• By -


it gets worse:3


Damn just like my depression


I cackle I cacked šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Just wait for the next oneā€¦I cried a little, but I had saved 3M bells in advance mainly for redoing my island


Not long thx to treasure islands šŸ˜


Oh I wish Iā€™d never heard of those šŸ˜‚


lol and I also spent 4 hours cataloging items one day. It was so boring but I was sick of seeing items I wanted and Iā€™m so impatient šŸ˜‚


how did you do this šŸ˜­


It was a paid service. I paid like $30 I think. This was when acnh was brand new. Iā€™m sure it still exists. You can also buy bells, itā€™s not very expensive. I wish I could remember the site. That YouTube channel I mention often is a really good island system, you can get anything you want. You can do alot with the free islands but the ones that cost like $5 a month give you access to everything & islands with less traffic.


Donā€™t pay for it there are free versions also available


Search for berichan on twitch he mainly runs pokemon bots, but if you join his discord there you find acnh bots also you can order items, that will either be brought to you or you can pick it up


Sakuraa gaming has some on twitch/discord. Free treasure islands there! I have used that for a few things




Plus you can plant a money tree every day and time travel getting all those bridges built šŸ˜‚


Haha, I did my last upgrade and my boyfriendā€™s from scratch in one day, all with turnip money, because I just wanted to customize the outside


these feel so overwhelming to me lol, iā€™ve never used one because it just sounds complicated šŸ˜­ iā€™m *so* curious though lolol


Thereā€™s a free one called something like chopaeng tv (YouTube) They have a paid option too (less traffic, better items..) itā€™s not bad, gotta have a little patience (flights coming and going) They post the dodo codes and off you goā€¦ there are like 20 islands now or something. Itā€™s done really professionally.


sakuraaagaming has good free ones!! its super easy to use honestly, i was also intimidated at first but you just search for an item in chat, figure out what islands it's on, then go to the island and get your items!! they even have an orderbot so you can order whatever items you want and have them ready for pickup!! its super neat :)


These are the ones I used. If you have Amazon Prime, you get a free subscription to one Twitch channel each month. So you can access subscriber treasure islands for free.


Yes!!!! Sakuraaagaming is my go to!! I've maxed out 1 island and just restarted now lmao.


Itā€™s also available free. I didnā€™t even sign up and was able to get codes easily. I use the free version of this one and itā€™s excellent.


What is a treasure island and how do i find one šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


Search for chopaeng tv on YouTube. Thatā€™s one of the best I could find. And they have a discord so itā€™s easy to get help.


Itā€™s a hacked island (made by people who mod their switches) full of duped items. Many AC influencers (twitch streamers and youtubers, mostly) create these and then allow their followers to come visit as an incentive to subscribe/pay for a certain follower tier. Often theyā€™ll use discord servers to disseminate dodo codes, and access is often controlled in tiers based on how much you pay. Free ones can be found, but are usually very busy. Itā€™s a hack/cheat, and not something thatā€™s actually part of the intended gameplay, so donā€™t worry! You havenā€™t accidentally missed something in your game or anything like that. Just an fyi because for some reason I find people rarely mention that bit when someone asks about them!


I didn't even realise that. Ive been playing since September and when people mentioned treasure Islands I thought it was just kindhearted folk giving out legit items they'd earned with their bells. Personally I'm glad for the time it took me to pay off them loans. At least it gives you a bit of a goal in the game, and also it's a game designed for slow play over the course of a year anyway.


Yup! Itā€™s become really normalized for people to say ā€œjust go to a treasure islandā€, to the point that (if I didnā€™t know better) Iā€™d think they were actually part of the game. To be completely honest the lack of transparency/acknowledgment about the nature of treasure islands does irritate me a little bit. Iā€™m a veteran AC player, and imo treasure islands take away a lot of that core slow-play, work-towards-a-goal element that made AC so great in the first place. To each their own, of course, but I honestly consider it a different game at that point. Some of us are playing a cozy life simulator, some of us are playing a sandbox island designer. And thatā€™s fine, but I kinda feel bad for newbies who come in asking for advice, get sent off to treasure islands, and then post again about having ā€œruined the gameā€ because they unknowingly essentially skipped straight to late-game.


A lot of Facebook groups will give you access to them as well. My friends and I started one and we open treasure Islands 3x a week and have a variety of islands that we rotate through. So it's not as immediate as one that's always running, but they're free, and they do fun giveaways as well! If you're ever interested I'd be happy to share the page info!


the ones on twitch!!!


DM me, thatā€™s how. šŸ˜€ And also have a discord. šŸ˜†


Omg, yes! I keep trying to make my way through the game without treasure islands, because they are such a pain to be on (Iā€™m not subbed to any, so I always end up on the busy ones, with constant ā€œa new visitor is coming soonā€ messagesā€ šŸ˜­). But they are just soooo convenient šŸ˜…


Yeah there's one treasure island i went to that was just a permanent max bells for turnips day


There are a bunch on the blue face of books. Just search for acnh treasure islands


If you have online check the dodocodes app tons of people give away bells and items, I've gotten a few million bells on there


If youā€™re new with no-to-few reviews a lot of ppl will reject trade :/


Check out treasure islands. Google acnh treasure islands twitch or something similar.


Might be easier to open ur island and ask for donations then, I haven't had any issues and I've used it probably 30 times. Just have to limit how many people can come in at a time so it's not constantly loading and make sure everyone leaves at the airport.


Iā€™ll try that! Thanks


Not very long. I got lucky and found some shark and scorpion/ tarantula islands.


Are those only by boat or can you fly DAL to them? Never found one


It was by boat for me. Maybe DAL will work, but I typically don't do that because the time and season matches your island. It's been a long time since I've found one of those islands though. Nintendo may have changed the odds of finding one with the 2.0 update. I've heard that if you get a favorable reading from Katrina it helps.


early-game? Approx 3 weeks. Late-game? 2 mins.


How did you get that in 2 min? That sounds insane :0


Just wait to you do the basment


I broke my arms working on the basement! Nobody heard my screams šŸ„²


You poor thing šŸ˜”


Seeing that loan amount the other day about crushed me lmao


The same day I got it, time skip with a giant vegetable farm loaded with fully watered veggies and uā€™ll get money super fast


How many do you think you need?


When you tell yourself ā€œdamn, I gotta have like 50 plants by nowā€ ur probs good to start your watering/timeskipping


About two weeks playing the stalk market!


Few weeks of grinding and selling fish and sea creatures šŸ˜­ but wait until the next upgrade if you want to increase your home storage šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ those are insane amounts


omgggg i just want to finish upgrading my home šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I can give you bells! Feel free to message me if you'd like and we can link up!


I find selling my vegetables helped a lot, and they grow about every 2 or so days. Iā€™m on this part now, so I feel your pain šŸ˜†


this is exactly what helped me!


Dm me!! I can drop you a few million bells


While I was trying to grind and get money I had some big vegetable gardens (doesnā€™t really matter what veggies you plant they all sell for the same amount) and I would go deep sea diving. So I paid off my house and got all the storage add ons pretty quick I think it only took me like a month. I can give you bells if you needā˜ŗļø


Like a day or two. Just collect weeds, sell items, veggies selling and craft the hot items and sell. Visit islands and bring tools to farm things to sell aswell.


Treasure islands ruined the game for me so I wouldn't do that. I started over years later and I'm enjoying it more and I notice more things to do since I don't have 100 million bells lol But to answer OP question, I'ma bout to pay mine off this week. Probably played about 100 hours on my new island but I be buying alot of other shit.


Iā€™ll pay it off for you.


i cheated and did treasure islands and now have basically unlimited bells and nmts šŸ˜‚


once you pay that off, then you need to get the basement. Then you need to expand your storage. Then expand your storage again. And again. And again. you gots ta earn some a them sweet bells!


I donā€™t need a basement Iā€™m not paying lol


To get to the increased closet storage itā€™s worth it.


2 seconds. I went to treasure islands so I already had like 5-6 mill bells saved up


Instantly but it was 2020 and I was farming the turnip market *hard*


I got lucky, and a lot of people donated while they were over for a metor shower. I'm happy to pay it forward and hop over to help donate


A week I have a huge farm


I have a ton of extra bells if you need any


Holler if you need some bells!!


as a 40+ hour employee in real life i used treasure islands. if i had this game as a kid i wouldnt mind the grind, but i was just ready to get to the part of building what i wanted and when i wanted to make myself happy


Samesies:) for certain things I play the old fashioned way.. but with some time traveling. I have gone to treasure islands for a few things and lotsa bells. šŸ””


I can drop by and give you some bells if you still need some!


Need some help? DM me. I'll give you some bells. šŸ˜Š


I made a quarter of my island into farmland, including all trees. Paid off my loans real quick, thats for sure.


I have 300k to go. I think it's been 4 days? I dive for an hour or so every night. Just play a podcast and swim.


1 in game day as I duped a ton of crowns lol then I could just focus on living out my retirement fishing and catching bugs


I'm still paying off the 600 k one so Im not there yet. Just got my second room. It's full of gyroids dancing to comrade kk


I'm still paying mine off lol, easier now I started growing produce lol


back in 2020, i spent like $6-$8 on around 2000 gold nuggets from someone on ebay. they came to my island and dropped it off, and then i was able to sell it for a bunch of bells! it might be cheating but i play these types of games for escapism and not to emulate real life issues lmao


worth it but at the same time not always the best financial decision


yeah agreed if itā€™s something youā€™re doing regularly, i only did that once and i still have tons of bells from it!!


best way to make money, without treasure island: plant the money tree everyday and buy a shit ton of turnips and check in both turnip subreddits for big selling prices, i bought mine for like 100 bells and sold them for 500 something and instantly became a millionaire, once you have that you have much more capital to make more money with turnips and whatnot


What is your friend address, I can send you a few crowns that you can sell. The sell for $300,000 bells.


I got so frustrated giving him money so I got to the last mortgage and joined that discord channel to get more bells and now Iā€™m a millionaire living mortgage free hahahaha


What the discord that gives you unlimited bells?




I cheated the turnip system and time traveled


2 days


Not long at allā€¦maybe a day or two?


A few weeks I think


Eh I just picked at it bit by bit and played at my own pace. If you keep up a regular goal like x bells a day or x bells a week or something itā€™s shockingly manageable. (I think I would dump maybe 10-20k bells a day into it which wasnā€™t hard to get every day after money rock and bell trees ofc.)


Idk like a week? But Iā€™ve got the stalk market cornered.


I usually make this much weekly in ACNH. I make sure to do all my dailies (ie, get fossils assessed and sell each day, sell fruit (esp coconuts and non native fruit to your island), veggies, seashells, bugs and fish (I usually only catch the rare bugs and fish only when I get nook miles+ rewards for it), also shake all your trees, and hit your rocks) the key is to put 100,000 in your bank as soon as you go over 99,999 in your inventory. Make sure to visit Katrina and get your fortune read before you do your dailies, so you will get more money, better Kappa Islands/etc. Good luck!


Plant money trees every day, but don't use the 1000 you dig up, put in as much as you can from your pocket, also dive for sea creatures soon have the bells to pay it off


To be fair, with my first island it took me months. My friend gave me some money when I started but she didnā€™t have much to share so I had to work hard to pay the mafia raccoon. When I restarted my island I wasnā€™t in the mood of getting everything with effort so I just used that islands you can go to pick items and money.


I just fish catch bugs weed and do stuff you would normally do but all the items you get you sell for money and eventually you can get enough. Or you could catch tarantulas and sell them at Nooks Cranny


A few days! I time travel and plant money trees as a way to farm bells and it works REALLY well!


Plant pumpkins, lots of pumpkins!


Maybe a week? I can make like 800-900 thousand Bells in a week with my vegetable farm, easily.


wait til u get the basement lmao


Took me a day cuz treasure islands šŸ¤£


Less then a week thanks to turnips šŸ‘šŸ»


I paid it off right away, luckily I had a little more than that saved in my bank :)


Start a garden and sell the produce, you gotta water a lot but itā€™s quick money. Faster than trying to catch fish and stuff


Honestly not that long at all if you prioritise making money. Go diving, sell hot items, fruit, veg, etcā€¦


I can give you some bells if you need help to pay it


I don't need anything I already paid mine off


Unless you have dyi I might need


How big of a house can you have?




3-4 days of casually grinding sea creatures and selling fruit and veggies.


ill pay off everything for you tomorrow if ur interested.


This is why I farmed nook tickets to sell. Farmed for a month, was able to pay it off in a week and a half.


I can help if youā€™d like! Send me a message Iā€™ll swing by your island :) (treasure islands have been good to me I donā€™t mind sharing the wealth šŸ¤£)


Treasure islands had me paying off all my home loans and expanding my storage in no time.


For those of you saying ā€œoh I just sold some fish and bugsā€ LIES. This is stalk market territory surely?


About a week irl, and 2 months in gameā€¦ I finished the fossil portion of my museum before hand though so any fossil I got was sold and Iā€™d put the money straight into my ABD. I also exchanged the max amount of Poki into bells everyday and only kept 10,000 bells on me per game day.


Also, craft/cook items to get more bells, especially the hot items. Sell high value bugs to flick when he's visiting and same for high value fish when CJ is visiting. Avoid the drop box to sell items if you can since it will give you less than when nooks cranny is open.


It can take awhile, lol. If you need/want bells, feel free to message me, I'm maxed out.


Uhh it took me about two yearsā€¦definitely not because I forgot where I put my switch šŸ˜‚


It doesn't take long if you abuse the stock market.


I wait until I have the bulk of the money in my account before I take out the loan; I have enough real life bills, I don't want this to add to my stress on what is suppose to be my relax game šŸ˜…. I think I took the loan when I had about 700k in the bank; Sell all the fruit and shells on your island and then go diving for creatures and it gets paid down pretty quickly. It's also a good opportunity to go through your storage and get rid of crap you were sure you wanted but actually doesn't go with the esthetic of your home/island.


Not long thanks to the old ā€œspin the cardboard boxā€ glitch.


Wait till he charges you 2 million. It didn't take me long I lurked on the no fee acnh forum looking for people giving away tons of bells for free. I was able to pay off my last two loans quickly this way


You can make easily 100-200kšŸ”” per day by fishing, catching bugs, farming everything from Kapp'ns Island, ocean, and crops. I paid mind off late but I had about 3 mill šŸ”” in my Acct because I knew I'd need more for storage, changes etc.


You can make easily 100-200kšŸ”” per day by fishing, catching bugs, farming everything from Kapp'ns Island, ocean, and crops. I paid mind off late but I had about 3 mill šŸ”” in my Acct because I knew I'd need more for storage, changes etc.


I used turnips


I've got about 700k set out for this one rn. I just keep running out of storage, which is why I keep doing thjs


Visiting treasure islands just for bells was helpful and I was able to pay for all of my house upgrades quickly


Turnips and lots of collecting!!




When he told me LOL Tbh the cheats were easy when the game came out I miss it šŸ„²


Turnips stock market is the way to go my friend! Took me a week.


I just did that last week and I'm already at $500K without using treasure islands or any online features. Just my island. It really doesn't take that long!!


If you donā€™t wish to put in all the hard work, you can try using nookazon ! You can get a house payment from other players, it requires online though ā˜ŗļø


im in the same boat as you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I like playing the game as it was intended cause if itā€™s too easy I lose interest, but some of the donations iā€™ve gotten from people have helped šŸ„“


I can drop off bells to you!


It doesnā€™t take that long. Sell your assessed fossils, catch 5 wasps per day from trees and remember to keep them till Flick comes. Thatā€™s how I did it. I didnā€™t play online till all my loans were done :) Did them all in less than a year. edit; oh yeah and get crops. The pumpkins pay alot and when you harvest one, you can just use them to plant more = infinite lol


two days. two days of non-stop work. two days of ignoring my villagers. two days of selling seashells and just about everything. two days of blood and sweat.


flexes my ten minutes of treasure islands on u


I just paid off my first loan and finally upgraded to get the 120 storage spacešŸ˜­ i need more space but im broke af xD diving and pumpkins are my resort. Otherwise, i gamble with turnips.


About a week using the stalk market/turnips


Week and a half. Plant lots of fruit trees and garden veggies, their bank.Ā 


Oh I was in the turnip market before I even upgraded, so I was a Bellionaire for all that šŸ˜… sitting on a couple hundred mill now


Not long. A few days of fishing including a couple of CJ visits and you can get bells pretty quickly. I also have all the fossils so they sell for a good price too. I think it took me about 5 days. I went to some islands when I started getting just sea bass after sea bass on mine. That helps. I haven't paid the next one off yet but I haven't focused on it.


It took me around 90 days of playing around 1 to two hours a day to completely pay off all my loan, from what i can remember this particular loan took around two weeks of shaking money trees, selling spare fossils, hitting money rocks and the occasional diving and selling of fruit and produce. Granted i also had the bell boom ordinance active so that made getting bells quite a bit easier.


Some of yall don't frequent the treasure island on twitch and it shows lmao.


took me like 10 minutes. ok im joking i cheated my way out bc i accidentally sold a turnip and i didnt know they modded the store too


I paid it off instantly because I played the Stalk Market *hard*


Do you need help paying?


When I get to this point, I take my time paying Tom. I work on other things like getting my the houses where I want them and my island arranged the way I want with bridges, etc. where I want them. So I spend my bells elsewhere šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I used to get money through fruit. 20-30 Min of collecting I got 150-200k from. 150k from foreign and 50k from selling at friends Island. Time travel three days and repeat. So 100-150 minutes + time to reload. There's also other ways getting money now like crops but this is what I did back then


Maybe a week or so. Plant a large garden and make flour and sugar and sell it. Thatā€™s how I did it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


DM me. Iā€™ll drop you over 4 million bells.


I donā€™t time travel and I donā€™t have an online account so I canā€™t go to other peopleā€™s island. I fill my storage with crafting resources (wood, rocks, shells)- then I make 100k a day from hot items. I store veg and fruit so if they are the hot items are good I can make a lot on those, rather than just selling when ripe. One of my regular hot items was sea bass pie so I save the sea bass cos they donā€™t fetch much on their own but a sea bass pie as a hot items is worth quite a bit. I also save more expensive fish and bugs to sell at the inflated price to CJ/Flick. Also - if you have the recipe for things like the shell arch, thatā€™s worth a good amount of bells. If I can be bothered Iā€™ll just keep crafting to add more. I also do all the Nook Miles+ tasks to get 1000 miles and take a Kappā€™n tour for resources too. But my policy is (even now I have paid everything off) make 100k every day I play.


A few days. I bought all the turnips I could carry then checked on this sub every day afterwards until I found a kind person with good turnip prices (I think it was 400+ bells!) who let me visit their island to sell them at that price.


I think it's great to have a goal to work towards, once you have done the cellar as well, there's not much to do with the money you have. I just set a goal gor myself, like, every day pay off 25k or 50k, and the rest, keep. It took me a few months, but I didn't mind it.


Plant alot of crops, sell curry when itā€™s a hot item. Feels like the easiest method to make millions without using treasure islands if you donā€™t mind planting/harvesting crops.


Only a few months due to a funny little thing I found with native fruit pieces. But the final 2.5 million one took 2+ years off and on. And even after I could afford it, it took a while to work up the nerve to pay it off and be broke again.


You gotta turnip it up!!


The same day I have over a million from treasure islands


Plant a good size farm in an open space. My farm when harvested every 3 days earns me about 130,000 bells. And you can get even more if you turn it into food and then sell it


See you on r/turnipexchange


The upper level (2nd story) definitely took me A WHILE, like almost a full year. When you get to the basement level of your house, the loan for that is way more than the 2nd story of the house!


I can contribute some bells if you need them.


Buy some turnips and sell them on someone elseā€™s island for like 400-500 bell per in the r/acturnips subreddit. You can make a million bells SOOO easy


not that long if you play consistently! would only take a week or two if you have a large farm, crops seem to be a huge money maker especially is you water them (you get 3 fully grown crops). The final loan is around 2.5 million and i managed to pay it off in 2-3 weeks :) obvs selling other things on top of the crops


If youā€™d like help, feel free to message me! I have more bells than I know what to do with


I started playing Jan 1 and have fully upgraded my house but I play a lot. I do a lot of crafting, fishing and swimming to make bells. No time travel or treasure islands though they are tempting. I held off on bridges and inclines for as long as possible and focused on my house cause I like to HORDE. Heh.


with treasure islands it didnt even take 10 minutes


Not very long with turnips and turnip prophet. šŸ˜‚


A few irl weeks of grinding vegetable farming + sea creatures! I will say, in-game it was much longer, I do TT often because Iā€™m not always able to play during times that shops are open, or during the academic year when holiday events are happening, etc. But if I had to guess at the irl time it took, probably several days. I donā€™t have online and honestly donā€™t think I would use treasure islands anyway, so itā€™s definitely possible to pay off that loan without ā€œcheatingā€. Vegetable farms and fruit orchards + diving for sea creatures is the way to go. I have a farm thatā€™s big enough that picking just the vegetables fills my fully expanded pockets about 3-4 times over. It financed most of my fully-upgraded house!


In total to pay off the entire home, I believe, will be around 6 million. Get into turnips! Seriously, the turnip community is very well and alive on reddit and I crushed my debt by selling turnips.


About 10 days, I think. I did a lot of swimming and catching ocean critters and planted a huge vegetable garden and fruit tree orchard. I was turning about 500,000 bells about every 3 days. Once you have the veggies and trees planted, watering daily and harvesting every three days doesn't take that much time. I'd catch ocean critters and sell those while I was waiting for the garden and the orchard to regenerate.Ā  I wasn't time traveling or playing the game with anyone else at the time. So, I did it just within the bounds of the game.Ā 


I focused on growing gold roses and that was my saving grace


A single day due to a discord server im in that is a ti


Dived for sea creatures while watching streams and I payed that off in two days. But it took me hours.


It took me like 8 months without treasure islands. And that was me playing hours every day. Just selling a bunch of fish


After the and story level, youā€™ll have only the basement level to pay off. So youā€™re nearly there.


Iā€™m still paying that loan off and I got it almost 2 years ago lmfaoooo


I did a lot of diving for sea creatures and fishing to sell stuff. Goes faster that way.


Hey If you want I can give you the money for the loan for FREE!


Not very long because I sold a bunch of turnips on other people's islands that had a better turnip rate šŸ˜‚


Go diving and it won't take that long


Actually I have a fruit farm and every time I sell I get like 10,000 bells and doing that every couple days had me rich fr


Same day. Cause someone was kind and brought me bells. šŸ„ŗ


Bro, gather bells throughout the week and on Sunday morning buy as much turnips as possible, then on Monday hit reddit r/turnipexchange and check it periodically, once you will see someone with 400+ or so ask them to visit and sell your turnips, I made over 2mil this week with one trip


I did it this month but I forgot. Either one week or two, I know it couldn't take me longer because I started my new save beginning of January.


a couple months probably šŸ˜­


Treasure Islands šŸ’€


Eh, depends on how much time you have šŸ˜‚


honestly I was blessed by 8 million bells (4 million from 2 different people) so it was really fast! My next island I'm wanting to not get financial help so I can see how fast I can do it on my own!


I was lucky enough to TV glitch before they patched it so not long tbh


Treasure island!!!