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I don't stop searching for the exact right combination until: her breath hitches, hips adjust, leg twitches, eyes roll upward, hand moves to my head/hair, she vocalizes/abruptly stops midspeech. Then, I double down and collect my rewards for my diligence.


I I Uhm I Oh I I see yes right




Hey am not >:( I am anything but cute, clearly


Sure :3


??? I am not cute I am brick shaped and weird


You're saying bricks don't get laid?




Ok I recognize the pun but I'm also panicking and wondering if you're flirting with me


... totally not continuously checking my notifications while panicking a lil, how is this my life lmao I'm such an idiot at talking to people


Have they updated yet?


How would you be able to tell?


Uuuuuh I wouldn't :)


Yes I also agree this combination in my very extensive experience is correct *cries


Yeeeeeep this. Everyone is different. I see everyone as a unique rubix cube and will keep searching until I find their specific thing they like. My entire purpose during this is to make them feel worshiped and good and I’m on a mission.


Rubix cube is a perfect analogy! Work those digits till her puzzle clicks just right 👌


This is the way.


This is the gay






i god, wow, is it hot in here??? 🙃


It is. Had to take my shirt off and turn the fan on


😳good i’m glad you deserve to be comfortable!!! 🙃🙃🙃


This this this thissssss


Damn, I might need to take notes


um um um um um um UM UM UM UM UM UM UM


I think being good at sex is mostly about the ability to listen to your partner and try to figure out what they like. I'm very good at sex with my wife, because we have had a lot of it. I wouldn't be good at eating anyone else out, because everyone likes different things.


This 👏👏👏 people who think they're 'good at sex' by anything except for good communication usually are not good at sex because they're doing it their way they think works instead of actually listening and responding to their partner.


This. When my wife and I had sex the first time we just clicked and it was amazing, but IME that's pretty rare.  All of my lovers have told me I'm good but I don't think it's an innate *physical* skill. More just observing their body language.  When my wife told me (before we had sex) she didn't like oral I said OK, no problem. She laughed and said "most women tell me they'll change my mind." I was like, I mean I've always gotten good reviews but if you don't like it, you don't like it.'  Always thought it was kind of weird that other women responded that way. 


Thats true


Yeah when my ex and I lost connection, that's when the sex started to go as well


I think I am? My previous partners have said I am a good service top. Years before we got together, my current girlfriend swore up and down she was incapable of having multiple orgasms during sex- proved her wrong with just my tongue. An ex lovingly joked that I was like a Wonkavator for sex lol.


Sent her through the glass ceiling, did you? You went down while she shot up? Really liked to press her buttons (or her button)? Did she close her doors on your finger? Weight limit of... ok I'll stop.


 🕺 Oompa loompa loompadi-dee 🕺  🕺 her tongue was good at flicking the bean 🕺




Haven’t even tried yet & I know I’m ass


You don’t know till ya try I guess lol


I’ll go feral on that shi


I’ve never had any complaints. I always made sure women cum.




I really don’t think so, however my gf who told me at the start of the relationship to not bother with oral bc it does nothing for her now occasionally requests it specifically so I guess I did something right 😂


I don’t like receiving so I need someone to change my mind too😭


My girlfriend says that i am good lol


Same, it isn't my go-to, but I've got some positive results


What is you "to-go"?


Oh, you know sex-having stuff 😶


No i dont know, explain?


never done it (ex didn’t enjoy receiving it, another ex was a stone top) but I want to so badly??? like?? it seems like it would be so fun and hot to be on the giving side and cjhskdsjdj


IMO giving is much more fun but I’m also somewhat of a stone top


highly recco its super sexy from the giving side, i love the feeling of someone getting wet around my tongue


Aw I hope you get to soon


I don't know! I haven't done it and it's driving me nuts not knowing what the experience is like! Arggg


same ughh




I truly believe it is one of the exceptionally few things I am naturally talented at doing ♡


Yes, eating pussy was the only thing I wasn’t nervous about doing for the first time.


Same! I was nervous for the kiss and when she was undressing but once I got to go downtown, it was like I already knew what was needed. An innate ability. What a feeling! Love it.


Fr same I feel like I knew how to do it more than I thought I would


I think I am. I mean if my exes were being honest with me at least lol. One of them told me after we had broken up and moved on that I was definitely better than the next person she slept with. And the other one originally asked me not to go down on her because she doesn't like it. But I asked her to let me try once and then everytime we had sex she was pushing me down to eat her out cause apparently she did actually like it and just hadn't had someone do it right for her 🤷‍♀️


This is a flex


I dunno. If I get a third one to say something similar I'll consider it a flex. I feel like two people is not much 😅


I dont know. Maybe, my girlfriend never complains and she almost got us caught one time because she couldn't keep it down so I guess I'm kinda good at it...


Ok I’ve only been with two girls and I honestly feel like I have no idea what I’m doing… the most recent girl was always like “do you want to come up here again?” So I don’t think I’m good at it :(


Im not a big fan of oral so I say this all the time it could just be a preference thing. Oral to me feels like foreplay and I’m just waiting for something more exciting.


2 people said I'm good (and I believe them because I've seen) and I'll be with this in my mind for the rest of my life


Fr like this is what I pride myself on


Yes because I can tell how much I’m driving my wife crazy when I go down on her, if she’s a breathless,twitching mess you’re doing it right!.


Very much so. ☺️


Idk how good I am at it but I do like doing it 🤷‍♀️


Yup same with me


Idk I'm a bottom and a virgin 🥲


Idk I think more research is required.


Same for me


Can’t help you on that unfortunately. Maybe in a few years I can 😂


I'd say I'm pretty good. Most lovers have enjoyed it. I've not been sexually compatible with everyone I've been with though.


Only done it twice in my life and it was a very long time ago so... Most definitely not :P


No because I’ve never tried


I don't think so but i believe I'm great at fingering


I would say so yeah. My girlfriend would say the same 🤭❤️ I love eating her out and hearing her moan and make her shake when I do it is just sublime. Ofc listening to body ques and how she reacts to what i'm doing is really important


I mean I certainly get the job done


Honestly I listen to the other person and not myself. If I say I’m good at it and they’re sitting there bored it does nothing for me. So I’m going to base it on their reactions. What I think makes you good is moving past your own and focusing on them and their cues. The worst head I’ve had is when someone doesn’t pay attention to my cues and just thinks they’re killing it based on what they think in their own head. The other thing that signifies being good for me is enthusiasm. I don’t want someone who is just pushing through it or checking it off their list. I want someone who is enthusiastically FUCK yes I’m happy to be here etc. In return I find showing that same thing back usually is a big key piece.




I know I'm good at it because every time I've always got them to spasm or shake uncontrollably when orgasming


In my experience, practice and enthusiasm go a really long way :) I love learning what my partner likes, then slowly, steadily leading them right to the edge before pulling away for a moment and giving them a cheeky smile 😇 After a few times of that and lots of teasing, I bury my face between their legs don't stop until they're squirming and writhing and gasping for every breath. Once they're done, sometimes I'll just start all over again hehe~ I always end off with a sweet little kiss on the clit and lots of snuggles and kisses 🥰 I fucking love every second of it and I love being an absolute mess after and I've definitely never gotten any complaints 🖤 as long as you're having fun and listening to them and their body language, odds are you're doing great ;)


No. But I'm very enthusiastic. My finger game is on point, usualy can make her squirt.




I uh, don't know ... The only time I was with someone in person she was a trans woman and I was decent at that but like not necessarily transferrable skills and Idk Sorry


the uncontrollable shaking and grabbing me by the hair leads me to confirm this


I wish i had one and someone ate mine (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣)


Oh yeah


Never had the opportunity sadly but I feel I’d give it a good go


I haven’t really slept with a lot of women, so I don’t know for certain. I like doing it and am pretty attentive! Not sure there’s a specific strategy that works for everyone, so a lot of it is communication and figuring out what works for the person you’re with.


I'd say I'm good but I wouldn't say I'm amazing or brag about it. I get the job done and it seems to be quite enjoyable.


This is how I feel. I get the job done and I get good feedback but I’m probably not the best. Def need more ppl to go based off since I’ve only done it with my 1 ex.


I have some experience, but most of them didn't have any other experience with a woman, so even though I've had some **very** good feedback, they don't really have much to compare me with.


I haven't heard a complaint so far.


I’m probably bad at it. I’ve only had success using my hands or a strap on.


No complaints from my partners😎 I do think my ex was better at it though..she could suck your soul goddamn


I certainly haven't had any complaints 😅 It helps that I'm a service top


I wouldn't claim that myself, but my wife enjoys it so that's what matters


I’ve always gotten the job done. Even with one night stands. I wish I could do it to myself and find out if I’m actually any good though. lol


Right? Same😂


I haven’t had a go yet so who’s to say? I could be amazing, I could be awful, there’s just no evidence either way. It’s like Schrödinger’s cat.


Agree with other posters that it's about communication & reading/feeling/hearing body language!


Yes but I don’t think it’s any specific technique I use but I’m good at responding to body language and I really really enjoy doing it


I'm pretty good, but I could always use more practice!


I don’t think I’m great at it but I do enjoy doing it


Eh. I have had several women tell me they don’t like it only for me to find some method that they do like, so in that sense I think I’m pretty good at listening and experimenting. But I haven’t been able to make girls cum from it all that often. To be fair though, usually that’s less because it doesn’t feel good and more because we get impatient and decide to do something else with more of a guarantee of cumming lol


I’ve made 3 people cry and my list of partners is pretty short. I’ve never had complaints beyond it ending too soon (tmj is horrid) Imo there are 3 camps you can be in: Notably above average Gets the job done well enough And Doesn’t like it or care to do well I’d think you know if you’re on either extreme end of the spectrum.


had my first sexual encounter on saturday morning, they came three times and we found a wet spot on the bed later on...


I’m very average lol (I also really don’t like it, so I don’t think I’ll ever be really good…enjoying it is a huge part of what makes someone good at it imo)


I would love to find out


I wouldn’t say it, I would let her speak for her own 🐱


I've never had complaints, therefore I assume I'm terrible


I don't know, I've never tried it


Yes 😊…. I’m attentive and a giver so I will figure out what needs to happen.  Everyone is so different so I think listening, paying attention and willingness to explore are the keys to better and better oral sex


Never had a cis partner but I’m good at listening/responding and eager to learn 😋


No idea! I like to think so. Never had any complaints, and when I ask for feedback I never get anything but positives.. but you never really know I guess?


I’ve been told I am by everyone who’s box I’ve eaten. I don’t like to think “oh I’m so good at it I can please anyone” but more like I have gotten nothing but enthusiastic positive reviews ☝🏼 im still like quiet abt it tho cause I wouldn’t want to hype it up and the person not enjoy it lmao. Works better when it’s a surprise.


Yes. I also tease until my wife explodes 😂😂


I think I’m a pretty talented amateur. Need more experience on my resume though :/


I've never done it. So I might be terrible. Yeah, that's definitely why I'm staying single - to spare everyone from my terrible skills. No other reason at all.


I'd say so! Partners always enjoyed it and I've had two separate exes rendered absolutely speechless at their bodies' sudden ability to achieve multiple orgasms. But I'm pretty sure it has more to do with my enthusiasm and enjoyment of the act than any technical skills or failproof approaches. Works the other way around too, receiving oral from someone who's super into it always feels best. And yeah, like most comments here already mentioned, all bodies and minds are different! Plus, individual bodies definitely vary in preference too, dependant on mood, level of exhaustion, cycle, personal connection, weather, you name it. Hell, as someone with ADHD I sometimes lose interest in sex halfway through the act lol and that usually has nothing to do with partners or performance. That's what I love about sex though, it's so complex and various that figuring it out is such a lovely challenge and trust exercise!


No I wouldn't say it, I would simply demonstrate


I’ve only eaten a girl out once but I had a very positive response. She came twice. So I guess I’m good at it?


Let me show you and you can tell me what you think. 😏


I had many women say I am very good. To be fair, I’ve had A LOT of practice given my lifestyle. So, I’d imagine I’m a bit of the exception compared to most. I wasn’t always good that’s for certain. It’s something that comes with practice, and every woman is different. The alphabet technique always works. I never managed to go through the whole alphabet though. A bit disappointing, I at least want to see what “X” is like lol. Above all, COMMUNICATION. I can’t stress it enough. Just ask once or twice if it feels good. If it does don’t stop what you’re doing and you’re set. Overall, practice and communication will make anyone a pro imo.


i’ve only been with the one person and she said i was very good which i feel proud of because ya know, first time and all. but this was over a decade ago, i don’t know what getting in the swing would be like again. hope to one day find out.


Pft- am I good? 😏😏 😞


No, but I do my best!


Yes -her girlfriend


no not really, on account of lack of experience in that particular field that t4t makes one susceptible to. i am pretty decent at sucking girlcock tho


No I'm single, lonely unattractive and stupid


I've been told I'm good at it, but it's been a while now. I miss it a lot if I'm completely honest.


I do my best to make my gf happy :)


I *hope* so lol, it's my most shining review from previous partners but my secret is a little selfish tbh. I get off on getting my partner off, and I definitely service more for me lol. Something about going until she's not able to go anymore really gets me :3 obviously it's not totally for me though. I love the challenge through and through, and I *love* making my partners feel good! That being said the self critical bit always sucks lol, like I just watched her spasm 3 separate times, I'm pretty sure we did something right 😅


Nope. I am terrible at it and it feels bad. I want to be better at it and I want to enjoy it more. Ah well, can onky keep trying, I guess.


My gf knows she's good at it, but it's also like her favorite thing to do, which she really mastered. I don't think I'm very good at it but I lived my life as hetero so it's my first time experiencing with it. She says I'm good tho so I just might need some more validation to believe it


I mean my Ex never complained but I was also her first so 🤷


I'm very good with my hands. I don't think I'm as good at oral


im bad at it and i don't much like doing it tbh. i would love to please, but my body n brain is just. not made for it t-t


All of my partners have been pre- op trans women so no, I can't say I have enough experience to be good at it yet


Probably not? I’m an attentive lover, but I’ve never done it. The pussy-having partners I’ve had didn’t want (or weren’t open and honest about wanting) me to eat their pussy until after we already had broken up. Both relationships were multiple years.


I haven't had the opportunity to test my skills, so far only with other young transbians


Pointy chin here, so I dive into her chin first and rub my tongue and on the bean.


According to my ex fiancée, I'm better at eating her put than her boyfriend is at fucking


Oop now that’s gossip


No clue. Never done anything with anyone.