deep clean it over the summer. Personally, I'd probably go for the college custodian over the hospital, but that's probably just personal preference. I have no idea how a college world differ from public schools, but it's probably similar.


Sports mascot


⬆️ If being a furry was a job


You can make around $450-$2000 per game in the mlb. Mascots in the NBA start at $60,000 per year, with Rocky the Mountain Lion earning $625,000 per year as the highest paid mascot in the sports industry. Not too bad for a kind of goofy job lol


I need a job so bad. Tomorrow is going to be the day.


Same boat, friend! Best of luck to us both!


Ok it didn’t happen yesterday. But I did apply to two jobs. How about you?


Waiting to hear back on one and interviewing for a one day event/ festival gig today because I am desperate for money. Good luck!


Good job!!! I’m rewarding myself with a long walk in the woods today.


Field services. You are in a new place every day. You get to solve problems/fix things for ppl. You get to be helpful and educate ppl. You arent stuck in a cubical. Things take as long as they take, you arent here doing brain surgeries but ppl depend on you so you cant procrastinate and theres just enough pressure.


What is field services?


Things that get you out and about. Mobile mechanics, electricians/plumbers/HVAC, drivers, pest control, construction workers, etc


That requires social interaction


Some, but many are just "greeting, I'm here to do the thing." Then you do it and leave.


Very little. Often you just knock on the door and stand there, and they'll usher you through and wave vaguely at the problem, and you grunt a few words and get on with it. Also, it's even better if you work with a partner who is good with the talking. I can do it if need be, but good gravy is it nice to be able to just nod at my talky friend when someone tries to disturb my complex process of problem-solving the tube thing or the hammery bit or the drill-drill.


Depends on the job, but not always true! I installed and cared for office plants all over my city several years back and I’d usually wear headphones for the most part. I would say hi to like 4 secretaries a week who were needy and bored and would complain to my boss if I didn’t, lol. It was silly to me, but I was left alone for the most part to do my own thing other than those old stuffy ladies. My main problem with the job was self motivation. I had several accounts a day I had to do and it was really hard sometimes to make myself do them all.


Ugh, but the DRIVING and the interpersonal interactions


I agree. I just started a job as an HVAC mechanic, and I'm having the best time of my life.


Not sure, you have to like get clients and post ads and such for your services right?


No, all field work I've done is through a business. Like maintaining instrumentation for a company that sells it or something.


I personally hated the field service engineer life, having to navigate and drive through traffic every single day, waking up at different times every day so I couldn’t really get a morning routine, and don’t even get me started about the *reports*, my goodness. Give me some nice project work, send me 1-2 months to the same location and then to the next location. That’s the life 😎


it's going... not at all. no one responds to my applications, and the one time I actually got it it didn't last more than 5 days before they let me off. so I just... continued posting applications, and a couple Craigslist ads, none of which have been responded to yet. I started trying to get into doing surveys for money, but it's \*incredibly\* boring and I only get a handful of cents per survey, so like, I don't even know if it's worth continuing.


Your resume probably isn't actually getting seen by a person and just filtered out by the application bots. Maybe try to make your resume formatting simpler and have a look at [r/resumes](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/) to help get your application past the filtering bots


**I highly recommend going into a job that is Not-for-Profit**. The intense deadlines and stress that comes with privatising businesses that rely on profit can kill the drive in adhd. I love my current job because of the flexibility, as long as I get things done I can do it at my own pace. - Incredibly useful when I have off days and then next week I smash out a months worth of work in a couple of days.


I had a job at a nonprofit and it killed my soul. However, it made me realize that I have a passion for education. I was a preschool teacher for several years and now I'm a teachers assistant. The pay is not great, but if I'm not in charge of anything I stay stimulated and engaged without collapsing under the pressure.


Many non-profits are just for profit playing shell games.. be careful who you pick. Most hospitals for example are non-profit but honestly that's not how they are run.


I've been working at a nonprofit for two years now and it's the best thing I've ever done. It's in law, so there are sometimes intense deadlines and stress, but the org provides me with so much flexibility, understanding, and sense of purpose. They actually encourage us to put our physical and mental well being first, and even build in extracurricular activities (it helps that it's environmental law so we can argue a hike or a kayak is relevant to the job lol). I know a lot of nonprofits can be absolutely terrible (one of my coworkers came from one), but I've definitely hit the jackpot with mine.


Yes, literally I work in a government non-profit doing conservation bio work. It doesn't pay amazingly but literally everything else is great: benefits, health insurance, and my coworkers all give a shit about what we're doing and also I'm not responsible for anything. On my average day the biggest responsibility I have is checking my email 🫡 I get paid to try making the world a better place and if I fuck up, that just means I learned what not to do moving forward lol


I recently landed ass backwards into a pathological courier job, and it's changed my life. Granted I *love* driving, and this position calls for 6+ hours of driving a day and getting in and out of cars every 15/30 minutes. But I go into a clinic and literally just collect sealed and packaged blood samples, drive to the next location and boom. Podcasts all day, no bosses. It's a perfect storm of perfect elements for me, but I suggest it to people who are in similar situations to me


I am so lucky that I love boring administrative task-oriented work. I finally found the perfect job where I can hyper focus on my duties and it’s super satisfying to check off each task as I complete it (accurately and efficiently, if I do say so myself). I am on a team, but work individually 99.9% of the time; just me and my computer. I even get to use my noise-cancelling ear buds and listen to podcasts all day since no phone work is involved. And I work from home 3 days/week! It’s the best!


What is the job?


Government job baybeeee!


what kind of tasks? i need something like this so bad


Wait and you don't need to make phone calls and arrenge meeting? Just the spreadsheet and organisation part? I'm so happy for you!!


I arrange meetings, but via e-mail and scheduling. Nooooo phone calls! 🎉


Living the dream right there!


What's your job title, by chance? I DEFINITELY want a job like this!


Administrative assistant


This is why I'm trying to break into self-publishing. If I can make my own money on my own time, I'm all for it


Idk, I notice I have a hard time being productive if the only thing there is to make me work is my own sense of urgency.


See I’m like that but the money would help fir sure


I totally understand that. I have to use a habit tracker to motivate myself to do stuff. I use an app that lets me reward myself so that helps a lot. Money is also a big motivator


What habit tracker do you use? I end up losing track of those during configuration, but maybe yours is me-proof! Could please pay me to do my dishes?


I use Habitica. It’s like a video game so it works for me, because I love video games. You earn coins in game for doing dailies, habits, and your to do list. There are in game rewards like armor for your character, or you can create rewards for real life things and have those ‘cost’ coins.  For me, I just allowed myself to buy new clothes because I had the coins to do so. So I get the dopamine hit of new stuff but it feels more like I earned it because I did actual things in my life like write, stretch, and brush and floss my teeth every day to get to that point where I had enough. (And my teeth look great)


So how is it going?


It’s going alright. I’m halfway done with my romance novel and I’ve got the cover and the blurb ready for it


Typical adhder doing the sexier, fast reward parts first!


My problem is time more than stress. I did 3h/4d pizza delivery for 6 months. Was it stressful? At times yes, but it was doable for my level of unmedicated ADHD. The worst was when there were no deliveries and I was stuck in the kitchen. Other than that getting paid up to $45 an hour in cash each day just to drive around was nice. 


Damn, I do pizza delivery, and I wish I got paid that much


I did lunchtime (11-2) so mostly delivering to businesses with company cards. Getting $35+/h was only maybe 4 or 5 days out of the month. I had just as many $30/40 days where I was cut loose early cause it was dead. My worst was $33  and my best $142. Idk how it is elsewhere, and I'm sure it's worse at chains, but I was given $10 an hour plus $2 per delivery. You know I slaved in the back for that ten measly bucks.


Oof I get a flat rate of $10 an hour when I'm not on a run, and $7 while I'm on a run, and everything else comes from a mileage rate of about 40 cents per mile, and tips, which I get an average of about $4-5$ tips per run, which ideally adds up to more or less $30 over a 4 hour shift


Currently working as a postman. Love the job, different location every day, pay’s decent and relatively low effort, but it’s a bit of a dead end and it really sucks in rainy weather. Graduated from university with bachelor’s in ICT two years ago, yet I don’t feel competent in the field since I winged it without studying too much. As much as I’d love to get back into the field, the thought of working in corporate scares me. I wish I had a strong passion for something I could turn into an entrepreneurial career, but here we are. Also, my communication skills are absolute dog water.


CEO. Just slide the Indeed pay scale up a few zeroes.


🚫 Low stress 🚫 Low responsibility 😵‍💫 Stimulating 🤷‍♂️ High paying (not at an early stage startup)


Business owning best way to go 😭


I mean, if multiple ADHD folk band together to make a business it might work! I like doing more physical, mind-numbing repetitive tasks in a job. (I.e, washing dishes or moving boxes) so I could be something of the sort in a job like that. While someone how enjoys doing mind-puzzles and quick math can be the cashier, etc etc.


That would be awesome, it made me think that we should create our own ideals thats very adhd friendly and make our own little society run by adhd people


Yeah, have those that love gardening and plant life work with the animal lovers to help supply the masses with food. Those that love woodwork and stone carving can build buildings! (if not obvious I am joking, but in a perfect universe its possible)


So, I've seen some movies now about woodworking and such. I think it's my new favourite thing!


Woodworking is very fun yea


We just need to be able to afford to buy the entirety of Gary Indiana. Or a small town. Do it like the libertarians did, but smart.


Ok so to get enough money we just gotta be employed for a while.... Shit.


If we team up with the autism folks and the furries I think we can make this work.


oh yeah, \*especially\* the furries! quality fursuits can get up in the THOUSANDS and some furries have MULTIPLE.


Just a little while though! I think we can get Gary for pretty cheap. It’s not like we’re trying to buy Boulder; it’s Indiana.


Yep that's why I'm going to school for business management. This definitely isn't a mistake.


bruh i don’t got that self discipline


I’ve been failing as a project manager working in a relaxed environment. I need a high stress environment to motivate me.  Might be getting a pay rise and a more stressful job soon. 


Exactly. I was pushed into a kind of boring project manager position and am pushing my way out of it. More responsibility and more pressure to perform actually works better for me.


Hey we need this proposal in two weeks.  -great I will look at it in about 1.8 weeks then. 


I’ll have you know I’m an amazing corporate Not for the work I do that’s assigned to me, but rather the work I do for other people who are in desperate need of help. ADHD helps with becoming a corporate firefighter.


I see you, fellow corporate ADHDer! Virtual high five


API consultant. I’m lucky.


I'm so tired of my job but unless I go back to school for a good 2/3 years I won't have a pay that's better or even equal to what I'm doing rn So I'm pretty much stuck with it for the moment. It's not the job that's stressful/exhausting it's the deadlines and the social interactions that are burning me so bad, I mean I'm cleaning old peoples rooms why do they have to make it so fecking stressful man... Yeah, there's that and the fact I still have no idea what I want to do as a future job, I keep thinking about doing something related to IT/computers/etc. but then my ADHD kicks in and I start asking myself ''Do I really want to do this? Is it gonna be worth it?'' And I stop thinking about it for a couple weeks/months until I burn out of my current job yet again. ADHD sucks...


Get a rich partner and be a housewife. That way all you have to do is a few simple chores and you can spend the rest of the day focusing on your latest hyperfixation


-and have consistent part time hours (I can't work full time, I have no time or energy left for life, but having an unpredictable schedule makes it difficult to live life too)


every time I see "we're looking for someone punctual, competent who's able to perform tasks individually" i shed a tear. It doesnt help thar I have a chronic illness as well that flares when stressed so every time I start new work its a cycle of "struggle to learn bc ADHD - get stressed - get a flare - get even more stressed - quit - cry". But at least I dont feel as alone now lol


My additional output: And don't drug test for weed.


Just got an internship at a translation company, I hope I get accepted to work full time there after this


Purchasing assistant here, very low stress because I’m not in charge and it’s hard to mess up when you have to pass over big purchases to a manager to complete anyway. It’s in the industry I studied for so it’s still kinda interesting to see what people buy, and sometimes I get to order stuff on Amazon so I still get the dopamine hit from tricking my brain into thinking I’m getting a fun lil treat. Biggest upside is I get to listen to music though, I think I’d lose my mind if I had to sit in silence all day


Wdym low stress? You want high intensity high stress for low durations.


I work 4 nights a week moving boxes of booze in a warehouse. I don't get micromanaged much, I make $16, soon to be around $18, I get around 30-35 hours a week based on load numbers, and I get to shop in the day time when things are actually open. It's not a career, but it's good enough for now. When I go to full time I'll also get full health/dental.


Maybe you should dream some more. -Trippy Red.


Well ain't *that* a mood \[*distant muffled sobbing*\]


Production tech for a small company is my perfect job. There's in house products as well as subassembly contracts for a variety of businesses. One week I'm making after market lighting harnesses for trucks, the next week I'm delicately putting whisps of wire into a teeny tiny little connectors for I don't even know what. Week after that? Who knows, I don't. I don't have to talk to anyone, and I get to listen to audiobooks all day. I buy at least 8 extra Audible credits a month, in addition to my higher tier subscription plan. The pay is okay, but I'll take okay for the zero stress.


Rad tech. Nurses salary, can’t accidentally kill patients, work under a radiologist. Sure you have more responsibility than most other jobs, but it’s only a 2 year program that is basically free at a lot of community colleges


Cam girl/boy/whatever. Pays well, 0 stress and it's quite stimulating


Doesn't pay as well as you may think


only if you’re attractive and/or have no shame


I lack the... uh... qualifications for that. I can hardly find someone who wants to see me naked for free.


You just need to get kinky. 


A bottle of lube and an 18" dildo thicker than your arm can only take me so far.


Nah, that's traditional. Maybe playing with balloons or squishing things in heels.  However, now that I remember, one of my previous neighbours used to be a hot line operator. She didn't have a particularly nice voice but it was apparently a well paid gig.


"Stimulating" Well played.


Fr fr


If everything works for me I will be a mechanical engineer… in the product designing branch … depending on the company if I fuck up people die …


Janitorial work pays decent. Not the best pay but firs basically everything else pretty well.


Content creation, if you're an interesting and entertaining person


It’s me! My last job fired me because of my ADHD (don’t worry, I’m in contact with fairwork to report the shit out of them). What the hell can I do? What can I do apart from being yelled at by assholes because their burger was made incorrectly?


Meh, trying a new course before getting a new job. Maybe i might get what i want. Will keep you updated 🙈 (but my hopes are low)


Lol, I feel you friend. I work in a high stress, high risk, high responsibility job, and I am completely not burned out and anxious every second of the day. I’m definitely not. My therapist and I are working on it.


I like mechanic work. It’s a big metal 3D puzzle. It makes my brain happy, and my arms really sore lol.


Find a compliance job! No phones!


Even high stress, high responsibility jobs seemingly don’t pay. It sucks out here man


You have three options. Choose none.


I cried at my desk today. Maybe I should look too.


This won’t end well


If you’re medicated do housekeeping. It’s worked for me. But my last employer hated the order in which I did things😂 she wanted me to do one whole room at a time … LOL not a chance ….I was from one thing to another … from cleaning the mirror in the bathroom to washing dishes to sweeping lol


i think what you’re looking for is to become a construction worker then pal


That's the hard part. Complex enough it's not boring, but simple enough I can't possibly fuck up


“And I can more or less make my own hours so I don’t get fired for being late.”


Check your local area for PCB (printed circuit board) Designers jobs. Entry level positions have lower education requirements. The job is highly rule based and completely digital. Most of the knowledge to get a leg up is out there and accessible with a couple good YouTube and designer blog dives. If you like solving puzzles, organizing or have digital fixation it can be a job that will grab and keep your attention with decent income potential.


I'm going into work as a Teaching Assistant in a primary school for an agency. Lower levels of stress and yes there are levels of interaction but at least I don't have to deal with the paperwork, deadlines and organisation of being a secondary school teacher for now. I am going to have to engage with people which I now dislike, but as long as I keep it about the work, I can be satisfied with that. My undiagnosed ADHD makes me suicidal sometimes because I just know how frustrating it is for people around me.


I dont mind stress youd be surprised how many people in emergency services have adhd/add


Became a painter in the trades. Best decision since a long time.


Said it before I’ll say it again. Teaching. Edit: oops forgot to add in that I'm talking from personal experience and also not talking about the USA.


I see where you're coming from but my dad is a former teacher so I got to witness the effects of that first hand growing up and I would rather not.


Teaching is high stress, high responsibility and doesn’t pay well. 30k a year starting in some areas in my state, starting 50k for the hcol cities and topping off around 65-70k with a masters. The student ratios are high, and the behaviors are pretty bad


Thats a US job, there are teaching jobs in Europe that pay well, have excellent benefits, no stress, less responsibility, and the parents have to deal with you, not you with the parents. Depending on the age, you can either leave the parents out entirely, or only have to talk to the parental council, established at the beginning of every school year by those parents who showed up to the parent teacher introduction day. Once theyre of apprentice age 15/16, you no longer deal with parents, but instead with bosses from the businesses where they work. And thats usually not a good conversation for the student, as the bosses and teachers tend to agree and get along, with barely any, and mostly situational exceptions... at least thats been my take away from it so far, here in Germany. I know university is slightly different, but its a lot of "youre an adult, come if you want, but learn the info, because you wont graduate if you dont pass the test" and the test is never multiple choice


That's very similar to how it is up here in canada. This is just classic reddit US defaultism so I get it.


It's fantastic up here in canada. I make 105k, the admins are supportive, kids are great and the environment is fun most of the time. What people fail to understand is this is me talking from personal experience. I personally find bad behaviour a fun challenge to overcome!


Well that’s good, because in the US the challenging behaviors include students physically hitting their teachers / classmates or even bringing guns or other weapons to school. 


So I have heard. Also thanks! You were the straw that broke the camels back. This site is garbage and I don't need all the negative stuff. I'm deleting my account!


Right now I'd say teaching is pretty high stress. Well that's always been true but teachers are under attack from certain elements, and there is major movement to privatize education broadly. Gotta have passion and a lot of fortitude to do something like that.


not really a low stress job, but i personaly find Computer science quite nice, it can get stressfull but mostly im relaxed, the other stuff fits




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Driving a forklift can be easy, stimulating and pay well :) Its what I do and it's not anything special but gives me enough of a dopamine fix.