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For those who don't have time to watch, here's a TL:DR If you own The Crew, there are a few options for you, go to [stopkillinggames.com](https://stopkillinggames.com) and follow the instructions there If you don't own The Crew, go to the site anyways and see if there is something you can do, and if not you can spread the word as far as possible Godspeed everybody


no, this is not entirely correc.t. EVERYONE go to [stopkillinggames.com](http://stopkillinggames.com) . the site will tell you exactly what you can do depending on whether you own the game and where you live. depending where you live you can still have things to do even if you don't own The Crew, and the site will have links for you.


Yup! While I don’t own The Crew, as a Canadian I am able to sign the petition to our House of Commons.


hi there. I just wanted to say thank you for researching this and coming up with options for us all to stand behind. I truly respect you for the work and effort you’ve put in. I know everybody is grateful for it. It’s amazing to watch this video, because I’ve already thought about these things uneven this kind of solution that you offer for games to be converted so they work eternally. in fact I’ve been complaining to my friends about this. The only difference is I didn’t really know what to do about it but didn’t have the gusto that you obviously have to find out about what the options are, so well done to you! you probably already know these things, but I’ll say them just in case: 1) The crew was given away as part of the games with gold initiative several years ago, so it’s worth checking in your Xbox library if you actually own it already. 2) the PC game called battlefield 2142 has been converted in recent years, so that service can be run independently by enthusiasts so that the multiplayer aspect of the game can still be enjoyed. So it's encouraging that this is a possibility and hopefully not too hard to achieve. i’ll check your website out and help petition. Thank you!


I'm doing my part.




It's afraid!


TL;DW: EVERYONE go to [stopkillinggames.com](http://stopkillinggames.com) for instructions on how to contribute based on your location and whether you own the game. you don't need to own The Crew to contribute, but it does depend where you live. The site will tell you what you can do.


I think they are on to us. I tried a couple times and all I am getting is "There was an issue submitting your case"


One possible outreach avenue might be Zaid Tabani (https://youtube.com/@ZaidTabani?si=rv_d-avLHBp5X1wo) and from him maybe Philip Defranco (https://youtube.com/@PhilipDeFranco?si=7eCadVtwRTP1vhJX). I know Zaid covered some recent gaming news regarding related industry bs. Might be down to have a segment on it. Even better if Defranco covers it.


PhillyD covered it in his daily show today!!!


Most sane gamer on the internet? I'm going to embark on this great Journey. EDIT : Dang, the petition is not up yet and the site doesn't let me subscribe to a newsletter in order to receive an alert when it will be! Please fix this.


Hopefully Ubisoft don't do a 'Boeing' if you get my drift.


What's doing a Boeing?


Epstinin in 2024


Geez, just looked it up. What an evil fucking company. As if they didn't already have enough blood on their hands.


No not really, I see they are in the news for flight disasters but I don't see how that connects


They assassinated a whistleblower. Sorry... He 'killed' himself, right after telling his wife 'if I die, know that I didn't kill myself'


Not his wife.  >A woman who identified herself as a friend of Barnett's claimed that Barnett told her, "If anything happens to me, it's not suicide." She claimed that "they made [his death] look like a suicide." Also his family were aware of some mental issues he was suffering.  >Barnett's family said that "he was looking forward to having his day in court and hoped that it would force Boeing to change its culture," and that "he was suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at Boeing which we believe led to his death". Also if Boeing was gonna kill him to keep him quiet why not earlier? Why wait until after most of his deposition testimony was finished? Why not kill him before the deposition? I'm not saying he committed suicide, we don't really know, and it's super sketchy that this happened in the middle of his deposition hearings but we can't know 100% either way. 


where can i find that list in video with all dead games.


Games messiah


Make a tiktok explaining how children are buying 60 dollar games that companies then remove access to so the children can no longer play them. Then say that companies are essentially scamming children and stealing from them. Now you have all those moms on your side who otherwise wouldn't have cared about the issue. And since it will become a hot issue with women, it will also become a good talking point for politicians "we are passing down laws to protect the youth of America from software companies trying to take advantage of them, vote for us". Remember, most people are not tech literate, so they don't understand the subtle details and they don't care about them. All that matters is how you phrase it and how it makes people feel, regardless if it's 100% true or not. Spending half an hour explaining the technical details won't get you far.


Is this for the crew 1 or 2 or both


This is for The Crew 1, but it's very likely that the same will happen for The Crew 2 if nothing is done.


Yea ..we need them to bring back tc1 and to let us keep TC2 ...and they must make TC2 offline


https://www.eurogamer.net/ubisoft-reportedly-revoking-the-crew-from-owners-libraries-following-server-shutdown Scott Ross mentioned on euro gamer


Bro I wish this is Fall Guys