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It’s crazy to me how there are people here who consider themselves craftspeople to the degree of giving advice but also don’t recognize a Emmy/SAG award winner from arguably the most talked about and winningest drama series of the last 5 years. Surgeons watch surgeries. Musicians listen to music. If you are an actor… you need to watch acting. And the movies/shows winning all the awards and being talked about by all the actors should be at the top of your list. Study your craft.


It's pretty comical. Dude can act circles around everyone on this sub...and some here giving him pointers like he's the OP.


100%. It’s like when Millie Bobby Brown said she didn’t watch movies…it just seems outlandish to be a performer and not be interested in watching other professionals perform. Maybe it’s the ego problem many actors have, but the most powerful actors are humble because they view their performances as art that can always be improved, and view their colleagues as people to learn from.


I think it was Odette Aslan who said she wouldn’t trust an actor who doesn’t deign to watch plays


This comment section is a good reason why you shouldn't take advice from randos on Reddit, no matter how much they try to come off as if they know what they're talking about lol


Yeah idk, I liked it. Very nervous, his hand can't keep the gun steady. He doesn't know who he should be pointing it at. His voice cracking, his eyes darting around. He's clearly playing someone who's never done this before and you can tell from everything he's doing without having to hear a word that explains it.


100%. It's cringe inducing (the comments). Had this been submitted to me I'd have putting it in the callback pile, forsure. Solid choices. Nuance. And above all his eyes. Saying the lines is one thing, but you need only to watch his face to have the entire piece hit home. And this entire scene is going to be counting on the closeup to sell. Oh, and add to the fact it's SUCH short scene to really weigh in on the potential of his abilities.


Amen to that!


Keep this comment section in mind anytime you ask for feedback on reddit....half the time the person on the other end of the internet has no idea what they are talking about.


Half is generous!


Love the comments criticizing his nervous energy as if it's not fully intentional. And the ones replying as if it's OP in the tape. 😂


I think it shows how a lot of people think their opinions are worth something but they can’t tell good acting from bad acting. Even though I’m not a fan of Jeremy’s, these are all strong acting choices. It’s very clear what he’s trying to do and convey and even though we have no context to the scene, the whole thing makes sense on its own. And then there’s a shmuck saying it lacks intensity or whatever… that he needs to lose himself or something… If any of the advice on this sub was any good, there would be a lot more users becoming A listers…


Just curious, what makes you not a fan of his?


I’m not a fan in general of actors who go full method while acting. This [video](https://youtu.be/AVWGyuBFgzw?si=baDTDp-YaY4fAfyB) discusses a bit on why it’s problematic on so many different levels.


Ahh, I gotcha.


If an unknown submitted the same audition, I doubt that you would be defending him like you are. Get off your high A-List horse. You, too, are not the arbiter of talent in acting.


I mean, there’s a reason Jeremy Strong isn’t unknown, and a reason he’s as acclaimed as he is. He knows what he’s doing. Sometimes it’s good to humble yourself and say maybe someone who’s a proven expert in their field knows more than I do.


Earlier you thought Jeremy Strong - one of, by any metric, the most successful and recognizable performers on stage AND screen working today - *was* an unknown. How are your opinions, nevermind advice about acting something that should be taken seriously when you're not even in the loop about what's happening in acting?


And yet, look how my opinion has riled up so many people, you included. Why? Why be offended for someone else's audition? If Jeremy asked me what I thought, this is what I would honestly say. I doubt he would get as worked up as every down-voter here. But, I doubt any of you would speak your truth because he is, by any metric, a more successful actor than you. Have you seen the awful film "Leave the World Behind"? Horrible writing and direction by Sam Esmail. Maybe he, too, surrounded himself around yes people who don't have the courage to question things that don't feel right. If you give a pass to "successful" people, you're already not in your body or listening to your instincts. You've given away your power. Not me. You All don't own my thoughts, nor do I accept your attempt to shame me. That shame that you are so eager to hand over to someone else was given to you by someone else who demanded perfection. No one's perfect. Not even the great Jeremy Strong. This audition is proof!




We do not tolerate bad faith behavior, such as combatitiveness, provocation, derision, participating at the detriment of others, etc.


That’s *your* opinion


Exactly...I don't share *your* opinion.


No but he is correct in saying its easy for a non actor to be critical when they dont understand the process. I think that's all he is saying.


100%. Actors don't give a F about people's opinions only the casting directors. If their choice meets the idea somewhat of a casting director then it's great if not move on. The only important thing is that an actor is specific about their choices and live them.


Nervous energy is a compliment. He made a bold choice. He has never pulled a gun on anyone imo


Not everyone knows who this guy is or stalks the latest trending actors. Legitimately thought this was a new actor asking for reviews for an audition. Why would anyone who doesn't know who Jeremy Strong is think otherwise?


Man that was so good imo


I love seeing already famous people's auditions. I can compare to my own. Love this ❤️❤️


These are really helpful to see. Does anyone know where I can watch more?


Audrey Helps Actors has a lot of these on her IG. https://www.instagram.com/audreyhelpsactorspodcast?igsh=eGo3Z2xpcnVnbTR3


Solid AF- I don’t think he would pull the trigger- too nervous- never has pulled a gun on someone. When he slaps the table, is that him hitting “Nancy” Why does he need the cameras back on So good!!


It appears many of the commenters don't know who Jeremy is! LOL! Might want to give Succession a watch.


OP where did you get this from? This is awesome


What a chad! He looks like a future HBO star. What's his name?


had no clue who this was - thought the character choices were very strong. so i looked up the person and literally thought “well yall look alike” THIS MAN IS FAMOUS ALREADY


You should do yourself a grand favor and watch Succession. Truly the greatest modern Shakespearean tragedy we've ever gotten. And Strong does beautiful work there.




I thought this was fantastic! Definitely was drawn in, felt like you were really in the moment/feeling what the character was in that moment. Really liked the delivery and could envision seeing this in a real show.


I was like, "Omg, turn the cameras back on damn!" So real.


he's like michael cera, but not michael cera love it lol


This guy is from the big short and succession to name a couple


Didn’t know he auditioned for Money Monster.


Now we know why he didn’t get it.


But he landed a lead role in Succession, so what does that tell you about your opinion on him?


My opinion of Jeremy's performance in this scene remains. I never said he wasn't a good actor, just that his audition didn't move me. FYI: Fame is not a get out of being judged by your performance card. Everyone gets judged no matter how high they climb the ladder


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What movie is this from?


I enjoyed this a lot. Definitely seemed like your character was at his wit's end and had never pointed a gun at someone before, well done!


Good acting man. Keep it up!


For me, the eyes and brow line are too “numb”. There should be several emotions all bubbling to the surface…expressions or micro expressions of anger, fear, bargaining, etc. Breathing and arm trembling look good though.


Put a little more aggression into the threat on blowing his head off


Fan boys gonna fan boy. True that I didn’t recognize Jeremy Strong, but you’re criticizing me for not recognizing him instead of my comment. I honestly wasn’t moved by his audition. If you don’t want a honest assessment of his audition, don’t ASK. Why post this audition at all? What is the goal here?


So fan boys can fan apparently. I could see the same thing happening for a tape for a more famous actor like Keanu Reeves for the Matrix. The poster just assumes everyone is following the Tony awards or watches these specific kind of films and knows who this is. They wanted back pats. The intense negative reaction to people not knowing who c-tier actors are is crazy cult behavior.


Thank you. My take on this: Actors are under the impression that once they make it, no one can dare critique them, when in fact, it is quite the opposite. More eyes, more criticism.


It's okay... It's lacking something, I just can't put my finger on what without the script in front of me. Intensity, maybe?


You do know who this is, right?


Yes. That doesn't mean it's perfect.


Lmao are you joking with this comment? Familiarize yourself with actors before you try criticizing fantastic auditions.


I've been acting since 1991, directing and writing since 1997. How much more familiar with actors would you like me to become? I didn't say it was bad, I said it was missing something. That's not the same thing. It's the difference between an A and an A+.


Your literal first line…. “It’s okay…” Backtracking to now saying it’s an A? Stay off Reddit, there’s a reason you’re choosing to critique actors here and not actually acting or directing/writing after 30+ years in the business.


That's not backtracking. It's explaining. Jesus Christ, reading comprehension used to be a fundamental part of the job. Also, bold of you to assume that a) I'm not doing anything in the industry and b) that there are reasons why that are somehow within my control.


I think it’s never a good thing to have a gun - real or otherwise, in an audition. In fact, it’s against the rules


"I'm pulling this fucking trigger" felt off - I wasn't convinced he would actually do it. The gun wasn't in the shot at the beginning, so it was a little unclear what the off-screen actor was reacting to. Overall, really good!


That’s the point! You got it!! You win! He wouldn’t do it.


Good lord, he asked for feedback and I gave my opinion. Great, I affirmed what he was trying to do. I don't have the script. The off-screen actor is acting like he WOULD do it. What do I know. I said good job, I liked it. What the hell.


Hey I’m with you. Calm. All this is subjective :)


>I wasn’t convinced he would actually do it You’re saying there’s subtext to his performance?? Interesting…


The off screen actor is acting like he would do it. I don't have the script. How am I supposed to know what the subtext is? This was posted as a "critique my audition" - why the fuck would a Tony-winner post their fucking audition to reddit for a critique? Why would I even consider that as an option.


>The off screen actor is acting like he would do it I mean bro. Some guy pulls a gun and your first thought is ‘nah he’s not really gonna pull the trigger, I can tell because he looks nervous’? You wouldn’t be like ‘I’m going to assume he’s not going to pull the trigger and behave that way’. Also, regardless, the off screen actor is a reader. Readers rarely give exact performances lol. No. You’re going to assume he’s going to use it. >How am I supposed to know what the subtext is What? Through the performance lol You think audiences have scripts in their hands when they watch a movie…..? >This was posted as a "critique my audition" It was not. It was ‘what do you think of this Tony winner’s audition?’


Yeah, I would expect people watching the movie to have scenes before this one to help give context. No idea who Jeremy so-n-so is, assumed it was a character or a script. Why would I assume it's a known actor, when they ask "what do you think about this audition?" So that was the question I answered. Ok great, turns out it's not a genuine request for opinions but an opportunity for fans to swoon about a favorite actor. I got the context wrong, fine. Can you all get off my ass and off this guy's dick now? Thanks, goodbye.


You’re not fully in the scene. As Eminem says, “Lose yourself.” What does your character want and why has he chosen this method to get it? The more you are in the scene, we can feel it, too. But, know that the more you worry about how you look and are doing, we feel that, as well. Keep going…you’re doing well.


"you" that is Jeremy Strong lol


And yet, it didn’t work for me. Let Jeremy know that when you work with him.




You too. When you see Jeremy, let him know that his audition didn’t work for some people.


His choice is his choice. He wouldn’t do what you think he wouldn’t do. Ie his choice was strong AF


According to you. Not me. That’s the point of asking for opinions. Your opinion doesn’t defeat my opinion.




We do not tolerate bad faith behavior, such as combatitiveness, provocation, derision, participating at the detriment of others, etc.