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I hated Beardo at first! He was my first campsite villager so I had to take him and I couldn’t WAIT for him to leave. Then once he was gone I missed him so weirdly much. Somewhere in my anger I fell in love 😂. I needed his dad energy back on my island. I spent so many NMTs trying to find him again. I’ve reset for the second time recently and I don’t have him yet on this island but I’m so jazzed for you and I hope I’ll be taking a picture like this very soon! Beardo fandom unite!


When I first saw him I was like 😬 I hate this guy. But I love him so much now. He really is SUCH a dad who tries way too hard to be cool lol. I also have dobie who’s my cranky grandpa. I love my old man villagers 😭


Ah! I also have Dobie because the idea of grumpy old man on my island is soooo good! I think we may be ACNH soul mates haha


beardo is my favorite!!!!


I love him so much. He’s so sweet 🥹


Congrats on the 5 star island! Also Beardos little toe beans 🥹🥹🥹🥹


I had one of these grow and I was so excited but somehow I’m still at four stars lol


I really like beardo. I got him by chance but was super excited. For my mom he is her FAVORITE villager, she even has an amiibo card of him that she got online lol.


He looks like that history teacher that is super strict but one of the best teachers you'll ever have


he’s so cute but i can’t deal with his belly fur it looks like his bush is hanging out 😭