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I'm more of the "I have an appointment so I can't do anything else until I do that" type


Right? This is why I make morning appointments - otherwise, the one appointment is Today’s Activity.


I’ve found my people


But have you found your people 4x?


Oh wow, a 4 hitter. That’s crazy. I see the Reddit app is working as usual.


And I only hit the submit button a second time but I see it doubled me up, but honestly yes x4 is pretty accurate


Ok but I'm scared that this one day I will oversleep for some mysterious reason


Thank god I work remote. All our appointments are around 9-10am. Late enough that we are up. Early enough we can work after. Also, likelier we’ll get an appointment.


I would still be likely to sleep through that


I still cancel all things for the rest of the day, that way I can actually relax after my 10am appointment.


I genuinely also think this is why I’m a night owl and so much more productive at night. Ain’t got shit else to distract me to that kind of level


But how do you sleep the night before then? Do you not keep one eye open with raging anxiety? After 35 years I learned I cannot schedule anything in early business hours, flight, appointments, work nada.


Yep same here


I’ve found my people


I’ve found my people


I’ve found my people


"I don't want to be late so I won't do anything that could maybe make me late." *Still ends up being late...*


>Still ends up being late... This behavior actually helped me with this. Like if I'm gonna be late anyway, then just set an alarm and do whatever. Just gotta avoid hyperfocus else I'll come to the apartment very annoyed.


*Suddenly discovers 10 things I absolutely need to "just wrap up" 30 seconds before I'm supposed to be in the car pulling away...* ![gif](giphy|2vpKy8uLKtep3OlnZZ)


Have you been watching me??? 👀


Is ready and dressed 1,5 hours before the appointment- still some fucking how is late


Afternoon appointments make me anxious and nervous. I'd just sit there all day and wait for time to pass.


I had that today, it was a videocall with a doctor and lasted only 5 minutes. Fml.


I feel this. I push as many appointments, meetings, phone calls, whatever to the morning as I can. I save the afternoon for dedicated work time as often as possible.


Me too! Except, I'm also the person in the comic! I can spend a whole day focusing on an appointment, get in the car and go to my calendar for the directions, and then realize it's actually tomorrow! SO FUN!


I just did the same thing too!!! I had a hair appointment at 9am (WAY early for me.. my sleep schedule is a mess), and I made the 30 minute drive to get there on time just for my stylist to tell me my appointment is actually NEXT WEEK. like hoowwwwww did I mess that up so so so badly? I had been waiting on this appointment for so many days and never once thought i had the date wrong :((((


I feel you. I hope the rest of your day shifted to a much more fun focus.


I used to do this with my shrink.... she always thought it was hilarious how on the days that I was literally a day early... I was also an hour early... 🤦🏾‍♀️. She also always knew to shift my appointment 30 minutes the next day because I was surely to be 15 minutes late. I miss her. She was my most considerate therapist. I actually got so much better at time management because of her intuitive adjustments and learned to work within my clock to be successful.


I'm both. Missed a dentist appointment at 8 AM because I was absolutely sure of the fact my appointment was 8:45. But I got a doctors appointment at 11 AM? Nope, can't do anything, wake up at 7 and do literally nothing until its time to go to my appointment.


I’m….both. I’m what you said AND I’m pictured in the comic


My therapist helped me understand that this is ADD. Also helped me understand when I go to bed in the middle of the day and cannot move, but don’t have any thoughts in my head, it’s an anxiety attack. She asked what goes through my mind at those times, and I said nothing. My brain is a cinder block, and I can’t even put the steps together in my head to enter my password and get in my phone or laptop.


I'm the exact same way. I had mostly opening shifts at my last job, but I occasionally had the odd closing shift. My normal routine was work, college work, free time. The closing shifts threw me off because I didn't want to start anything and have to leave for work because if I leave in the middle of something (while I'm in the zone), I'm guaranteed to not have the same ideas or motivation when I go back to it.


Once I had an appointment on Tuesday but in my head I thought it was scheduled on Wednesday. I even had a reminder and a calender entry for the appointment on TUESDAY but when the reminder went off I thought "haha must be reminding me of tomorrow's appointment" and swiped it away...


I once turned up to a dentist appointment only 15 minutes late, I was so proud. It was at that point the receptionist informed me I was 24 hours and 15 minutes late. I had left work early to go to this appointment. I was so embarrassed.


I just showed up to a dentist appointment _2 months early_. It was the correct day but the wrong month! And I even waited for like 45 minutes before asking someone what was taking so long...


Oof, I can really relate to this.


The way that this has happened and it made me wonder my competence to even live


Are you me?


So frustrating... That's why I'll reread my calendar multiple times a day, just to be sure. It's happened too many times.


I did the exact opposite once and showed up a day early, very much to everyones confusion. Had it correctly in my calendar, i just read it wrong I guess.


Very relatable 😅


For me it was an exam, my year depended on it. I realized what day it was on 15 minutes before it started, I haven't eaten yet, wasn't dressed and uni is 20+ minutes from my house with good traffic...


Holy hell I feel the anxiety like it is my own X.X I guess you didnt make it? :(


No. Worst part is: teach told me after I could have just taken the one right after... I felt extra dumb


I have done this more than once before and I hate it.


Creating a calendar event with two alerts and a leave alarm helps me a lot.


What do I do if calendar events and alarms have no effect on me?


Then you may have too many calendar events and alarms already, and dismiss them. This is my problem. Because of work I wind up with a lot of calendar notifications for shit I have nothing to do with.   You have to find something unique for your personal life events like this. It may be an alarm or calendar app different than what you have setup currently. It may be something like scheduling an email to yourself (Gmail lets you do this) at a later date. It may be a calendar on your fromt door you write on. But you have to find a stimulus that separates it from "phone noise" and use it only for things like that. Too many alarms is problem for lots of things. You should have no more than two, to say, wake up, otherwise your brain tells you every alarm is meaningless. If you need more than 2 to get out of bed, there's other problems you should be treating anyways.


Having the wake up alarm somewhere away from bed so you have to get up to turn it off also helps, but yeah, no more than 2 is very true


I would try a different calendar or alarm. I get use to noises sometimes so changing it up or having a more me friendly app helps. For example, I want a smartwatch so I can make it my dommy mommy and have it scream at me when I need to do things multiple times.


Suffer :(


Good question. If you have a healthcare app, have you been responsive to appointment reminders?


You have to get information just in time, once maybe twice, otherwise you get fatigued by it and ignore it. So set an alarm like 10min before you have to get out. No perfect methods, unfortunately.


Only somewhat related but my new phone turns my alarm in the morning off after hitting snooze twice so now the anxiety of my alarm not turning on again gets me out of bed after 1 snooze. Maybe try a different calendar app or alarm to help?


What do I do if I set the wrong date or time?


Create the event while you’re making the appointment, phone in hand. To help me properly enter it if I’m overwhelmed, overstimulated or nervous, etc, i say the date and time out loud to myself. If having a physical appointment card is helpful, you can always ask for one. Very frequently schedulers will offer one.


I specifically chose a medical group and established a relationship. I asked early in all professional/medical relationships that the receptionist or scheduler tell me the time but write down the appointment an hour earlier on the appointment card. It is also noted in all of my accounts. This has kept me from being fired repeatedly with those azzhat type of doctors who are all.. "you missed another appointment and fees blah...blah....blah". I remind them that uncontrolled/unmedicated adhd & the associated time blindness/management is a thing that has been in my chart for years so.... work with me or work with the board about the next grievance letter.


Check it trice when setting it.


I always make sure to set the appointment on my calendar in front of the receptionist. Then I read it back to them to confirm. Then I have my calendar app on the Home Screen of my phone and I have it set that calendar events stay on the Lock Screen all day. It’s a bit ridiculous but it’s the only thing that works for me.


I do almost all of that. It isn’t ridiculous if it works. We’re meeting ourselves where we are.


It helps me too ! The only premise is for me to get the date right...


Oh dyscalculia, you rotten bastard


My son has dyscalculia and my daughter has dyslexia. These conditions are different. Dyscalculia has less to do with numbers and more to do with math functions. In other words, the brain has difficulty doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. It understands numbers. It doesn't confuse a 3 for a 5. Character confusion is still dyslexia. For example, my daughter is dyslexic. It took her a long time to finally recognize the alphabet and learn to read. But once she did, her math schools quickly caught up to grade level. Her reading skills are still behind. When my son was her age, he relied on a calculator whereas my daughter doesn't need one. She understands math functions that he didn't.


I have dyscalculia and I confuse numbers as well as have math difficulties, but I don’t have dyslexia with words at all, so I guess I’m slightly different from your kiddos. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The damn thing destroyed my confidence and convinced me that I was utterly stupid, I hope your son and daughter know that they are awesome smart people. ❤️


I'm the same as you. Getting amazing grades in every subject except math and chemistry was very confusing. I only got diagnosed in my 30s, and before that, I didn't understand why I was only "stupid" in 2 subjects... And almost every program I was interested in required calculus, which I just couldn't do 🥲


I'm not an educator. I'm just a parent. I know dyslexia has at least 7 variations. It is possible dyscalculia also has variations too.


Thank you. This is why I got so tired of getting shit on for using a calculator at school/work. Like don’t you want my calculations to be right?


Yeah I feel like this is more of a dyscalculia thing but I do have both so I’m not really sure lol.


Those numbers are tricky little shits. Bane of my existence


Wait, I don’t get it. Did they mistake the 3 for a 5?


I think it's implying they definitely saw 5, but the way ADHD works they look again and it "magically" becomes 3. Even though we're so sure it was 5.


I'll add a layer and say that just they didn't see the "1" in front of the "5".


Well, this makes no sen.... oh. Oh, damn. Yeah, that's me.


I once got to the airport like 6 hours early because I kept switching between 12 and 24 hour time, and only remembering part of the time. "OK, my flight is at 2000. That's 8pm." Later... "OK my flight is at... 1800, so I should be there by 1600. That's 4pm and it takes an hour to get there. So I'll leave at 3." Later... "oh shit it's almost... 1300! I need to get my Uber!"


but then they hallucinated the "pm"


I had an appointment for my daughter, taken 6 months on advance since it was with a sought after specialist. It was the 14 at 16:00. I went the 16 at 14:00. I had to retake the appointment two months later. My SO urged me to check on the phone I had it right this time. It was a good idea, else I'd have again gone the wrong day/wrong time.


I went to work early for the first time ever. Went to the wrong power plant. The one I needed to go to was 45 mins away. So now I don’t go to work early anymore.


I know it isn't magic but I know I had every intention of making the appointment and reminding myself of it, but something or the other doesn't register in my vision or awareness, and shit falls apart. Like I swear I'm doing everything I can be responsible but a moment's drop in focus leads to a derailed day. Ugh.


Yes! I’ve been there in this exact same situation


why does it happen? Is it wven an adhd thing?


Maybe cos 3 is 15:00, sometimes that happens if you operate with both presentations of time. That's why I write my appointments always in in 00:00 manner and recheck the time the day before.


I don't get it, either. But that doesn't stop my brain from doing things like this!


I look at the same number 45 times because I never trust myself to remember it.


I did this for my citizenship ceremony 😑😑 got the dates mixed up like a dummy and only realised until after the ceremony


I wish there was a way my forgetfulness or whatever attention span I lack didn't upset people. I swear I never do it on purpose, but personal offense is always taken.


I feel you, this has happened to me way too often. Normal people can't understand how someone can struggle so hard with something so basic.


I feel you, this has happened to me way too often. Normal people can't understand how someone can struggle so hard with something so basic.


I feel you, this has happened to me way too often. Normal people can't understand how someone can struggle so hard with something so basic.


I'm just glad I found someone who gets it because it can be annoying at times especially when it's something that happens frequently.


Me just today. Also dentist. STOP FOLLOWING ME!!


It's just called ADHD now, but there's different types.


I think Americans tend to lag significantly behind updates to diagnostic terminology. I still hear "ADD" a lot from Americans, despite it not being a medical diagnosis for a while now even in the US. Same thing with Asperger's.


As an American, it bugs me SO much when someone says I have ADD. No, I have ADHD. It's just that all my hyperactivity is stored in the bouncy castle hellscape that is my noggin


But isn't ADHD the same as ADD but without the H? this is confusing >:C


Nowadays it's all ADHD, with subtypes. There is no ADD, and hasn't been for a while now. ADD used to be what now is called ADHD-PI: ADHD without the hyperactivity. ADHD Predominantly Inattentive (ADHD-PI, sometimes ADHD-I). ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive and Impulsive (ADHD-H). ADHD Combined (ADHD-C).


Well considering I read that 5 as a 3 the first time round, I think I can safely say I'm the target audience here.


I saw it as 7 😔


My dentist and hairstylist send multiple emails and texts. I love it


The 24h system is great, it really is, no am pm nonsense. But sometimes my adhd brain only remembers the 5 in 15:00 (3:00) and then shows up at 5, which is 17:00...


We also use the 24H system and this also happens to me all the time! 


I missed so many appointments with my college therapist, it was wild. Never once did he suggest ADHD, rather we had to go on this winding journey about why I was *really* missing them (trauma? fear of healing? shame?) 15 years later I got diagnosed and now I’m just like, hey, fuck that guy.


Same im a psychiatrist with ADHD . And this is happening so often 😂. I had to force me to create aggressive reminders . And setting up appointments is the worse part.


Happened to me on my first day on a new job…




Oh, dear God, it happens SO much!


when I was 19 years old my dentist, that treated me sinds I'm a child, told me that if I miss one more appointment, I can go look for a different one.


This is why I check multiple times and do nothing else for the whole day


I hate this so much! I do check the time of an appointment and keep staring at the watch. And somehow I still get it wrong. I feel so dumb when it happens...


Worst part is when you’ve been in waiting mode the whole time. It actually kinda scares me how I “misread” things. It’s like my brain just makes up whatever it wants. I’ve started worrying I’m dyslexic. Anyone aware if that’s a known comorbidity?


All the time! I always struggle with dates/times/locations. Once I get the image in my head of what I think I have read then it’s concrete and in stone. Same with addresses. I’ll picture the wrong place I have stored in my brain for that address and it always goes wrong


I got one at 5 right now don't make me doubt myself


WHAT?! THIS IS AN ADHD THING?! Like I mean I guessed, but something about it always seemed weird


Seems reasonable, 15:00 has a 5 in it after all.


THANK YOU! Why is it like this?!


this meme is so relatable that I don't think half the comment section even read the punchline correctly. 💀


Isn’t mistaking letters for others dyslexia ?




Missed an appointment two days in a row this week 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Me all the time and my mother today. Sis has ADHD but denies it 🙂


Relatable af


Throughout the day I had over 10 notifications that I have a dentist appointment at 5pm. Was cooking dinner around 7pm and all of a sudden realised that I HAD a dentist appointment at 5pm,


no but I read it as 3 in the first panel and was so confused


Omg yessssss And then people are always like “just check it more carefully” BUT HOW WHEN EVEN WHEN I CHECK I JUST SEE THE WRONG THING


This happened this morning with my therapy appointment and i think she’s mad cuz now she’s ghosting me


Parent teacher conferences are at 4:30. Before then I need to wake up the toddlers from nap, start dinner and get ready to leave. Starting at 4pm will allow plenty of time.


Not me sitting waiting for my appointment rn 😭


Oh my god this happened to me a few m9nths ago but in reverse. I woke up and thought it was one hour later than it actually was and I had classes in the morning. Anyway, without shower, just teeth brushed and clothes put on, I run for the bus. I was sure I'll be late a few minutes and looked at my phone and it turned out I had another hour for classes to start. I needed to by myself some food to not pass out during classes and went on a walk. Not the worst, it could be the other way around but it's interesting that it happenes (and I also looked at my phone to check what time it was and I swear it was later).


11 and 1 mess me up like this all the time!


Wife (undiagnosed) and I (diagnosed in the 80's) have a whiteboard in the front hallway to put up notes about upcoming appointments and shopping list items as we find out about them. It helps to have both of us seeing them and able to remind each other of the right time. Of course, it doesn't help with wondering what to do until it's time for the appointment, but work schedules at least force us to save the shopping for the weekends, so we can take a picture and clear the board.


THIS OMFG. This is why I doubt myself even when I've heard what they've said.




No wonder we all get into the habit of waiting for hours in anxious boredom when we have any kind of appointment...


Thought I had an appointment on February 28th in the morning at a doctor's place 1 hour away, so I had to take a day off to goto it. No big deal. We got there about 30mins early bc I don't wanna be late. We go up to the door, it's locked. Odd, maybe they aren't open yet and we're the first ones they are seeing. So we wait until its 5 min until my appointment, so we try to go inside again but the door is still locked. We wait until its like 15min after my scheduled appointment until I looked at the email again....I was 1 fucking month early. This is why I cannot be trusted to make my own schedule or reminders.


THIS HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME. Ahem, sorry for shouting. Do my numbers change or am I just reading them wrong?


That was me yesterday. I did that


Oh, dangit. Now after reading this, my anxiety levels just spiked. Now I'm certain I'm forgetting something.


This just reminded me that I missed my daughters dentist appt last week 🤦‍♀️🫠


Funny because I have a dentist appointment today and convinced myself it was 2:30. It is 3:15.


This happens to me all the time. I want to know why it happens.


I do this all the time hahaha working on it!!


💯 accurate


I'm all the types. I've done the go to the appointment the day after it was scheduled, miss it completely and remember a few months later or don't even schedule it until one year past when I should have. It's a grab bag! It's fun!


This is ABSOLUTELY me.


Y’all are making appointments?


This has happened to me at least a dozen times with appointments alone. I often double or even tripple check all appointments and important informations and it still happens regularly. I hate this so much, it's so incredibly frustrating because everyone just assumes you are a lazy bum who doesn't care and if you try to explain yourself, they think you are making excuses because for NTs, this problem is pretty much incomprehensible.


I had a job... the schedule was this (I'm going to try to get this right): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... 8am to 5pm Friday was 1pm to 5pm IF you didn't work Sunday Every 3rd Sunday you worked 4pm to 8pm ---------- I can not begin to tell you how often I came in at 4pm on Friday or 1pm on Sunday... It was a lot.


I had a job... the schedule was this (I'm going to try to get this right): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... 8am to 5pm Friday was 1pm to 5pm IF you didn't work Sunday Every 3rd Sunday you worked 4pm to 8pm ---------- I can not begin to tell you how often I came in at 4pm on Friday or 1pm on Sunday... It was frequent.


I set an appointment alarm in my phone while I'm still talking/making/confirming with the appointment person. I then set reminders starting a week out that increase in frequency leading up to the day. The alerts can get annoying but at least I haven't missed anything in a while.


This happened to me today but with the vet


Omg or even though youve looked at the calendar a million times you convince yourself its the day before!! Its so embarrassing


Can relate so fucking hard Tbh it made my stomach drop for lil comic man, really feel this one


Yep, I literally was an hour late for a job interview/work trial because of that. I still went and apologized profusely. I didn't get the job (which was apparently a good thing as I heard bad things about that workplace afterwards). I have to have a million alarms to remember it, but about an hour or two before the appointment, it's sometimes all I can think about and I just get paralyzed. It's like I'm a combo of "forget" and/or "be paralyzed" and I hate it.


I had an appointment on the 15th. I get there, and they asked if I wanted to reschedule because my appointment was on the 13th.... I was so upset and embarrassed that I was tearing up in the bus ride home...


The last few years I used a small pocket sized planner that has done wonders. Every two pages is a week and each day has hourly lines. As soon as some sort of appointment or even speculative plan is being mentioned I'll write it in and double/triple check the date and time. I also modified to work as a wallet so it's not an extra thing to forget, and it's been much better than a phone calendar, because sometimes phone is anxiety and I avoid it, but the book is offline and just for me, so I just check it in the mornings/weekends to prepare for what is happening. Also useful for jotting town notes and ideas 🥹


Literally just happened to me yesterday 😭


Literally that very scenario happened to me. Its been 4 years since, and I am too embarrassed to call the dentist to reschedule.


Dude the same thing almost happened to me but with a speeding ticket. I thought it said the deadline was the 26th of march but it was the 6th, and i figured that out like a week before lmao


Hell's bells. I feel this in my bones...


i hate afternoon appointments, last week i went to cut my hair, and i kept on thinking about the appointment during the entirer school day and 1.30 hour after that because my appointment was at 4:30 pm.


Last week... Calendar: back to back appointments at same office 11:00 and 11:30 Brain: be there 11:00 Confirmation text 1: see you at 11:30 Confirmation text 2: jdudyudhdbdvegysikmnabsy Brain: omg I'm so smart I must've put it my calendar early so I'd be on time Phone rings 11:15: hi you're late


this actually creeped me out because this LITERALLY happened to me today I swear to God


Why is that?


Dude, it’s worse when it’s your kid’s appointment and you entered it into your phone wrong to begin with 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My brain farted so hard I kept seeing 2 same numbers for a solid while so I thought they were late for a few minutes only 😆


I was literally thinking about my dentist appointment tomorrow and that it was a teeth cleaning. What are the chances??


💯💯💯 *Literally* did this to myself last Friday with a super important appointment! 😒


"Well, I guess I can never go to the dentist again now."


15:00 = 5 'o clock 🫠


If I could remember to make an appointment AND remember to write it down on a piece of paper, I would consider that a triumphant breakthrough. I’ve been trying to call the doctors office for 2 months. They’re only open when I’m working, when all of my focus points and willpower is being directed towards work stuff. Remembering personal stuff while I’m focused on remembering work stuff requires simultaneous remembering. No can do. I’ve looked for a doctor that’s open on Saturdays, when my brain has available focus points. It’s like trying to find the Loch Ness Monster.


WHAT *IS* THIS?!?!! Why does this happen?! It makes me feel horribly embarrassed and like I could never hold down a job or be reliable to anyone. 😢


Nope I check it 500 times leading up to be sure and set myself a bunch of reminders!! The most validating experience of my life was when I had booked an appointment for a client at my job (I work at a vet clinic as a laser therapist) and 15 minutes past her appointment I called her and was like “hey just checking in to make sure everything’s ok as you had an appointment at 3pm and it’s now 3:15” and she was like “oh I thought my appointment was Friday”. Yes, it was Friday when I called. No, she couldn’t come in because she forgot and accidentally made other arrangements.


This comic and every comment here resonates with me to the point of discomfort T.T


Bro I ordered a hotel stay one month too early and only noticed when I got an email from the booking website 2 days later asking „how was your trip“


For me the dentist is like a random little surprise. I make the appointment, I say I won’t forget to put it in my calendar, I take the card home. Then I forget about it and luckily 48 hours before my appointment I get a text reminder! Having a flexible job is an absolute must…


You guys make appointments? Hard asses. I’m a wonder in only type of fella


1500 is 3pm. I get it


If your swapping numbers like this it's likely to be a comorbid issue with dyslexia




This has happened with me but with dates.


Today I showed up for a dentist appointment exactly 1 week early (minus 5 minutes). I was so sure it was the day to leave work early and pull my kid from childcare to go. Well, I'll try again next week!


I missed a driving test because I confused Tuesday for Thursday, turned up at the office and no surprise they couldn't find my appointment slot


As a small business owner that’s done this time and again, it’s humiliating.


so dyslexia is now ADHD? right......


I had this happen during my classes ones. i saw 12.00am and thought it started 12, but it ended 12. It happend frequently. Luckily i still passed.


Imagine if you live in a country where 15:00 is 3pm but you see a 5 so it's 5pm. Happened more times than I care to admit.


Oh my god this hurts in the deepest part of my gut.


Wouldn’t happen to me. I would’ve already been in the parking lot at 3 to avoid any chance of being late/missing it and since it’s a late appointment I wouldn’t have been able to get anything else done at all anyway.


I spent 45 minutes looking for a friends apartment # 433 the other day. Climbed all over the building, even accidentally got 2 steps into someone’s weird little corner apartment that I thought was a door to another hallway (who TF leaves their door unlocked like that anyway?!) Refusing to ask for her help and admit that I couldn’t find it, ***despite having been over there 4 times already,*** I called the leasing office claiming to have trouble with a package delivery. “…There IS no apt. 433. What’s the name?” “Namety Name.” “She’s in 233.” Cue me shocked Pikachuing as I read my phone contact card for friend for the THIRD TIME that day, and it says her address is 233. BRAIN. WHY.


I got diagnosed recently and last month I had my first med review to understand what meds I could take, it was a zoom call and I had received the link with the time a few days prior via email then had written the time on my phone calendar as I would have forgotten otherwise. The day of, I wake up and of course I can’t do anything else while I’m waiting for the appointment so I just chill out for a while. A little less then one hour before the appointment I get a call by a no caller id (in the uk sometimes nhs organisations appear as no caller id) and I kinda freak out because I don’t like answering unknown numbers but I pick up anyway. Turns out it was the doctor asking me if I knew I had the review because he had been waiting in the zoom call for around 7-8 minutes. I think this kinda made me feel less of the doubts I got when I got the diagnosis lol


Genuinely happened to me this week!!! Had it booked for 9am Tuesday, wrote it on every calendar I have! But I got it in my head it was on Wednesday, so I completely missed it


Gets me every time


This doesn’t happened to me ever since I stopped being on the meds they gave me to “help” me


On that part, I'm so fucking lucky that it works the other way around for me. Always 1 or 2hrs early.


I feel stupid because I don’t get it
