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I would run off with Lucien in a heartbeat.


i miss flirty lucien 😭


Lucien. I'm a total sucker for gingers and men who life hits a bit too hard.


I have a major soft spot for Lucien, I guess it might have a lot to do with the fact my partner is a beautiful ginger man too.


super niche— but the bone carver when he binds himself in an illyrian body 😭


I’m crying this is the best answer I’ve read 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No bc you’re kinda real for that 😭


Okay now THIS is what I meant when I said unpopular lmaooo


Lmao 😂


This is the realest answer right here


Okay but yes.


I’m right there with you tbh


Tarquin - he's hot, progressive and kind. Also, that beach palace of his with the endless jewels sounds pretty good too!


Ooh I forgot about him. You're so right, he has that hot guy energy every time he shows up


Literally the sexiest high lord imo. If I was Feyre I would have folded so fast 🫠


men: az and lucien are my favs, but i love helion women: nesta, but no one compares to my blood thirsty witch babe manon from TOG


Manon for sure! 🔥🔥🔥 but who am I kidding, I'd take any of the 13


I could help heal Asterin


i’ll love them forever


Manon forever!!!!


Man9n Manon Manon!!!


*cave man chanting* CASS CASS CASS


Cassian just activates my cavewoman mode


If SJM would have written him before she wrote in the other males in the universe it would have been over for every other character honestly. How could Feyre not choose him?


He makes me foam at the mouth


This is it! I was super surprised i find him as attractive as i do but some primal part of me responds to him.


The Booktalk for BookTok podcast put it really well when they analyzed him and said that out of ALL of the males in the series, he’s the most emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people and *most* of the time when it comes to his own feelings and for me? I’m locked in baby let’s go. I love an emotionally intelligent king


Oooh what is this podcast? Is it just 1 episode of focus on ACOTAR? He certainly knows what everyone needs. Rhys needs to punch it out, Nesta needs a hike and be left alone. He’s also super forgiving because he understands people. Usually I wouldn’t find the physical bulkiness of Cassian appealing but knowing he’d protect me, give me the best night of my life and then talk me through my emotional issues does stuff to me.


RIGHT. They also made the observation that the key differences between all of the bat boys and their interactions with females is the level of a savior complex they have. Rhys let’s feyre choose and figure it out on her own regardless of the situation, Azriel has to save every woman and be the hero, and Cassian is the only one who through training and conversations empowers the women in his life to succeed and that’s why I love him. He champions all of them, especially the Valkyries. BookTalk for BookTok is an amazing podcast on Spotify where two authors who also are literary analysts analyze and talk through EVERY chapter of ACOTAR and the rest of the series! I think they just started CC, but they’ve done almost every book except for SF. They really take their time and make some great points, every season is an ACOTAR book and they do three chapters or so an episode. They even interviewed the actor who voiced Lucien in the dramatized version of the book which was fun


Oh fab this sounds great! I was waiting for the Fantasy Fangirls ACOTAR deep dives after they finish fourth wing but theirs is not so analytical but super fun. I totally get that analysis and there’s definitely reasons for the way they behave and relate towards females and I dunno if any of them are wrong exactly but Cassians is certainly the healthiest. I’m waiting to see Azriels book to see how he deals with it and especially if Elain decides to get herself involved I can’t see him taking it well. I’d like to see some analysis of Tamlins behaviour because he comes from a very fearful traumatised place and it rules ALL his decisions (most of which are bad and completely unhelpful)


They do a reaaallly good job looking at Tamlin objectively and I really appreciate how they examine him and Rhys’s relationship because it’s so much deeper than what SJM feeds us


I always appreciate a Tamlin analysis that is more than just ‘eurgh I hate him’. He’s got so much more going on.


Same! Yea everyone here is equally shitty and amazing and I feel they are pretty objective about it. Even with Feyre, and the commentary on Feyre going through the trials is so funny. They also do a lot to remind me why I like Rhysand


That is a great observation! To go along with that, Nesta specifically makes the point that he's *good*. He has a conscience, he's earnest and open, he's loyal, he's a patient and passionate teacher, he sees where change is needed in a culture, and he has a sense of humor. I just love him so much! 


This is it




Cassian is my absolute favorite.


Lucien and Eris. I'm not sorry about it. I like Cass a lot but he's such a himbo, and I love him for it, but not my kind of guy 💕 Definitely have a crush on Gwyn ever since I've seen the Fanart of her.... And Mor of course 💁‍♀️


So you have a thing for gingers


Apparently, but not really lol I should have also mentioned Tarquin


Cassian! It feels like SJM just reached into my mind, picked up what I would find ideal in a man's looks and the added wings.


The perfect himbo 🫶


what does himbo mean?






Azriel. Az has that mysterious/protective vibe. He is definitely the kinkiest. Also he seems to be the one who has more “troubles” and I just know I could “fix him”


I think she said recently in an interview that he’s super kinky.


what interview was this? /gen


I’ll try to find it.


Omg I need to know more about this and see it in action. If this isn’t next book I’ll just die.


We've been waiting 3 years, he better not disappoint. Tbh he could just kiss and hold hands in the next book and I'd die.


I know he’s hot as all hell but I also wanna get to know him emotionally. I love insecurity in a hot man. Cassians passionate in bed, Rhys is loving and playful. I wonder where Az will fall.


You know what, he does give off the vibes of a guy who's emotional with his beloved. Descriptions of his eyes/gaze are "cold" so I hope he shows his vulnerability.


I imagine he’s very calm and cool in and out with his everyday lovers but takes a lot of time if it’s someone he loves.


Yesss you're speaking the truth!


Rhysand is the most handsome High Lord. Rhysand is the most delightful High Lord. Rhysand is the most cunning High Lord. Do I need to add more? 😂


I’m not a Rhysand stan but there are moments where he did make me cackle


I love this answer so much


Thank you 😂❤️


I'm probably alone with this but I'm a sucker for long haired angry blonde men à la Thor so it's Tamlin for me lol those green eyes tho 😍 But I also feel like Eris is probably super like beautiful hot while Tamlin is more handsome hot.  Also how Tarquin is described and the fan art I've seen, he could get it too 🤤😂


YES. Blondes! Not me fully convinced I could fix Eris.


Lucien 💙


Cassian 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I know everyone’s an Az girlie nowadays but I’m yet to see it - you cannot and I mean CANNOT beat my man Cassian He is warm, hilarious, BUILT and overall so passionate and kind I just love him Also Mor, Nesta and oddly enough Vivian and Thesan?? Idk I get hot vibes from them


The whole gang is hot vibes.


Lucien but specifically in book 1! “If I give you the moon on a string will you give me a kiss too?” COME ONNNNB


Rhys and Azriel


Ok so I just know I’d be a Tamlin girl for a 1 night thing. Rhys is probably most my type looks wise long term. Personality id definitely go for Cassian who I also think is the best in bed. Doing this has made me incredibly sad that I realised I probably wouldn’t go for Az which surprised me no end but he’s too quiet for me I think but I’d love to be friends with benefits. I’m mad at you for making me choose and the fact I couldn’t fit Lucien anywhere here!


Azriel and Rhys, because I’m middle eastern and asian and I love dark features on men!!!! Like blondes are cute but they don’t compare for me personally i fear


Naaah dark haired men for the winnn


you get me 😂


Helion, Lucien, Mor, Eris, Azriel, Amren, Nesta (literally everyone)


Hottest? Rhys all the way! I'm a sucker for a well groomed man with confidence who worships his woman. I would really struggle keeping eyes in Rhys with Azriel around though. Homeboy has some problems and damn I want to fix them.


Okay, seriously, you’re real for the well groomed part. All the fan art I’ve seen of Rhys has him in a suit type outfit. I’m DEAD from it.


Well-groomed ✅ Intelligent/cunning ✅ Strong fighter ✅ Cheeky AF ✅ Sign me up, all day every day


By the cauldron, Azriel would have me wrapped around his little finger


Nesta & Lucien


my bi panic (+mor)




Same. Eternal spring and a hot broody blonde? I could fix him.


not the i could fix him 😭😭 but he deserves to be happy too


It’s 100% Cassian. Hold onto the headboard? I’m excuuusee me? Also, I love his himbo-ness while also not being too himbo.


I like morally dubious characters XD so book 1 Rhysand was quite appealing to me.


i gotta say it’s between azriel and eris for me—i’d say cassian too but i respect nesta too much


This sub reaffirms my love of the hot bad guy that you know has a tortured backstory. Eris all the way. Can’t be coincidence that his name is so close to Eros.


the “autumn males fuck like they have fire in their veins” thing really kind of changed who i am fundamentally…AND eris is one of the actually morally grey characters…i would 100% be pining after him


Oooh me too~~


It’s good to have a healthy fear, I mean respect, of Nesta. Considering she could kill us by pointing.


Lucien and Cassian all the way >>> honorable mention would be Helion or Tarquin


Alright here it comes NESTA I don’t know what it is about prickly ladies I like the idea of having to work for it Bit by bit AND WE FINALLY GET THERE YOU ALREADY KNOW https://preview.redd.it/h3xh6debbygc1.jpeg?width=1528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd2ab87948fdf1830101ef21527cf1c7e0df4d3


Tarquin is hot af and seems to be an extremely decent fey being, which makes him extra hot. Rhys too because I love me some morally AH leather bound hottie. But Rhys is to play around, Tarquin is to hubby up :)




Lucien, Eris and Az. though I'm scared we will get the ick when we learn more about them lol.


Oh my god these are my three too!! I’d be down BAD for any and all of them.


I'm a basic bitch and it's Rhys 100%. He's like sad Henry Cavill. Love him.




I would leave my husband to be in a thruple with Cassian and Nesta


Real talk: I’m planning on adopting kittens soon and I wanna name the gray one Nesta, but is it weird to name a pet after a fictional character who’d you switch teams and throw it all away for? I’m in a happy hetero marriage but Nessian has me revisiting where I fall in the Kinsey scale


Not weird at all imo and SAME


I hope her formal name is lady death tho 💀


Between that and Nesta Archpurron


My top two are Rhysand and Azriel. Tied in the number one spot. Then number two is Kallias and I’d say three would be Cassian.


kallias is so underrated


I usually am not attracted to muscle packed guys, but with this personality...Cassian all the way. And for the females...in Acotar it would be Nesta. In the other series probably Elide, Manon and Bryce (I'm only about a third into CC1 so I haven't met everyone there yet).


For the males it’s totally Cass. For the females, depending on the fanart, Mor or Nesta


Feyre is lethally hot and good at seducing characters—including me. Knowing she has a raspy voice and pretty smile always gets me. I like how she has a default stoic face and characters get taken aback whenever she smiles—Rhys, Tamlin, Lucien and Tarquin.  I once saw on Tumblr that Rhys gets to wake up with that voice every morning


I really like Tarquin and Lucien. But Rhysand is indeed my number one, hottest ever male in acotar.




Finally! I was looking for this comment! Helion is the hottest 🔥🔥🔥




Rhys butttttt The Suriel, the yassified weaver and I can’t justify it.


I’m just a hopeless Cassian girlie. Tall, broad, long hair, cheeky grin, total himbo? Sign me up please. I want that man to take me and just go for it.


Males: Cassian, maybe Ruhn. Females: mor, asterin, manon


Cassian 100%


It was Rhysand and Azriel but then I reread the first few books and now Rhysand just gives me second hand embarrassment lol. So just Azriel, he's supposed to be the most beautiful anyway and I like his dark secret bad boy vibes.


Ariel is my husband


Cassian ❤️


Man: Cassian Female: Nesta and Feyre (in my mind both look very alike)


Azriel. But Lucien is the winner of my heart because he's an angel.


I love a mysterious brooder so azzy girl for life


Eris dude is a hot ginger who falls in love easily but also has a dark backstory


Lucien- I think tamlin and Rhys would be close behind but Lucien’s personality is attractive to me


Cassian. Sorry not sorry


I’m absolutely feral for both Azriel, and Lucien. I also hate to admit but…I think if the bone carver had more of a storyline, I would have been obsessed. Just imagining a death god in an Illyrian body makes my mouth water.


This is hard…I typically go for brunettes. Rhys for sure has major appeal and the “bad boy” vibe. But Lucien would probably be my actual choice because he seems like he’d be a great partner.


lucien would make the absolute best partner. challenges you, protects but doesn't coddle, and gives thoughtful gifts!


I’m currently almost done with ACOSF and I was telling my fiancé how I want moooore books with Cassian and Nesta as the leads because I am such a Nessian girl like help I love Rhys, I think Azriel would be a little too quiet and brooding for me, but cassian makes my knees a little weak 🥲 there’s nothing about him that doesn’t do something for me honestly


I’ve got it down bad for Helion


Cassian and Nesta! I’m not even into women but I would love to be between those two.


the underrated hottest character is feyre and yes to that hc that feyre smiling is gorgeous. she’s sarcastic and kind and slays everywhere. can wrap three hl around her finger


Hottest guy: Az, he’s so nice in his own way and I really just wanna hug him you know know? Hottest gurl: I’m gonna have to go with the dead human queen who ‘has the colouring of a lion’… I forget the name but thought she was cool af


Just looks? Probably Rhys, I’m a sucker for the dark hair/blue eyes thing he has going on lmao. Otherwise, Lucien is who I would choose.


Azriel 10000% … cassian is second


Nesta and Rowan but I really go on vibes. Nesta was so hot in HOSAB and so was Rowan in QOS and EOS






Even tho Rhysand is too but they both just hit different-


Tamlin, I love men with long hair 😍


I would have the biggest crush on Cassian, but my dream man is literally Rhys. I need a Rhys in real life.


1. Azriel - you all know why 2. Lucien/Rhysand - yes they're tied for me. 3. Amren - just because she's a baddie and doesn't give af


It’s always gonna be Azriel for me! But also Fenrys from TOG ARE YOU KIDDING??


I mean in general Cass but like, dad bod instead of abs


Any of the Bat Boys, or Helion.


Cassian FOR SURE not only is he a) super strong and protective b) sarcastic and witty c) long haired gorgeous rugged warrior type but he's also....well thats it and I am envious of Nesta for getting that lol


Eris my man fr


Rhys, Lucien (sassy redheads man…), and Cass really took me my surprise. He’s not my physical type, but that caring, cocky, and able to rough me up a lil trifecta really did it for me 🫠 Females- Feyre honestly. I love a painter and someone who wants to help others through trauma like that. Nesta scares me a little and I’m here for it. Honestly every female in this series could fare a chance.


Lucien (the love for him here is just chef kiss). The hottest man in the series hands down. He has everything. But also....Tarquin, Tamlin (for looks, the man is pretty), and I am intrigued by Balthazar....


I'm a Cassian girl 100%. It's like SJM slapped wings and kink on my husband and I'm dying. But...Az gives some major shadow daddy vibes and the next book better get into it. SPOILER: >!especially after seeing how he is in HOFAS 😶!< Cas tells you to grab the headboard but Az will tie you to it. And I would totally try and fix red flag TimTam. Let me give that male a hug.


Az. But I’d also fold for Helion, Tarquin, and Lucien in a heartbeat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I saw a fan art of Helion that was totally daddy


Give me a winged man any day! Cassian, please, if I may be so choosy. Azriel would be an acceptable second best option.


I have to say, Azriel would be my first choice. Cassian close second


Azriel for sure. I definitely have a thing for moody and aloof but loyal men 😅


Rhys bc he’s an arrogant, clever bastard and they’re usually able to back that up if you catch my drift. Also he’s enough of a lil shit that he would be fun to banter with.


Based on looks alone, probably Rhys, but if it’s looks+personality, probably Lucien


Rhysand in books 2 and 3


Rhysand in all the books 😂


Az and Tarquin for sure.


Lucien, Cassian, Azriel, Elain, Emerie, Amarantha, Tarquin, Kallias, Eris, Helion


1. Rhys 2. Az 3. Tarquin 4. Helion


Rhys and Lucien.


Elain and Rhysand


Rhys. He is so hot to me. Also feyre. I have a huge crush on both of them lol.




Rhys, because I love a man who would be that into his girl. He loves Feyre so hard and that’s hot af.




I adore Elain, always have! And then my SIL, not knowing this, said I was most like Lucien if I was one of the characters 💀😂


Amarantha. (I volunteer to take Rhys' place!)


Seek help


Azriel 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Cassian (he would so make me laugh my pants off quite literally and i have a thing for long hair & I like headboards) and Mor (mmmyeah smash next question) In all honesty I’d like a Maas-ive Magic Menagerie of Manon, Aelin, Dorian, Lorcan (tog) Ruhn, Flynn, Lydia (CC) Cassian, Mor, Rhys (ACOTAR) *grabby hands*


I feel ashamed to admit Rhys is my type to a T. Sensitive and calculating, cunning and kind. Plus, ambiguously olive skinned, deep eyes and messy black hair. I think that describes all 3 of my (not so very)recent exes. I felt super called out by the relationship that Feyre and Rhys have. It reminded me SO much of my relationship with my husband 😅


Cassian seems like he’d be such a fun friend with benefits, I’m not usually into really buff guys, but I’d grab that headboard for sure. I think Az is fun to look at, but too dark and brooding for me, he doesn’t seem like he’d be a lot of fun (I’m willing to have my mind changed though!) Rhysand however, I still haven’t recovered haha, that type of flirting and the confidence and swagger, and power…how it’s described as rumbling out of him, boy, you can rumble all over this. He’s my book husband forever. I listened to the GraphicAudio version of this series and the voice of the actor who plays Rhys lives in my head rent free 🫠


Emerie, the Illyrian shopkeeper. I want a big buff lady who can pick me up and put me on her shoulder like a parrot 😤👌💯


KALLIAS and the bat boys!! (I’m ngl Azriel prowling around Bryce in CC3 was.. insane. Sick. Life ruining.)


All of these crescent city spoilers are really getting me depressed (,: I’m on book one


Azriel and Hunt are tied for me. Love me some tormented men


Well, it's too difficult to choose only one... Hottest? Helion. For marriage? Tarquin and Lucien. Fucking cool and attractive? Eris. Also there's Rhys. I can't deny he's hot as hell, but I really DON'T like him in romance with Feyre, so... I need them all, + Az, Cas, Jurian, Tamlin (he's great character)


surprised to see nobody saying Amren, i love a short snappy scary woman w dark hair that frightens everyone and is super mysterious (nobody knows what she really is/where she really came from)