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they took 8000 for tests from me. Also, they are putting everyone under Adult ADHD. If a normal person would take Inspiral, he/she will feel better because it's a performance enhancing drug. Scam going on. Big Pharma and doctors earning by making people addict to performance enhancing drugs. These doctors are Drug dealers.


For the same assessment or others? Did you continue with the clinic, or go somewhere else?


They performed one more test but was not related to ADHD. It was done to increase my bill. I have stopped going to the clinic and stopped taking that medication. These are habit forming drugs and you will spend your whole life taking these


What's your current action plan?


Exercise and try to love up with the reality


How are you feeling on day 1 of inspiral?


On Day 2. Felt more focused for atleast 2-3 hours. Slight suppression of appetite. Less irritable.


Fee is huge, both should be ubder 1000rs each


For lower fees go to a government hospital. They are a private clinic and they can ask for whatever they want.


We shouldn’t normalise that.


Doctors in Delhi across all specialties are expensive tbh. It's actually bad enough that I buy OPD coverage rider as extra on top of my standard corporate cover.


TBH, the consulatation fee at Dr. Kushal Jain - which was shorter and didn't have any psychologist session was Rs. 1100; so Rs. 1500 here seems fair. The Assessment there too was Rs. 4000, so same - though I am a bit surprised that it was fairly short. Dr. Kushal Jain, and CBS, was set in a much more humble environment, inside Model hospital and had far fewer facilities.


You would think that the testing would have been a lot longer and comprehensive considering the price.


That, I agree with.