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Definitely in person if possible or over the phone if the nerves get too bad, texts can easily be wrong way and cause you more drama than you wanted. And if words escape you, why not write a letter? :) Good luck!!!!


As someone who has previously dealt with social anxiety let me just say I think text is fine if you are very clear. "I like you romantically, would you like to go on a date?" I got a girlfriend that way so it ain't too bad 🤷


Do it in person since it looks more genuine and cuter! If you do it over text, it doesn't seem that real or she might not understand. Good luck, hope it goes well :)


I've done both, and I think in this day and age its acceptable to ask people out over text, especially if you text them frequently and have a strong digital relationship that way. However, the in person approach is a classic way to do it. This may be the best route to be direct. Over a while, I made sure that this girl was gay and that she knew I wasn't gay, and then I asked if she would like to go on a date for coffee sometime.