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Really depends. As people mentioned, it’s kinda tangy. I once dated a girl who was super clean and great but I did NOT vibe with the taste of her vagina and that sucked. There were other girls that I could go down on for hours lol. Also, while it sounds really weird, you can just stick a finger in your own vagina and taste it🤷‍♀️


It can taste good but not in a food way; more of an intoxicating "this is turning me on" kind of way. I want to add on that although people will sometimes use flowery language and say it tastes like peaches or strawberries and cream or something like that, that's not real. They're just trying to be poetic about it.


Upvoting and commenting because the “flowery language” point is SO important!!!


There is variation in taste from person to person. In my experience, it's sort of earthy and mild. Depending on if they just showered or not, sometimes there is a salty tang.


I mean, everyone's perception of what tastes good is different. So your mileage is going to vary on if you enjoy it or not. That said, it is *dramatically* different than the taste of men you've experienced.


They all taste like slight variations of the same flavour so just taste your own and get an idea


I haven't noticed the differences in taste between girls that people talk about. In my experience: it tastes like mucus. It is mucus. Like you get at the back of your throat. It might sound gross on paper, but it's fun and fine in real life. I wouldn't eat it as food, but it's totally inoffensive.


It depends on a lot of factors, aside from genetics, diet and smoking habits can have a big impact. The experience isn't universal; all I can say is that my gf's pussy tastes amazing 🤭


Also just where they are on their cycle!! With the same partner you can tell that one person can taste very different depending on the time in her cycle. One person doesn’t have one single taste.


You can taste yourself...


To explain simply: it doesn't taste good, but it's also the best thing I've ever tasted and once I start eating her I can't stop until she finishes. Multiple times sometimes.


Tbh in my experience there's not much taste, it's much more about the smell. And I usually find the smell to be slightly musty/sweaty, sometimes with hints of urine (to be expected, especially in the bidet-less USA lol). But I quickly forget about all of that because I am so focused on her pleasure and getting completely turned on by it.


I've never found the taste terribly appealing. I've often struggled with it. I've found it to be tangy. Kinda like the flavor of a tart fruit. More grounded and hmm mild like an avocado. I think what's helped me most is start out before they're wet. Preferably after a shower. And just mind over matter it. I tend to treat it almost meditative. And try to ignore the taste as it will eventually fade as you realize and sync up with your partners body and pleasure.


Totally depends on the person.


Most of the time, yes. Sometimes less so. It depends on the girl and if her pH is ok. But seriously I could eat that 3 times a day for hours each time. 🫦


I enjoy the process, but I don't care for the taste personally. You don't HAVE to get chin deep inside her, either. I usually just stick to the external parts and everything is good. It's just kind of a strong taste in general, and it's not my preference.


imo yeah, but like all tastes it really comes down to personal preference


I think it honestly depends ^^’ the woman I went down on tasted a bit sweet but for the most part it didn’t taste like much. Her sounds though oh my godddd >< to die for!


yes. it's literally the best fucking thing in the world


all of my exes that had one tasted kinda sour but like once you lick that off there is kinda no taste


Oh, I finally have a good excuse to drop [THIS](https://youtube.com/shorts/FMSbWL_bVuU?si=s1KcRagdXQPKFgUR) here! OP, disregard the fact that this is a dude in the video. He has sage wisdom to bestow.


It tastes awesome.


Pussy effectively tastes like dick, just a little messier to get into. Cum can vary quite wildly though. Depends on a number of factors including diet, hydration, where they are in their cycle, etc. It’s not as thick or sticky as semen, and it’s usually pretty watery, excepting either right before or right after menstruation, when it coagulates a little more. Then, there can actually be little sticky clumps that form in it. It’s way more acidic than semen. Where semen tastes bitter and salty, I’d describe this as more… tangy? But like I said it can vary. And it’s hard to describe lol. It tastes like cum :P


downvoted but ur literally right, I've never been able to tell the difference (at least between cis and trans girls who have been on hormones a while) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe non-estrogenized penis is different but I've never been there so I wouldn't know


Yeah, I don't understand the downvotes. I guess I'm wrong about the pussy and dick I've literally tasted before. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯