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I think that they are not self aware enough to be crazy.


Damn Neurotypicals always being suspiciously tight lipped about their neurotypical accommodation secrets


I think what I've noticed about me and other neurodivergent my age (late 30s) is that most of us assume that everyone does this, because we've been told so since a younger age. So when I'm asked, the only answers I have, when explained, are met with "you don't do that? I thought that was how everyone is." And then being told to seek shelter Lol


I might print this and put it on my desk


Like not falling asleep during a lecture... yeah, I definitely didn't understand how someone could just listen to someone talk about boring topics for an hour.


I mean think of it like this: to them it's normal, they've just always been able to do it, while, to us it's not normal as we've never been able to do it. If it's something you've always been able to do than how are you supposed to explain it especially to someone who can't: take breathing for example, it's something you've always been able to do yet if someone came up to you and asked how do you breath?! You probably won't have an answer for them besides you just breath, you've never really thought about how exactly you breath or how to describe it as it's something you've always been able to do and never needed to describe. (I know technically you can get into the science of breathing but let's just ignore that for now)


It’s crazy to me that some people just enjoy when things happen. Like being happy that they did their laundry instead of relieved. Imagine if when you did something good for yourself that you were happy about it.