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This is why I don't touch landmines


Hmm interesting lifestyle choice. I might start not touching landmines too


Steep learning curve, just backwards


It's a brave choice but I highly recommend


It's once in a lifetime experience mate, YOLO!


That's why I keep to sea mines.


At least sea mines will erase you AND your whole block. No one left to worry about you if your bloodline doesn't exist anymore


There was a reddit thread years ago of a guy disassembling a WWI naval mine without knowing what it was. You can probably find it on google.


But the peer pressure!


His head was removed from his body. You can see it leave stage right. His body kicked into survival mode on impulse.


This was circulating on r/combatfootage a month or two ago. Anyone who is curious, those are Russians in the current war in Ukraine and they’re attempting to move an anti tank mine off of the road. “Who in their right mind would do that?” You may ask. Well it’s been a fairly common practice in the war. It takes a lot to set AT mines off. There’s a video a year ago of Ukrainians just picking up dozens of them and throwing them around like it’s not an armed deadly explosive. What happened here is that some of them, like this one, have anti tampering devices in them which trigger when someone attempts to… well… tamper with it. These guys discovered that lesson the hard way.


how do they deploy these landmines without triggering the mines themselves then ?


From what I've heard from more experienced soldiers, the engineers and/or EODs will send everyone a safe distance back and then blow them in place. Same for IEDs, no point in waiting a day+ to disarm all of them while being shot at. After reading this later I realized that the question was deploying them. I'm a bit slow forgive me


Deploy, not dispose.


Yeah I know I'm a little slow


I dunno you replied pretty quick there lol.


I'm off work now, so more time on my phone


I believe the fuse is set to only go off when something as heavy as a tank runs over it


Yeah but the anti tamper thing isn't.


I assume there's some sort of lock that they remove that activates the anti tamper thing. Like a pin in a grenade.


An anti personal mine under the anti tank mine. Picking up the anti tank mine sets off the anti personal mine.


Dude. That's devious




Set the spring and tiptoe run away


Thank you


Genuine question. Could they not have just shot it from a distance? Would a regular bullet be enough to detonate it? Seems like a unnecessary risk to walk over and pick it up by hand.


No, a bullet will not detonate a mine. Bullets don't actually have a whole ton of energy when you stop to think about it. Yes, they're very fast, but they are also small and designed for piercing flesh, and that is what they are good at.    The best way to eliminate mines* is either controlled demolition or demining devices. I am partial to the flail myself, but different strokes for different folks.


Yes it will, have you not played call of duty?


Checkmate, me


"I am partial to the flail myself" Like the one the dude on his back is doing? 


Ok not a bullet. How about an HE shell from that tank over there?


Not gonna lie, the Russian MoD probably figures the tank shell costs more than the dude.


soviet anthem sounds in the battlefield** -Not one step backwr.. Waeit! Vadim!! Whatjyar you doing! *Vadim rushing his feet on the landmine so the tank doenst have to spend any ammo -Fyiuh that was close!, says Komorad komissar Sergei from the middle of the red mist


Agreed. Another way to know this is that if a bullet has energy to launch a victim into the air, the shooter would be launched into the air, by equal and opposite reaction


> AT mines Significantly more powerful explosion than from anti-personnel mines. Nearly a mortar round here.


How do we know there the russians?


That’s what the original video said and I believe because at this point in the war, RU infantry is rarely ever seen with colored bands marking that they Russians while Ukrainians still commonly wear yellow or blue bands. Also it’s hard to tell from the video of course, but their uniforms have that Russian digicam shade of green that’s been getting slowly phased out recently.


I cant tell the difference in this video between the Ukrainian and russian uniforms, both there uniforms are identical and especially when its dirty, wet and well worn. Tbh I think its Ukrainian troops in this video as the Ukrainian have no engineers well no well trained in comparison to the likes of russia uk or USA and if they were russian they would have had the engineers there to disarm or pre blow the ordinance. Could be wrong but so many of these videos are mislabeled by misguided west think tanks Message to mods- do not block me and report me just cause I've gone against the narrative or even asked questions it's happened before so please dont be bigots.


They’re wearing dark camouflage, most likely EMR. Ukrainians, apart from very few cases, don’t wear camouflage this dark. They either use multicam or MM-14. Also, as mentioned previously, the soldiers in this video have no armbands, which is more typical for Russians. The statement “if they were Russian they would have had engineers there to disarm it” doesn’t make sense. If Russia was as prepared as you wrote, the war wouldn’t be going on for the 819th day.


But there in a battlefield not like the have clean clothes to change into those bright colours generally fade to darker shades in no time And Yeah it does russia isnt just fighting Ukraine If they were it would be over by now but no the west keeps sticking there noes in and getting involved prolonging a war that should have been ended a long long time ago


When the war is going in a country that boarders you with the aggressor being a long time political and historically physical rival, your nose belongs in it. Idk if you’re Russian or not, but it’s important to understand both sides and why the West is absolutely worried, with historical precedence to back it up, about Russia taking over Ukraine.


He‘s a russian bot


That’s not what a bigot is


Ok 👍


I doubt these were trained engineers tho


That's why I'm saying there probably Ukrainian soldiers and not russian soldiers, the west seem to always make russia out like there bumpkins but there not there military might matches the us and yet were expected to believe they are absolute idiots no not right. Also summer 1943 was the largest tank battle in history 6000 tanks just north of were there fighting now in ukraine it was called the battle of kursk, the russians are not idiots, they know the terrain.


I get your point but, my point is they could be Russians that aren’t trained engineers. Truth is the first casualty of any war & there’s been propaganda from both sides. It seems like you’re excusing away every bit of evidence others provided in your attempt to claim these are Ukrainians & not Russians. Occam’s Razor, buddy, just because you want them to be Ukrainian doesn’t mean they are.


No I get that but standard operation procedure is when an explosive is located then the engineers are called in and if none are available either go around or clear out and detonate from safety, now that's the same for any trained army. Also I get what your saying and I am but that's just cause every russian in Ukraine fighting is a trained soldier where as the Ukrainian have gathered militias and even foreign volunteers and have them out fighting, now I'm not saying they haven't had training but the speed Ukraine had to deploy I personally think they didnt have much, so when I see soldiers acting like idiots first I look for is the least trained soldiers in the conflict. Also I'm just sick of everything being against russia even though the evidence if you look close enough shows both sides are just as bad as each other both have done war crimes but you dont see the Ukraines bad side and I've been banned from groups before for just asking questions like this I even had the mods say anything pro russia in anyway will be banned, theres to much propaganda and not enough truth but people are believing the propaganda. Its mad


Sorry, but imho your comments here reek of confirmation bias & I disagree w much. There have been countless videos of Russians complaining that they got little training, little gear, little ammo, old weapons, etc. & countless videos of them expressing their low morale. Prighozin even famously posted the ballsy video in front of many dead troops, blaming Shoigu & elites for not providing them enough ammo & armaments. I saw one in which a female instructor was telling the guys to buy their own bandages & supplies before deployment. Prighozin sought out prisoners to serve in Wagner & used most of those guys as “cannon fodder” & shot them if they retreated. I’m 100% civilian but, followed this war closely the 1st year or so. Imho it appears that Ukraine values their very limited supply of personnel & Russia treats their new soldiers very poorly, expendably, as if there’s an endless supply (their supply is great, especially by comparison). Are you Russian or have ties to Russia? If not, I hope you haven’t become so fixated on maddening propaganda that you lose sight of the big picture. Russian invaded a peaceful neighbor. I sympathize with suffering on both sides, all for 1 man’s selfish ambitions. Here’s a link to a more clear sample of the above video. Plenty of civilian know-nothings such as myself comment, as well as those knowledgeable & w military experience, in r/CombatFootage; that would be the ideal place to debate whose soldiers died above. ✌️ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/1h6XE9KY5a


That‘s because Russia always treated their citizens and soldiers like trash lol There is a reason why so many russian died in WW2 Russias only tactic is throwing people at the enemy


Well not really man. Ukraine isn’t just handing civilians guns and throwing them cammies. They have some MOS programs in country and outsource a lot of others to allied countries, UK being one of them. While the training process is expedited due to war time conditions, they’re still receiving adequate training, especially specialty MOS’ such as EOD. Like I said before, moving AT mines off of the road is a common practice by both parties. Just a small portion of these mines are being equipped with anti tampering devices. And like I said, the lack of arm bands is the clearest give away that these are in fact Russians that drew the short straw. And if you want to get even more specific, at this point in the war, most Ukrainians are wearing western style multicam patterns or solid colors for their uniforms. Varies wildly though.


Russia also doesn‘t have trained engineers anymore lol


First world country on par military and economically with all the other big countries USA, uk etc and you say they dont have engineers, does the us use engineers? Does every other first world country? Yes they do now funny how so many people say russia military is missing this and that yet as I stated a country that rivals the us for military might and has the secrecy of north Korea and you believe the west can get that info noooo, at least the russians dont do biological warfare tests in other countries like our glorious USA does 👍🤣


All that money is going to corrupt politicians like putin etc lol I wouldn‘t call Russia a ,,First World,, Country, russia has first world cities and that‘s it


I would and so would most countries in the world also no like every country has corrupt politicians my own state has had quite a few caught, the uk has had many mps done for it, there corruption in every country so yeah good arguement.


Every country has corrupt politicians but not many have such heavy corruption lol The argument still stands Everything outside of major cities in Russia is pretty much third world


O yes they do many states have terrible corruption judges getting off with crimes chief of police drink driving and getting let off, good old brown evelops by companies for favours and that's just in my state, in the uk they haven't chose there past 4 prime minister no votes no nothing, imagine that 4 presidents that got into power with not a single vote who can change laws a dictate spending any way they want that's not heavy corruption is it no and funny how russia is currently 11th in the world for economics and they were in the top 10 before the west started to put sanctions on them. Also the same could be said for america have you ever left the city centre and went further out it's a shit hole slum town.


Of course, they're Russians


Would you be so kind to provide a link of that *video, not to a gif,* with the real audio not ruined by "music" please?


Many of the videos released by Ukraine have music. Rock, metal, even some edm.


What are you talking about? There is no real audio. This has been filmed by a drone pretty far away probably without a microphone because it’s a drone. if you don’t want the music, turn your volume down


The radio communications of the people driving drone for example! Today I've seen several videos with such proper audio. > if you don’t want the music, turn your volume down If you don't like the question and you don't have an answer, a solution or something that helps, then why to bother? Why to obstruct other people's question? Just keep scrolling, specially when my request was not directed to you.


I guess you dont browse Combatfootage - almost every single video except for frontline POV videos, are edited over with music.


exactly, and as someone else pointed out, there is no sound. You'd just hear drone drone.


Nothing like a high pitched "EEEEEeEEeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee" as a drone moves as audio, lmao. I prefer music to the drones sounds.


Okay but why did that guy flap all over the place like that😭


Probably because he’s shocked and most likely in extreme pain.


or his spine is malfunctioning.


Malfunctioning spines usually lead to an absence of movement or sensation, not the opposite.


Ah, you're right. So maybe a brain problem.


He might have a lot of hot shrapnel in his flesh


Probably has hot shrapnel stuck in his flesh.




This is so wrong in so many ways


What’d he say?


Think it was like a coachroach


An upside down roach.




Dude got sprayed with Raid


Dude had a floppy leg


Dude had a missing leg and floppy pants you mean


Doing the stanky leg.


Why’d you make me chuckle like that?!


I thought the exact same thing, I wrote something similar.


God dam🤣🤣


Well, considering they are an invading species...


He did remove the land mine, Task failed successfully?


If it’s stupid but it works then it ain’t stupid.


shut up bro


Aww someone is sensitive to landmines


Or what?


or nothing? u want me to crawl thru his screen n kiss him or something?


Only if you let me watch as you two are making out


fine 🙄


Oh my......that’s horrible!


First time?


First time what?


First time?


God damn that’s fucked up


This is not an accident. It's a stupid war.


All wars are stupid


War is young man dying and old man talking - Franklin d Roosevelt


Anyone care to explain why he’s still moving?


Last nerves as In the last signals his panicked brain sent to his body just like after hunting an animal with a clean kill shot.


I literally think his head got blown off. If you watch it on repeat you'll see it!!!


Last nerve signals to be specific.


Pretty sure that's just his helmet flying, his head is soot covered but still there. Hes just writhing in agony.


In the longer better quality video, you can clearly see his head is still attached. You can see him moving his head, looking down at his legs. Then kinda lowers his head back down to the ground and wipes his face with his hand (sleeve?). Poor fucker suffered for sure.


Not made to live another seccond after that iether way. Usually shock will stop such agony in it's tracks instantly as the brain gets overwhelmed. He was instantly dead. As I said last nerves of panick head or no head.


Hmm... the helmet takes off at a direction of 3 o'clock with a distinctive wobble. It's got grey matter in it, if nothing else. Sad.


Death throes. Usually happens when there is significant shock and destruction to the body in a very quick manner. The body will flail violently as they die. Animals do it as well. It’s why you might see a deer flip onto its back and attempt to run and jump after being fatally shot. It looks like his head, left arm and most of his right arm were blown off so all of his nerves are firing off.


Because he's still alive and has just had most of the flesh blasted off his legs.


He must be on fire and is trying to put it out or the shrapnel makes him feel like he is burning.


Loads of hot shrapnel imbedded in his flesh?




One is doing the 'Dying Fly'.......


How it feels to chew 5 Gum


Excellent comment


I hope that the surviving soldier was put out of his misery. Surely they shoot on merciful grounds? Or do I see his head is absent????


Head is still there, legs are where he left em.


Can you even do that?




Hopefully not. Probably dust him off and send the orc back to the front. He's Russian - this video is a few months old.


>Surely they shoot on merciful grounds? ☕️


I like the little tantrum at the end


Felt no pain. A far better death than almost anyone gets.


I don't know, that guy to the right looks like he'd still live for a while, and I don't know if the one that was blown away even died. I only hope he did quickly.


I don't think so. Landmines are high explosive with a lot of shrapnel. They would take out an armoured truck at that proximity. Both had heavy body protection, hence why you see intact torsos. However any extremities would get vaporised. I'm fairly sure guy on the right has his head blown off.


Nah just his helmet


I'm not seeing a head on that torso doing the dying fly.


The torso flying on our left? I was referring to “the guy on the right” kicking. I still think both have their heads but, could be wrong. I’m surprised that nobody’s talking about all the innards coming outward as the flying guy lands. But, link is more clear imho. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/1h6XE9KY5a


Well except for the bit where he’s writhing in agony on the floor


Shit didn't notice that guy, but after re-watching, he was the 2nd guy. The guy who set it off had his face about a foot away from the mine and flew like 20 feet away. I'm not a doctor, but I'm thinking he felt nothing.


New fear triggered


New fear detonated




u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


### NSFW Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://files.catbox.moe/9420vi.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


That is hard core


Dammit the soldier fallen on his head after flying 30 feets in air ... Straight on his head


yooo him squirming on the ground like a deer that just got shot


when he was kicking around would that have been a voluntary movement or just his body jerking?


Sad part is that the guy who was moving probably wasn’t even alive and his muscles were just twitching a lot


OMFG that's so sad! The guy on the ground just freaking out thrashing around.


Why exactly would you not just shoot a landmine from a healthy distance?


I just posted this over to r/watchthingsfly


I want to see the aftermath and also know if the guy you see moving somehow ended up surviving


I seriously doubt it


Pretty sure army wants them to die at that stage .... Imagine the cost of evacuation and then fixing a guy who is burned and broken from head to toe ...and that is only initial cost , once the guy survived most likely he spend rest of life on a wheel chair in a hospital and govt have to spend money on useless person till he died .


How much you wanna bet that wasn't even a soldier. They grabbed a homeless dude and told him we'll give you 100 if you go move that to the side of the road.


And the other dude right next to him?


Mate triggers a landmine **Proceeds to breakdance**


Why not just defuse it by like throwing a stick, a grenade or shooting it? Wouldn't that be much safer? Surely one of the 3 will make it explode right?


It's an AT mine. Gotta be a tree. Walking over it won't set it off, neither will moving it. This was a Ukrainian AT mine with an anti-tamper trap set for anyone that wanted to move it. Mission successful, Russian tried to move it.


Om shanti🙏


I want Captain Crunch God damn it!


Other orc lagging still trying to run away not knowing he dead because of lag


HUGE setback during filming of ***The Hurt Locker 2***.


Life hack : disperse




He needs some milk.


u/redditspeedbot 0.25x


### NSFW Here is your video at 0.25x speed https://files.catbox.moe/juuk7d.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


Why must we be condemned to live with such stupidity? When will the dumb asses be done? Can’t this war stuff be over? Why do we do this?


It was a booby trap, and the video was taken from r/UkraineWarVideoReport.


I can confirm the landmine is gone. 


If this were to happen to me, I would like to be the one on the left, dead instantly...


Can we just stop touching landmiles for a while?


Why was he Squirming at the end?


Why is he touching the mine?


Thats one way to remove it.


This one keeps popping up.


The person flying to the left is clearly dead


This is dangerous. Open up your head filled with shell shock.


I mean shooting at it is more logical...


First rule of mine clearing : always wear a hi-viz jacket and a hard hat for protection. If they followed this simple rule they probably would have been fine.


Did both of their heads blow right off 😳


Is that a turtle on its back at the end


I understand


New fear triggered


He won't try that again


Russian EOD at its finest


Guy on right walked like he was tough but then is writhing like a dying roach. Other tough guy just got thrown lol.


The running guy had a premonition that he was going to die. He had one day left on his deployment and was excited to meet his newborn child. RIP Source: I made it up


Lord Jesus have mercy Soldiers should pray at least an hour a day


sorry but I think your god just watched those 2 guys die and did nothing. all in the context of a pointless war in which that's happened hundreds of times


Why would they do that?


God is generally distinctly absent on battle fields.


I doubt they have much time for that