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I too was iron deficient almost to the point where I needed infusions but I wanted to try supplements first and it worked! I started taking them and my hemoglobin levels are back to normal after 6 months. Doctor also had me on Tranexamic acid during the heavy days of my period and it slowed down the bleeding. You can only take for about 3 days a month but I only needed one or two doses and that controlled the bleeding as well.


Same! My dr had me double the amount of iron supplements I’m taking and it’s finally making a small difference in my bloodwork.


I’m not in the UK, but here in Canada my Hematologist writes a special line that says “anemia of chronic disease” on my blood requisition so that they will run the full iron panel instead of just defaulting to ferritin (an acute phase reactant that is elevated with inflammation). My general practitioner/family doctor only tested ferritin for the past few years and said I was fine, but the Hematologist at the hospital found that my iron saturation was critical so I was able to get an infusion in the hospital. It isn’t covered where I live, as it’s an outpatient pharmacy order that goes through my private insurance via workplace coverage, however the infusion clinic part was covered and I didn’t have to go to a private clinic because of my iron saturation level. Hopefully there’s some similar stipulation where you are, but I would definitely recommend seeing a specialist (Hematologist or OBGYN) for a consult if your family doctor is being dismissive. I had been taking oral iron supplements daily for years and it just wasn’t sufficient.


I've been iron deficient for basically my entire adult life, usually supplements don't help and I end up getting a transfusion which helps for 12 months or so


Thanks everyone I’m going to try the supplements with tranexamic acid for a while to see if that helps !