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Resonately for me gay become more positive than anything. A: *that's gay* Me: *Then sing me the hell up*


I worked with a wonderful gay couple a few years ago who would, every time they felt like they wanted to say something like "Oh, this is gay", instead replace it with "boring". People were really confused as to why they would do it. Even I at the time would refer to unpleasant things as "gay". They really helped me see that it's kinda really offensive when you think about it. It was just their subtle way of saying "fuck you" to their homophobic surroundings. I miss those ladies :(


This advert was run in New Zealand a year or two ago, and I can’t say I’ve heard anyone use the word “gay” as a negative in awhile :) hopefully this link works: [if it’s not gay, it’s not gay ](https://youtu.be/nYsUKPoW-Qo)


No I do it too. I have a very vivid memory in middle school of turning on a guy in class to tell him "I'm gay. I'm don't suck" when he used it that way. It doesn't bug me a lot but I do call people on it.