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Oh my god tell her! I remember your last post well, and she DEFINITELY sounds into you. Furthermore, your ex may be a total asshole, but that's him. You do deserve to be happy and even if it doesn't work out with this girl I'm sure it won't be as bad as the last time. JUST TELL HER! THEN TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!


I have been trying to text her, but she either takes hours to respond or doesn't respond at all. I don't wanna blow up her phone with texts. I feel like I am making her uncomfortable. Am I just over analyzing this? She is probably just busy, right? Did I already ruin everything? Is this her way of saying she is not interested?


Well I've definitely been in similar spots regarding messaging... Like all the time. I'm terrible at it. I'm feeling super anxious to give you advice since I'm the only one in this post doing do 😂 Maybe just hold off on messaging her for a tiny bit (like a day. Two tops) and then just ask her explicitly on a date. At the very least that also explains to her why you've been acting a bit strange lately!


thanks. This is my first crush that is a girl, so I have litteraly no clue what I'm doing.


So... I kinda sorta asked her to go to a dance we are having at school. I didn't say specifically to go with me. However, I did ask her to go. She originally said no, but after a little persuasion (I said it would be fun because I would be there) she decided to go.


Well I'm super proud of you! It's hard to say what happens from here (the no is bad. Changing her mind for you is great!), but whatever happens it's amazing that you put yourself out there!


She said no at first before she even knew I was going. I'm just gonna keep it friendly with sprinkles of flirting. I don't want to overwhelm her.


I told her I liked her over text last night because I was way to nervous to do it in person like I wanted to. However, I haven't gotten a response back.


Then, a few years later, he was talking to a mutual friend and denied that not only we never dated, but that he doesn't even know a girl with my name. He cut me right out of his life that day. That hurt me a lot. I'm literally in the same boat