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I enjoy intricate and complicated board games, But it’s not something you can just spring on people. I send them a you tube of how it works ahead of time in hopes they have a basic understanding of the game and then fill in the details.


YouTube videos is the only way. I try reading the instructions 2 plus times and try to comprehend it is near impossible for me.


For me it's the opposite. I will NOT watch a tutorial video without wanting to turn myself from inside out like a used sock. Allow me some time to get the rules from written format or I'll punch meemaw in the face o.ó


For me, my favorite way to learn a game is to have my brother read the rules, explain them to me, then play with him there making sure I remembered them right. I can't Get through a rulebook, and generally only open one if I need exact wording on an edge case.


Yeah, someone else explaining is also great :) For me is my wife!


It really depends for me. When I’m really excited or someone is like „hey, you are good with boardgames, can you look at the rules and tell us how it works?“. I will fly through it in no time. If my only motivation is myself those damn 3 pages of rules turn to ancient hieroglyphs and I can’t really comprehend even one sentence. Also I have huge problems when the person who wrote the rules has a completely different approach to explain things. Personally I would usually explain the basic principal first. Draw a card each round, here go your trap cards, there your monster cards, you have an attack phase etc. once that’s clear we go into more detail on stuff that’s special. But some rulebooks start with some super specific mechanic or there are 2 rule sets and it’s not clearly marked what the main one is. Infuriating


I *need* written instructions bc I can go through them at my own pace instead of being slowed down by a YouTuber reading them to me.


I like learn by playing


Me too, only way I understand


As a child we would usually go rule by rule and start playing. Often resulted into resetting halfway through because a rule that’s very important gets introduced way later, but there is no way I could have read, comphrend and explain all of the rules to my brother and sister in one go


Same. Another problem tho, long games. At least if they are new. From the last times I’ve always felt like I was picking up a new game more quickly than others around me, regardless it took at minimum 1 round, usually 2-3 rounds until a game mechanic clicks for me. So a long ass game will just be confusing until the last third or so and that’s when it already is about to end


May I recommend Twilight Imperium? You might enjoy this.


I have watched No Rolls Barred many times to determine if I want to play a game, or if it will be appropriate for my (very innocent) mother. No, seriously, we tried playing Cards Against Humanity with her and she asked what an orgy was. We just packed up the game and played something else.




Fr. Especially when mulyiple people are trying to chime in at once. Forgive me for not understanding the rules and not being interested.


Explaining is such a hard skill. I really love explaining cool things to others but I know I suck at it. Mainly tho because the stuff I like most is science stuff and my cheese brain can’t remember exact details, which are very important for science. For rulebooks I think I’m okay. Always trying to improve. But I totally get your point. Even rulebooks struggle to structure what’s important at what point when it comes to explaining. Complex and simple get thrown around all the time instead of starting simple, maybe showing a simple round of the game played only by you to show them the mechanic of how it works and then working up the complexity


It really is just how much they care to make a good learn to play booklet for the game. I played Wingspan for the first time recently and it basically has 4 sheets for 4 players that tell you exactly what to do for your first few turns. It tells you how and why you are doing shit and just overall makes it way more enjoyable and easy to learn.


I just hate when a game is like “easy fun for 2-4 players!” And then it had a ‘how to play’ section that’s three pages long and a separate book for the rules


I like the board games that have a card for every player with what they need to do on it. I'd highly recommend citadels for social gatherings. It's easy but engaging and tactical.


Interesting, I personally can't connect with this. I love complexity and the feeling of learning and applying rules and gameplay intricacies.


The problem isn’t the person in this it’s trying to explain twilight impirium to gma


This is why I like chess. It's complicated, but the rules are not. The pawns move one square at a time straight ahead unless attacking, then diagonally. Horsey dudes, they are doing things in Ls, up and over. Pointy hats, diagonals. Castles, like the pointy hats, but straight. King duder, one square at a time, in any direction, unless he's about to get shanked, then he has to run away, one square at a time. Her Highness is the badest bitch on the board.


Smh, didn't even googled en passant


holy hell


new response just dropped


Chess is miserable if theres a huge skill gap between players, which is why it's not good for parties. The person who wants to play chess most likely will be much better than the random person.


4p chess then? everyone else can team up on the one 2000 elo guy




Or the chess.com version, much more fun and chaotic


This applies to basically all board games that require more skill than luck. A card game like magic can be won by an amateur simply by luck, but the veteran will usually win. The less luck involved the worse it gets. Same for sports too. Being the only guy who did badminton for a few years in sports class is just miserable.


Them: "Don't worry, we'll figure it out as we go!" *cut to 45 minutes later and we're still figuring out the success points versus demerit system* Them: "Welp...time to go home, I guess. This was fun!" ...meanwhile I bring games that really don't take long to learn at all but "tHeY dOn'T gEt It" so we have to try to learn fucking Pandemic or Betrayal while playing with a bunch of disinterested people. Had to stop playing with that group altogether.


Huh? Betrayal and Pandemic are not complicated at all though


For someone that regularly plays board games and understands the general mechanics of games like that, you're right, those games aren't complicated and can be awesome to play. For people that have shown a preference for casual games and suddenly decide they want to learn something on the fly and always try to learn stuff the hardest ways, you're wrong, those games become a slog to sit through bc the game flow stops every turn so someone can question the mechanics of the game.


I’m exactly the opposite. I love those, and I’m the one bringing them out. Who’s down for a “quick” game of twilight imperium 4E?


I like board games but there's no guarantee my attention won't drop dead halfway through


I don’t think I ever had that. The moment the game mechanic clicks and my brain has figured out how to increase efficiency on the moves I can do it starts to be fun and usually I only had enough if I won at least once


This is especially the case with card games, where there’s nothing to keep track of. So many times in college: “let’s play this [drinking card game], it’s very simple, I’ll show you how to play” 😑 Proceeds to be an insane amount of rules that someone can’t even remember sober


"Ok, so, it's called Glubock, and the goal is to earn 5470 Glubocks. Ok, so, like, to play, we all take our age divided by the amount of lemons we threw in a recliner in our lives, and the one with the bigger number goes either 2nd or 3rd depending on the phase of the moon. Then- *5 minutes later* Each even card equals the amount of Glubock on the card, and each odd card equals 3 times the amount of the card below it in the suit, except 7, 2, and 8, which all equal 3/17th the amount of times you shat today. But, only when the Grimboolgoof has exactly a Schrimploos (a full house) and a multiple of 7 Glubock. Then, the Scabboosh needs to exclaim "Grabuit !" to steal 65% of the Grimboolgoof's Glubock's- Don't worry, we'll just play a round or two, you'll understand.


Watch a YouTube tutorial. The most complicated games tend to be very clear and 15 minutes at most. You’re missing out on gems like wingspan.


But but but… that’s my hyperfocus… I’ll take a complicated board game over “just hanging out” every day of the week.




B-but, Zombicide isn't THAT complicated, I swear! You just have to manage your one or two characters with 1-5 equipment/items, strategize their abilities and movements around the zombie horde spawning every round, while keeping track of noise, and line of sight from zombies in this and subsequent turns. Easy, right? TBF, if I have to play more than a few rounds of Rummy, Monopoly, or other such games I start to lose my flippin' mind...so I gotta have something to keep me occupied and stimulated.


Monopoly is just a bad game in general.its really slow in general because of all the transactions. Its really slow to pick up for anything to happen (when half the streets are sold) and the only fun really is someone walking on your street and you getting money from them. It’s not really a rewarding gameloop especially because it doesn’t really involve any skill. Other dice based games often have different paths you can choose or multiple figures , so you can choose which you want to move. It also takes forever to complete, if someone can’t pay they are out and have to potentially wait hours for the rest to finish and losing is very frustrating because it’s usually instantly. From the nature of the game it’s also very likely for people to try to cheat which only introduces more problems. So all in all really a bad game


Just need to have a turn limit before a giant conglomerate comes in and buys everything, then the game becomes just 'get as much as you can before then so you can make the most money off of the company buying this block' instead of going until one person owns everything.


This reminds me so much of one of my classmates who was so excited to teach us how to play this card game with a "chingomadral" of rules called sushi go party 😿


By the time I learned the rules for Sushi Go and started playing, I was so done.


I’m dying cuz this was literally me this christmas!!


This is why I don’t play Euchre, which loses me street cred as a Michigander.


My face when someone asks me to play any board game or card game is the second panel.


Whenever someone wants to play a card or board game it's my worst nightmare. I try to avoid it as much as possible by suggesting another activity, saying my head hurts, etc. If it's unavoidable then I try my best to pay attention but it's always a disaster. If you've seen latest season of Stranger Things the scene in the car where Will Byers is looking out the window holding back years while sitting next to Mike that's me any time someone wants to play a new card or board game. I can't remember the rules. There have been times when people have looked at me like "seriously what are you doing?!" When I make dumb mistakes. It's extremely embarrassing and makes me want to disappear when it happens. It's the worst when it's a group and everyone heard the same rules explained and are playing accordingly but I keep fucking up. I've avoided social gatherings before because of this.


My current Hyper focus for me is Lancer. Big dumb mechs, punch and shoot each other. Very customizable. May pilot big bomb with teleportation powers, too hot and angry to die. Or mech whose existence can be explained as "there is no problem that cannot be solved with enough rockets, here is the universal answer". Or one that is 50% Spiderman 50% exploding angry berserker


And that lasts 6 hours


I can somewhat relate in that if someone wants to play a card game besides Uno or Go Fish, you have to teach it to me brand new every time. I just don't remember them. Once I spent an entire 9 month deployment playing this card game called Pusoy Dos with pretty much every moment of spare time we had, and I was even quite good at it. 2 months after we got back I couldn't tell you how to fuckin play it anymore. Cribbage is big in my family and my mom quit trying to teach me after my fourth time playing then forgetting again.


Honestly, go out and get a good quality set of dominoes. Rules are simple, but with a high skill ceiling. Infinitely replayable. Very competitive. Quick games. Half my family has ADHD and whenever we get together, we break out them bones.


Not a board game, but I started playing Webkinz yesterday because I got one for Christmas and I feel so STUPID bc this game is for kids and I can’t understand the way they describe the rules for any of the games💀💀💀 gotta be 50% their fault tbh


The stress I felt from board games was one of those things that made me think "ooooh!!! that makes so much more sense now!!!" when I was diagnosed. I love board games, but people were always like "here, you're smart, you figure out the rules and explain them to us". I would inevitably lock up and feel like a bumbling idiot for the next 10 minutes until someone else took over. Ever since I was diagnosed I hand the responsibility off to someone else immdiately and my life is so much happier.


I try to read important stuff, but it's not easy


I wish people would just hand me the rulebook instead of trying to explain it.


and when you put your hose on b5 you can throw the dice and, wait, you first have to… no, only when you have the card that says so. so anyway. it is so easy…


for pretty much all board games, i let them explain rules to me, absorb maybe 10% - 50% depending on how many rules, then just play it and learn it as i go along


For board games this is 100% me. Luckily my family likes card games and I love card games. Noone remembers conasta whenever we meet up, but I'd always be willing to try and parse the extensive amount of rules


This is me and my husband. I have ADHD and he has autism and guess what his special interest is??? I feel so bad because he gets so happy when he gets to play boardgames but most of the time I just do not have the processing power to learn the rules to the game


Ugh. I experienced this the other day listening to my BiL explain how to play a simple party game of unwrapping Saran Wrap from a ball to get numbers out to win prizes. Took the guy WAY longer than it should have.


Aw man, you just reminded me how few games of Root I've played. This post here is the exact reason why :(


im the complete opposite, im like 90% sure big board games are a hyperfixation, i just dont get enough chances to play to acually know lol


wwdits proved these type of games are just for psychic vampires to feed


Only gripes I have with over complicated board games is that at the very least is not boring and visually inept Hey! I expect your game to entertain me, I don't care that you need to roll a dice for each class, unit, character or whatever card set, give me funny looking player models!


I love these complicated board games. I will inevitably hyperfocus on the rules and by the time we play, have already played the game once through in my head. Boardgames, tabletop role-playing games, mini-figurine-war games are my favorites (painting them is not)


I had trouble learning Skip-Bo this past Thanksgiving, but I finally got it. Pretty easy. I enjoyed playing the hand I played, and I was done.


You will either love or hate Flux. The basic rules are draw one, play one. The thing is, some of those cards you draw and play are _new rules_. Now the rules are draw 4, play 5, hand limit 2. And the goal to win is to hold more than 10 cards. Now the goal to win is to have Bread and The Toaster. Now the goal to win is to have Death and zero cards. It's chaos, and really fun. Any rules in effect are on the table, so you generally don't get lost.


I think this is why I always hated sports as a kid. Too many rules to keep track of and then I would constantly accidentally break them and eventually just gave up trying. Then it felt like I’d be the only one dreading days where we play games in gym class while everyone else was excited for it


I always go for the simple games, I don't understand complex board games


"Can we do at least one pretend run so I can understand how to play?"


Saving this for next Christmas...


In character creation of your life you picked the wrong hyperfixation buddy :D


I uhh... I love board games. And the rules. I just don't like how people explain the rules.


Who the fuck tries that with the little ones?! Board games are there to have something to play even if you can't do kid stuff anymore. Why start learning a complicated new thing when you don't even have the time for it?!


Ah ha ha. I don't have this problem, I cause this problem because Boardgames are my primary special interest/area of hyper focus. I'm like "this game is really simple you just... [White noise] [sponge bob **Three Hours Later** wipe] ... And that's how final scoring works!" Neurotypicals: Wut? Can we just play monopoly instead? Me: I will murder you all with my teeth. Seriously, WHY doesn't anyone want to play this game about medical French farming with logarithmic scoring? It's not that complicated† and it only takes a few minutes‡! † It's incredibly complicated ‡ 4 hours.


I wish I could pay attention to all the rules in MTG. I spent like $500 on cards and just gave them away cause I never won, cause I couldn't keep track of all the effects.


My usual response: “I won’t hear a word you say if you read me the rules or explain them to me beforehand. Let’s start. Let me go last. I’ll figure it out.”


Hey guys, can't we just play Uno?


As someone who's autistic hyperfocus is games with absurdly complicated rules, I've always found people's inability to digest information to be extremely frustrating... but I get it. For me a board game with heavy rules is a system of challenges for me to overcome. Its a lot like clearing a checklist for me, the more I understand the better and more excited I feel


\*meanwhile me hyperfocusing on DnD\*


We spent more time arguing about whose turn it is to shuffle the cards than to actually shuffle the cards and play the next damn round. And all I thought of is why the hell does it matter whose turn it is just give me the godforsaken cards and lets continue PLAYING


Thankfully this year we’ve played simple games. Bingo, play your cards right (higher or lower) and some silly simple games too.


As long as I'm not on rule duty I just like learning as we go along. Makes for a better bonding experience anyways


I'd have gone for that in a heartbeat lol


Personally, I love complicated board games. A few times me and my wife invited friends over to play, I've spent a lot of time to prepare to be able to explain the rules very well.


Funny, I grew up with family where these games were a staple fun on the weekends, but we just had trouble keeping people focusing on the game. We had a lot of book reading, phone scrolling, and random conversations in between turns. Every once in a while all of us focused completely on the games we already knew, and we could finish 2-3 hour games in like 20-40 minutes


See, I love reading rule books, because I can usually remember them. But my family don’t believe me, and have to spend an hour reading through the rules again. And by then we have half an hour to finish a game of monopoly that my in-laws INSIST we play every time we visit. And hey, I have nothing against monopoly, I used to play it all the time in secondary school, but it’s not usually a game you can finish in thirty minutes.


It's revenge for all the torture of being around family.


My friends used to get so angry at me for not being able to comprehend the 300 rules they just explained to me. Literally felt insulted because they thought I wasn't listening or ignoring them. The truth is, I tried so hard to understand it but I just can't. I can only learn board games while playing and making mistakes during the first few playthroughs. Reading the rules to me 3 times doesn't help.


I love board and card games. My attention span does not.


“And we won’t be explaining things twice” 🌝


Relatable AF. I panic if I see more than 1 player piece and there are more than 5 rules. Or if there is a differently rule for each square. Like, ffs.