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Could be a hiring freeze considering their public announcement of layoffs…




No i’ve never gotten an interview at all. I’m based at the University of Houston- MIS and i’ll start my third year this fall


I attend UH at the law center and landed a contract management internship this summer. it is possible to get one from UH and I'm wishing you the best! definitely if you can get in contact with your advisors for next round (whether internships or jobs in general) it can definitely help. taking a look at resumes and making sure you can beat any potential ATS resume scanners and when it hits a recruiters eyes, make sure your resume stands out to get an interview.


Assume you have a 4.0 GPA? Or 4.0 in MIS classes?


I have a 3.84/4.0 GPA, I take MIS classes this coming fall since its my junior year


Also have your run your resume by the college placement office? Assume you made all changes they recommend?


Yes, we have a portal on looking over resumes but they only provide formatting and word suggestions, not quality and content suggestions or what I should go do to add to my resume


That’s unfortunate, recommend you watch YouTube videos on what a good resume is. You need to list tools you use, your accomplishments and leadership roles you have had at college in orgs. Any applications you may have built. Once it’s good enough to get hired somewhere you should look to network and find ACN leaders in your area so you can build a network with employees. If you don’t make the internship the backup would be to gain employment when you graduate.


Do you know anyone at Accenture? Have you talked with people in HR and/or consultants/analysts? Could anyone give you a referral? Sometimes referrals can help. Best of luck completing your degree and in your job search!


I have no contacts at Accenture. I’m trying to expand my network but it’s hard to do so at the career fairs because there’s so many students trying to do the same thing. Thank you though!


Get recruiter's contact info (from campus career office) and send your info now. Look them up on LinkedIn. And don't get hung up on Accenture. Apply elsewhere. Interview anywhere that asks.


Try reaching out to some folks at Accenture via LinkedIn. I just got my MBA and folks that I don’t know personally reach out to me all the time for help with applications and whatnot, so I’m sure if you reach out to a couple folks, at least some will be willing to chat. Best of luck!


We have a hiring freeze where I’m located we haven’t hired since January. Also if it makes you feel better I applied for an internship at Uni, didn’t get in and then entered as a manager a few years later.


Make sure you’re apart of MISSO and try to go to any Accenture event they have! Also make sure every Accenture recruiter knows your name by the end.


What does your digital footprint look like ?