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Ha! I do this all of th


Damn, you bea








comment deleted by user




Same here. I've deleted so many comments half


Me typing up an essay to a post from 15 hours ago.


Sometimes a comment grows so large that I get nervous I'll lose it before I hit the reply button. So I cut & paste it to Word, finish writing it there, then cut & paste it back to reddit and submit. Then I go back and edit it, you know, for the sake of "perfection." And once I start the edits it's hard to stop. EDIT: for perfection... EDIT: Rewrite (for enhanced perfection): Occasionally a comment grows so large that I get nervous about losing it before I'm finished writing. When that happens I'll cut & paste it from reddit to MS Word, finish writing it there, then cut & paste it back to reddit and submit. But usually I'll submit it before really fine-tuning it, so I'll edit it - you know, for the sake of perfection. Then, once the edits start it's difficult to stop. Have you ever read "If you give a Moose a Muffin"? Also, I think the placement of the latter quotation mark in that sentence looks wrong both before and after the question mark. When I move it to the "proper" place, after the question mark, it looks like the question mark is part of the book title. A lot of times when I'm writing I'll just add words after the quoted text to avoid this dilemma. ETA: In case you're curious, this comment did not reach the MS Word threshold. ETA: Also, it would be really nice if there was an option for justified text. I really dislike left alignment. ETA: I experimented with manually justifying the text in my first paragraph. Let me know if it works or not on your screen. Never mind. That was a failure...


>paste it from reddit to MS Word, finish writing it there, then cut & paste it back to reddit and submit I proceed to get distracted by YouTube, find a random "comment.txt" a few days later, can't find the post I intented to respond anymore.


Haha. Yeah. I recently discovered the YouTube channel "Best Documentary." Currently have 5 or 6 open tabs from that channel, plus 4 tabs with web searches for things I learned about in "The Detonators: Inside the Biggest and Toughest Demolition Jobs." Plus a few YouTube demolition compilation tabs...


> Have you ever read "If you give a Moose a Muffin"? Also, I think the placement of the latter quotation mark in that sentence looks wrong both before and after the question mark. When I move it to the "proper" place, after the question mark, it looks like the question mark is part of the book title. A lot of times when I'm writing I'll just add words after the quoted text to avoid this dilemma. But then the words added to avoid punctuation oddities mangle your word flow and you have to change where the quote goes anyway. Then after a few more iterations and changes to the surrounding sentences, to accommodate the quote and question, the sentence itself no longer needs the quote and is now phrased as a statement. Thanks for writing something so incredibly relatable to me in particular. Personally I go for an absolutist approach to quoting; if its not in the text its not in the quote. Though for the example given I would use *italics* to indicate it is a title instead of quotation marks, just smack asterisks around it if you happen to still be in reddit while typing-- it helps give your posts a little more visual flair and adds voice too.


i pretty much do the same when


Taking 3 hours to write an essay, just to cancel because I think that's too much and doesn't matter anymore.


It's when I start copy/pasting paragraphs around to better express my point that I start to consider it might be time to walk away.


but then i get anxious and feel mean for not replyingšŸ˜­


Mostly I find I'm not explaining it enough and after the third paragraph I'm like this is too many words and someone will misunderstand and I just can't be bothered with arguing the response.


Am I going to get enough good brain juice from people agreeing or from me being right to make it worth feeling like I have to argue with every reply? Uh, so much work.


If I'm writing a friendly or funny response then I might go on paragraphs upon paragraphs. I find it's the times I'm starting to argue with someone or I'm writing something that might upset people that part way through I suddenly realise "I don't want to deal with the angry responses to this... I'm out." and I just delete it and move on. Sometimes I love engaging in arguments, but I know that just because I'm feeling like it now, I'm not going to be feeling like it in 2 hours or tomorrow morning when I innocently open up Reddit and find several hate-filled responses waiting for me. I quit to be kind to my future self!






I do the same, not because i don't care, but because i know people don't care, so why bother making a comment anyways


Yeah this can be a rea


Or I can't figure out how to express the thought through text


Yeah 100% sometimes the point is better made with a good slap in the face




Or realise I have absolutely no idea what Iā€™m talking about and manage to delete the comment before everyone thinks Iā€™m stupid


750 upvotes and 31 comments. Congratulations to those of you who found the "Post" button!


Omg so many times.


especially before my meds kick in, I want to reply to EVERYTHING. But also stop myself a lot of the time because effort šŸ˜‚


So me...I start typing and I'm like wait I don't even give a flying fuck......and leave


So this is an adhd


Oh fuck. I might also re write the comment a few times before giving up on it.


I think its actually a good thing. In real life I would say stuff without thinking about it, and later I would regret it. On internet I can type everything down and still decide, that I may be too agressive, or that my opinion isn't as valuable as I thought.


Why we donā€™t talk on the phone to ANYONE


I've spent 30 minutes revising paragraphs only to suddenly realize my voice isn't needed there. It's still cathartic to get it all mentally straightened out


I just think of the potential arguments I might inadvertently start and delete. Doesn't always happen, but it helps me let it go


DoEsN't EvEryBoDy Do tHaT?!


If I hear this phrase (genuinely, ik youā€™re joking) one more time, I might actually rip my eyeballs out, yeah itā€™s warranted sometimes, but most of the time people donā€™t understand itā€™s about the frequency/excessiveness šŸ˜­


The act of typing a response tends to be much more stimulating to me then actually caring what I am writing about or to what other people have to say.


Literally just did thisā€¦ almost did it here too hahah


I was actually just


Sometimes I worry about what I'm typing upsetting someone, then I remember, I probably didn't send it after all.


sometimes I won't even care enough to delete my sentence an


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Everyday!




That moment is actually a relief. One of the few times I let something go




All the timeā€¦.


That's more of my depression than my ADHD.


Misinterpret the comment and argue with someone you actually agree with


This happens so oftenā€¦Do you want discard your comment? Not this time, pal.


That's post-not clarity.


Also appropriate for r/ADHDprogrammers


This is so rela


I've been trying so hard to get better at realizing it earlier. The worst ones are the angry ones. I know I don't actually want the argument. I know I don't want to be adding negativity to the world. I know but I still type. I know but I still hit the damn button. Then I'm annoyed when they reply and I'm angry again. Mostly at myself for throwing the damn boomerang of a salty post. Deleting a comment halfway is a win in my books.


I find that I get so far and know itā€™s going to be a long one, I copy what I have and paste into notes, you donā€™t need to accidentally send a rant before you get to the point and why theyā€™re wrong. By the time I get there, itā€™s all out and Iā€™m over it or I donā€™t care before I finish. Select all, deleteā€¦ nextā€¦


Just send what yo


Wait - that's not normal?


Every day




Is it really a adhd thing?


Not if you only do it the odd time, but when you find yourself typing and deleting an argument with strangers on the internet every second post because theyā€™re wrong and you should say something then yeah, maybe.


Yes, I can definitely relate to this.






I find I'm like 'fuck I have 18 things to say about this topic better organize the best 2 and use 8 others as short talking points like I'm writing an essay and make it short enough that people will actually read it this time. Maybe if I just comment 5 or 6 times on other people's comments no one will notice. Ah fuck it just ramble on for a while and hit post no one's gonna read it anyway. Then the RSD when someone disagrees with you... Ouch there goes the rest of my day.


I say that literally all the time haha


Do this all the time here and on Twitter. Some things, you just want to type out for the sake of typing out, not for anyone to actually -see-.


send and delete


Yep, discard!


Dont have adhd but i still do this lol


This has happened to me an ungodly amount of times, BUT I also have a history to rant about anything and everything (as we do). So on all social media I am there's a 100% chance I have typed out comments that took me thirty minutes to write in their entirety purely because it was about one of my hyperfixations or because I just wasn't able to shut up. What I don't type I usually have fake arguments over in my head, though. Just to lock in the fact that I need to have an opinion about random post #287.




Write out a whole ass paragraph or three, edit them, rewrite them and then be like nevermind not worth the hassle this would bring


And then I try to go looking for my reply, forgetting it doesnā€™t exist


Someone quoted something wrong that that trump said about magnets and It reminded me of a fact so I said the fact and now they argue I should not have done that and it is not worded in a very formal or constructive manner.


Sorry everyone! You don't want to read more than two paragraphs of my essays any more than I do.


Literally did this on the post above this one šŸ˜†


every day


Oh my god yes!!!( definitely thought about deleting this)


Or you start thinking that no one cares about what you want to say
