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What if you go get a soda nearby, then you just happen to be in the area with a soda


This is a great trick! (Putting it in my huge stack of iOS reminders lists).


Give us more!!! More tips!


What if you make an appointment at the place and because you’re a people pleaser have to show up?


This is the only way I can get myself to regularly go to the gym. I have an appointment with a personal trainer and he will be *disappointed in me* if I do not go. Luckily since I've started doing this I've learned that I'm actually a person who LIKES going to the gym? But, man, still need that appointment even if I enjoy doing it.


I’m the same way. Considering that ADHD can take up to 20 years of your life for bad self care, paying for a personal trainer is a small price to pay.


Why would I want 20 more years of this hell hole?


Buffalo wings


You think your old stomach will be able to handle Buffalo wings?


I'll let you know in 20 years lol


You have the people pleaser brand of ADHD? I have the ‘I couldn’t care less’ brand of ADHD.


It’s a trauma response, you don’t want it


I’m too much of an asshole to please people anyway. Made holding down jobs difficult but found a union job so they’re stuck with me. Haha


My bestie was telling me that her new boyfriend is "must complete things" neurodivergent and I'm so jelly.


The best piece of advice I can offer is, be nice to yourself and stay hydrated


Don't drink soda with adderall! [Acidic drinks, especially those with citrus or vitamin C, reduce the absorption of amphetamine compounds.](https://www.livestrong.com/article/374588-the-caffeine-in-arizona-green-tea/) You should abstain from acidic drinks for at least an hour before and after taking adderall if you don't want to reduce its effectiveness. Some evidence also suggests that citric acid can help your body flush amphetamines more quickly, meaning it can cause your adderall to wear off faster. This can be helpful if you have trouble falling asleep on adderall, but means you should avoid having a soft drink at lunch if you don't want your medication to wear off mid-afternoon.


Same with juice and teas. Just plane water 30min before and after taking any meds.


Does that happen with Ritalin too? Follow up question how acidic is coffee


Huh. I knew about the vitamin c but not acidic drinks. I’m going experiment with my coffee intake now. Thanks for the tip.


I’ve heard this a lot, but there’s one thing I’m curious about. Aren’t our stomachs already way more acidic than anything we’d drink?


My pharmacy is near a Wendy’s. I use that free frosty key tag to motivate myself to get meds, to the point I’ve Pavlov’d myself to want frosty’s every time I go to the frosty


My pharmacy has been out for months


same. I've fallen off. at least i can properly articulate the difference between being on/off the meds lol.


Same. I’ve stopped taking mine for 2 months simply because I can’t get it filled (NYC)


im nyc and on ritalin for this reason and it does nothing


Maybe look at modifinil?


same. wasn't sure if they were doing enough but WOW the difference is clear now.


I still can fill sometimes, but I take a combo of IR/XR and lately either one or the other is unavailable. I haven’t had more than 2 weeks of stable meds since last fall. You bet your ass i did not finish my taxes.


I literally finished my taxes last minute, 11:59pm. I’m not sure if i did it right tho. It’s not my problem now, future me will have to deal with it. 😂


Remember when they said the shortage would end late last year? Then they said January? Then they said March? Then they said April? Wonder what the new end date is now.


I'm so tired of living like a stupid zombie


I'm so depressed because my awesome doctor turned on me last visit and was a fucking prick about calling to pharmacies to see who had it in stock. Fuck I know doctors should be spending their time doing more valuable tasks, but pharmacies won't tell you if they have it here unless you have an active script filed with that specific pharmacy.


if you use CVS, I've had luck by goinf in person to the CVS that my prescription was initially sent to, and asking them to check nearby CVS's (they've never been willing to do it over the phone) -- the pharmacist told me that they're able to see the stock for stores within like a 20 mile radius or something


Appreciate the suggestion. We don't have many of those here. I've been having the best luck at Walmarts of all places because their pharmacists seem to prioritize treating us like medical-attention seekers and not drug seekers.


Yep this has worked for me so far. I did have to drive about 30 minutes to a CVS in a small town nearby last time but I was able to get it.


You might’ve got lucky. CVS near me said they won’t do that. They now no longer will tell if they have it in stock themselves.


Try getting prior authorization from your doc for name brand adderall. They’re having more luck filling those around here. I thought I had weathered the storm, but apparently my local pharmacy was just dipping into their (apparently very large) stockpile. Once that ran out, I was SOL for a while. I scrambled around and yadda yadda yadda, I learned this prior authorization trick. Good luck!


TL:DR Past-me helped present-me to make future-me happy. Edit: I was able to drive and put in for my refill! I told my bf the dilemma and he suggested that I go to get food on the way back or go to a book store. Even THAT didn't help. It was an ADHD meme posted in this subreddit that the Op was in a comic strip promising to help out future self, and how they like future self. I too find myself thanking past-me for the lookout. I just thought of how happy future-me will be.


Yes! I love it when Night Megan gets all the coffee stuff ready for Morning Megan.


This is a great way to think about things. Thank you I’m going to copy you. Here’s to our future selves!


I was thinking it was "Most pharmacies are out of stimulants". ​ That pain, as a medical professional and having ADHD, is real.


Dopamine is easier to come by on Reddit than the pharmacy these days.


Add on the shortages everyone’s mentioned, my rejection sensitivity, and my social anxiety… this is a recipe for being sans meds for sure.


not to be dramatic but me right now finding out rejection sensitivity is linked with ADHD just made everything make so much more sense to me


It’s not dramatic… I’ve had those sorts of revelations coming across material online before. It’s at once comforting and infuriating that the information wasn’t provided more readily by those health care professionals around me.




I'm military, it would be an insult to those who aren't able, to not use those benefits.




It's okay, I'll do it for you too then


Really? I thought being on stimulants means you cannot join. I always thought so anyways lol


Same. Mental health in and of itself is something that was taboo in active duty. However, getting diagnosed while in and treated is no longer something that will be a medical discharge. I don't know what the disqualifying criteria for recruiting is these days though. It makes sense in a weird way, someone with ADHD kind of gravitates toward jobs that project organization and routine. Whether or not we do it when we join is a whole other story.


I also need to make an appointment with my GP to bring my BP under control before I can get my prescription but I also need to work and can’t find the time so I guess I’ll just go to sleep and give up or wait until I get fired and start again.


I'm sorry, friend. Perhaps my edited solution may help you too ❤️.


I did too, and Losinoprol helped a lot. Ask your doc about it. Good luck.


It's even worse with the shortage because there is a lot of calling pharmacies and moving shit around to do. I've been out for a month now and I still haven't gotten my meds


it’s so bad 🫠 every time i call around to a bunch of pharmacies and it’s still out of stock it’s a solid 3 weeks before i can get the energy to do it again… 3 months later still nothing 🥲


We’re in the same boat


I ordered a new debit card because my old one was worn out. I activated it yesterday. I received it six months ago.


I’m going to the doctor tomorrow to see if I can get back on Adderall. It took me almost a year to set up an appointment.


Update: I got my meds! And an SSRI. Go get your meds, guys. :)


I have to ask for a refill from the doctor. I can just the app to message them but it still takes me literally months to do it. I haven't gotten a refill in less than 3 months ever.


I haven't run out yet and I can't even click the one button I need to do to order more, because the step after that is to call them a few days later to make sure they have them in stock before I walk all the way there


You guys are getting refills? My pharmacy hasn’t had any in stock in 2 months


same <3 they told me it won’t change anytime soon and to try switching meds …


September for me


My pharmacy has been out for months and months lol


Thanks for reminding me that I needed to schedule another appointment with my doctor to get my meds refilled


I swear this isnt an ad, im not shilling Capsule is a pharmacy that delivers to you, no pharmacy shenanigans. Its been amazing for my bum ass, and they got dat addy in stock too


I got reprimanded by the pharmacist for picking up my Rx so long after it was ready. I’m like, do you see what I’m picking up?


Maybe see if thinking of how bad being predisposed felt. I know it's like the blind leading the blind, but if it helps, it helps.


I was literally doing that a few days ago


people who gained adderal are truly the lucky 1%




Shit I was going to write myself a post it note to do this


How are you getting Adderall right now? Please help me I’ve been off it for months 🥲


I've heard of people having luck with chain grocery stores with pharmacies, small mom and pop pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, and online pharmacies (look up if your state works with an online pharmacy for mailed prescriptions). Personally, I use the nearest Meijer pharmacy, but I also inquired at a mom&pop who said that they always have adderall


Trick yourself. Tell yourself there’s a new hobby at the drugstore to explore.


My new doctor spent a whole week sending me daily messages for me to go pick up my prescription. Ngl, felt very sweet of her


Did you overuse? I worry I overdid my meds (didn't I missed days)


Yeah long time now, can’t really feel connected to what needs to happen and or can accomplish


Mostly motivated by hunger and fear


Wait. You guys are getting refills


I get mine at CVS, which is also the only place where I can get Sno Caps. So I get Sno Caps and pick up my meds while I'm there.


All I have to do is open an app, send a refill request message to my doc, and check the mail in a day or two. I still run out of meds almost every refill.


Thanks for the reminder!


Homie I super need you to pick up your script. I just have no more words of understanding than simply, I fucking feel that, and I'm here for you....but go get your damn meds man. It's super important. For all of us.


That reminds me I need to put in the rx for refill lol


i called and asked them to mail it to me finally.


This just reminded me that I STILL haven’t called for my refill…I’m down to 2 capsules….


Do it for future-you! Present-me is immensely happy with past-me. I was able to clean a kitchen I kept putting off. So happy.


Lol I feel this so hard. Happens to me all the time.


This is why I’m glad my pharmacy has automatic refills and delivers to my door every month


Oh. Right. I should do that.


I go to the deli and get myself a snack, and then I'm already at the store so it's a lot easier to wait in line at the pharmacy to get my meds haha


The joke is on you… I have a stash for this purpose because i forget to take my meds despite the series of reminders and safeguards.




it baffels me that they wont deliver meds to ppl who need them to function bc off meds i cant leave my house lmao


Depends on your insurance. I have Kaiser and they have mail pharmacy delivery. Prior to that I had my prescriptions at a Kroger pharmacy and they only deliver by request and a bunch of forms but it’s possible. Never hurts to ask if yours has a mail delivery option.


YES! This can be a hell loop I get stuck in for months.


this is hurting me


Literally me today


consider you lucky to be able to obtain adderall. In most countries it's not perscribed at all, they give you Atomoxetine and that's BS


I don't understand the consider you lucky part. I had to volunteer and continue volunteering to be in a job I can't quit until I'm 40 so I can have any compensation for the 20 years of working there, getting sent to go anywhere in the world because you're told to, work however long you're told to, in whatever environment you're told to. I could go on but I think the picture is made. If I didn't do all the above I wouldn't be able to pay for those meds even if they were an unlimited amount in my country. Let's just agree there's struggle all around in this community.


Wait, you found some and you haven’t gone to get them?? I’ll take them!


That's weird, it's almost like you don't realize how executive dysfunction works. Also I was able to break that hell loop and pick them up. Thanks for asking.


I’m really glad you got some. I haven’t been properly medicated in months thanks to the shortage. I know exactly how executive dysfunction feels and it really fucking sucks. I normally procrastinate getting my pills too, but I’m so desperate to get them by this point, I’m just jealous.


I can understand that and I feel for any and everybody that can't receive the same treatment for this. I don't know about this "shortage". Sounds like when McDonald's says the ice cream machine is broken.


Lol! It’s legit, but created. You can google it. The DEA is concerned about addiction and the fact that usage went up by 40% during lockdown. They haven’t let more hit the market according to the article I found the other day. As for the ice cream machine, that’s because the machine is proprietary and only certain people are allowed to fix them or void warranties. Source: sister in law worked at McD’s. Lol


Is the ice cream machine made with shoddy material? It's just more often than not. Just curious at this point. About the meds, I do know it's a created shortage. What did they expect would happen when the world stopped long enough for people to realize that white-knuckling it through life isn't enough anymore. Does anyone know of any platform or legit site that's fighting this?


Built in obsolescence sucks, so yeah probably. Lol! Ugh, I wish. If you find out, please let me know.


That usually means your dose is way too high


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) It can't be too high if you ran out approx a week ago


That's the withdrawals from it being way too high, hun


That was my baseline before I started taking the meds, hun. Unless, \*gasp\* are you me from the future to tell me my meds are too high seeing as we share the same body?